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PublicationThe scope of Polish macro-economic data for assessing the level of socio-economic development of the country is largely limited because of the regional variation. Therefore there is a need for cyclic selection and the verification of criteria which allow identifying regions with a similar level of socio-economic development or those that clearly differ from the mean values. The aim of the study is to compare Poland’s provinces...
Poles Social Capital and Socio-Economic Development
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Entrepreneurial environment at regional level: the case of Polish path towards sustainable socio-economic development
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Analysis of the impact of socio-economic development on road safety based on the example of Baltic Sea Region countries
PublicationBaltic Sea Region (BSR) is a specific region of Europe, bringing together countries with different levels of socio-economic development. The main common point is territorial access to the Baltic Sea and the importance of maritime transport in the transportation of goods. The region consists of 9 countries, including Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia (more specifically, Kaliningrad...
Economic Crisis, Trust and Socio-Economic Aspects of Sustainable Development
PublicationW artykule podjęto tematykę relacji pomiędzy kryzysem ekonomicznym i kryzysem zaufania. Omówiono elementy kreujące i destruktywne w procesie budowy zaufania w gospodarce. Przedstawiono konsekwencje wynikające z zachowań uczestników procesów ekonomicznych oraz relacje zachodzące pomiędzy statusem materialnym inwestorów, a akceptowaniem przez nich wyższego poziomu ryzyka i spadkiem zaufania do systemu ekonomicznego. Wskazano istotność...
Socio-economic exclusion as a hindrance of economic development. A comparative study for European countries
PublicationThe paper consists of multidimentional analysis of social and economic exclusions which are treated as main barriers for economic development. This complex study covers all European countries. The timespan is set for 2004-2011
Socio-Economic Transformations in Ukraine towards the Sustainable Development of Agriculture
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Sustainable Investing. Socio-Economic Impacts of Exchange-Traded Funds
PublicationSustainable Investing: Socio-Economic Impacts of Exchange-Traded Funds examines the social and economic effects of sustainable investing ETFs and their impacts on the global financial system. The book presents the key issues with regard to sustainable investing, discussing exchange-traded funds mechanisms and categories in comparison to competing investment funds. The book outlines the theoretical determinants of ETF markets development...
Analysis of road accident causes in the voivodships in the years 2014-2021 in the aspect of socio-economic costs – towards the implementation of sustainable development
PublicationThe article addresses the topic of road safety. The objective of the research was to assess road accidents caused by voivodships. The analysis took account of the socio-economic differences in the voivodships, which deter-mine the unit costs of fatalities and injuries. A descriptive analysis is given to show the dynamics of changes in the years 2014-2021 in the voivodships and how different factors influenced change. The article...
Market and state in socio-economic order: a brief review of theories
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Health-related Quality of Life and Socio-economic Status of the Unemployed
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Socio-economic conditions of physical activity of manual workers from Wrocław
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Socio-economic research in protected areas of the Euroregion Pomerania: Visitor satisfaction, economic impacts and park–people relationships
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PublicationThe article is devoted to a thorough study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the essence of the transformation of socio-economic relations of the national economy. Based on the study of scientific sources, a proper definition of the concept of "transformation of socio-economic relations" was formed. It is proposed to consider transformational processes from the point of view of their direct or indirect impact...
Household standards and socio-economic aspects as a factor determining energy consumption in the city
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Information and Communication Technologies for Economic Development
PublicationThis chapter is intended to explain why and how information and communication technologies may affect the process of socio-economic development, especially with regard to economically backward economies. It sheds light on why technological changes constitute prerequisites enabling advancements along the socio-economic development pattern. It is also designed to exhibit the special relevance of information and communication technologies...
The role of investments in economic development
PublicationIn the modern world, one may observe diversification of economies of given countries. Many of them, considered to be less developed,are aspiring to diminish the gap between them and well developed countries, one of such countries is Poland, which is trying hard to boots its competitive position in the worldwide market and achieve the constant and well-balanced development. It can be attained by building knowledge economy. Therefore,...
Identification of chemical pollution problems and causes in the Baltic See in relation to socio-economic drivers
PublicationOpisano możliwość wykorzystania nowego narzędzia do zintegrowanej oceny stanu środowiska w akwenie Morza Bałtyckiego. Takie możliwości stwarza narzędzie znane jako DPSIR czyli Drivers (sfery działalności człowieka będące źródłem potencjalnych zznieczyszczeń)-Pressures (ksenobiotyki i specyficzne czynniki szkodliwe emitowane do środowiska)-Stata (stann środowiska)- Impact (efekty niekorzystego oddziaływania na część ożywioną i nieożywioną...
The spatial distribution of urban community gardens and their associated socio-economic status in Tehran, Iran
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Sustainable Development of Socio-cultural Capital in the City Divided by Border
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Physical activity and socio-economic status of single and married urban adults: a cross-sectional study
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Technological progress and its contribution to economic development
PublicationArtykuł stanowi analizę zależności pomiędzy poziom rozwoju i wdrożenia technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych w kraju z poziomem jego rozwoju gospodarczego.
Does technology matter in economic development and why?
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Społeczno-gospodarcza aktywizacja małych miast w powiecie braniewskim = SOCIO-ECONOMIC ACTIVATION OF TOWNS IN BRANIEWO DISTRICT
PublicationStreszczenie Okres ponad 20. lat działalności lokalnych samorządów w Polsce okazał się niewystarczający dla przeprowadzenia w małych miastach niezbędnych zmian społecznych, gospodarczych i przestrzennych. W tym czasie z trudem wzrastał poziom obywatelskiej świadomości, lokalnego partnerstwa i aktywności w życiu publicznym. Społeczności miały możliwość angażowania się w miejscowe działania i współdecydowania o sprawach rozwoju gospodarczego,...
ICT-driven economic and financial development. Analyses of European countries
PublicationICT-Driven Economic and Financial Development: Analyses of European Countries demonstrates the effects of ICT diffusion on economic, social and financial development by examining their impact on the structure and dynamics of national economies. It provides the insight into shifts observed in labour markets, international trade activities productivity factors, education and use of innovative financial products. It combines empirical...
Export diversification and economic development: a dynamic spatial data analysis
PublicationThis paper contributes to the empirical literature on the relationship between ‘export variety’ (export diversification) and economic development by relaxing the assumption of cross-country independence and allowing for spatial diffusion of shocks in observed and unobserved factors. Export variety is measured for a balanced panel of 114 countries (1992-2012) using very detailed information on their exports (HS 6-digit product...
Export diversification and economic development: A dynamic spatial data analysis
PublicationThis paper contributes to the empirical literature on the relationship between “export variety” (export diversification) and economic development by relaxing the assumption of cross-country independence and allowing for spatial diffusion of shocks in observed and unobserved factors. Export variety is measured for a balanced panel of 114 countries (1992–2012) using very detailed information on their exports (HS 6-digit product level)....
Analysis of the Interdependence between the Economic Growth and the Development of the Railway Sector
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Development of Transport as a Factor of the Economic Miracle (Wirtschaftswunder) of West Germany
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Multidimentional innovation as a driver of economic development. European country study
PublicationArtykuł stanowi analizę innowacyjności w ujęciu wielowymiarowym, jako jednym z głównych czynników poziomu rozwoju gospodarczego kraju. Autorzy wykorzystują Summary Innovation Index jako miary wielowymiarowje innowacyjnosci kraju. Zdefiniowane zostaje pojęcie luki innowacyjnej.
Are women importanf for economic development? Women`s participation in the labor market and their contribution to economic growth in 83 countries.
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia ilościowe zależności między partycypacją kobiet w rynku pracy a wzrostem i rozwojem gospodarczym. Analiza została przeprowadzona dla 83 krajów świata w latach 1990-2011.
Product diversification, relative specialisation and economic development: import-export analysis.
PublicationThis paper contributes to trade diversification literature by comparing changes in relative (i.e. assessed in comparison with world patterns) heterogeneity of import and export structures in the process of economic development. In particular, by focusing on the diversification of imports, we add a missing piece to already analysed export trends. We use highly disaggregated trade statistics (4963 product lines) for 163 countries...
Relative product diversification in the course of economic development: import-export analysis.
PublicationThis paper contributes to trade diversification literature by comparing changes in relative (i.e. assessed in comparison with world patterns) heterogeneity of import and export structures in the process of economic development. In particular, by focusing on the diversification of imports, we add a missing piece to already analysed export trends. We use highly disaggregated trade statistics (4963 product lines) for 163 countries...
Historical, technical and economic aspects of biogas development: Case Polanda and Ukraine
PublicationThe paper describes 3700 years of biogas manufacture with more details of last 120 years. Due to V. Omelianskij׳s researches 120 years ago, Ukrainians achieved a share in biogas manufacture in the overall biogas development. Poland started to take part in biogas development 96 years ago by finishing biogas plant in Posen 1928. History and current status of biogas plants achievements are collected and analyzed. Faults and achievements...
Product diversification, relative specialisation and economic development: Import–export analysis
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The European Union’s Economic Development Strategy and Cooperation with the Countries of Central Asia
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The Sustainable Development and Economic Impact of China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Ethiopia
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Editorial: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Socio-economic systems in the post-pandemic world: Design thinking, strategic planning, management, and public policy
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ICT Diffusion Trajectories and Economic Development: Empirical Evidence for 46 Developing Countries
PublicationIn economic theory, technology is treated as a crucial factor contributing significantly to economic development. Seminal works of Schumpeter (Theory of economic development. Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, 1934, J Econ Hist 7:149–159, 1947), Baumol (Am Econ Rev 76:1072–1084, 1986), Gerschenkron (Economic backwardness in economic perspective. Belknap Press, Cambridge, MA, 1962) or Abramovitz (J Econ Hist 46(2):385–406, 1986)...
Enhancing Economic Development Through ICT-Based Governance: Evidence for Developing Countries
Publicationhis shows novel empirical evidence on how e-government solutions enhance the emergence of inclusive societies, increase institutional quality, and through that channels dynamize economic development in developing countries. With this aim we examine digital development inequalities adopting 2 core ICT indicators: mobile cellular telephony and Internet users; and gross per capita income and Human Development Index to show the level...
How Does International Competitiveness Affect Economic Development? A Two-Phase Hypothesis
PublicationThis paper analyses the impact of international competitiveness on economic development, based on the World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) and GDP/capita of 125 countries during the period 2007-2010. The results reveal two phases of the evolution of competitiveness. When GCI < 4.5 (on 1-7 scale), any improvement of a country’s competitiveness affects current development more than future development. When...
Does technology matter for economic development? Empirical evidence for Latin American Countries
PublicationThe spread of new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has been recognized worldwide. ICTs are broadly perceived as tools facilitating economic growth and development, especially in backward countries. They are easy and cheap to adopt, require minimum skills for effective use, and bring opportunities for disadvantaged societies. They enable education, knowledge dissemination and sharing, and processing and storing...
The Application Of Local Indicators For Categorical Data (LICD) In The Spatial Analysis Of Economic Development
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National income and economic development level - do these two go along together?
PublicationRozdział w monografii stanowi syntetyczną próbę oceny związków statystycznych zachodzacych pomiędzy poziom dochodu narodowego na 1 mieszkańca a poziom rozwoju gospodarczo-społecznego mierzonego wskaźnikiem HDI oraz PQLI. W analizie ujęto wszystkie te gospodarki świata dla których uzyskano kompletne dane statystyczne.
The European Union and Cultural, Economic and Political Development of Minority in Central and Eastern Europe
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Spatial allocation of nature-based solutions in the form of public green infrastructure in relation to the socio-economic district profile–a GIS-based comparative study of Gdańsk and Rome
PublicationWith increasing environmental and climate change threats to urban areas, Nature-based Solutions (NbS), including public greenery, are becoming integral components of green infrastructure (GI) networks. These solutions provide multiple benefits in different aspects, including stormwater management, enhanced air quality and improved societal well-being, offering cost-effective and adaptable alternatives to resource-intensive and...