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Efficiency of Electricity Production Technology from Post-Process Gas Heat: Ecological, Economic and Social Benefits
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Increasing Energy Efficiency and Productivity of the Comminution Process in Tumbling Mills by Indirect Measurements of Internal Dynamics—An Overview
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Probability estimation of the city’s energy efficiency improvement as a result of using the phase change materials in heating networks
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Modern design solutions of cooling systems, as an example of energy efficiency rationing, operational safety and environmental protection
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On the efficiency of bile salt for stable suspension and isolation of single-walled carbon nanotubes—spectroscopic and microscopic investigations
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Efficiency of optical-electronic systems: methods application for the analysis of structural changes in the process of eye grounds diagnosis
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Enhancement of the efficiency of the third harmonic generation process in ZnO:F thin films probed by photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopy
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PublicationThe article deals with one of the scientific issue solved within frames of the research project financed by Voivodeship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Gdansk, namely, in particular, the method of energy investigations of the self-ignition engine in conditions of its supply with a non-standard (modified) marine fuel. The representative results of engine tests worked out on the especially built laboratory...
Thermomechanical and Fire Properties of Polyethylene-Composite-Filled Ammonium Polyphosphate and Inorganic Fillers: An Evaluation of Their Modification Efficiency
PublicationThe development of new polymer compositions characterized by a reduced environmental impact while lowering the price for applications in large-scale production requires the search for solutions based on the reduction in the polymer content in composites’ structure, as well as the use of fillers from sustainable sources. The study aimed to comprehensively evaluate introducing low-cost inorganic fillers, such as copper slag (CS),...
Short-Term Outcomes of Percutaneous Trephination with a Platelet Rich Plasma Intrameniscal Injection for the Repair of Degenerative Meniscal Lesions. A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group, Placebo-Controlled Study
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Theoretical designing of selenium heterocyclic non-fullerene acceptors with enhanced power conversion efficiency for organic solar cells: a DFT/TD-DFT-based prediction and understanding
PublicationIn this study, we have designed and explored a new series of non-fullerene acceptors for possible applications in organic solar cells. We have designed four molecules named as APH1 to APH4 after end-capped modification of recently synthesized Y6-Se-4Cl molecule. Density functional theory and time dependent-density functional theory have been employed for computing geometric and photovoltaic parameters of the designed molecules....
Two-electron entanglement in a two-dimensional isotropic harmonic trap: Radial correlation effects in the low density limit
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Dion desorption from condensed CD4, C2D2, C2D4, C2D6 ans C2D8 moleculesinduced by electron impact. Radiation.
PublicationZmierzono wydajność desorpcji jonu D-z deuteryzowanych węglowodorów. Desorpcja jest stymulowana wiązką elektronów w zakresie energii od 0 do 20 eV.
Differential cross sections for low-energy elastic electron scattering from tetrahydrofuran in the angular range 20°-180°
PublicationWartości absolutne różniczkowych przekrojów czynnych na rozproszenie sprężyste elektronów o energii 6-20eV na cząsteczce tetrahydrofuranu w zakresie kątów 20°-180°. W pomiarach wykorzystano technikę lokalnego pola magnetycznego. Wyznaczono także całkowity przekrój czynny na rozproszenie sprężyste oraz przekrój czynny na przekazanie pędu poprzez scałkowanie zmierzonych różniczkowych przekrojów czynnych dla wybranych energii.
Reactivity induced at 25 K by low-energy electron irradiation of condensed NH3-CH3COOD (1:1) mixture
PublicationW wyniku bombardowania niskoenergetycznymi elektronami skondensowanej mieszaniny kwasu octowego (CH3COOD) i amoniaku (NH3) następuje synteza najprostszego aminokwasu - glicyny - bez potrzeby dodatkowej aktywacji termicznej. Filmy molekularne przed i po bombardowaniu elektronami były badane techniką HREELS.
Ab initio electronic structure of HCN− and HNC− dipole-bound anions and a description of electron loss upon tautomerization
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Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationships in Two-Electron Reduction of Nitroaromatic Compounds by Enterobacter cloacae NAD(P)H:Nitroreductase
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Two-electron reduction of quinones by rat liver NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase: quantitative structure–activity relationships
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The thermoluminescence characteristics and the glow curves of Thulium doped silica fiber exposed to 10MV photon and 21MeV electron radiation
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<title>Cavity control system advanced modeling and simulations for TESLA linear accelerator and free electron laser</title>
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Determination of volatile fatty acids in municipal wastewater and leachates from sewage sludge allotments and compost piles using direct aqueous injection gas chromatography preceded by distillation based sample cleanup
PublicationOpracowano metodykę i wykorzystano ją do oznaczania lotnych kwasów tłuszczowych w zanieczyszczonych próbkach wodnych,takich jak ścieki komunalne, odcieki ze składowiska osadów ściekowych i pryzm kompostu, stosując metodę bezpośredniego dozowania rzeczywistej próbki wodnej lub jej rektyfikatu do chromatografu gazowego.
Effect of Double-Slope Modulation Signals on Conducted Emissions and Efficiency of Strongly Coupled Magnetic Resonance WPT Systems
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Measurement of efficiency education in public higher education institutions not subject to the supervision of the ministry of science and higher education in Poland
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Social and Infrastructural Conditioning of Lowering Energy Costs and Improving the Energy Efficiency of Buildings in the Context of the Local Energy Policy
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The Effect of Polymer Microstructure on Encapsulation Efficiency and Release Kinetics of Citropin 1.1 from the Poly(ε-caprolactone) Microparticles
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Analysis of the Dependence between Energy Demand Indicators in Buildings Based on Variants for Improving Energy Efficiency in a School Building
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Enhanced formability and forming efficiency for two-phase titanium alloys by Fast light Alloys Stamping Technology (FAST)
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Efficiency of various silicon rich amendments on growth and cadmium accumulation in field grown cereals and health risk assessment
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The Impact of Selected Parameters on the efficiency of PV Installations - Simulation Test of the 1 MW PV Farm in the PVSyst Program
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Investigating the combined impact of plasticizer and shear force on the efficiency of low temperature reclaiming of ground tire rubber (GTR)
PublicationIn the present work, ground tire rubber (GTR) was mechano-chemically reclaimed at ambient temperature using two-roll mills. Road bitumen and styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS)-modified bitumen at variable content (in range: 2.5–20 phr) were applied as reactive plasticizers to enhance reclaiming of GTR. For better understanding the plasticizing effect of bitumen on the quality of obtained reclaimed rubber, mechano-chemically reclaimed...
Efficiency of thermomechanical reclaiming of ground tire rubber conducted in counter-rotating and co-rotating twin screw extruder
PublicationIn this article the results of research on a continuous thermomechanical reclaiming process of ground tire rubber (GTR) conducted in a twin screw extruder are presented. The effects of the rotation direction (co-rotating/counter-rotating), design of co-rotating plasticizing units and the rotational speed of the screws on the extruder working parameters, sol fraction and the degree of reclaiming in the obtained products were described....
Energy Efficiency Analysis of Railway Turnout Heating With a Simplified Snow Model Using Classical and Contactless Heating Method
PublicationElectrical heating of railway turnouts is a considerable technical and economic challenge, hence the need to conduct research for optimisation of a railway turnouts heating system. This paper presents results of a numerical analysis and experimental research on heating systems mounted on rail turnouts in line with the classical method and including a heater thermally insulated from the base of a rail. The numerical calculations...
Efficiency of landfill leachate treatment in a MBR/UF system combined with NF, with a special focus on phthalates and bisphenol A removal
PublicationIn this study, a pilot-scale membrane bioreactor (MBR) was operated at a municipal solid waste plant (MSWP) to treat a mixture of landfill leachates (LLs) obtained from modern (MP-LLs) and previous (PP-LLs) waste cells. The MBR unit combined anoxic and aerobic zones with external ultra- and nanofiltration (MBR/UF and MBR/UF/NF, respectively). In addition to the removal of macropollutants, special attention was given to phthalates...
Wind Conditions at Pedestrian Level in Different Types of Residential Urban Development for a High Degree of Land Use Efficiency
PublicationThe paper concerns wind conditions around urban building development at the pedestrian level. The article aims to identify aerodynamic phenomena around three types of multi-family housing developmentswith different forms and the same urban parameters of building development intensity (high intensity was taken into account). The aim of the research was mainly to achieve qualitative results that would lead to understanding fundamental...
The use of fast molecular descriptors and artificial neural networks approach in organochlorine compounds electron ionization mass spectra classification
PublicationDeveloping of theoretical tools can be very helpful for supporting new pollutant detection. Nowadays, a combination of mass spectrometry and chromatographic techniques are the most basic environmental monitoring methods. In this paper, two organochlorine compound mass spectra classification systems were proposed. The classification models were developed within the framework of artificial neural networks (ANNs) and fast 1D and...
Microstructure–Property Relationship of Polyurethane Foams Modified with Baltic Sea Biomass: Microcomputed Tomography vs. Scanning Electron Microscopy
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Vibrational inelastic electron-H2 scattering revisited: numerically converged coupled channels space frame calculations with model interaction
PublicationZderzeniowe wzbudzenie niższych oscylacyjnych poziomów molekuły H2 (^1Σ^+,g) przez elektrony o niskiej energii. Obliczenia wykonano przy użyciu empirycznego modelowego potencjału oraz przez rozwiązanie równania rozpraszania dwukanałowego w układzie współrzędnych, związanych z molekułą.
Plasma diagnostics of low pressure high power impulse magnetron sputtering assisted by electron cyclotron wave resonance plasma
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Studies of Optimal Conditions for Depletion of the $^{110m}$Ag Isomer Via Nuclear Excitation by Electron Capture in a Beam-based Scenario
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Thermoluminescence glow curves and deconvoluted glow peaks of Ge doped flat fibers at ultra-high doses of electron radiation
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Continuous three-dimensional radiation dosimetry in tissue-equivalent phantoms using electron paramagnetic resonance in L -α-alanine
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<title>Measurements of SIMCON 3.1 LLRF control signal processing quality for VUV free-electron laser FLASH</title>
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<title>Cavity simulator and controller for VUV free electron laser SIMCON 2.1, part II: functional blocks</title>
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<title>SIMCON 3.0 eight channel FPGA-based cavity simulator and controller for VUV free-electron laser</title>
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Analysis of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables using QuEChERS sample preparation method and gas chromatography with electron capture detection
PublicationPesticides are a numerous and diverse group of chemical compounds. They are some of the most toxic substances contaminating the environment, which are used to eliminate pests in agriculture and the household. Despite considerable progress in the development of methods for preparing samples for analysis and for the final determination of analytes, the analysis of pesticides in biological samples continues to present challenges to...
Highly efficient organic electrophosphorescent light-emitting diodes with a reduced quantum efficiency roll off at large current densities.
PublicationW pracy opisano diody elektrofosforescencyjne zbudowane na bazie organicznych komplesów platyny PtOEP oraz Pt(thpy)2. Pokazano, ze mechanizmem ograniczjącym wydajność świecenia tych diod w zakresiedużych prądów elektycznych jest elektrycznopolowa dysocjacja ekscytonutrypletowego z transferem dziury na molekułę TPD.
Ekonomična efektivnist` teplovoï pompi v sistemi opalennâ = Economical efficiency of heat pump system in heating system
PublicationW artykule opisano wynik porównawczych obliczeń kosztów ogrzewania budynku jednorodzinnego. Porównano koszty konwencjonalnego ogrzewania z kotłem olejowym jako źródłem ciepła z kosztami ogrzewania układem hybrydowym, w którym współpracują ze sobą dwa żródła ciepła: konwencjonalny kocioł olejowy i sprężarkowa pompa ciepła. Wykonano studium parametryczne kosztów ogrzewania z wykorzystaniem metody kosztów narastających.
Removal efficiency of anionic surfactants from water during UVC photolysis and advanced oxidation process in H2O2/UVC system