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Search results for: typowanie molekularne
NeuroStim Neurophysiological mapping and stimulation of the human brain for memory enhancement
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics according to POIR.04.04.00-00-4379/17-00 (nowy nr umowy); First TEAM/2017-4/35 (stary nr umowy) agreement from 2018-06-22
Aromatic aminotransferases from Candida albicans as molecular targets for antifungal chemotherapy.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry according to UMO-2015/17/B/NZ6/04248 agreement from 2016-02-15
Molekularne podstawy selektywnej toksyczności N-podstawionych pochodnych antybiotyku przeciwgrzybowgo Nystatyny A1
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to UMO-2011/01/N/NZ1/05269 agreement from 2011-12-07
Molekularny mechanizm transferu i konwersji energii w katalitycznej części syntazy ATP
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Physical Chemistry according to Umowa nr 0304/IP3/2013/72 agreement from 2013-06-19
TopFUNG Yeast DNA topoisomerase II as a model molecular target for novel antifungal compounds
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry according to UMO-2022/45/B/NZ6/01149 agreement from 2023-07-03
TopFung Yeast DNA topoisomerase II as a model molecular target for novel antifungal compounds
ProjectsProject realized in Gdańsk University of Technology according to UMO-2022/45/B/NZ6/01149 agreement from 2023-07-03
GeoSPAR Weryfikacja i dobór (opracowanie nowych) metod analiz geoinformacyjncyh z wykorzystaniem GIS, na potrzeby typowania i progrnozowania zdarzeń kryminalnych i terrorystycznych
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Geoinformatics according to DOBR/0004/R/ID3/2012/03 agreement from 2012-12-19
Insight into the function of post-translational modifications of proteins via large-size scale and long-scale molecular dynamic simulations
ProjectsProject realized in Dział Administracji according to UMO-2023/51/D/ST4/02288 agreement from 2024-07-24
Incidence and molecular characteristics of azole resistance within clinical and enviromental Aspergillus fumigatus isolates.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Microbiology according to UMO-2013/11/B/NZ7/04935 agreement from 2016-07-11
BIKO-ESBL Clinically significant bacteria in the aquatic environment in the context of the spread of resistance traits – molecular analysis of the phenomenon
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Sanitary Engineering
Molecular picture of the mechanochemical coupling in ATP synthase as a conceptual framework for the development of novel antimicrobial drugs
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Physical Chemistry according to UMO-2017/26/E/NZ2/00472 agreement from 2018-04-09
Molekularny mechanizm wpływu stresu oksydacyjnego na stabilność strukturalną i dynamikę kompleksów telomerowego DNA z białkami
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Physical Chemistry according to 0059/DIA/2014/43 agreement from 2014-09-18
TARGETTELO New anticancer compounds interfering function of telomeres
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry according to STRATEGMED3/306853/9/NCBR/2017 agreement from 2017-05-17
TARGETTELO New anticancer compounds interfering function of telomeres
ProjectsProject realized in Gdańsk University of Technology according to STRATEGMED3/306853/9/NCBR/2017 agreement from 2017-05-17
TARGETTELO New anticancer compounds interfering function of telomeres
ProjectsProject realized in Gdańsk University of Technology according to TRATEGMED3/306853/9/NCBR/2017 agreement from 2017-05-17
- An unique fungal lysine biosynthesis enzymes: new targets for antifungal agents?
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to POMOST/2010-2/4 agreement from 2011-05-17
synth_md_cg Simulation of conformational changes related to the interdomain communication in the eukaryotic GlcN-6-P synthase by means of a large-scale molecular dynamics of the coarse-grained protein model
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry from 2014-03-14
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ProjectsProject realized in Department of Analytical Chemistry according to UMO-2016/20/S/ST4/00151 agreement from 2016-09-06