Search results for: COLLABORATION
CBM Collaboration
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CBM Collaboration
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CBM Collaboration
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Collaboration within the Automotive Value Chain
PublicationThe paper describes new approach to supply chain management in the North American automotive industry, in part influenced by the Japanese model. To survive and prosper all automotive suppliers must face major challenges in supporting their customers including delivering innovative ideas, technology and quality with increasing speed, participating in every aspect of product development and producing entire systems. The authors describe...
Sustainability objectives and collaboration lifecycle in cluster organizations
PublicationIn our paper, we combine two issues, collaboration in cluster organizations and sustainability, aiming to answer the question: Does complex governance structure of cluster organizations support members in formulating and reaching sustainability objectives? Based on four case studies of cluster organizations and a still novel abductive approach, we present the ways in which sustainability was executed in their functioning. Our study...
PublicationThe dissertation focuses on the augmentation of proactive document - agents with built-in intelligence to recognize execution context provided by devices visited during a business process, and to reach collaboration agreement despite conflicting requirements. The proposed solution, based on intelligent bargaining using neural networks to improve simple multi-issue negotiation between the document and thedevice, requires practically...
Distributed Data Reduction through Agent Collaboration
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Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration
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International Journal of e-Collaboration
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Effective Collaboration of Entrepreneurial Teams—Implications for Entrepreneurial Education
PublicationIn the situation of a permanent change and increased competition, business ventures are more and more often undertaken not by individuals but by entrepreneurial teams. The main aim of this paper is to examine the team principles implemented by eective entrepreneurial teams and how they dier in nascent and established teams. We also focused on the relationship between the implementation of these rules by entrepreneurial team members...
Using Moodle as a Solution to Interdisciplinary E-collaboration Issues
PublicationRapid technological development in recent years has contributed to numerous changes in many areas of life, including education and communication. Establishing interdisciplinary collaboration brings many benefits, however, it is often associated with numerous problems and inconveniences, as well as the need of constant improvement, lifelong learning, professional development (CPD) and finding an effective way of information transferring....
The Cultures of Knowledge Organizations: Knowledge, Learning, Collaboration (KLC)
PublicationThis book focuses on seeing, understanding, and learning to shape an organization’s essential cultures. The book is grounded on a fundamental assumption that every organization has a de facto culture. These “de facto cultures” appear at first glance to be serendipitous, vague, invisible, and unmanaged. An invisible and unrecognized de facto culture can undermine business goals and strategies and lead to business failures. The authors...
International collaboration of Polish research entities in a territorial context
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Interdisciplinary e-collaboration tools / Narzędzia interdyscyplinarnej e-współpracy
PublicationW projektach interdyscyplinarnych niezwykle ważnym czynnikiem jest aktywne konsultowanie i bezpośrednie zastosowanie relatywnie nowo powstałej dziedziny zwanej współpracą interdyscyplinarną. Nawiązywanie interdyscyplinarnej współpracy przynosi wiele korzyści, jednakże niejednokrotnie wiąże się z licznymi problemami i niedogodnościami, a także koniecznością ciągłego doszkalania się i rozszerzania kompetencji zawodowych. Na podstawie...
A simple model for automated negotiations over collaboration agreements in ebXML
PublicationPoważnym ograniczeniem w upowszechnianiu standardu ebXML(elektronicznego obiegu dokumentów)jest możliwość występowania konfliktu pomiędzy partnerami transakcji. W artykule zaproponowano prosty mechanizm umożliwiający rozstrzyganie takich konfliktów w drodze automatycznie realizowanych negocjacji, którego wdrożenie pozwoli znacznie rozszerzyć zakres stosowania standardu ebXML.
Attitudes towards Collaboration in Multicultural Teams in the opinion of Polish and Chinese Students
PublicationThe main goal of this paper is to present results of research that addresses the issue of attitudes towards working in both multicultural and single culture teams among Polish and Chinese students. The relationship between those attitudes and factors that includes individual experiences of research participants as well as characteristics of team tasks was analyzed. The research was conducted with students of one Polish and one...
How digital platforms support public values through government-citizen collaboration?
PublicationDigital platforms are becoming a popular means of multi-sided interactions between public institutions and their constituents. By enabling information sharing, consultation, and other forms of government-citizen collaboration, they facilitate co-decision-making and co-creation. Although digital platforms are not, the mechanism through which they can create public value, although important for government institutions and citizens...
medVC — A remote collaboration solution enhanced with cloud services and future internet capacities
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Scientific Collaboration, Citation and Topic Analysis of International Conference on Agile Software Development Papers
PublicationThe International Conference on Agile Software Development (XP) was established almost sixteen years ago. Based on data from Scopus database, a total of 789 papers have been published in between years of 2002 and 2018. We employed bibliometrics analysis and topic modeling with R/RStudio to analyze these published papers from various dimensions, including the most active authors, collaboration of authorship, most cited papers, used...
D’une collaboration interprofessionnelle à l’interdisciplinarité : Interdépendance dans la formation professionnalisante qatarienne
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Creating a more conscious built environment for day- and night-time setting through interdisciplinary collaboration
PublicationThe last decades have seen an increase in the speed, scale and scope of urbanisation, fundamentally shifting the character of the built environment and engendering a radical search for new and resilient design practices. Although we, as society, live in the age of technology, inventions and almost unlimited access to information, we rarely use these opportunities to our advantage to improve the quality of life. It seems that multidisciplinary...
<title>Search for optical flashes accompanying gamma ray bursts Pi of the Sky collaboration</title>
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Interdyscyplinary collaboration of Polish universities. The case of egocentric network analysis of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin
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Virtual Tumor Mapping: A New Standard for Surgeon–Pathologist Collaboration in Treating Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
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Collaboration between a proportional-derivative and a model-based controllers in case of a variable mass redundantly articulated manipulators
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano wyniki analizy numerycznej dynamiki złożonego układu mechatroniczego. Częścią mechaniczną analizowanego układu jest manipulator sterowany nadmiarowo. Rozważania ograniczono do analizy płaskiego manipulatora równoległego. Część sterująca to układ sterowania (regulacji) z modelem. Analizowane zadanie polega na wymuszeniu ruchu wzdłuż zadanej trajektorii. Problemy związane ze sterowaniem prowadzą nas do pierwszego...
On efficient collaboration between lawyers and software engineers when transforming legal regulations to law-related requirements
PublicationAby zapewnić zgodność systemów informatycznych z prawem, konieczna jest współpraca pomiędzy prawnikami a informatykami. W referacie przedstawiono opis problemów dotyczących przekształcania przepisów prawa na wymagania względem systemu z perspektywy prawnika i informatyka. Zaprezentowano również ideę przestrzeni wspólnych informacji umożliwiających efektywną współpracę oraz proces, który integruje analizę wymagań wynikających z...
Love your mistakes!—they help you adapt to change. How do knowledge, collaboration and learning cultures foster organizational intelligence?
PublicationPurpose: The study aims to determine how the acceptance of mistakes is related to adaptability to change in a broad organizational context. Therefore it explores how knowledge, collaboration, and learning culture (including “acceptance of mistakes”) might help organizations overcome their resistance to change. Methodology: The study uses two sample groups: students aged 18–24 (330 cases) and employees aged >24 (326 cases) who work...
External electron donor and transporter of iron triggers the paths to enhancing collaboration of anammox and denitrification in granular sludge: Bacterial resilience and synergetic promotion mechanism
PublicationAutotrophic nitrogen removal via anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) technology currently faces sig nificant challenges in treating low-strength wastewater due to inefficient retention of bacteria and unstable activity under fluctuating conditions. This study demonstrates enhanced resilience and stability of anammox coupled with partial denitrification (PD) in granular sludge, assisted by ferric iron (Fe(III)) and nano zero-valent iron...
Virtual team collaboration - Spring'25
e-Learning CoursesObjectives of the course include introducing non-algorithmic distributed computation models, indicating new trends in IT driving the development of the information society and demonstrating in practice several applications which represent basic classes of distributed interactive systems.
Virtual team collaboration - Spring'24
e-Learning CoursesObjectives of the course include introducing non-algorithmic distributed computation models, indicating new trends in IT driving the development of the information society and demonstrating in practice several applications which represent basic classes of distributed interactive systems.
El empleo en el marco de la transformación digital: Gig Economy vs Open Collaboration ¿dos caras de una misma moneda?
PublicationTal y como plantea Pérez [43, 44], estamos viviendo los efectos de una revolución tecnológica ligada al desarrollo de las TICs. Los procesos de innovación, describe, se retroalimentan colectivamente, involucrando diferentes actores (productores, proveedores, distribuidores y consumidores) entrelazados en clústeres o redes dinámicas y complejas. Estos procesos colectivos ayudan a desarrollar e implementar tecnologías y magnifican...
Projekt Przestrzeni Edukacyjnej - collaboration with Tel Aviv- Elective Design
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International Symposium on Open Collaboration (International Symposiums on Wikis [WIKISYM])
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Urban lighting masterplan – origins, definitions, methodologies and collaborations
PublicationAwareness of the significance and benefits of properly designed urban lighting masterplans has been growing since the early 21 st century. There are many factors driving this notable change, such as developments in lighting technology, energy conservation, city branding design and economics, environmental impacts, human health and wellbeing, and people-oriented sociological aspects. As the profession of ‘independent urban lighting...
CMS Physics Technical Design Report, Volume II: Physics Performance
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Performance and operation of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter
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Precise mapping of the magnetic field in the CMS barrel yoke using cosmic rays
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Performance of the CMS hadron calorimeter with cosmic ray muons and LHC beam data
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Performance of CMS muon reconstruction in cosmic-ray events
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CMS data processing workflows during an extended cosmic ray run
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Identification and filtering of uncharacteristic noise in the CMS hadron calorimeter
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Commissioning of the CMS experiment and the cosmic run at four tesla
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Alignment of the CMS silicon tracker during commissioning with cosmic rays
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Performance of the CMS drift-tube chamber local trigger with cosmic rays
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Time reconstruction and performance of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter
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Performance of the CMS cathode strip chambers with cosmic rays
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Calibration of the CMS drift tube chambers and measurement of the drift velocity with cosmic rays
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Measurement of the muon stopping power in lead tungstate
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Performance study of the CMS barrel resistive plate chambers with cosmic rays
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Alignment of the CMS muon system with cosmic-ray and beam-halo muons