dr hab. inż. Szymon Wojciechowski
Obszary badawcze
wszystkich: 91
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2023
Artificial intelligence systems for tool condition monitoring in machining: analysis and critical review
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Evaluation of the Surface Topography of Ti6Al4V Alloy after the Finish Turning Process under Ecological Conditions
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Modelling the Kerf Angle, Roughness and Waviness of the Surface of Inconel 718 in an Abrasive Water Jet Cutting Process
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Perspectives of Lean Management Using the Poka Yoke Method
Rok 2022
Application of Generalized Regression Neural Network and Gaussian Process Regression for Modelling Hybrid Micro-Electric Discharge Machining: A Comparative Study
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Cutting forces and temperature measurements in cryogenic assisted turning of AA2024-T351 alloy: An experimentally validated simulation approach
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Development of an Oxide Layer on Al 6061 Using Plasma Arc Electrolytic Oxidation in Silicate-Based Electrolyte
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Effect of alumina oxide nano-powder on the wear behaviour of CrN coating against cylinder liner using response surface methodology: processing and characterizations
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Effect of mixing method and particle size on hardness and compressive strength of aluminium based metal matrix composite prepared through powder metallurgy route
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Effect of particle size and weight fraction of SiC on the mechanical, tribological, morphological, and structural properties of Al-5.6Zn-2.2Mg-1.3Cu composites using RSM: fabrication, characterization, and modelling
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Estimation, optimization and analysis based investigation of the energy consumption in machinability of ceramic-based metal matrix composite materials
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Experimental investigation on the effect of dry and multi-jet cryogenic cooling on the machinability and hole accuracy of CFRP composites
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Experimental investigations and prediction of WEDMed surface of nitinol SMA using SinGAN and DenseNet deep learning model
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In Situ Micro-Observation of Surface Roughness and Fracture Mechanism in Metal Microforming of Thin Copper Sheets with Newly Developed Compact Testing Apparatus
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Investigation of machinability of Ti–B-SiCp reinforced Cu hybrid composites in dry turning
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Investigations on surface induced tribological characteristics in MQCL assisted machining of duplex stainless steel
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Material independent effectiveness of workpiece vibration in μ-EDM drilling
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On the effectiveness of Ni alloy-bronze composite lattice structures used in slide bearings operated under heavy loads
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On the Microstructure, Microhardnessand Wear Behavior of Gray Cast Iron Surface Layer after Laser Strengthening
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Productivity Enhancement by Prediction of Liquid Steel Breakout during Continuous Casting Process in Manufacturing of Steel Slabs in Steel Plant Using Artificial Neural Network with Backpropagation Algorithms
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Resource saving by optimization and machining environments for sustainable manufacturing: A review and future prospects
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Selection of the Electric Drive for the Wood Waste Compacting Unit
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Synthesis and characterization of mechanically alloyed nanostructured ternary titanium based alloy for bio-medical applications
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Tool wear, surface roughness, cutting temperature and chips morphology evaluation of Al/TiN coated carbide cutting tools in milling of Cu–B–CrC based ceramic matrix composites
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Tribological and thermal behavior with wear identification in contact interaction of the Ti6Al4V-sintered carbide with AlTiN coatings pair
Rok 2021
Analysis and Optimization of Dimensional Accuracy and Porosity of High Impact Polystyrene Material Printed by FDM Process: PSO, JAYA, Rao, and Bald Eagle Search Algorithms
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Corrosion Resistance and Surface Bioactivity of Ti6Al4V Alloy after Finish Turning under Ecological Cutting Conditions
PublikacjaThe influence of cooling conditions and surface topography after finish turning of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy on corrosion resistance and surface bioactivity was analyzed. The samples were machined under dry and minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) conditions to obtain different surface roughness. The surface topographies of the processed samples were assessed and measured using an optical profilometer. The produced samples were subjected...
Effect of ball-milling process parameters on mechanical properties of Al/Al2O3/collagen powder composite using statistical approach
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Estimation of Minimum Uncut Chip Thickness during Precision and Micro-Machining Processes of Various Materials—A Critical Review
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Experimental investigation and optimization of compression moulding parameters for MWCNT/glass/kevlar/epoxy composites on mechanical and tribological properties
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Experimental investigation of selective laser melting parameters for higher surface quality and microhardness properties: taguchi and super ranking concept approaches
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Experimental investigation on welding of 2.25 Cr-1.0 Mo steel with regulated metal deposition and GMAW technique incorporating metal-cored wires
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Experimental investigations and optimization of MWCNTs-mixed WEDM process parameters of nitinol shape memory alloy
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Formation of Surface Topography During Turning of AISI 1045 Steel Considering the Type of Cutting Edge Coating
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Geometric Specification of Non-Circular Pulleys Made with Various Additive Manufacturing Techniques
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High-Performance Face Milling of 42CrMo4 Steel: Influence of Entering Angle on the Measured Surface Roughness, Cutting Force and Vibration Amplitude
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Image Processing of Mg-Al-Sn Alloy Microstructures for Determining Phase Ratios and Grain Size and Correction with Manual Measurement
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Improvement of machinability of Ti and its alloys using cooling-lubrication techniques: a review and future prospect
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Integration of Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS Methods for Wire Electric Discharge Machining of Titanium (Ti6Al4V) Alloy Using RSM
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Investigation on microstructure, mechanical, and tribological performance of Cu base hybrid composite materials
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Metrological analysis of surface quality aspects in minimum quantity cooling lubrication
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Optimization of FFF Process Parameters by Naked Mole-Rat Algorithms with Enhanced Exploration and Exploitation Capabilities
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Technological and tribological aspects of milling-burnishing process of complex surfaces
Rok 2020
Advances in Hard–to–Cut Materials: Manufacturing, Properties, Process Mechanics and Evaluation of Surface Integrity
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Analysis of Cutting Force and Power Under the Conditions of Minimized Cooling in the Process of Turning AISI-1045 Steel with the Use of the Parameter Space Investigation Method
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Evaluation of physical indicators and tool wear during grooving of spheroidal cast iron with a novel WCCo/cBN (BNDCC) inserts
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Evaluation of Surface Topography after Face Turning of CoCr Alloys Fabricated by Casting and Selective Laser Melting
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Evaluation of turning with different cooling-lubricating techniques in terms of surface integrity and tribologic properties
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Influence of geometry and surface morphology of the U-tube on the fluid flow in the range of various velocities
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Machine Learning Modelling and Feature Engineering in Seismology Experiment
wyświetlono 607 razy