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Search results for: HORNSUND
Modelling of the Svalbard fjord Hornsund
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Wind wave variability in Hornsund fjord, west Spitsbergen
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Multidecadal (1960-2011) shoreline changes in Isbjornhamna (Hornsund, Svalbard)
PublicationAsection of a gravel−dominated coast in Isbjørnhamna (Hornsund, Svalbard) was analysed to calculate the rate of shoreline changes and explain processes controlling coastal zone development over last 50 years. Between 1960 and 2011, coastal landscape of Isbjørn− hamna experienced a significant shift from dominated by influence of tide−water glacier and protected by prolonged sea−ice conditions towards storm−affected and rapidly...
Polarny wrzesień „Polska Stacja Polarna – Spitsbergen”. XXXIX Wyprawa Polarna, Hornsund 2016
PublicationW dniach od 6 września do 1 października 2016 roku uczestniczyłyśmy w XXXIX Wyprawie Polarnej Instytutu Geofizyki PAN. Ekspedycja naukowa ujęta była w programie badawczym zawartym w projekcie grantowym finansowanym przez NCN, pt. „Badanie modyfikacji chemizmu wód zlewni rzeki Revelvy (obszar fiordu Hornsund, Spitsbergen) przez zanieczyszczenia antropogeniczne przy zróżnicowanym zasilaniu przez wody atmosferyczne”.
Characteristics of Anthropogenic Pollution in the Atmospheric Air of South-Western Svalbard (Hornsund, Spring 2019)
PublicationThe character of atmospheric pollution and its impact on surface waters may vary substantially in space, and hence, we add a potentially important location for the studies of atmospheric air pollution to the map of the High Arctic. We have investigated the anthropogenic particle characteristics and selected persistent organic pollutant concentrations, in a priorly unmonitored location in the Arctic (Svalbard), exposed to a climatic...
Microbiological Survey in Two Arctic Fjords: Total Bacterial Number and Biomass Comparison of Hornsund and Kongsfjorden
PublicationTwo microbiological parameters: total bacterial number (TBN) and biomass (BBM) were studied in two Arctic fjords: Hornsund and Kongsfjorden. Samples were collected from three sampling points in each fjord, from various water depth layers: from the surface to 75 m depth. Total bacterial number and biomass were examined using the DAPI staining and direct count method. The greater amount of bacteria, as well as highest bacterial biomass...
Microbiological Survey in Two Arctic Fjords: Total Bacterial Number and Biomass Comparison of Hornsund and Kongsfjorden
PublicationTwo microbiological parameters: total bacterial number (TBN) and biomass (BBM) were studied in two Arctic fjords: Hornsund and Kongsfjorden. Samples were collected from three sampling points in each fjord, from various water depth layers: from the surface to 75 m depth. Total bacterial number and biomass were examined using the DAPI staining and direct count method. The greater amount of bacteria, as well as highest bacterial biomass...
Microbiological Survey in Two Arctic Fjords: Total Bacterial Number and Biomass Comparison of Hornsund and Kongsfjorden
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Comparison of bacterial production in the water column between two Arctic fjords, Hornsund and Kongsfjorden (West Spitsbergen)
PublicationBacterial production and the accompanying environmental factors were measured in the water columns of two Arctic fjords during the cruise in July and August 2013. Water samples were collected at six stations located in the central part of Hornsund and Kongsfjorden. In Hornsund, where average water temperatures were 1.25-fold lower than in Kongsfjorden, the bacterial production was twice as high (0.116 ± 0.102 vs 0.05 ± 0.03 mg...
Determination of selected chemical parameters in surface water samples collected from the Revelva catchment (Hornsund fjord, Svalbard)
PublicationSurface water samples (river and lake) were collected from the Revelva catchment every summer from 2010 to 2013. This study concerns importance of the use of some analytical techniques for pollutants and parameters deter- mination in Arctic environmental samples based on the example of total organic carbon, phenols, and formaldehyde determination and measurement of pH and electrical conductivity parameters. Significant...
Spatial Differences in the Chemical Composition of Surface Water in the Hornsund Fjord Area: A Statistical Analysis with A Focus on Local Pollution Sources
PublicationSurface catchments in Svalbard are sensitive to external pollution, and yet what is frequently considered external contamination may originate from local sources and natural processes. In this work, we analyze the chemical composition of surface waters in the catchments surrounding the Polish Polar Station in Svalbard, Hornsund fjord area. We have pooled unpublished and already published data describing surface water composition...
Impact of Volcanic Eruptions on the Occurrence of PAHs Compounds in the Aquatic Ecosystem of the Southern Part of West Spitsbergen (Hornsund Fjord, Svalbard)
PublicationThe paper presents changes in concentration levels of dioxin-like compounds that can be observed over the course of four study seasons in water samples collected from the Arctic watershed of Svalbard. The conducted analysis involved anthropogenic and natural factors that may affect the concentration of PAHs in the study samples of water. An attempt is made to indicate the emission source of the compounds being deposited and to...
The Research of the Contamination Levels present in Samples of Precipitation and Surface Waters Collected from the Catchment Area Fuglebekken (Hornsund, Svalbard Archipelago)
PublicationPersistent organic pollutants (POPs) are contaminants that may appear in polar regions. In present work surface water was collected from the main stream water in the Fuglebekken basin. The precipitationsamples was collected from the near area by Polish Polar Station in Hornsund. The present investigationreveals the results of the analysis of these samples for their total phenols, formaldehyde, TOC, PAHs and PCBs content. The...
The research of the contamination levels present in samples of precipitation and surface waters collected from the catchment area Fuglebekken (Hornsund, Svalbard Archipelago)
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Zróżnicowanie bakterioplanktonu w wodach fiordów Spitsbergenu
PublicationPodczas rejsu polarnego latem 2013 roku w ramach projektów naukowych GAME i FACE2FACE zebrano materiał badawczy w dwóch fiordach Spitsbergenu: południowym Hornsund i północnym Kongsfjord. Punkty poboru próbek zlokalizowane były wzdłuż osi fiordów oraz w trójkącie o boku około 1,5 km wyznaczonym przez stacje w głębi fiordów. W zależności od punktu pobrano wodę z od 6 do 10 głębokości: od powierzchni do dna fiordu. Za pomocą fluorescencyjnego...
Wyprawa Polarna AREX 2017
PublicationW dniach od 26 lipca do 5 sierpnia 2017 roku uczestniczyłam w XXXI Wyprawie Polarnej Instytutu Oceanologii PAN AREX 2017 na Spitsbergen. Obszarem prowadzenia badań był Fiord Hornsund, a celem wyprawy było między innymi pobranie próbek wody do analiz chemicznych i mikrobiologicznych.
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) as an indicator of surface water quality in the vicinity of the Polish Polar Station, Horsund
PublicationSurface waters were collected in the vicinity of the Polish Polar Station in Hornsund (Svalbard) to determine their concentration of various persistent organic pollutants (POPs), such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). In addition, parameters such as pH, SEC and TOC were measured. In total, 15 samples of lake water from and 15 samples of stream water were analysed. The sampling took...
Zobaczyć – rozpoznać – zrozumieć Wizualizacja jako metoda upowszechniania wiedzy
PublicationOpracowanie jest efektem zetknięcia dwóch perspektyw badawczych: nauk przyrodniczych (np. mikrobiologia, biotechnologia, inżynieria środowiska i zasobów naturalnych, oceanologia) z naukami humanistyczno-społecznymi (studia wizualne, geografia kulturowa, studia miejskie). Konieczność takiego zestawienia naukowych punktów widzenia i języków stanowi konsekwencję odmiennych doświadczeń zdobytych przez autorki podczas prowadzenia badań...
Organic Pollution in Surface Waters from the Fuglebekken Basin in Svalbard, Norwegian Arctic
PublicationThe Fuglebekken basin is situated in the southern part of the island of Spitsbergen (Norwegian Arctic), on the Hornsund fjord (Wedel Jarlsberg Land). Surface water was collected from 24 tributaries (B1-B24) and from the main stream water in the Fuglebekken basin (25) between 10 July 2009 and 30 July 2009. The present investigation reveals the results of the analysis of these samples for their PAH and PCB content. Twelve of 16 PAHs...
Sea spray as a secondary source of chlorinated persistent organic pollutants? - Conclusions from a comparison of seven fresh snowfall events in 2019 and 2021
PublicationSecondary sources of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) gain in importance worldwide as primary sources decline. In this work, we aim to determine whether sea spray may be a secondary source of chlorinated POPs to the terrestrial Arctic, since a similar mechanism was proposed there only for the more water-soluble POPs. To this end, we have determined polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides concentrations in fresh...
The role of atmospheric precipitation in introducing contaminants to the surface waters of the Fuglebekken catchment, Spitsbergen.
PublicationAlthough the Svalbard Archipelago is located at a high latitude, far from potential contaminant sources, it is not free from anthropogenic impact. Towards the Fuglebekken catchment, in the southern part of Spitsbergen, north of Hornsund fjord, contaminants can be transported from mainland pollution sources. In the precipitation and surface water collected in the catchment, the following elements were detected and quantified: Ag,...
A High-Arctic flow-through lake system hydrochemical changes: Revvatnet, southwestern Svalbard (years 2010–2018)
PublicationLake ecosystems are strongly coupled to features of their surrounding landscapes such as geomorphology, lithology, vegetation and hydrological characteristics. In the 2010–2018 summer seasons, we investigated an Arctic flow-through lake system Revvatnet, located in the vicinity of the coastal zone of Hornsund fjord in Svalbard, characterising its hydrological properties and the chemical composition of its waters. The lake system...
Investigation on the Sources and Impact of Trace Elements in the Annual Snowpack and the Firn in the Hansbreen (Southwest Spitsbergen)
PublicationWe present a thorough evaluation of the water soluble fraction of the trace element composition (Ca, Sr, Mg, Na, K, Li, B, Rb, U, Ni, Co, As, Cs, Cd, Mo, Se, Eu, Ba, V, Ge, Ga, Cr, Cr, P, Ti, Mn, Zr, Ce, Zn, Fe, Gd, Y, Pb, Bi, Yb, Al, Nb, Er, Nd, Dy, Sm, Ho, Th, La, Lu, Tm, Pr, Tb, Fe, In, Tl) and their fluxes in the annual snowpack and the firn of the Hansbreen (a tidewater glacier terminating in the Hornsund fjord, southwest...
Seasonal variability and morphological structure of bacteria in the Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Antarctic).
PublicationIntroduction: The aim of investigations was to state whether melting glaciers cause mass mortality of the sea stenohalyne organisms, what in consequence can lead to an increase of accumulation and growth of psychrophilic bacteria. It may be also that fresh melting water is unfavourable to the sea bacteria and front glacier's regions are not the areas of their intensive development. Methods: Field investigations were done in Admiralty...