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Search results for: Roman villa
Villa of Countess Magdalena Łosiowa, Gdynia; Villa of Czesław Antkowiak and Jerzy Prokulski, Gdynia
PublicationThe article presents one of the most interesting modern villas of Gdynia, the villa of Czesław Antkowiak and Jerzy Prokulski at 25/25a Korzeniowskiego Street in Kamienna Góra. It refers to the modernistic architecture of the villa as well as the background of its owners and the development of the new residential estate in which it was built in 1938. The author presents the oryginal plans of the building and both the old and contemporary...
A New Canon of the Modernist Villa of the 1930s - a Villa with a Semicircular Veranda. The Post-War Continuation of the Idea
PublicationThe articcle presents a new type of villa, which started to be popular in Gdynia in the 1930s. It was a villa with a semicircular veranda. Villas of that type were continously built also after the II World War
Lipska willa w śródmieściu.
PublicationOd 10 lat Lipsk dotknięty jest zjawiskiem kurczenia struktur miejskich. Jest to proces społeczno-przestrzenny związany z nagłą utratą rynku pracy. Pociagnęła ona migracje daleką. Jednocześnie w zmienionych uwarunkowaniach polityczno-gospodarczych postepująca w dużym tempie suburbanizacja spowodowała odpływ ludności do strefy podmiejskiej. Utrata znaczącej części ludności wywołała zachwianie rynku nieruchomosci. Pustostany stały...
Progress on Roman and Weakly Connected Roman Graphs
PublicationA graph G for which γR(G)=2γ(G) is the Roman graph, and if γwcR(G)=2γwc(G), then G is the weakly connected Roman graph. In this paper, we show that the decision problem of whether a bipartite graph is Roman is a co-NP-hard problem. Next, we prove similar results for weakly connected Roman graphs. We also study Roman trees improving the result of M.A. Henning’s A characterization of Roman trees, Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 22 (2002)....
Great Villas of Visegrad Four Countries and Slovenia
PublicationWystawa zorganizowana w Parlamencie Europejskim w Brukseli w dniach 27-30 maja 2013 przez Agencję Foibos Books Praha na której wystawiono plansze autorstwa Marii Jolanty Sołtysik opartej na książce Great Villas of Poland, oprac zb. pod red. R. Nakoniecznego, Praha : Foibos Books, 2013, ISBN 978-80-87073-58-2.
O definicji ekonomii (na przykładzie J.S. Milla)
PublicationPrzedstawiono genezę pojęć "ekonomia polityczna" oraz "homo oeconomicus". Omówiono definicję ekonomii politycznej w ujęciu brytyjskiego myśliciela Johna Stuarta Milla (1806-1873). Artykuł zawiera 47 przypisów i odsyłaczy do źródeł.
Plans Ornaments in The Architectural Details of Art Nouveau Townhouses And Villas in Sopot
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Weakly connected Roman domination in graphs
PublicationA Roman dominating function on a graph G=(V,E) is defined to be a function f :V → {0,1,2} satisfying the condition that every vertex u for which f(u) = 0 is adjacent to at least one vertex v for which f(v)=2. A dominating set D⊆V is a weakly connected dominating set of G if the graph (V,E∩(D×V)) is connected. We define a weakly connected Roman dominating function on a graph G to be a Roman dominating function such that the set...
Łączony fingerprinting i kryptograficzne zabezpieczenie danych z wykorzystaniem szyfru Hilla
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono rozwinięcie metody Hillcast znakowania obrazów, która należy do grupy metod wprowadzających fingerprinting przy deszyfracji zabezpieczonego kryptograficznie obrazu (ang. JFD (Joint Fingerprinting and Decryption)), której głównym przeznaczeniem są usługi wideo na żądanie (ang. VoD (Video on Demand)). Metoda zapewnia kryptograficzne bezpieczeństwo oraz znakowanie treści multimedialnych, przy jednoczesnym...
In honor of the 70th birthday of Professor Roman Kaliszan
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Plant ornaments in the architectural detail of Art Nouveau tenement houses and villas of Jeżyce and Łazarz in Poznań
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Revitalization of Residential Buildings Dating Back to the Late19th and Early 20th Century on the Example of “Willa Halina” in Sopot (Poland)
PublicationResidential buildings dating back to the late 19th and early 20th century constitute an important element of the urban composition of many European cities, often determining their overall spatial expression. These buildings often require revitalization and sometimes also reconstruction or extension. Such activities make it possible to restore historical buildings to their former glory, but also to create new architecture, inscribed...
Noise in biological Raman spectroscopy
PublicationRaman spectroscopy is a widely used method to investigate chemical molecules by analyzing their vibrational transitions. It utilizes inelastic scattering of the laser light irradiating the investigated object. The scattered light requires appropriate filtering to reduce dominant laser light and expose much weaker components having shifted wavelengths of a characteristic spectral pattern. These components are measured by dispersing...
Woman in cultural and civilization reality
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Competencies and expectations of a woman leader
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Raman studies of ferroelectric ceramics.
PublicationPrzedstawiono potencjał aplikacyjny spektroskopii Ramana w diagnostyce procesu technologicznego wytwarzania cienkowarstwowych struktur perowskitowych o strukturze Ba(Ti1 xZrx)O3, posiadających możliwość strojenia przenikalności elektrycznej za pomocą pola elektrycznego. Skonfigurowano systemy pomiarowe do badania zarówno próbek objętościowych, jak i struktur cienkowarstwowych. Zidentyfikowano najistotniejsze linie w widmach ramanowskich,...
Preliminary typology and contextual analysis of Roman and late antique cooking wares from the Roman rural settlement at Podšilo bay on the island of Rab (north–eastern Adriatic, Croatia)
PublicationThe paper presents a preliminary typology of coarse cooking ware from the Roman/late antique layers of the rural settlement at Podšilo bay on the island of Rab. The vessels have been associated with several basic shapes and divided by types, while fabrics have been described macroscopically. Analogies and a contextual analysis were used to propose dating and to assess provenience for well-known ware classes or to define areas...
Nowy wzorzec willi modernistycznej lat trzydziestych w Gdyni - willa z półokrągłą werandą. Powojenna kontynuacja idei
PublicationNa początku lat trzydziestych pokawił się w architekturze Gdyni nowy typ willi - willa z półokrągłą, parterową werandą Stanowiła ona wyrazisty element plastyczny kompozycji przestrzennej i zyskała dużą popularność w realizacjach do końca 1939 r. Motyw ten był także stosowany często w architekturze powojennejo,, a zaczął zanikać dopiero w latach 60. XX wieku.
The control software of the portable raman spectrometer
PublicationThe paper contains a description of the control software of a portable Raman spectrometer which was built in the Department of Optoelectronics and Electronic Systems Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics Gdansk University of Technology. The software has modular structure, which includes the laser control module and the spectrum acquisition module (laser power selection, working mode and data acquisition time)...
Application of NIR and Raman Spectroscopy in Biotechnology
PublicationStudium Press LLC, U.S.A.
Raman spectroscopy in investigation of rheometric processes
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Raman miniaturised system for field applications
PublicationRaman spectroscopy is a powerful and versatile research technique with a broad range of potential applications, which includes laboratory studies, on-line industrial process monitoring and field measurements. Scope of the field applications includes environment monitoring, detection of dangerous or prohibited materials and rapid identification of unknown samples. It stimulates development of dedicated Raman measurement equipment...
Raman spectroscopy in investigation of rheometric processes
PublicationPraca porusza problem analizy cienkiej warstwy przyściennej -oleju za pomocą spektroskopii ramanowskiej. Parametry (grubość, struktura chemiczna) cienkiej warstwy przyśniennej są istotną informacją do oceny przebiegu procesu wyciskania past modelowych. Zaprezentowano wyniki pomiarów oraz konstrukcje ramanowskich układów pomiarowych.
PublicationDevelopment of Raman spectroscopic system for diagnostics of growth of diamond and BDD (Boron- Doped-Diamond) thin films during μPA CVD (Microwave Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition) process is described. Raman studies of such films were carried out as in-situ monitoring of film deposition as ex-situ measurements conducted for a sample outside the reaction vessel after manufacturing process. Modular system for the in-situ...
Proyecto Valija, Cala Vila, Ajuntament de Lliria, P/ Major 1 , 46160 Lliria, Valencia Espana
PublicationProjekt "Walizka", koncepcja: prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Szot Uniwersytet Artystyczny w Poznaniu, Wydział Malarstwa i Rysunku. W projekcie wzięło udział 48 artystów z Polski oraz z Czech, Niemiec, Gruzji, Japonii. Koncepcja projektu dotyczy szeroko pojętego tematu podróży. W obecnych czasach zagrożenia COVID-19 słowo „podróż” zaczyna nabierać zupełnie innego znaczenia. Żyjąc i tworząc w izolacji od wielu miesięcy, została stworzona...
How Does the Sweet Violet (Viola odorata L.) Fight Pathogens and Pests – Cyclotides as a Comprehensive Plant Host Defense System
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Raman and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy investigation of vasopressin analogues containing 1-aminocyclohexane-1-carboxylic acid residue
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Portable raman spectrometer with two excitation wavelengths
PublicationSelected problems of development of a portable Raman spectrometer having small size, reduced power consumption and robust construction are shown. The device dedicated for semiskilled personnel uses two lasers: 785nm and 355nm. Results of preliminary tests are presented. Also data processing procedures as well as problems referred to Raman signals acquisition through packages and influence of interfering signals are discussed.
Portable raman spectrometer for maritime security applications
PublicationThe fast identification of explosives, narcotics and other chemicals carried on board of ships or transported in containers to the harbors is an important problem of maritime security. Raman spectroscopy is widely used for fast identification of various chemicals. Continuous progress in the field of photonics has resulted in commercial availability of low-power compact Raman spectrometers which can be integrated into portable systems....
Raman Study on Doped Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes
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Resonance Raman Study on Carbon Nanotubes Formation
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Algorithms of chemicals detection using raman spectra
PublicationRaman spectrometers are devices which enable fast and non-contact identification of examined chemicals. These devices utilize the Raman phenomenon to identify unknown and often illicit chemicals (e.g. drugs, explosives)without the necessity of their preparation. Now, Raman devices can be portable and therefore can be more widely used to improve security at public places. Unfortunately, Raman spectra measurements is a challenge...
Anatomy of noise in quantitative biological Raman spectroscopy
PublicationRaman spectroscopy is a fundamental form of molecular spectroscopy that is widely used to investigate structures and properties of molecules using their vibrational transitions. It relies on inelastic scattering of monochromatic laser light irradiating the specimen. After appropriate filtering the scattered light is dispersed onto a detector to determine the shift from the excitation wavelength, which appears in the form of...
Raman spectroscopic investigation of blood and related materials
PublicationThis paper reports preliminary studies on use of Raman spectroscopy for investigation of blood. High quality blood spectra were recorded in-vitro with excitation wavelengths of 830 nm. Because of complex composition of the blood as well as by light attenuation and scattering in the tissues, spectra set up from wide, low-intensive Raman bands and intensive optical background. To get information about origin of bands in Raman spectra...
Sensing of anesthetic drugs in blood with Raman spectroscopy
PublicationA proof-of-concept study of a Raman spectroscopy-based approach for measuring the content of anesthesia drugs in blood is presented. Spectra of spiked blood from several patients exhibit prominent changes in regions associated with the drug.
Detection of propofol concentrations in blood by Raman spectroscopy
PublicationIn this paper we present a proof-of-concept of a Raman spectroscopy-based approach for measuring the content of propofol, a common anesthesia drug, in whole human blood, and plasma, which is intended for use during clinical procedures. This method utilizes the Raman spectroscopy as a chemically–sensitive method for qualitative detection of the presence of a drug and a quantitative determination of its concentration. A number of...
Detection of illicit chemicals by portable Raman spectrometer
PublicationThe Raman spectrometers can be built as the portable devices and can be used in various places to detect illicit chemicals. This method has become popular due to deficiency of other fast methods that could be applied against terrorist attacks or could help police at their work. The conception of a portable Raman spectrometer has been presented. The description enclosures presentation of the prepared device and its possible applications...
Portable Raman spectrometer - design rules and applications
PublicationRaman spectroscopy has become more popular due to its new prospective field applications in forensic sciences, war against terrorism, environment protection and other field chemical analysis. Raman spectrometers can be miniaturised to portable devices and their price is decreasing due to development of optoelectronics components. Unfortunately, this technology has still numerous limitations that influence their design and limit...
Raman scattering tensors for translational vibrations of ice
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Portable Raman spectrometer - design rules and applications
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Anatomy of Noise in Quantitative Biological Raman Spectroscopy
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Algorithms of Chemicals Detection Using Raman Spectra
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Detection of illicit chemicals by portable Raman spectrometer
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Raman investigation of hybrid polymer thin films
PublicationPrzestawiono problemy diagnostyki ramanowskiej transparentnych struktur cienkowarstwowych wykonanych metodą zol-żel z polimerów hybrydowych. Analizowano możliwości badania struktury molekularnej i grubości, a także określania jakości wykonania struktur falowodowych. Przedstawiono wyniki badań wykonanych mikroskopem ramanowskim dla polimerowych struktur cienkowarstwowych osadzonych na podłożach szklanych i krzemowych.
IR and Raman study of oxy-nitride glasses
PublicationVarious silicate and phosphate glasses with and without nitride addition were structurally characterized by IR and Raman spectroscopy. The studied glass systems include Na-Ca-P-O-N (1), AE-Si-O-N (with AE=Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba)(2), La-Si-O-N (3) as well as the Na-(Li)-Be-O-(N) (4,5) system. The samples were prepared by different techniques such as remelting of pre-prepared glass samples of the oxide systems with Mg and/or Si3N4 powders...
Noise sources in Raman spectroscopy of biological objects
PublicationWe present an overview of noise sources deteriorating the quality of the recorded biological Raman spectra and the ability to determine the specimen composition. The acquired Raman spectra exhibit intense additive noise components or drifts because of low intensity of the scattered light. Therefore we have to apply expensive or bulky measurement setups to limit their inherent noise or to apply additional signal processing to reduce...
Raman microscopy in the studies of microphase-separated polyurethanes.
PublicationPorównano możliwości badawcze różnych odmian spektroskopowych do analizy po-limerów. Podano przykłądy wykorzystania połączonych technik mikroskopowych ispektroskopowych do badania polimerów wielofazowych. Na tej podstawie wyka-zano zasadność zastosowania po raz pierwszy mikroskopii Ramana w badaniachwielofazowych poliuretanów. Wykazano różnice składu chemicznego poszczegól-nych elementów mikromorfologii wielofazowych, segmentowych...
Dr hab. inż. Roman J. Wasielewski prof. nadzw. PG (1951-2012) - Wspomnienie
PublicationPrzedstawiono sylwetkę naukową zmarłego prof. nadzw. PG dr hab. inż. Romana J. Wasielewskiego, długoletniego pracownika Wydziału Mechanicznego PG. Profesor Roman Wasielewski był kontynuatorem długoletnich tradycji naukowych z zakresu mechanicznej technologii drewna.
The Death Penalty, the “Marriage Penalty” and Some Remarks on the Utility of Senecan Research in the Study of Roman Law