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Search results for: melt flow index
Balance errors generated by numerical diffusion in the solution of non-linear open channel flow equations
PublicationThe paper concerns the untypical aspect of application of the dissipative numerical methods to solve nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equations used in open channel hydraulics. It is shown that in some cases the numerical diffusion generated by the applied method of solution produces not only inaccurate solution but as well as a balance error. This error may occur even for an equation written in the conservative form not...
PublicationLabyrinth seals are an important element of a steam turbine set design. The use of diagnostic extraction makes it possible to control the operation of a seal by providing information on the thermodynamic parameters along the length of the seal. Diagnostic extraction has a considerable impact on the change of the parameters, the amount of the extracted mass. This article describes the dependence of pressure in the clearance downstream...
Conditions for increasing the recognition of degradation in thermal-flow diagnostics, taking into account environmental legal aspects
PublicationThe ever-increasing demand for electricity and the need for conventional sources to cooperate with renewable ones generates the need to increase the efficiency and safety of the generation sources. Therefore, it is necessary to find a way to operate existing facilities more efficiently with full detection of emerging faults. These are the requirements of Polish, European and International law, which demands that energy facilities...
Continuous blood pressure monitoring by photoplethysmography - signal preprocessing requirements based on blood flow modelling
PublicationObjective. The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of the signal sampling frequency and low-pass filtering on the accuracy of the localisation of the fiducial points of the photoplethysmographic signal (PPG), and thus on the estimation of the blood pressure (i.e. the accuracy of the estimation). Approach. Statistical analysis was performed on 3,799 data samples taken from a publicly available database. Four PPGfiducial...
PublicationLabyrinth seals are an important element of a steam turbine set design. The use of diagnostic extraction makes it possible to control the operation of a seal by providing information on the thermodynamic parameters along the length of the seal. Diagnostic extraction has a considerable impact on the change of the parameters, the amount of the extracted mass. This article describes the dependence of pressure in the clearance downstream...
Nitrogen removal in vertical flow constructed wetlands: influence of bed depth and high nitrogen loadings
PublicationThe aim of the study was to evaluate the nitrogen removal and its effects on the plant’s growth and leaves morphology. using two subsurface vertical flow (VF bed), with different depths (0.24 m2 × 0.70 m; 0.24 m2 × 0.35 m) and nitrogen load increments. The VF bed were planted with Vetiveria zizanioides, filled with light expanded clay aggregates (Leca®NR 10/20) and fed in parallel mode with synthetic wastewater. High ammonium nitrogen...
Experimental and numerical simulations of flow and heat transfer in heatexchanger elements using liquid crystal thermography.
PublicationPrzedstawienie koncepcji badań eksperymentalnych i numerycznych oraz ich wyników podczas wymiany ciepła w modelach klasycznych i płytowych wymienników ciepła w warunków przepływów przejściowych i turbulentnych.
Implicit versus explicit finite volume schemes for extreme, free surface water flow modelling.
PublicationPrzedstawiono jeden jawny i trzy niejawne schematy metody objętości skończonych. Porównano własności tych schematów oraz oceniono możliwości ich stosowania do modelowania gwałtownych przepływów w kanałach otwartych. Zaproponowano modyfikację schematu niejawnego. Poprawiony schemat może być stosowany do obliczeń przepływu szybkozmiennego w kanałach otwartych i w sieciach kanalizacyjnych.
Analytical-numerical approach to solve the transport equation for steady gradually varied flow in open channel
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę rozwiązania równania transportu adwekcyjno-dyfuzyjnego w przypadku ustalonego niejednostajnego przepływu w kanałach otwartych. Metoda wykorzystuje technikę dekompozycji. Do rozwiązania równania adwekcji-dyfuzji zastosowano analityczne rozwiązanie w postaci odpowiedzi impulsowej liniowego równania adwekcji-dyfuzji. Dokonano adaptacji metody dla przypadku ze zmiennymi parametrami. Do rozwiązania drugiej...
A semi-empirical method for calculation of heat transfer coefficient in flow boiling for conventional tubes and minichannels
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono zagadnienia któe należy uwzględnić podczas modelowania wymiany ciepła z wrzeniem w przepływie w kanałach o małej średnicy. Uzyskano dobrą zgodność z wynikami badań eksperymentalnych.
Application of electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) to measurement of sand concentration changes during silo flow
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki doświadczeń pomiaru zmian koncentracji materiału granulowanego podczas przepływu silosowego. Zmiany zostały pomierzone przy pomocy tomografu. Doświadczenia wykonano w silosie cylindrycznym dla 2 różnych szorstkości ścian.
Investigations of shear localization during granular silo flow with non-local hypoplastic Constitutive Model
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki numerycznej analizy lokalizacji odkształceń w materiałach granulowanych podczas przepływu w silosach. Obliczenia wykonano przy zastosowaniu metody elementów skończonych w podejściu ALE i mikropolarnego modelu hipoplastycznego. Pokazano wpływ szorstkości ścian silosu i zagęszczenia materiału sypkiego na typ lokalizacji.
Modeling of shear localization during confined granular flow in silos within non-local hypoplasticity.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki numerycznej analizy lokalizacji odkształceń w materiałach granulowanych podczas przepływu w silosach. Obliczenia wykonano przy zastosowaniu metody elementów skończonych i mikropolarnego modelu hipoplastycznego. Zastosowano podejście ALE. Pokazano wpływ szorstkości ścian silosu i zagęszczenia materiału sypkiego na typ lokalizacji.
Application of inserts for suppression of coupled dynamic-acoustic effects during confined granular flow in silos
PublicationArtykuł omawia sposoby redukcji efektów dynamiczno-akustycznych w silosach. Do redukcji zastosowano różne wkładki. Zbadano wpływ kształtu i liczby wkładek w doświadczeniach. Na podstawie wyników doświadczalnych opracowano metodę redukcji efektów dynamiczno-akustycznych w dużych stalowych silosach.
Investigations of vortex-structures in granular bodies based on DEM and Helmholtz-Hodge flow field decomposition
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki numeryczne dotyczące struktur wirowych w materiałach granulowanych. Obliczenia wykonano dla stanu pasywnego przemieszczającej się sztywnej ścianki. W symulacjach wykorzystano metodę elementów dyskretnych i dekompozycję Helmholtza/Hodge’a pola prędkości. Struktury wirowe okazały się znakomitym prekursorem lokalizacji odkształceń stycznych w materiałach granulowanych.
Consumption of dietary supplements to support weight reduction in adults according to sociodemographic background, body mass index, waist-hip ratio, body fat and physical activity
Publication -
Polyacrylamide substrate viscosity impact on temozolomide activity in glioblastoma cells by flow cytometry and rheological measurements
Open Research DataDataset includes raw data on cell lines LN-229 and LN-18 treated with temozolomide measured by flow cytometry, rheometry and cell projections. It also includes calculations necessary for creation of figures and conclusions based on those figures in the publication titiled: "Substrate viscosity impairs temozolomide-mediated inhibition of glioblastoma...
Results of implementation of Feed Forward Neural Networks for modeling of heat transfer coefficient during flow condensation for low and high values of saturation temperature
Open Research DataThis database present results of implementation of Feed Forward Neural Networks for modeling of heat transfer coefficient during flow condensation for low and high values of saturation temperature. Databse contain one table and 7 figures.
Jacek Rak dr hab. inż.
PeopleJacek Rak uzyskał stopień doktora habilitowanego nauk technicznych w dyscyplinie telekomunikacji (specjalność: teleinformatyka) w 2016 r., a stopień doktora nauk technicznych w dyscyplinie informatyka w 2009 r. Obecnie jest pracownikiem naukowo-dydaktycznym Katedry Teleinformatyki Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej. Jego działalność naukowa koncentruje się w obszarze doboru tras, projektowania...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve with (C=4.4, b=0.42) and a air blow gun from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a air blow gun (with nozzle removed) arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve with (C=5.3, b=0.38) and a air blow gun from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a air blow gun (with nozzle removed) arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a directional control valve (C=5.5, b=0.37) and a silencer (C=1.4) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve (C=6.2, b=0.38) and a silencer (C=1.4) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure source...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve (C=3.3, b=0.40) and a silencer (C=3.0) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure source...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve (C=6.4, b=0.45) and a silencer (C=7.0) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure source...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve (C=4.4, b=0.42) and a silencer (C=3.0) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure source...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a directional control valve (C=2.0, b=0.11) and a silencer (C=3.4) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a directional control valve (C=2.4, b=0.26) and a silencer (C=1.4) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a directional control valve (C=2.4, b=0.26) and a silencer (C=6.8) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a directional control valve (C=2.0, b=0.11) and a silencer (C=7.0) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a directional control valve (C=5.5, b=0.37) and a silencer (C=7.0) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a directional control valve (C=2.0, b=0.11) and a silencer (C=3.0) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a directional control valve (C=2.1, b=0.14) and a silencer (C=3.0) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve (C=4.4, b=0.42) and a silencer (C=1.4) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure source...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve (C=5.3, b=0.38) and a silencer (C=3.4) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure source...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve (C=4.4, b=0.42) and a silencer (C=3.4) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure source...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve (C=6.4, b=0.45) and a silencer (C=3.0) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure source...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve (C=7.3, b=0.49) and a silencer (C=6.8) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure source...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a directional control valve (C=2.4, b=0.26) and a silencer (C=7.0) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a directional control valve (C=2.8, b=0.25) and a silencer (C=3.0) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a directional control valve (C=2.1, b=0.14) and a silencer (C=6.8) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a directional control valve (C=5.7, b=0.32) and a silencer (C=3.0) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve (C=3.3, b=0.40) and a silencer (C=7.0) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure source...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve (C=6.2, b=0.38) and a silencer (C=3.4) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure source...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve (C=5.3, b=0.38) and a silencer (C=6.8) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure source...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a directional control valve (C=5.5, b=0.37) and a silencer (C=3.0) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve (C=3.3, b=0.40) and a silencer (C=1.4) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure source...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve (C=7.3, b=0.49) and a silencer (C=3.0) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure source...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a directional control valve (C=2.0, b=0.11) and a silencer (C=1.4) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a directional control valve (C=5.7, b=0.32) and a silencer (C=6.8) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure...