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Search results for: UHI EFFECT
UHF ESPAR antenna for simple Angle of Arrival estimation in UHF RFID applications
PublicationAn electronically switched beam antenna for localization of passive UHF RFID tags based on a simple Angle of Arrival (AoA) technique is proposed‥ Detailed antenna design and realization are presented together with corresponding simulations and measurement results. Experimental tests with passive UHF RFID tag show the validity of theoretical assumptions for application of the antenna in UHF RFID based localization systems.
Zasada ubi ius, ibi remedium
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Resonance problems in UHV transmission lines
PublicationThe paper presents resonance phenomena observed in 400 kV transmission lines in the Polish power system. Two events are analysed, when shunt reactors used for reactive power compensation, caused overvoltages and overcurrent protection tripping as a result of resonance. An oscillographic fault recordings from protection devices are compared to time domain simulation results. The obtained simulation results match fault recordings,...
Dual polarization antennas for UHF RFID readers
PublicationThis paper presents various concepts of switching polarization in patch antenna dedicated for UHF RFID readers. Proposed designs allow for switching between linear and circular polarization. The first design does not require electronic switching as the polarization can be changed by choosing one of two available feeding terminals. Two remaining designs use PIN diode or FET SPDT switch.
Bishop parameter chi from static equilibrium.
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Perfect Beat
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Measurement of Coherence Bandwidth in UHF Radio Channels for Narrowband Networks
PublicationThis paper presents results of investigation on the coherence bandwidth of narrowband radio channels in 430MHz band. The coherence bandwidth values were estimated froma power delay profile obtained by recording CDMA2000 forward channel signals during real-fieldmeasurements in various environments:mediumcity, flat terrain, and hilly terrain in northern Poland.The results of measurements are compared with characteristic parameters...
Hybrid storage management system consisting of supercapacitors and AHI batteries
PublicationIn the article the hybrid storage, composed of Aqueous Hybrid Ion battery and supercapacitor was presented. The system was tested through simulation studies. The work also describes the construction and properties of the developed device meant to control the energy flow of the storage and a communication system for remote parameter supervision.
Effect of elliptical defect orientation on the durability of specimens subjected to cyclic bending
PublicationThis work presents the effect of elliptical defects orientation on the durability of specimens made of C45 steel. Three kinds of specimens with elliptical defects in the form of a one-sided notch oriented at different angles 45, 60, and 90 degrees were subjected to cyclic bending (R=-1). The stress state analysis was performed using local and non-local methods to determine an equivalent amplitude of stress, and then the results...
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Research report (Health Effects Institute)
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Zhonghua yi shi za zhi (Beijing, China : 1980)
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Exploring DAD and ADD Methods for Dealing with Urban Heat Island Effect
PublicationThe Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect in the context of climate change and temperature fluctuations is an increasing challenge for contemporary cities. Numerous activities focus on mitigation and adaptation to the UHI effect using both appropriately selected design strategies and technological solutions. However, not all of these technologies support the postulates of ecological and low-carbon cities. Their design, implementation,...
Defect and Diffusion Forum
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Modern Platform for Parallel Algorithms Testing: Java on Intel Xeon Phi
PublicationParallel algorithms are popular method of increasing system performance. Apart from showing their properties using asymptotic analysis, proof-of-concept implementation and practical experiments are often required. In order to speed up the development and provide simple and easily accessible testing environment that enables execution of reliable experiments, the paper proposes a platform with multi-core computational accelerator:...
Low-Profile Interdigitated UHF RFID Tag Antenna for Metallic Objects
PublicationThis article presents a novel miniature interdigitated ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) tag antenna that can be placed on metallic objects. The tag structure comprises two horizontal strip lines, each loaded with seven identical open stubs, and an integrated circuit (IC) chip connected directly to the feed lines in the middle of the structure. The perfect match to the IC chip’s impedance is realized...
Ultrafast high-temperature sintering (UHS) of cerium oxide-based compound
PublicationUltrafast high-temperature sintering (UHS) is an innovative sintering technique that can densify ceramics in a few seconds, dramatically reducing the carbon footprint and firing costs. In this work, the feasibility of applying UHS in Gd-doped ceria (GDC) and GDC-Er-stabilized bismuth oxide (ESB) composite powders was investigated. At high UHS currents (22-24 A), a fully dense GDC sample with a large grain size was obtained. Nonetheless,...
The Werther Effect, the Papageno Effect or No Effect? A Literature Review
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Quantum corrections to phi^4 model solutions and applications to Heisenberg chain dynamics
PublicationThe Heisenberg spin chain is considered in φ^4 model approximation. Quantum corrections to classical solutions of the one-dimensional φ^4 model within the correspondent physics are evaluated with account of rest d−1 dimensions of a d-dimensional theory. A quantization of the model is considered in terms of spacetime functional integral. The generalized zeta-function formalism is used to renormalize and evaluate the functional integral...
Similarity Analysis of Klebsiella pneumoniae Producing Carbapenemases Isolated from UTI and Other Infections
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Weryfikacja parametru K rozkładu Rice'a dla środowiska miejskiego w paśmie UHF
PublicationReferat przedstawia wyniki pomiarów wartości parametru K rozkładu Rice’a modelu zaników dla kanałów UHF w terenie miejskim na podstawie zarejestrowanych sygnałów łącza w dół ze stacji bazowych CDMA2000. Przedstawiono sposób rejestracji i obróbki sygnałów oraz zaproponowano model rozkładu prawdopodobieństwa parametru K dla danego terenu.
Benchmarking Parallel Chess Search in Stockfish on Intel Xeon and Intel Xeon Phi Processors
PublicationThe paper presents results from benchmarking the parallel multithreaded Stockfish chess engine on selected multi- and many-core processors. It is shown how the strength of play for an n-thread version compares to 1-thread version on both Intel Xeon and latest Intel Xeon Phi x200 processors. Results such as the number of wins, losses and draws are presented and how these change for growing numbers of threads. Impact of using particular...
Selection of AHI + SC Hybrid Storage Based on Mathematical Models and Load Variation Characteristics
PublicationThe article deals with the design of a hybrid storage consisting of Aqueous Hybrid Ion battery (AHI) and supercapacitor (SC) modules. The selection of components is based on the knowledge of the load profile of the storage and the AHI battery and supercapacitor models. The paper presents the method of selecting components of the storage made of AHI batteries and supercapacitor modules The article includes an example of the hybrid...
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Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants
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Badania świeżości mleka UHT przechowywanego w warunkach chłodniczych po codziennym otwieraniu opakowania
PublicationMleko, jako codziennie spożywany produkt o wysokiej wartości spożywczej i dietetycznej, powinno charakteryzować się dobrą jakością. Z praktycznego punktu widzenia ważne jest czy mleko nadaje się jeszcze do spożycia po okresie czasu podanym przez producenta na opakowaniu.Badano zmiany trwałości mleka UHT w okresie od 0 do 430 godz. po otwarciu opakowania. Serie badań dotyczyły mleka o różnej zawartości tłuszczu (2%, 3,2%) przechowywanego...
Parallelization of Selected Algorithms on Multi-core CPUs, a Cluster and in a Hybrid CPU+Xeon Phi Environment
PublicationIn the paper we present parallel implementations as well as execution times and speed-ups of three different algorithms run in various environments such as on a workstation with multi-core CPUs and a cluster. The parallel codes, implementing the master-slave model in C+MPI, differ in computation to communication ratios. The considered problems include: a genetic algorithm with various ratios of master processing time to communication...
LCF behavior of 2024AA under uni- and biaxial loading taking into account creep pre-deformation
PublicationThis study presents the results of experimental low-cycle fatigue (LCF) tests of aluminum 2024 alloy T3511 temper in uni- and biaxial loading states. Tests were carried out on both the as-received material (hardened extruded rods) and material with different pre-deformation histories. These deformations were carried out in the creep process at 200 °C and 300 °C for two different levels of at each temperature. The pre-deformed material’s...
The Chernobyl effect
PublicationThe 1986 Chernobyl catastrophe was not only a human and ecological disaster, but also a political-ideological one, severely discrediting Soviet governance and galvanizing dissidents in the Eastern Bloc. In the case of Poland, what began as isolated protests against the Soviet nuclear site grew to encompass domestic nuclear projects in general, and in the process spread across the country and attracted new segments of society. This...
Shi You Lian Zhi Yu Hua Gong/Petroleum Processing and Petrochemicals
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Efficient finite difference analysis of microstructured optical fibers [on line]
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono nową technikę numerycznej analizy mikrostruktur światłowodowych. Technika ta polega na połączeniu metody różnic skończonych i dyskretnych rozwinięć funkcyjnych. Pozwala to na zmniejszenie rozmiaru macierzy powstających przy analizie problemu, a jednocześnie na bezpośrednią implementację radiacyjnych warunków brzegowych. Testy algorytmu przeprowadzono dla kilku wybranych struktur, uzyskując bardzo dobrą zgodność...
Suppressive effects of the obese tumor microenvironment on CD8 T cell infiltration and effector function
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Quantum corrections to quasi-periodic solution of Sine-Gordon model and periodic solution of phi^4 model
PublicationAnalytical form of quantum corrections to quasi-periodic solution of Sine-Gordon model and periodic solution of phi^4 model is obtained through zeta function regularisation with account of all rest variables of a d-dimensional theory. Qualitative dependence of quantum corrections on parameters of the classical systems is also evaluated for a much broader class of potentials u(x) = b^2 f(bx) + C with b and C as arbitrary real constants
The effect of alkyl chain length on synergistic effects in micellization and surface tension reduction in nonionic gemini (S-10) and anionic surfactants mixtures
PublicationMixtures of nonionic gemini surfactant S-10 ( α, α'-[2,4,7,9-tetrametyl-5-decyne-4,7-diyl]bis[ω-hydroxy -polioxyetylene] with anionic SRS (sodium alkylsulfates) and SRSO3 (sodium alkylsulfonates) of different alkyl chain length (from 10 to 14 carbon atoms) were investigated. Surface tension measurements were used to find the cmc values and other adsorption parameters. The Clint, Rubingh’s and Rosen theories were applied for evaluation...
The effect of sunscreen 4‐methylbenzylidene camphor in different and reproductive models, its bioaccumulation and molecular effects on ligand‐receptor interaction, and protein expression
Publication4-Methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC) is a photo-absorbing UV filter prevalently used in cosmetics, which can be absorbed into circulation and cause systemic effects. 4-MBC is continued to be released in the environment despite the growing knowledge about its bioaccumulation and endocrine disrupting effects. Previous reviews have mentioned UV-filter together but this review considers 4-MBC alone, due to its prevalence and concerning...
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Effect of surfactant addition on disperser disintegration of water hyacinth: a new insight to overcome the inhibitory effects of lignin on methanogenesis and improve the energy and economic aspects
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Shomei Gakkai Shi
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The effect of anthraquinone derivatives on telomerase activity
Open Research DataThe data set contains images of the PCR products obtained from the Telomerase Repeated Amplification Protocol (TRAP). The effect of anthraquinone derivatives (TXT1-TXT9) on telomerase activity was comparatively examined using the following reference compounds: BIBR1532, TMPyP4 and mitoxantrone (MTX).
Dietary quercetin does not affect pituitary lutenizing hormone (LH) expression and has no uterotropic effects in ovariectomized Sprague–Dawley rats
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Benchmarking Performance of a Hybrid Intel Xeon/Xeon Phi System for Parallel Computation of Similarity Measures Between Large Vectors
PublicationThe paper deals with parallelization of computing similarity measures between large vectors. Such computations are important components within many applications and consequently are of high importance. Rather than focusing on optimization of the algorithm itself, assuming specific measures, the paper assumes a general scheme for finding similarity measures for all pairs of vectors and investigates optimizations for scalability...
Miniaturized Metal-Mountable U-shaped Inductive-Coupling-Fed UHF RFID Tag Antenna with Defected Microstrip Surface
PublicationThis study presents a novel miniature ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) tag for metallic objects. Its arrangement includes a U-shaped feeder, which is inductively coupled to two E-type connected patches. Size reduction is achieved by means of utilizing the U-shaped feeder, and introducing a defection in the connection between the two E-type patches. The defection in the connection area between the...
Neuroprotective Effect of SGLT2 Inhibitors
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Carbon isotope effect in superconductingMgCNi3
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Effect ofB11substitution on the superconductivity ofMgCNi3
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Spillover Effect Occurrence in Tricity
PublicationThe key topic of this paper is a spillover effect from multinational companies to the local business environment in Tricity. The purpose of the research is to examine whether spillover effect is present in Tricity, to what extent, and, more importantly, what should be the reaction of the local authorities to the results. Based on qualitative interview-based research conducted with the multinational corporations’ employees, spillover...
Genetic Determinants and Biofilm Properties Useful in Estimation of UTI Pathogenicity of the Escherichia coli Strains Isolated from Free-Living Birds
PublicationBackground/Objectives: According to the One Health concept, wild birds can be indicators of ecosystem pollution and disease incidence. Escherichia coli strains are widespread worldwide, but there are still few reports on the association of human infections with a potential reservoir of highly pathogenic human strains in wild birds. Fecal E. coli with uropathogenic potential (UPEC) can be transmitted between birds and humans and...
Zhongguo shi yan xue ye xue za zhi / Zhongguo bing li sheng li xue hui = Journal of experimental hematology / Chinese Association of Pathophysiology
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The effect of the flaxseed addition on the texture of wheat bread
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of flaxseed addition on the texture of toasted bread. The following bread variants were tested: control bread, bread with 8% and 12% linseed addition and competitive bread. Measurements were made immediately after baking and after 4 days. On the basis of data the following parameters were determined: hardness, elasticity,...