Search results for: polaron hopping
Polaron hopping conduction in manganese borosilicate glass
PublicationA study on a novel material - manganese borosilicate glass without alkali metals, was reported. It was found that the obtained samples containing high amount of manganese oxide (60MnO–xSiO2–(40 − x)B2O3, x = 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 mol%) were amorphous and homogeneous. XPS measurements showed that most of manganese ions are at oxidation level of Mn2 + ions and the mean oxidation level slightly moves toward higher value, with increasing...
Mechanism of hopping conduction in Be–Fe–Al–Te–O semiconducting glasses and glass–ceramics
PublicationElectrical properties of beryllium-alumino-tellurite glasses and glass–ceramics doped with iron ions were studied using impedance spectroscopy. The conductivity was measured over a wide frequency range from 10 mHz to 1 MHz and the temperature range from 213 to 473 K. The D.C. conductivity values showed a correlation with the Fe-ion concentration and ratio of iron ions on different valence states in the samples. On the basis of...
Nonlinear Impedance as Possible Result of Ion-Polaron Interaction in Cu2O-Al2O3-SiO2 Glass
PublicationNonlinear a.c. impedance measurements were performed in Cu2O-Al2O3-SiO2 glass in wide frequency range. The obtained results shows that a large nonlinearity in the impedance signal is observed at moderate electric fields of an order 1V/mm. The contents of the third harmonics reaches about 10% and strongly depends on temperature and frequency. The investigated glass exhibits mixed electronic-ionic conductivity. Electronic conduction...
Optimizing conductivity in Na-V-Te-O glass through controlled heat treatment
PublicationSemiconducting Na2O-V2O5-TeO2 glasses with various Na2O contents were melted and subjected to controlled heating to improve conductivity. Topography analysis were performed using confocal microscopy and scanning electron microscopy on both as-quenched and heat-treated samples. X-ray diffraction confirmed the amorphous nature of the samples post-melting, with subsequent heating resulting in the formation of nanocrystallites primarily...
Phase Separation and Electrical Properties of Manganese Borosilicate Glasses
PublicationThe structure and electrical properties of manganese borosilicate glasses of a composition of xMnO-(0.8-x)SiO2-(0.2)B2O3 (x=0.4, 0.5 and 0.6 in mol) were investigated by impedance spectroscopy, SEM, XRD and confocal microscopy methods. The influence of composition on the glass structure and electrical properties was discussed. A separation of two amorphous phases was observed and it was concluded that one phase is SiO2-rich and...
Thermoelectric and electrical properties of triple-conducting multicomponent oxides based on substituted barium cerate-zirconate
PublicationMulticomponent oxides often have exceptional thermal stability and interesting electronic properties. The present work presents the thermoelectric and electrical properties of the Ba(Zr0.2Hf0.2Sn0.2Ti0.2Fe0.2)O3−δ and Ba(Zr0.1Hf0.1Sn0.1Ti0.1Co0.1Ce0.1Bi0.1Fe0.1Y0.1Zn0.1)O3−δ multicomponent perovskites. Single-phase cubic perovskites were synthesized using the solid-state reaction method. They were characterized using X-ray...
Enhancing electrical properties through in-situ controlled nanocrystallization of V2O5–TeO2 glass
PublicationV2O5–TeO2 glass–ceramics (VTGC) were prepared by controlled annealing of the V2O5–TeO2 glass (VTG), which illustrates a parent glass matrix with a single charge carrier. The annealing proceeded at six temperatures selected between the glass transition and the maximum of the frst crystallization process to obtain various nanocrystallite sizes. Heat treatment caused an increase in DC conductivity by 2.5–3.5 (250–285 °C) order of...
Nanostructure and dielectric behavior of vanadate glasses containing BaTiO3
PublicationThe ac and dc electrical conductivity of barium titanate doped bismuth-vanadate as-quenched and heat-treated materials was measured in the frequency range from 1 mHz to 1 MHz and in the temperature range from 153 K to 423 K with the impedance spectroscopy method. The microstructure was investigated by means of XRD, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and confocal microscopy. The obtained results showed...
Thermal, electrical, and magnetic properties of Fe2O3–PbO–SiO2 glass prepared by traditional melt-quenching and twin roller fast-cooling methods
PublicationIn this study, Fe–Pb–Si oxide glasses containing between 12.5 and 17.5 mol% Fe2O3 were prepared using two different methods comprising traditional melt-quenching and twin roller fast-cooling techniques. The topography and structure of the materials obtained were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. All of the materials were found to be amorphous. The topography of most of the glasses comprised...
Electrical properties and structure of lead-borate glass containing iron ions.
PublicationThe ac and dc conductivity in iron–lead-borate glass samples was investigated in the frequency range from 1 mHz to 1 MHz and in the temperature range from 153 K to 423 K. The structure was investigated by the means of atomic force microscopy (AFM) and the crystalline phases (if present) were identified by the means of X-ray diffractometry. Two types of ac electrical behaviour were observed. The first group of glass samples which...
Mixed ionic polaron transport and rapid crystallization in (Bi, Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O glass.
PublicationPrzedstawiono rezultaty pomiarów zmiennoprądowego przewodnictwa elektrycznego w szkłach (Bi,Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O. Zaobserwowano dwa mechanizmy przewodnictwa.Zaproponowano hopping małych polaronów i dyfuzję jonów Cu(I) jako mechanizmy przewodnictwa.
A method of determination of electrical conduction mechanisms in complex amorphous materials
PublicationA novel approach to determine conduction mechanisms in complex amorphous materials was presented and tested on a real system. In the first step of the presented method, total electrical admittance of the material is analyzed in order to separate a couple of processes, each of which can be described by Jonscher's universal dielectric response. In the following step, a temperature dependence of dielectric response parameters of the...
Electrical conductivity and relaxation processes in V2O5 nanorods prepared by sol–gel method
PublicationProperties of high purity V2O5 nanorods prepared by a sol – gel method are presented. The studied materials were characterized by: X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The electrical impedance was measured as a function of temperature and frequency. The obtained results show that the electrical conductivity increases with increasing temperature. The d.c. conductivity...