(Field of Science):
- architecture and urban planning (Engineering and Technology)
- civil engineering, geodesy and transport (Engineering and Technology)
- mechanical engineering (Engineering and Technology)
- forestry (Agricultural sciences)
(Field of Science)
Ministry points: Help
Year | Points | List |
Year 2025 | 140 | Ministry scored journals list 2024 |
Year | Points | List |
2025 | 140 | Ministry scored journals list 2024 |
2024 | 140 | Ministry scored journals list 2024 |
2023 | 140 | Ministry Scored Journals List |
2022 | 140 | Ministry Scored Journals List 2019-2022 |
2021 | 140 | Ministry Scored Journals List 2019-2022 |
2020 | 140 | Ministry Scored Journals List 2019-2022 |
2019 | 140 | Ministry Scored Journals List 2019-2022 |
2018 | 35 | A |
2017 | 35 | A |
2016 | 35 | A |
2015 | 35 | A |
2014 | 35 | A |
2013 | 35 | A |
2012 | 30 | A |
2011 | 30 | A |
2010 | 27 | A |
Points CiteScore:
Year | Points |
Year 2023 | 9.6 |
Year | Points |
2023 | 9.6 |
2022 | 9 |
2021 | 7.7 |
2020 | 6.8 |
2019 | 6.2 |
2018 | 5.5 |
2017 | 5.2 |
2016 | 4.2 |
2015 | 3.5 |
2014 | 3.2 |
2013 | 2.7 |
2012 | 2.8 |
2011 | 2.6 |
Impact Factor:
Sherpa Romeo:
Papers published in journal
total: 23
Catalog Journals
Year 2023
Advanced numerical modelling for predicting residual compressive strength of corroded stiffened plates
PublicationAn advanced methodology for predicting the residual compressive strength of corroded stiffened plates is developed here using the non-linear finite element method. The non-uniform loss of a plate thickness is accounted for on a macro-scale. In contrast, mechanical properties are changed using the constitutive model to reflect the corrosion degradation impact on a micro-scale. Three different stiffened plate thicknesses are considered,...
Buckling resistance of a metal column in a corrugated sheet silo - experiments and non-linear stability calculations
PublicationThe results of experimental and numerical tests of a single corrugated sheet silo column’s buckling resistance are presented in this study. The experiments were performed in a real silo with and without bulk solid (wheat). A very positive impact of the bulk solid on the column buckling resistance occurred. The experimental results were first compared to the buckling resistance calculated by Eurocode 3 formulae. The comparison revealed that...
Year 2020
Experimental investigation of joint with positive eccentricity in CFS truss
PublicationDue to technological restrictions, in the case of trusses made of CFS open cross-sections, positive eccentricities in the truss joints have become very frequent. Therefore studies concerning the load-bearing capacity of truss joints with positive eccentricity were undertaken. It was assumed that the resistance of cold-formed steel (CFS) open cross-section truss joints located on compression chords and with positive eccentricity...
Year 2019
Buckling and initial post-local buckling behaviour of cold-formed channel member flange
PublicationThe initial post-buckling behaviour of a cold-formed channel member flange after its local buckling is investigated. An axially compressed column or beam subjected to pure bending is considered. The member material is assumed to follow a linear stress-strain relationship. The governing non-linear differential equation of the problem is derived using the minimum total potential energy principle. An approximate solution for the equation...
Determination of buckling strength of silos composed of corrugated walls and thin-walled-columns using simplified wall segment models
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki obszernych analiz numerycznych wyboczenia i stateczności metalowych silosów z blachy falistej wzmocnionych cienkościennymi słupami. Wykonano analizy liniowe i nieliniowe. Do obliczeń zaproponowano proste modele segmentów ścian zamiast skomplikowanych modeli całych silosów. Otrzymano bardzo dobrą zgodność wyników numerycznych. Wyniki obliczeń numerycznych porównano dodatkowo z wynikami normowymi.
Experimental and numerical studies of double corrugated steel arch panels
Publication -
Experimental method to evaluate the load-carrying capacity of double corrugated sheet profiles
Year 2018
Investigations of local/global buckling of cylindrical metal silos with corrugated sheets and open-sectional column profiles
PublicationArtykuł zajmuje się problemem lokalnego/globalnego wyboczenia w cylindrycznych metalowych silosach z blachy falistej z otwartymi cienkościennymi profilami słupowymi. Obliczenia wykonano w ramach liniowej teorii bifurkacji stosując metodę elementów skończonych w programie ABAQUS. Zbadano obszernie wpływ różnych parametrów (średnica i wysokość silosów, grubość blachy falistej, wielkość fali blachy, rozstaw słupów, przekrój słupów)...
Year 2017
Distortional buckling of thin-walled columns of closed quadratic cross-section
PublicationThe elastic stability of axially compressed column related to the cross-section distortion is investigated. Two kinds of closed quadratic cross-sections are taken into consideration with internal walls and without it. The governing differential equation is derived with aid of the principle of stationary total potential energy. The critical loads for the simply supported columns are found in an analytical form and compared with...
Numerical investigation into plastic hinge formation in arched corrugated thin-walled profiles
Year 2016
Nonlinear FEM 2D failure onset prediction of composite shells based on 6-parameter shell theory
PublicationWithin the framework of the nonlinear 6-parameter shell theory with the drilling rotation and asymmetric stress measures, the modifications of Tsai-Wu and Hashin laminate failure initiation criteria are proposed. These improvements enable to perform first ply failure estimations taking into account the non-symmetric stress measures. In order to check the validity of the proposed criteria, finite element analyses are performed with...
On local buckling of cold-formed channel members
PublicationThe paper deals with local buckling of the compressed flanges of cold-formed thin-walled channel beams subjected to pure bending or axially compressed columns. Arbitrarily shaped flanges of open cross-sections and the web-flange interactions are taken into account. Buckling deformation of a beam flange is described by displacement related to torsion of the flange about the line of its connection with the web. Total potential energy...
Year 2015
Critical assessment of Eurocode approach to stability of metal cylindrical silos with corrugated walls and vertical stiffeners.
PublicationPrzedmiotem artykułu było krytyczne oszacowanie podejścia w Eurokodzie odnośnie stateczności metalowych cylindrycznych silosów z blachy falistej i słupów. Obliczenia 3D wykonane stosując MES. Symulowano blachę gładką ze słupami belkowymi o zastępczej sztywności. W obliczeniach uwzględniono falistość blachy. Pokazano, że wzory normowe znacznie odbiegają od wyników MES.
Junctions In Shell Structures: A Review
PublicationMany shell structures used in modern technology consist of regular shell parts joined together along their common boundaries. We review different theoretical, numerical, and experimental approaches to modelling, analyses and design of the compound shell structures with junctions. Several alternative forms of boundary, continuity and jump conditions at the singular midsurface curves modelling the shell junction are reviewed. We...
Numerical analysis of influence of intermediate stiffeners setting on the stability behaviour of thin-walled steel tank shell
Publication -
Simulation of buckling process of cylindrical metal silos with flat sheets containing bulk solids.
PublicationW artykule symulowano proces wyboczenia w cylindrycznych metalowych silosach z płaskich blach wypełnionych materiałem sypkim. Wykonano analizy nieliniowe stosując MES dla silosów pustych i napełnionych. Zbadano wpływ wstępnych imperfekcji geometrycznych na nośność wyboczeniowo. Wyniki porównano z wynikami doświadczalnymi w Uniwersytecie Karlsruhe.
Year 2014
Dynamic FE simulations of buckling process in thin-walled cylindrical metal silos
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki dynamicznej analizy wyboczeniowej cienkościennych silosów metalowych o przekroju kołowym. Analizy MES wykonano dla wstępnych imperfekcji geometrycznych o różnym kształcie i amplitudzie. Wyniki analizy dynamicznej porównano z analizami statycznymi.
Numerical and experimental investigation of rotational stiffness of zed-purlins connection with sandwich panels
PublicationA rotational resistant stiffness of the zed-purlins connection with sandwich panels is investigated. A simple finite element method model of the connection is proposed. The numerical analysis of the model performed by ABAQUS software, in physically linear and geometrically nonlinear ranges, leads to the rotational resistant stiffness sought. The numerical solution obtained is verified experimentally. Two variants of distribution...
Year 2013
Large thermo-elastic displacement and stability FEM analysis of multilayered plates and shells
PublicationThe paper concerns the load capacity analysis of thermally loaded multilayered plates and shells. The multilayered body is treated as an equivalent single layer whose kinematics is consistent with first order shear deformation theory. The authors focus on the thermo-elastic stability problem of the thin-walled structures. The equilibrium paths are traced with the use of Riks-Wempner-Ramm algorithm. By making use of the Tsai-Wu...
Year 2011
3D buckling analysis of a cylindrical metal bin composed of corrugated sheets strengthened by vertical stiffeners
PublicationW artykule pokazano obszerne wyniki analizy wyboczeniowej 3D przy zastosowaniu metody elementów skończonych dla silosu złożonego z blachy falistej i słupów rozmieszczonych równomiernie wokół obwodu. Obliczenia wykonano dla silosu bez i z imperfekcjami geometrycznymi i obciążeniowymi. Wyniki obliczeń porównano z Eurokodem.
Stability and initial post-buckling behaviour of frame system with vertical bracings
PublicationStalowe hale są budowane jako układ ram płaskich połączonych stężeniami dachowymi i stężeniami pionowymi w postaci krzyżujących się prętów. W pracy przedstawiono analizę stateczności i zachowania pokrytycznego takiego układu poddanego działaniu obciążeń pionowych. Korzystając z warunków stacjonarności całkowitej energii potencjalnej wykazano, że punkt bifurkacji utraty stateczności jest niesymetryczny i niestateczny. Oznacza to,...
Year 2007
Stability of trusses with linear elastic side-supports
PublicationThe present research is devoted to study of a lateral buckling of truss with linear elastic side supports. The elastic support reaction in relation to force in compressed chord and coefficient of buckling length related to side support distance are also calculated. The effect of slope of side support on limit force is also considered. The nonlinear analysis of two roof trusses are carried out. The results are compared to design...
Year 2003
Sensitivity analysis of thin-walled members, problems and applications
PublicationPodano przegląd problemów analizy wrażliwości konstrukcji cienkościennych. Przedstawiono metody określania pierwszej wariacji zmiennych stanu takich jak: przemieszczenia, siły wewnętrzne, reakcje, częstości i postaci drgań własnych oraz obciążeń krytycznych ze względu na zmiany parametrów konstrukcji. Rozważania ograniczono do prętów cienkościennych o otwartym bisymetrycznym przekroju poprzecznym w ramach założeń teorii prętów...
seen 1920 times