Department of Algorithms and Systems Modelling - Administrative Units - Bridge of Knowledge


Department of Algorithms and Systems Modelling


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Catalog Publications

Year 2012
  • Properties of the triset metric for phylogenetic trees

    - Year 2012

    the following paper presents a new polynomial time metric for unrootedphylogenetic trees (based on weighted bipartite graphs and the method ofdetermining a minimum perfect matching) and its properties. also many its properties are presented.

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  • Routing equal-size messages on a slotted ring


    Analizujemy problem routingu wiadomości w sieci slotted ring, biorąc pod uwagę dwa kryteria optymalizacyjne: długość uszeregowania oraz liczbę 'cykli' pracy sieci. Optymalny routing dla wiadomości o rozmiarze k jest silnie NP-trudny, natomiast dla k=q, gdzie q jest rozmiarem sieci, można obliczyć w czsie O(n^2log n) dla pierwszego kryterium. Podajemy również algorytm o czasie działania O(nlog n) oraz o stałym współczynniku dobroci....

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  • Some Exact Values of Shannon Capacity for Evolving Systems
    • M. Jurkiewicz

    - Year 2012

    We describe the notion of Shannon Capacity for evolving channels. Furthermore, using a computer search together with some theoretical results we establish some exact values of the measure.

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  • The Potential of Greed for Independence


    The well-known lower bound on the independence number of a graph due to Caro and Wei can be established as a performance guarantee of two natural and simple greedy algorithms or of a simple randomized algorithm. We study possible generalizations and improvements of these approaches using vertex weights and discuss conditions on so-called potential functions p(G) : V(G) -> N_0 defined on the vertex set of a graph G for which suitably...

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  • TreeCmp: Comparison of Trees in Polynomial Time

    Metryki filogenetyczne umożliwiają ocenę jakości wyników analizy filogenetycznej oraz wiarygodności algorytmów przeprowadzających taką analizę. Aplikacja TreeCmp oferuje efektywne, wielomianowe implementacje ośmiu takich metryk (dla drzew nieukorzenionych i zawierających korzeń) zdefiniowanych dla dowolnych filogenez (nie koniecznie binarnych). Program ten jako pierwszy umożliwia wyznaczanie nowych metryk, definiowanych w oparciu...

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  • Zastosowanie komputerów w dziedzinie wyszukiwania strategii optymalnych w grach logicznych

    Problem jaki stanowi wyszukiwanie strategii optymalnej w grach logicznych jest bardzo złożony. Można go podzielić na następujące podproblemy: obliczeniowy, pamięciowy oraz operacji wejścia/wyjścia. Jednak rosnąca z roku na rok siła obliczeniowa komputerów, ilość pamięci oraz prędkość transferu danych pomiędzy podzespołami zarówno lokalnymi jak i rozproszonymi, a także wzrost skuteczności wykorzystywanych technik algorytmicznych...

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Year 2011
Year 2010
  • A modified hat problem

    The topic of our paper is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of a win. There are known many...

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  • An Alternative Proof of a Lower Bound on the 2-Domination Number of a Tree

    A 2-dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex not in D has a at least two neighbors in D. The 2-domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_2(G), is the minimum cardinality of a 2-dominating set of G. Fink and Jacobson [n-domination in graphs, Graph theory with applications to algorithms and computer science, Wiley, New York, 1985, 283-300] established the following lower bound on the 2-domination...

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  • Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Investigations of Steam Turbine Cascades

    Zaprezentowano wyniki badań numerycznych zastosowania sieci neuronowych przy obliczeniach przepływów w palisadach turbin parowych. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników wykazano, że sieci neuronowe mogą być używane do szacowania przestrzennego rozkładu parametrów przepływu, takich jak entalpia, entropia, ciśnienie czy prędkość czynnika w kanale przepływowym. Omówiono również zastosowania tego typu metod przy projektowaniu palisad, stopni...

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  • Application of genetic algorithms in graph searching problem

    Graph searching is a common approach to solving a problem of capturing a hostile intruder by a group of mobile agents. We assume that this task is performed in environment which we are able to model as a graph G. The question asked is how many agents are needed to capture an arbitrary fast, invisible and smart intruder. This number is called the (edge) search number of G. The strategy which must be performed by agents is called...

  • Comparing Arbitrary Unrooted Phylogenetic Trees Using Generalized Matching Split Distance

    - Year 2010

    In the paper, we describe a method for comparing arbitrary, not necessary fully resolved, unrooted phylogenetic trees. Proposed method is based on finding a minimum weight matching in bipartite graphs and can be regarded as a generalization of well-known Robinson-Foulds distance. We present some properties and advantages of the new distance. We also investigate some properties of presented distance in a common biological problem...

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  • Comparison of reproduction strategies in genetic algorithm approach to graph searching

    genetic algorithms (ga) are a well-known tool used to obtain approximate solutions to optimization problems. successful application of genetic algorithm in solving given problem is largely dependant on selecting appropriate genetic operators. selection, mutation and crossover techniques play a fundamental role in both time needed to obtain results and their accuracy. in this paper we focus on applying genetic algorithms in calculating...

  • Connected searching of weighted trees

    W artykule rozważamy problem spójnego przeszukiwania drzew obciążonych. Autorzy w [L. Barriere i inni, Capture of an intruder by mobile agents, SPAA'02 (2002) 200-209] twierdzą, że istnieje wielomianowy algorytm dla problemu obliczania optymalnej strategii przeszukiwania obciążonego drzewa. W niniejszej pracy pokazano, że problem ten jest obliczeniowo trudny nawet dla wierzchołkowo-obciążonych drzew (wagi krawędzi równe 1) oraz...

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  • Constructing a map of an anonymous graph: applications of universal sequences


    We study the problem of mapping an unknown environmentrepresented as an unlabelled undirected graph. A robot (or automaton)starting at a single vertex of the graph G has to traverse the graph and return to its starting point building a map of the graph in the process. We are interested in the cost of achieving this task (whenever possible) in terms of the number of edge traversal made by the robot. Another optimization criteria...

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  • Deterministic rendezvous of asynchronous bounded-memory agents in polygonal terrains


    Two mobile agents, modeled as points starting at differentlocations of an unknown terrain, have to meet. The terrain is a polygon with polygonal holes. We consider two versions of this rendezvous problem: exact RV, when the points representing the agents have to coincide at some time, and epsilon-RV, when these points have to get at distance less than epsilon in the terrain. In any terrain, each agent chooses its trajectory, but...

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