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Rok 2023 | 10 |
Rok | Punkty |
2023 | 10 |
2022 | 8.9 |
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Impact Factor:
Sherpa Romeo:
Prace opublikowane w tym czasopiśmie
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Katalog Czasopism
Rok 2015
Rare zoonotic infection withMicrosporum persicolorwith literature review
Publikacja -
Typing of Scopulariopsis and Microascus fungi by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)
PublikacjaOBJECTIVES Scopulariopsis species and their teleomorphs of the genus Microascus are commonly isolated from soil, decaying plant material and indoor environments. Moreover, certain Scopulariopsis and Microascus species are recognised as opportunistic human pathogens. Although most species can be identified by detailed morphological study, phenotypic characters appear to overlap in several cases and morphology seems to be insufficient...
Rok 2013
Fungal Typin Methods
PublikacjaThe broad application of the molecular techniques in mycoses diagnosis is related to increase of infections caused by fungi in many countries. The oldest typing methods relaying on fenotypic observation, physiological and biochemical examination have had very limited importance from decades. Novadays, the molecular biology methods took their place. Most of the genotyping methods have been devoleped to be applied for typing of bacteria...
Rok 2012
Does the chemical modification of Nystatin A1 affect the drug's ability to overcome the multidrug resistance of fungi?
PublikacjaAlthough the contemporary medicine keeps moving forward, disseminated infections caused by fungal pathogens are an emerging challenge. The dramatic rise of fungal diseases, especially the most life-threatening systemic mycoses is associated with a permanently growing number of immunodeficient patients. Undoubted difficulties in the treatment of fungal infections are caused by lack of highly effective and selective antifungal drugs,...
Peptide Permeases in Candida albicans
PublikacjaAims: The aim of this work was to characterize oligopeptide uptake in Candida albicans mutants in which the genes encoding putative peptide permeases were selectively disrupted. Initial velocities of transport of model oligopeptides, (Ala)2, (Ala)3, (Ala)4, and sensitivity of mutants to antifungal oligopeptides containing N3-(4-methoxyfumaroyl)-L-2,3-diaminopropanoic acid (FMDP) were determined and compared to those of the wild-type...
Phenotypic consequences of the LYS4 gene disruption in Candida albicans
PublikacjaThe main scientific purpose of our studies was to verify the hypothesis that homoaconitase (HA) from Candida albicans, an enzyme catalyzing a second step of the α-aminoadipate pathway (AAP) of L-Lys biosynthesis may become a new target for antifungal chemotherapy. Previous studies indicated that the A. fumigatus mutant lacking the functional lysF gene, encoding HA, exhibited attenuated virulence in a low-dose mouse infection model...
Rok 2011
Antifungal action of the oxathiolone-fused chalcone derivative
PublikacjaAMG-148, pochodna chalkonu z pierścieniem oksatiolonowym, wykazuje aktywność przeciwgrzybową in vitro wobec szczepów grzybowych patogennych dla człowieka, z wartościami minimalnych stężeń hamujących wzrost mieszczących się w zakresie 1-16 mikrogramów na mililitr, natomiast w wyższych stężeniach związek ten działa grzybobójczo. Obecność głównych białek oporności wielolekowej, Cdr1p, Cgr2p lub Mdr1p nie wpływa znacząco na aktywność...
Case report: onychomycosis due to Trichophyton schoenleinii
Rok 2010
Dermatophyte species in superficial mycoses in the Kraków district, Poland in the years 1972-2007
Rok 2009
Diagnostic PCR assay for Microsporum and Trichophyton infections
PublikacjaWe have previously described a highly sensitive 5-hour PCR test for the rapid diagnosis of onychomycosis which detects any dermatophyte and species-identify T. rubrum from patient specimens. We have subsequently developed and evaluated new PCR tests for detection of Trichophyton and Microsporum canis/audouinii infections.58 dermatophyte isolates (21) Microsporum spp. (4 different species), 35 Trichophyton spp (10 different species)...
Optimised five-hour multiplex PCR test for the detection of Tinea ungium: performance in a routine PCR laboratory
PublikacjaWe recently published the development of a 5-hour multiplex PCR test for the detection of dermatophyte nail infection. We have optimized this test by inclusion of an inhibition control and evaluated the test in a routine laboratory when compared to the conventional microscopy and culture. A total of 109 clinical samples received at the mycology reference lab at Statens Serum Institute were included. The samples were divided equally...
Rok 2007
Voriconazole and multidrug resistance in Candida albicans
PublikacjaPorównano aktywność grzybostatyczną in vitro worikonazolu, flukonazolu, ketokonazolu i klotrimazolu wobec opornych na flukonazol szczepów klinicznych Candida albicans oraz rekombinowanych szczepów Saccharomyces cerevisiae eksprymujących jeden z genów kodujących białka oporności wielolekowej (MDR) C. albicans: Cdr1p. Cdr2p lub CaMdr1p. Stwierdzono, że nadekspresja genów MDR czyni komórki drożdżaków mniej wrażliwymi na działanie...
wyświetlono 692 razy