Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: TRAFFIC ENGINEERING - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: TRAFFIC ENGINEERING

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: TRAFFIC ENGINEERING

  • Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering


    ISSN: 2328-2142

  • Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering


    ISSN: 1671-1637

  • Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering


    ISSN: 2095-7564

  • Review and evaluation of cold recycling with bitumen emulsion and cement for rehabilitation of old pavements

    The article presents Polish experience with cold recycling of asphalt pavements with theusage of bituminous emulsion and cement. In the 1990s numerous roads in Polandrequired immediate reinforcement due to their significant degradation. Implementation ofthe cold recycling technology was one of the solutions to this problem. Cold recycledmixtures containebeside the recycled asphalt pavement and aggregateetwo differenttypes of binding...

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  • Wojciech Kustra dr inż.

      I am a Faculty member (Assistant Professor, Highway and Transportation Engineering Department) at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland). My main research interests include: road safety, accident analysis, traffic modeling, transportation planning, traffic engineering, transport management, gis analysis.



    ISSN: 1398-9219 , eISSN: 1600-0854

  • Jacek Oskarbski dr hab. inż.

    Associate professor (D.SC.Eng.) in the Department of Civil Engineering at the Gdansk University of Technology. Main research areas are traffic modeling and forecasting, transport planning, intelligent transport systems, traffic engineering, and mobility management. A graduate of the University (1994). He worked as road planner in BPBK and Transprojekt Gdański Office (1993-1996). Pposition of assistant in the Highway Engineering...

  • Sylwester Kaczmarek dr hab. inż.

    Sylwester Kaczmarek ukończył studia w 1972 roku jako mgr inż. Elektroniki, a doktorat i habilitację uzyskał z technik komutacyjnych i inżynierii ruchu telekomunikacyjnego w 1981 i 1994 roku na Politechnice Gdańskiej. Jego zainteresowania badawcze ukierunkowane są na: sieci IP QoS, sieci GMPLS, sieci SDN, komutację, ruting QoS, inżynierię ruchu telekomunikacyjnego, usługi multimedialne i jakość usług. Aktualnie jego badania skupiają...

  • Comparison of Traffic Flow Models with Real Traffic Data Based on a Quantitative Assessment

    The fundamental relationship of traffic flow and bivariate relations between speed and flow, speed and density, and flow and density are of great importance in transportation engineering. Fundamental relationship models may be applied to assess and forecast traffic conditions at uninterrupted traffic flow facilities. The objective of the article was to analyze and compare existing models of the fundamental relationship. To that...

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  • Promet-Traffic & Transportation


    ISSN: 0353-5320 , eISSN: 1848-4069

  • Traffic Injury Prevention


    ISSN: 1538-9588 , eISSN: 1538-957X

  • Testing the Weibull distribution in road traffic losses analysis


    The paper presents an attempt of applying the Weibull distribution for the purpose of analysing road traffic losses (fatalities). The question it asks is whether reliability engineering methods can be applied for the analyses. If this is the case, what should be the interpretation of the numbers and terms? It was assumed that the losses generated by a malfunctioning road transport system are fatalities. Risk exposure to these losses...

  • Joanna Żukowska dr hab. inż.

    Joanna Żukowska (ur. 15.12.1974 r. w Kwidzynie) – specjalista inżynierii drogowej i bezpieczeństwa transportu. Prowadzi badania w zakresie zarządzania bezpieczeństwem transportu, a także polityki transportowej w kontekście zdrowia publicznego. Głównymi obszarami jej zainteresowań naukowych są: modelowanie ryzyka w ruchu drogowym, prognozowanie trendów bezpieczeństwa oraz programowanie i wdrażanie systemów zarządzania bezpieczeństwem...

  • A unified approach to the analysis of electric energy and fuel consumption of cars in city traffic


    - ENERGY - Rok 2019

    Forecasting fuel and electricity consumption is an important factor determining the direction of changes in road engineering solutions, traffic management, selection of routes for public transport and development more efficient car drive systems. With a reliable and easy-to-use computational tool, it is possible to reduce the consumption of primary energy sources and reduce the emission of toxic compounds in cities. An analysis...

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  • Comparison of centralized and decentralized preemption in MPLS networks


    - Rok 2007

    Preemption is one of the crucial parts of the traffic engineering in MPLS networks. It enables allocation of high-priority paths even if the bandwidth on the preferred route is exhausted. This is achieved by removing previously allocated low-priority traffic, so as enough free bandwidth becomes available. The preemption can be performed either as a centralized or a decentralized process. In this article we discuss the differences...

  • Development of Intelligent Road Signs with V2X Interface for Adaptive Traffic Controlling


    - Rok 2019

    The objective of this paper is to present a practical project of intelligent road signs, under which a series of new products for the regulation of traffic is being created. The engineering part of the project, described in this paper, was preceded by a series of experimental studies, the results of which were described in another paper accepted for publication at the MTS-ITS conference 2019, entitled "Comparative study on the effectiveness...

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  • Pedestrian Safety in Road Traffic in Poland

    Every third road accident in Poland involves a pedestrian as a participant or, most of the time, a casualty. Pedestrian accidents are usually the result of complex situations and the outcome of a number of factors related to driver and pedestrian behaviour and road infrastructure. Safety depends largely on how well the traffic condition is perceived and on visibility in traffic. The paper presents the results of analyses of methodologies...

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  • Reduction of road traffic noise by source measures — present and future strategies

    The current trend worldwide is less focused on reducing road traffic noise. This is in strong contrast to the severe impact of traffic noise to the general health and quality of life. A more holistic and combined strategy is needed. Current international rules and regulations regarding vehicles and tyres are not sufficient to reduce traffic noise levels in an effective way. Calculations show that these regulations will only yield...

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  • Risks to Older People in Road Traffic

    he article looks at road traffic risks and main trends from the perspective of older road users (drivers, cyclists, pedestrians). With a longer time to react, poor eyesight and hearing, impaired mobility, ill health and medication, older road users are put at risk. A comprehensive and pro-active strategy is needed to deal with these risk factors and meet the safety and mobility needs...

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  • Aleksandra Romanowska dr inż.

    Pracownik Katedry Inżynierii Drogowej i Transportowej na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej. Realizuje prace badawcze z zakresu modelowania ruchu drogowego, bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego, funkcjonowania dużych generatorów ruchu w strukturze miast, zachowań i preferencji transportowych społeczności akademickich, planowania zrównoważonej mobilności miejskiej. W 2019 roku uzyskała stopień doktora nauk...