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Enhancing the capacity of Gdańsk Tech in the ENHANCE Alliance
ProjectsProject realized in International Relations Office
MINIATURA 6 Empirical research on the impact of the type of rail vehicle and railway surface on noise in the Tricity Agglomeration
ProjectsProject realized in Gdańsk University of Technology according to 554881 agreement from 2022-01-13
Empirical research on the impact of the type of rail vehicle and railway surface on noise in the Tricity Agglomeration
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Transportation Engineering
AntoChemPrev Comparison of the chemopreventive potential of different varieties of selected edible fruits
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Chemistry, Technology and Biotechnology of Food from 2015-08-05
Proces różnicowania działalności handlowej w procesach rozwoju ekonomicznego - aspekty teoretyczne i międzynarodowe empiryczne analizy porównawcze
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Management and Economics according to UMO-2011/01/B/HS4/04759 agreement from 2014-12-16
MINIATURA Analysis of the influence of a rotating magnetic field on the regenerative potential of platelets
ProjectsProject realized in Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Szczecinie according to 2021/05/X/NZ3/00046 agreement from 2021-08-31
OsteoKomp Bioactive, composite granulate with potential for 3D bioprinting
ProjectsProject realized in Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki according to LIDER14/0266/2023 agreement from 2024-05-01
nie dotyczy nie dotyczy
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to 42/UD/SKILLS/2014 agreement from 2014-09-08
Wyznaczenie wpływu bisfenolu A (i jego analogów) na toksyczność (potencjał endokrynny) wybranych leków
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Analytical Chemistry according to DEC-2017/01/X/ST4/00474 agreement from 2017-09-27
FERS Active development of competencies and skills among members of the "Materials in Medicine" scientific project and enhancement of its innovation and research potential
ProjectsProject realized in Zakład Technologii Biomateriałów according to MNiSW/2025/DPI/60 agreement from 2025-02-14
Determining the Potential of Multilayer Chitosan Membrane and 6-Axis 3D Bioprinting Techniques for the Production of a Model Bladder Dedicated to Tissue Regeneration Research
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Chemistry, Technology and Biotechnology of Food according to UMO-2024/53/B/ST8/03047 agreement from 2025-02-03
MENA-SAFE Master Curriculum, Capacity Building and Network Development in Traffic Safety in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to 2015-3172/001 - 001 agreement from 2015-12-22