Search results for: Financial analysis
International Review of Financial Analysis
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Financial Analysis
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Financial Analysis exercises - New
e-Learning CoursesTo obtain theoretical and practical experience of financial and economic analysis. Methods of economic analysis: Elements of production and human resources analysis, tangible assets analysis, inventory analysis, which would enable to understand the business case, to measure them and find suitable decision. To obtain theoretical and practical experience of financial analysis.
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Financial Analysis (lectures, 2022)
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Financial Analysis (22/23)
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Financial Analysis (exercises 2025)
e-Learning Courses -
Financial Analysis (summer 2024)
e-Learning Courses -
Financial Analysis (summer 2025)
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Publication -
Sensitivity analysis of the contractor’s financial effects achieved on a single building site
Publication -
Financial Analysis exercises - New (copy)
e-Learning CoursesTo obtain theoretical and practical experience of financial and economic analysis. Methods of economic analysis: Elements of production and human resources analysis, tangible assets analysis, inventory analysis, which would enable to understand the business case, to measure them and find suitable decision. To obtain theoretical and practical experience of financial analysis.
Application of Diffusion Models in the Analysis of Financial Markets: Evidence on Exchange Traded Funds in Europe
PublicationExchange traded funds (ETFs) are financial innovations that may be considered as a part of the index financial instruments category, together with stock index derivatives. The aim of this paper is to explore the trajectories and formulates predictions regarding the spread of ETFs on the financial markets in six European countries. It demonstrates ETFs’ development trajectories with regard to stock index futures and options that...
A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of corporate bankruptcy prediction models based on financial ratios: Evidence from Colombia, 2008 to 2015
PublicationLogit and discriminant analyses have been used for corporate bankruptcy prediction in several studies since the last century. In recent years there have been dozens of studies comparing the several models available, including the ones mentioned above and also probit, artificial neural networks, support vector machines, among others. For the first time for Colombia, this paper presents a comparative analysis of the effectiveness...
Sustainable Rainwater Management Concept in a Housing Estate with a Financial Feasibility Assessment and Motivational Rainwater Fee System Efficiency Analysis
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Financial impact analysis of going public at the Warsaw Stock Exchange: Using Fuzzy Set Theory to understand behaviours of mature companies
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Investing in wine, precious metals and G-7 stock markets – A co-occurrence analysis for price bubbles
PublicationThis paper used the GSADF test to determine the periods defined in this paper as price bubbles in the three markets studied, i.e. the investment wine market, precious metal market and national stock market indices of G-7 countries. The results obtained enabled the calculation of the values of the phi correlation coefficients, which served the research objective of assessing the co-occurrence of price bubbles in the markets analysed....
Diamond investments – Is the market free from multiple price bubbles?
PublicationThe following study aims to investigate whether multiple price bubbles, in which the quoted market price of diamonds significantly deviates from their fundamental value, exist in the diamond market. It was conducted using ADF, SADF and GSADF tests, with the latter found to be an optimal form of evaluating the analysed issue. The presented results support the conclusion that the diamond market is not free from periods defined as...
Paper profits or real money? Trading costs and stock market anomalies in country ETFs
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Non-standard errors in the cryptocurrency world
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Cryptocurrency anomalies and economic constraints
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Price range and the cross-section of expected country and industry returns
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The Implementation of Fuzzy Logic in Forecasting Financial Ratios
PublicationThis paper is devoted to the issue of forecasting financial ratios. The objective of the conducted research is to develop a predictive model with the use of an innovative methodology, i.e., fuzzy logic theory, and to evaluate its effectiveness. Fuzzy logic has been widely used in machinery, robotics and industrial engineering. This paper introduces the use of fuzzy logic for the financial analysis of enterprises. While many current...
Reshaping financial systems: The role of ICT in the diffusion of financial innovations – Recent evidence from European countries
PublicationExchange-traded funds (ETFs) are among the fastest-growing types of innovative financial products. The emergence and spread of these instruments have been facilitated by the digital revolution. Information and communication technology (ICT) is profoundly reshaping the global economic landscape, laying solid foundations for unrestricted and unbounded flows of information and knowledge, eliminating information asymmetries, and furthering...
Financial Markets and Bankruptcy Systems: Is there a Relationship?
PublicationPurpose: Filling the cognitive gap in the theory of ex-post transaction costs, i.e., at the stage of enforcing market transactions by examining the relationship between friendliness/severity of the bankruptcy and restructuring law towards debtors, the level of development of financial markets, the effectiveness of the judicial system and the rate of debt recovery. Design/Methodology/Approach: In the research, the following methods...
Healthy financial system of local government on the example of Poland
Publicationhealthy local government financial system lays the foundation for the ability of local government units (LGUs) to carry out public tasks at the current qualitative and quantitative level and to meet their obligations in the short and long term. A healthy financial system of local government is a system that is adequate, stable, unified, consistent, transparent, diversified, counter-cyclical, guarantees the financial independence...
ICT, financial markets and their impact on firms’ performance and internationalisation
PublicationThe effects of information and communication technology (ICT) and financial development on growth are highly debated in the literature. Motivated by previous studies and their mixed results, in this study, we propose an analysis to re-examine the ICT-finance puzzle. We go beyond country-specific or sector-specific studies and conduct cross-country analysis with firm-level data. It enables obtaining a broad picture of the ICT-finance-growth...
PublicationThe article substantiates that the level of company’s financial security depends not so much on the indicators of its activity, but on its perception of decision-makers and other stakeholders. At the same time, this perception is formed due to the continuous participation of the stakeholder in operations, constant monitoring of financial indicators, the study of current approaches to enterprise management, changes in the environment,...
Financial Consequences of the Introduction of the Fit For 55 on the Example of Poland
PublicationIn Europe and in Poland, there is a growing conviction that climate action is a necessity. When creating long-term strategies or making current decisions, companies are increasingly taking into account issues related to sustainable development and reducing CO2 emissions. Following the signing of the Paris Agreement in 2015, countries around the world pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 so that the average temperature...
Examining Statistical Methods in Forecasting Financial Energy of Households in Poland and Taiwan
PublicationThis paper examines the usefulness of statistical methods in forecasting the financial energy of households. The study’s objective is to create the innovative ratios that combine both financial and demographic information of households and implement them in the forecasting models. To conduct this objective, six forecasting models are developed using three different methods—discriminant analysis, logit analysis, and decision trees...
Pro-Ecological Activities in Polish Financial Institutions on the Example of Selected Banks
PublicationThe character of the role that banks play in the economy provides them with an opportunity to positively affect the environment on multiple levels. The article aimed at characterizing and evaluating pro-ecological activities occurring in financial institutions in Poland. It compares pro-ecological activities undertaken by three different banks operating on the Polish market: BOŚ Bank SA, BNP Paribas Bank Polska SA and PKO Bank...
Evaluation of Professional Demands and Financial Reward Through the Perception of Police Managers
PublicationThe aim of the study was to examine the relationship between job demands and salary in the subjective perception of mid-level police managers. An occupational stress model in which effort spent on job demands are not balanced by the received reward, was adopted. The study comprised 51 police officers (4 women). The partial least squares method was used for the analysis, and the SmartPLS 2.0 program was applied. The income and...
PublicationThe article presents the main features of one category of innovative financial products – exchange traded commodities (ETCs) and results of the analysis of the European market for ETCs. ETCs are products listed and traded on the stock exchanges and they offer investors returns based on various assets (commodities or currencies). In contrast with the most widely recognized exchange traded funds (ETFs), ETCs are structured as debt...
Investor confidence and high financial literacy jointly shape investments in risky assets
PublicationHouseholds consistently invest less in equities and bonds than predicted by economic theory. We explain this from a behavioral economics perspective and distributional analysis using rich US survey microdata. We find that higher investor self-confidence in her financial abilities and financial literacy jointly increase the probability of investing in equities. Conditional on participation, confidence in the macroeconomy additionally...
Corporate Governance and Ownership Structure in the Top 30 Listed Non Financial Companies in Poland
PublicationThis paper offers a first analysis of the relationships between corporate governance models and rules and ownership structure of the top 30 Polish firms listed at the WSE (not considering foreign firms and/or the Polish branches of foreign firms listed at the same stock exchange, nor the financial companies and the banks). The general picture depicted by this analysis is putting into evidence the increasing importance of institutional...
Investor confidence and high financial literacy jointly shape investments in risky assets
PublicationHouseholds consistently invest less in equities and bonds than predicted by economic theory. We explain this from a behavioral economics perspective and distributional analysis using rich US survey microdata. We find that higher investor self-confidence in her financial abilities and financial literacy jointly increase the probability of investing in equities. Conditional on participation, confidence in the macroeconomy additionally...
Innovative investment funds and stability of financial systems: Nonparametric study of exchange-traded funds in Europe
PublicationThe main aim of the paper is investigation of the potential contribution of exchange-trade funds (ETFs) to the instability of the European financial systems. The paper begins with presentation of the key theoretical concepts with regard to ETFs and financial stability. We discuss the key attributes of ETFs as the innovative category of investment funds, their hypothesized impact on the financial stability as well as briefly describe...
Publication• The aim - This article aims to compare the situation in the banking sectors of two regions, which due to their political and economic history have much in common. These are the Western Balkan States of Serbia, Croatia and Macedonia, and the Baltic Sea States of Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia. • Methods - It presents three approaches to defining banking stability that can be found in the literature and carries out an initial...
PublicationThe aim of the text is the presentation of the most important categories of exchange traded funds (ETFs) – physical and synthetic ones. A theoretical part of the text includes an overview of the main features of ETFs, the presentation of differences between physical and synthetic funds and the main risks posed by both types to their users and the whole financial systems. An empirical part focuses on the European market. Time span...
Improving the regulation of the derivatives market as an objective prerequisite for sustainable development of the global financial system
PublicationThe development of financial markets is characterized by the emergence of new financial instruments, in particular derivatives, the risk level analysis of which is complicated. Counterparties are not always fully aware of and do not adequately assess the potential risks of derivatives, which may lead to large financial losses and sometimes bankruptcies. The purpose of the study is to generalize approaches to regulating derivative...
Exploring the relationship between investment choices, cognitive abilities risk attitudes and financial literacy
PublicationPurpose The main purpose of this study is to investigate the investment choices' relationship with cognitive abilities, risk aversion, risky investment intentions, subjective financial literacy and objective financial literacy. Design/methodology/approach To examine the relationship, two investment choices were given to 256 subjects from Pakistan. Questionnaire had total 20 questions for measuring five variables. To review this...
Impact of Innovative Financial Products on Financial Systems: Exchange Traded Products and the Polish Financial System
PublicationExchange Traded Products (ETPs) are one of the most recent and most rapidly developing financial products. As their assets grow they have an increasing impact on financial systems in many countries, including USA, UK or Japan. Development of ETPs is linked with many opportunities and threats for the local financial systems. Their correct assessment is becoming more difficult due to the growing complexity of the available products,...
Study on 19th-century cast iron columns from the former financial office building in Kwidzyn
PublicationThe article presents the results for cast iron columns used as floor supports in the former financial office building in Kwidzyn (Poland).The stocktaking drawings provided the general and detailed data about the 19th century designer’s decisions. During the research, architectural and structural analysis was carried out. The graphics were used as a starting material for preparing 3D calculation models. The FEM-based numerical simulations...
Exchange-Traded Funds on European Markets: Has Critical Mass been Reached? Implications for Financial Systems.
PublicationExchange-traded funds (ETFs) are one of the most rapidly expanding categories of financial products in Europe. One of the key yet still unanswered questions is whether European ETF markets have reached the size at which they could affect the financial systems. In our study, we examine 13 European countries during the period 2004–2017 in order to trace whether the share of ETFs in the total assets of investment funds has reached...
New technologies and diffusion of innovative financial products: Evidence on exchange-traded funds in selected emerging and developed economies
PublicationExchange-traded funds (ETFs) are one of the most rapidly-expanding categories of innovative financial products that have been introduced on many financial markets, in both emerging and developed economies. Our research contributes to the present state of knowledge by examining factors, including information and communication technologies (ICTs), influencing the diffusion of ETFs. In our research, we consider also the impact of...
Information and communication technologies versus diffusion and substitution of financial innovations. The case of exchange-traded funds in Japan and South Korea
PublicationThe substitution between financial innovations, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and stock index derivatives (i.e. index financial instruments) is one of the relatively understudied topics of the financial sciences. The current study aims to verify empirically the diffusion and substitution of ETFs in the market for index financial instruments. It presents in-depth analysis of the development of index financial instruments traded...
Financial Gerontology
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Tracing financial innovation diffusion and substitution trajectories. Recent evidence on exchange-traded funds in Japan and South Korea.
PublicationSince the rapid growth of the popularity of ETFs, the potential substitution between innovative financial products, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and traditional investment funds (open-end and closed-end funds) is recognized as one of the most-discussed issues in the financial industry. This is the first study to empirically verify and compare the diffusion and substitution of ETFs using monthly data on their assets in two selected...
Financial system ratings.
PublicationW rozdziale tym autor przedstawił wyniki swoich badań nad wykorzystaniem sztucznych sieci neuronowych w prognozowaniu upadłości przedsiębiorstw. Przedstawiono również propozycję klasyfikacji metod analizy dyskryminacyjnej oraz perceptronu wielowarstwowego stosowanych w prognozowaniu zagrożeń upadłością firm. Tabel:2, rysunków:9.
Błażej Prusak dr hab.
PeopleBłażej Prusak is Head of the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Research on Enterprise in Modern Economy - theory and practice (REME), as well as a member of editorial boards of such journals as Intellectual Economics; Space. Economics. Society; Academy of Management. He is the author or co-author of several scientific monographs including:...