Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MIEDZYNARODOWA DROGA WODNA E-70
Międzynarodowa droga wodna E-70 jako potencjał rozwojowy Delty Wisły
PublikacjaTransport wodny jest najtańszy, najbezpieczniejszy i najmniej uciążliwy dla środowiska naturalnego. Przywrócenie regularnej żeglugi towarowej pociągnie za sobą rewitalizację istniejącej i budowę nowej infrastruktury przeładunkowo-logistycznej śródlądowych portów handlowych. Kreując politykę transportową, trzeba pamiętać, że transport wodny jest najbardziej ekologicznym rodzajem transportu. Wytwarza zaledwie 10% emisji gazów wydalanych...
Program rewitalizacji drogi wodnej E-70
PublikacjaCoraz wyraźniej rysuje się potrzeba uruchomienia korytarzy transportowych północ- południe, w których drogom wodnym wykorzystującym Wisłę i Odrę przypisuje się coraz większe znaczenie w tym także równoleżnikowemu szlakowi E-70 spinającemu całą Europę. W pracy Autor przedstawił stan istniejący i uwarunkowania rozwoju dróg wodnych,kierunki i cele rewitalizacji oraz cele i uwarunkowania środowiskowe i gospodarcze.Opracowna Strategia...
Bariery techniczne polskiego odcinka Międzynarodowej Drogi Wodnej E-70.
PublikacjaW zeszycie przedstawiono główne bariery techniczne śródlądowej drogi wodnej E-70 na odcinkach Kostrzyn-Bydgoszcz, Fordon-Ujście Wisły, Nogat i Szkarpawa, ich aktualny stan oraz perspektywy rozwoju.
Możliwości rozwoju transportu kontenerowego na międzynarodowych drogach wodnych E 70 i E 40
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę przewozów różnego rodzaju ładunków z wykorzystaniem transportu śródlądowego na międzynarodowych drogach wodnych E 70 i E40 na odcinku porty morskie Gdańsk, Gdynia – ujście Wisły – Wisła – rejon Solca Kujawskiego. Zaprezentowano dynamikę rozwoju przeładunków ładunków w portach Gdańsk, Gdynia ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem terminali kontenerowych. Zaproponowano utworzenie portu multimodalnego...
Program rewitalizacji planowanej na terenie Polski śródladowej drogi wodnej E-70
PublikacjaOmówiono zasadnicze problemy wznowienia ruchu transportowego i możliwości wynikające z opracowanych planów rewitalizacji drogi wodnej E-70 wraz z identyfikacją podstawowych barier technicznych.Wskazano kierunki prac majacych na celu aktywizację transportu śródladowego oraz założenia programu strategii rewitalizacji.
Wykorzystanie transportowe drogi wodnej E-70 - marzenie czy konieczność?
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono przesłanki wskazujace konieczność rozwoju polskiej żeglugi śródlądowej w zakresie obsługi portów kontenerowych oraz towarów masowych. Wskazano kierunki polityki inwestycyjnejoraz uwarunkowania w zakresie rewitalizacji i rozwoju dróg wodnych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zespołu portowego Gdańsk -Gdynia oraz odcinka Dolnej Wisły.
Joanna Kabrońska dr inż. arch.
OsobyDoktorat z wyróżnieniem: Forma rozwiązań architektonicznych jako droga realizacji idei biblioteki przyszłości, 1994 Laureatka IV Międzynarodowego Biennale Architektury w Krakowie, 1991 Stypendystka DAAD post-doctoral scholarship, Berlin, 2002 Autorka publikacji dotyczących relacji architektury, sztuki i pamięci, między innymi monografii Architektura jako forma pamięci. Rola architektury w tworzeniu współczesnego horyzontu wartości,...
Energetyka wodna i wiatrowa, W/C/L, E, sem.6. letni 23/24 (PG_00055938)
Kursy OnlineCelem przedmiotu jest zapoznanie studentów z aspektami technologicznymi i ekonomicznymi wykorzystania energii wiatru i wody, zasadami działania turbin wiatrowych i wodnych oraz ich zastosowaniami w różnych warunkach pracy.
PublikacjaPodsumowanie prezentowanych na konferencji ''Zagospodarowanie Międzynarodowej Drogi Wodnej E-70 na obszarze Polski dla potrzeb turystyki wodnej'' referatów, kierunków rozwoju transportu wodnego śródlądowego, ich ograniczeń i potrzeb związanych z możliwym ich wykorzystaniem w rozwoju regionów, oraz działań podjętych przez zainteresowane gremia i ich efektów.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid (sphere) magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = -10 m, a =4 m, e = 1, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid (sphere) magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = -100 m, a =4 m, e = 1, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid (sphere) magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = -50 m, a =4 m, e = 1, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid (sphere) magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = -10 m, a =4 m, e = 1, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid (sphere) magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = -20 m, a =4 m, e = 1, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Emilia Miszewska dr inż.
OsobyEmilia Miszewska urodziła się w 1986 roku w Gdańsku. Ukończyła Szkołę Podstawową nr 17 w Gdańsku z klasami sportowymi o profilu pływanie oraz Liceum Sportowe nr 11 im. Janusza Kusocińskiego w Gdańsku. W 2005 roku rozpoczęła jednolite studia magisterskie na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska, które ukończyła w roku 2011, broniąc pracę dyplomową pt. „Analiza i opracowanie wytycznych zabezpieczenia pożarowego oraz planu...
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 100 m, q = 80 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 10 m, q = 90 deg, j = 135 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 100 m, q = 80 deg, j = 135 deg, a =4 m, e = 1, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 10 m, q = 90 deg, j = 135 deg, a =4 m, e = 1, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 100 m, q = 90 deg, j = 135 deg, a =4 m, e = 1, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 20 m, q = 90 deg, j = 135 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 50 m, q = 100 deg, j = 135 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 50 m, q = 80 deg, j = 135 deg, a =4 m, e = 1, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 50 m, q = 100 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 20 m, q = 100 deg, j = 135 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 50 m, q = 90 deg, j = 135 deg, a =4 m, e = 1, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 100 m, q = 100 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 100 m, q = 90 deg, j = 135 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 50 m, q = 80 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 20 m, q = 80 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 200 m, q = 180 deg, j = 135 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 200 m, q = 80 deg, j = 135 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 50 m, q = 80 deg, j = 135 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 200 m, q = 100 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 10 m, q = 90 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 200 m, q = 90 deg, j = 135 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 200 m, q = 80 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 20 m, q = 100 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 20 m, q = 80 deg, j = 135 deg, a =4 m, e = 1, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 10 m, q = 80 deg, j = 135 deg, a =4 m, e = 1, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 10 m, q = 100 deg, j = 135 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 50 m, q = 90 deg, j = 135 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 10 m, q = 80 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 20 m, q = 80 deg, j = 135 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 100 m, q = 100 deg, j = 135 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 50 m, q = 90 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 200 m, q = 90 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 20 m, q = 90 deg, j = 135 deg, a =4 m, e = 1, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 10 m, q = 100 deg, j = 45 deg, a =4 m, e = 8, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.
Description of symmetrical prolate ellipsoid magnetic signature parameters-Be = 50 mT, I = 70 deg, z = 100 m, q = 80 deg, j = 135 deg, a =4 m, e = 4, mr = 100
Dane BadawczeThe Earth magnetic field (Fig.1): BE – total magnetic flux density, BEx – x component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEy = 0 y component of the Earth magnetic flux density, BEz – z component of the Earth magnetic flux density, I – inclination of the Earth magnetic field.