Search results for: SOUND FIELD
CTD Gdańsk Deep_2001_2005
Open Research DataDataset includes measurements of conductivity (mS cm-1), temperature (°C), sound speed (m s-1) and salinity (PSU) made with the probe Falmouth Scientific Inc. The research was carried out in 2001 (at the turn of May and June), 2003 (beginning of May), 2005 (end of April) and in 2002 and 2004 (at the turn of September and October). In 2002, only temperature...
Distributed System For Noise Threat Evaluation Based On Psychoacoustic Measurements
PublicationAn innovative system designed for the continuous monitoring of acoustic climate of urban areas was presentedin the paper. The assessment of environmental threats is performed using online data, acquired through a grid ofengineered monitoring stations collecting comprehensive information about the acoustic climate of urban areas.The grid of proposed devices provides valuable data for the purpose of long and short time acoustic climateanalysis....
Inhomogeneity of low-noise wearing courses evaluated by tire/road noise measurements using the close-proximity method
PublicationPerforming numerous analyses of tire/road noise measurements on low-noise pavements during the last several years, the authors observed significant inhomogeneity of the wearing course in numerous cases, while similar problems were almost non-existent when dense pavements were measured. Three main causes of low-noise pavement inhomogeneity can be defined. The first one is imperfections in the technology used for asphalt mix production...
Combining MUSHRA Test and Fuzzy Logic in the Evaluation of Benefits of Using Hearing Prostheses
PublicationAssessing the effectiveness of hearing aid fittings based on the benefits they provide is crucial but intricate. While objective metrics of hearing aids like gain, frequency response, and distortion are measurable, they do not directly indicate user benefits. Hearing aid performance assessment encompasses various aspects, such as compensating for hearing loss and user satisfaction. The authors suggest enhancing the widely used...
Calibration of acoustic vector sensor based on MEMS microphones for DOA estimation
PublicationA procedure of calibration of a custom 3D acoustic vector sensor (AVS) for the purpose of direction of arrival (DoA) estimation, is presented and validated in the paper. AVS devices working on a p-p principle may be constructed from standard pressure sensors and a signal processing system. However, in order to ensure accurate DoA estimation, each sensor needs to be calibrated. The proposed algorithm divides the calibration process...
Comprehensive Investigation of Stoichiometry–Structure–Performance Relationships in Flexible Polyurethane Foams
PublicationPolyurethane (PU) foams are versatile materials with a broad application range. Their performance is driven by the stoichiometry of polymerization reaction, which has been investigated in several works. However, the analysis was often limited only to selected properties and compared samples differing in apparent density, significantly influencing their performance. In the bigger picture, there is still a lack of comprehensive studies...
Comprehensive Enhancement of Prepolymer-Based Flexible Polyurethane Foams’ Performance by Introduction of Cost-Effective Waste-Based Ground Tire Rubber Particles
PublicationMaterial innovations in polyurethane (PU) foams should ideally combine performance enhancement, environmental impact limitation, and cost reduction. These goals can be achieved by applying recycled or waste-based materials without broader industrial applications, implicating their low price. Herein, from 5 to 20 parts by weight of ground tire rubber (GTR) particles originated from the recycling of postconsumer car tires were incorporated...
Audio content analysis in the urban area telemonitoring system
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia możliwości rozwinięcie monitoringu miejskiego o automatyczną analizę dźwięku. Przedstawiono metody parametryzacji dźwięku, które możliwe są do zastosowania w takim systemie oraz omówiono aspekty techniczne implementacji. W kolejnej części przedstawiono system decyzyjny oparty na drzewach zastosowany w systemie. System ten rozpoznaje dźwięki niebezpieczne (strzał, rozbita szyba, krzyk) wśród dźwięków zarejestrowanych...
Musical inspiration in contemporary architecture - to build a music and to hear an architecture
PublicationThe goal of this research is chosen from a wide range of subjects within two fields of knowledge on the crossroads between music and architecture There are many designs in modern contemporary architecture that would illustrate the relationship between music and architecture, mainly through musical inspiration. The article shows contemporary musical and architectural discussion that cross over from the theoretical to the practical...
Some aspects of the constitutive modelling of natural fine grained soils
PublicationThe monograph deals with selected problems of the constitutive modelling of natural fine grained soils commonly known as clays. The main idea is not to propose a unified model which is capable of describing all known features of mechanical behaviour of fine grained soils. Instead, separate models are proposed describing the mechanical behaviour of heavily overconsolidated, lightly overconsolidated and normally consolidated clays....
Comprehensive evaluation of physical properties and carbon dioxide capacities of new 2-(butylamino)ethanol-based deep eutectic solvents
PublicationThe aim of this research was to assess the impact of the components of alkanolamine deep eutectic solvents (DESs) on the physical properties of those DESs and their carbon dioxide capacity. To achieve this goal, novel deep eutectic solvents were synthesized by using 2-(butylamino)ethanol (BAE) as the hydrogen bond donor (HBD), along with tetrabutylammonium bromide TBAB), tetrabutylammonium chloride (TBAC), or tetraethy- lammonium...
Decoding imagined speech for EEG-based BCI
PublicationBrain–computer interfaces (BCIs) are systems that transform the brain's electrical activity into commands to control a device. To create a BCI, it is necessary to establish the relationship between a certain stimulus, internal or external, and the brain activity it provokes. A common approach in BCIs is motor imagery, which involves imagining limb movement. Unfortunately, this approach allows few commands. As an alternative, this...
Role of buttering layer composition on microstructural heterogeneity and mechanical properties of Alloy 617 and P92 steel dissimilar welded joints for future Indian AUSC program
PublicationRestrictive operating conditions (even exceeding 700 °C) of materials in advanced ultra super critical (AUSC) power plants and the need to minimize manufacturing and maintenance costs require the production of dissimilar metal welded joints (DMW). Significant differences in the physical and chemical properties of welded materials lead to phenomena that reduce the weldability of the metals used and force the search for solutions...
Analysis of Lombard speech using parameterization and the objective quality indicators in noise conditions
PublicationThe aim of the work is to analyze Lombard speech effect in recordings and then modify the speech signal in order to obtain an increase in the improvement of objective speech quality indicators after mixing the useful signal with noise or with an interfering signal. The modifications made to the signal are based on the characteristics of the Lombard speech, and in particular on the effect of increasing the fundamental frequency...
Designing acoustic scattering elements using machine learning methods
PublicationIn the process of the design and correction of room acoustic properties, it is often necessary to select the appropriate type of acoustic treatment devices and make decisions regarding their size, geometry, and location of the devices inside the room under the treatment process. The goal of this doctoral dissertation is to develop and validate a mathematical model that allows predicting the effects of the application of the scattering...
Understanding ion–ion and ion–solvent interactions in aqueous solutions of morpholinium ionic liquids with N-acetyl-L-alaninate anion through partial molar properties and molecular dynamics simulations
PublicationAmino acid ionic liquids (AAILs) provide a low toxicity, biodegradable alternative to conventional ionic liquids, while also maintaining solubility in water. Densities and sound velocities of aqueous solutions of four amino acid ionic liquids (AAILs), based on the N-alkyl-N-methylmorpholinium ([Mor1,R], R = 2, 3, 6, 8) cation and N-acetyl-L-alaninate ([N-Ac-L-Ala]) anion were measured at T = (293.15–313.15) K and at atmospheric...
Multimedia System for Environmental Noise Monitoring. [Multimedialny System Monitorowania Hałasu Środowiskowego]
PublicationIntroductionNumerous reports relating to noise threats in Poland indicate that they occur commonly. The noise has an enormous impact on the health and life quality of the human beings. Noise pollution in Poland is greater than in others UE countries, moreover it has been increased recently. Taking into account 2002/49/WE directive related to the control and assessment of environmental noise a necessity of monitoring these threats...
Tuning Ferulic Acid Solubility in Choline-Chloride- and Betaine-Based Deep Eutectic Solvents: Experimental Determination and Machine Learning Modeling
PublicationDeep eutectic solvents (DES) represent a promising class of green solvents, offering particular utility in the extraction and development of new formulations of natural compounds such as ferulic acid (FA). The experimental phase of the study undertook a systematic investigation of the solubility of FA in DES, comprising choline chloride or betaine as hydrogen bond acceptors and six different polyols as hydrogen bond donors....
Quantum-classical calculations of the nanomechanical properties of metals
PublicationTradycyjnie symulacje komputerowe układów w skali atomowej prowadzone są przy użyciu klasycznej metody dynamiki molekularnej (MD) bądź kwantowych metod ab initio. Główną wadą ujęcia klasycznego jest jego empiryczna natura, a co za tym idzie - niewielka przenośność, jego prostota natomiast pozwala na przeprowadzanie symulacji układów zawierających miliony atomów. W wyniku zastosowania metod kwantowych otrzymuje się bardziej wiarygodne...