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Study of effect of temperature gradient on solid dissolution process under action of transverse rotating magnetic field
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Modulation of Cellular Response to Different Parameters of the Rotating Magnetic Field (RMF)—An In Vitro Wound Healing Study
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Influence of magnetic field on electronic conduction of (Bi,Pb)–Sr–Ca–Cu–O granular superconductors
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Exposure to non-continuous rotating magnetic field induces metabolic strain-specific response of Komagataeibacter xylinus
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Rotating Magnetic Field Increases β-Lactam Antibiotic Susceptibility of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Strains
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The Impact of Intraspecies Variability on Growth Rate and Cellular Metabolic Activity of Bacteria Exposed to Rotating Magnetic Field
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Entrapment of DyP‐type peroxidase from Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf‐5 into Ca‐alginate magnetic beads
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Enhancing effect of 50 Hz rotating magnetic field on induction of Shiga toxin-converting lambdoid prophages
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Polyrhodanine cobalt ferrite (PRHD@CoFe2O4) hybrid nanomaterials - Synthesis, structural, magnetic, cytotoxic and antibacterial properties
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Adsorption of cationic dyes onto Fe@graphite core–shell magnetic nanocomposite: Equilibrium, kinetics and thermodynamics
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Effect of Thermal Treatment at Inert Atmosphere on Structural and Magnetic Properties of Non-stoichiometric Zinc Ferrite Nanoparticles
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Tuning of the Electrochemical Properties of Transparent Fluorine-doped Tin Oxide Electrodes by Microwave Pulsed-plasma Polymerized Allylamine
PublicationWe report here the dry, one-step, and low-temperature modification of FTO surfaces using pulsed plasma polymerization of allylamine (PPAAm). PPAAm/FTO surfaces were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, spectroscopic ellipsometry, and contact angles to understand the morphological, structural, and optical properties. FTO were coated with a very thin layer of adherent cross-linked, pinhole-, and additive-free allylamine...
Structure and optical parameters of Eu doped tellurium oxide thin films prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering method
PublicationIn this work the structural properties and photoluminescence of tellurium dioxide thin films doped by europium were described. Thin films were deposited by magnetron sputtering method and simultaneously heated at 200 °C. Presence of Eu ions and their valence states was confirmed by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy measurements. The structure of the films as well as the influence of europium dopant on crystalline structure of the...
Highly crystalline colloidal nickel oxide hole transport layer for low-temperature processable perovskite solar cell
PublicationHighly crystalline NiOX usually requires high annealing temperature (>300 °C) which is incompatible with flexible substrate and might consume high amount of energy. Herein, we demonstrate a facile emulsion process to synthesize highly crystalline, low temperature deposition (<150 °C) and solution processable NiOx nanoparticles (NPs) as a hole transport layer for the perovskite solar cells (PVSCs)....
Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Cytotoxicity and Release from Newly Formed PMMA–ZnO Nanocomposites Designed for Denture Bases
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Native-oxide limited cross-plane thermal transport in suspended silicon membranes revealed by scanning thermal microscopy
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Visible light-induced photocatalytic reaction of gold-modified titanium(IV) oxide particles: action spectrum analysis
PublicationAnalizy spektrum działania wykazały, ze wzbudzenie powierzchniowego plazmonu złota inicjuje utlenianie 2-propanolu w świetle widzialnym w napowietrzonej zawiesinie tlenku(IV) tytanu zmodyfikowanego zlotem. Badania przeprowadzone z użyciem światła polichromatycznego wykazały, ze szybkość reakcji foto-utleniania zależy od właściwości tlenku(IV) tytanu, takich jak rozmiar ziaren, pola powierzchni właściwej, formy krystalicznej (anataz...
Co-free triple perovskite La1.5Ba1.5Cu3O7±δ as a promising air electrode material for solid oxide fuel cells
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Biochar-assisted transformation of engineered-cerium oxide nanoparticles: Effect on wheat growth, photosynthetic traits and cerium accumulation
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Broadband mid-infrared emission in heavy metal oxide glasses triply-doped with Er3+/Ho3+/Yb3+ ions
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Thickness and structure change of titanium(IV) oxide thin films synthesized by the sol–gel spin coating method
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Study of the chromatographic behavior of selected steroid hormones on aluminum oxide plates based on quantitative structure-retention relationships
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Investigation on structural, optical and anti-bacterial properties of organic additives iron oxide prepared by chemical route method
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Thickness and structure change of titanium (IV) oxide thin films synthesized by the sol–gel spin coating method
PublicationTitanium dioxide is a well-known material in nanotechnology, while it provides new opportunities due to its interesting properties, for example, as a semiconductor with a quite significant forbidden band gap energy of 3.2 eV. In this study, thin films of titanium dioxide (TiO2) were synthesized in amorphous and crystallographic systems using the sol–gel process. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction...
Highly crystalline colloidal nickel oxide hole transport layer for low-temperature processable perovskite solar cell
PublicationHighly crystalline NiOX usually requires high annealing temperature (>300 °C) which is incompatible with flexible substrate and might consume high amount of energy. Herein, we demonstrate a facile emulsion process to synthesize highly crystalline, low temperature deposition (<150 °C) and solution processable NiOx nanoparticles (NPs) as a hole transport layer for the perovskite solar cells (PVSCs). A novel surfactant of tetramethylammonium...
Effect of Double-Slope Modulation Signals on Conducted Emissions and Efficiency of Strongly Coupled Magnetic Resonance WPT Systems
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Magnetic, Structural and Spectroscopic Properties of Iron(II)-Octacyanoniobate(IV) Crystalline Film Obtained by Ion-Exchange Synthesis
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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in human peripheral blood neutrophils exposedin vitroto static magnetic field
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Wpływ kształtu otwartego obiektu ferromagnetycznego na pole magnetyczne.Influence of shape of open ferromagnetic object on magnetic field.
PublicationObiekt o właściwościach ferromagnetycznych znajdujący się w ziemskim polu magnetycznym zaburza równomierność tego pola. Przestrzenny rozkład zaburzenia pola zależy od wielu czynników, w tym między innymi od rozmiarów i kształtu obiektu, od jego właściwości ferro-magnetycznych i od położenia względem wektora ziemskiego pola magnetycznego. Na podstawie pomiaru rozkładu pola magnetycznego wokół obiektu można dokonać lokalizacji i...
The effects of crystallization on the magnetic properties and critical cur-rent in Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O glass-ceramics
PublicationW publikacji przedstawiono wpływ procesu krystalizacji na podatność magnetyczną oraz wewnątrzziarnowe i międzyziarnowe prądy krytyczne krystalizowanego szkła Bi4Sr4Ca3Cu4Ox. Próbki krystalizowano w temperaturze 800C w czasie od0,5 godz do 216 godz. Wszystkie próbki poniżej temp. 80k wykazywały cechy diamagnetyczne. Otrzymano małe wartości prądów krytycznych w badanych próbkach (50-100Acm-2 dla prądów wewnątrzziarnowych, w zależności...
Accurate Modeling of a Lossy Ferrite Circular Guide Section Magnetized Through a Rotary Four-Pole Magnetic Field
PublicationKorzystając z metody rodzajów sprzężonych opracowano model matematyczny umożliwiający określenie parametrów falowych i rozkładów pola em. fal występujących w ferrytowym falowodzie cylindrycznym magnesowanym czterobiegunowym polem magnetycznym. W oparciu o model określono macierz rozproszenia sekcji falowodu. Opracowane oprogramowanie pozwoliło na zbadanie charakterystyk częstotliwościowych sekcji ferrytowej i wskazanie możliwości...
The influence of a strong external magnetic field from a permanent magnet on a measurement accuracy of an inductive watt-hour meter
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Bulky ligands shape the separation between the large spin carriers to condition field-induced slow magnetic relaxation
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Tuning of the phase transition between site selective SCO and intermetallic ET in trimetallic magnetic cyanido-bridged clusters
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Syntheses, structures, and chiroptical and magnetic properties of chiral clusters built from Schiff bases: a novel [MnIIMnIII6NaI2] core
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Equilibrium and kinetic studies on acid dye Acid Red 88 adsorption by magnetic ZnFe2O4 spinel ferrite nanoparticles
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Removal of anionic dyes using magnetic Fe@graphite core-shell nanocomposite as an adsorbent from aqueous solutions
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Study of Phase Transformation Processes Occurring in the Nanocrystalline Iron/Ammonia/Hydrogen System by the Magnetic Permeability Measurement Method
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Structure and characterization of physicochemical and magnetic properties of new complex containing monobridged oxygen copper(II) dinuclear cation
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The influence of transition metals (Fe, Co) on the structural, magnetic and optical properties of TiO2 nanoparticles synthesized by the hydrothermal method
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A label-free graphene-based impedimetric biosensor for real-time tracing of the cytokine storm in blood serum; suitable for screening COVID-19 patients
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Tuning the photocatalytic performance through magnetization in Co-Zn ferrite nanoparticles
PublicationIn this work, the link between the photocatalytic performance of Co-Zn ferrite nanoparticles and the net magnetic moment is analyzed. CoxZn1-xFe2O4 nanoparticles (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) were synthesized by co-precipitation method and different physicochemical techniques were employed to characterize the samples (X-ray diffraction, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), BET surface area, Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (DRS), Photoluminescence spectroscopy,...
The hydrogen bond network structure within the hydration shell around simple osmolytes: Urea, tetramethylurea, and trimethylamine-N-oxide, investigated using both a fixed charge and a polarizable water model
PublicationDespite numerous experimental and computer simulation studies, a controversy still exists regarding the effect of osmolytes on the structure of surrounding water. There is a question, to what extent some of the contradictory results may arise from differences in potential models used to simulate the system or parameters employed to describe physical properties of the mixture and interpretation of the results. Bearing this in mind,...
The hydrogen bond network structure within the hydration shell around simple osmolytes: Urea, tetramethylurea, and trimethylamine-N-oxide, investigated using both a fixed charge and a polarizable water model
PublicationDespite numerous experimental and computer simulation studies, a controversy still exists regarding the effect of osmolytes on the structure of surrounding water. There is a question, to what extent some of the contradictory results may arise from differences in potential models used to simulate the system or parameters employed to describe physical properties of the mixture and interpretation of the results. Bearing this in mind,...
Study of Aliphatic Polyurethanes by the Low-Field 1H NMR Relaxometry Method with the Inversion of the Integral Transformation
PublicationIn this paper, the distributions of the 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spin–lattice and spin–spin relaxation times are used to characterize the mobility of different sections of macromolecules of aliphatic polyurethanes and the cross-linking density of polymer chains. The NMR relaxometry method with inversion of integral transformation is applied to study the effect of poly (ethylene glycol) and glycerol phosphate calcium...
A DFT+U study of carbon nanotubes under influence of a gate voltage
PublicationA possibility of appearance of antiferromagnetic ordering in armchair carbon nanotubes and graphene is studied using density functional theory within a DFT+U approach. It is shown that the Coulomb repulsion between electrons in the -orbitals of graphene would need to reach a threshold value of ,...
Sonocatalytic degradation of tetracycline antibiotic using zinc oxide nanostructures loaded on nano-cellulose from waste straw as nanosonocatalyst
PublicationThe aim of the present investigation was the combination of ZnO nanostructures with nano-cellulose (NC) for the efficient degradation of tetracycline (TC) antibiotic under ultrasonic irradiation. The removal efficiency of 12.8% was obtained by the sole use of ultrasound (US), while the removal efficiency increased up to 70% by the US/ZnO treatment process. Due to the integration of ZnO nanostructures with NC, the removal efficiency...
Electrochemical Evaluation of the Compact and Nanotubular Oxide Layer Destruction under Ex Vivo Ti6Al4V ELI Transpedicular Screw Implantation
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Enhanced Activity and Sustained Release of Protocatechuic Acid, a Natural Antibacterial Agent, from Hybrid Nanoformulations with Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles
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Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Composite Used as Transducer Medias in Nitrate Ion-Selective Electrodes