Don't forget the dark side of green transformation - Publikacja - MOST Wiedzy


Don't forget the dark side of green transformation


Design/methodology/approach – The study is a continuation of the research by Durst and Zieba (2019) related to knowledge risks and their potential outcomes. This present study makes an update on the literature on knowledge risks and green transformation and describes knowledge risks that can be faced in this process. Originality/value – The paper offers new insights for researchers dealing with the topic of knowledge risks in the context of green transformation and ways of handling them. Practical implications – The study provides useful information for managers and owners of companies who are not always aware of the dark side of knowledge and risks related to it. Additionally, companies are more and more often challenged with the need to make the green transformation and this process can also be a tricky one. Limitations – At this stage of development, the proposed study is of theoretical character. This limitation will be overcome in future research activities that involve a large sample of organizations from various countries and sectors.

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publikacja w wydawnictwie zbiorowym recenzowanym (także w materiałach konferencyjnych)
Rok wydania:
Opis bibliograficzny:
Zięba M., Durst S., Gonsiorowska M.: Don't forget the dark side of green transformation// / : , 2022,
Źródła finansowania:
Politechnika Gdańska

wyświetlono 100 razy

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