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Valorization of paper-mill sludge laden with 2-chlorotoluene using hydroxyapatite@biochar nanocomposite to enrich methanogenic community: A techno-economic approach
PublicationWhile several studies have investigated the anaerobic digestion of paper-mill sludge (PMS), this technology suffers from nutrient insufficiency, inhibition by aromatic compounds, and low bio-CH4 yield. Hence, PMS was anaerobically co-digested with chicken manure (CM) and supplemented by hydroxyapatite@biochar (HAP@BC) nanocomposite for enhancing 2-chlorotoluene degradation and enriching the methanogenic archaea. Multiple continuous...
Experimental Paper. Activity of essential oils against Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from skin lesions in the course of staphylococcal skin infections
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The acid strength of the datively bound complexes involving AlF3 lone pair acceptor and various lone pair donors
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Preliminary Citation and Topic Analysis of International Conference on Agile Software Development Papers (2002-2018)
PublicationThis study utilizes citation analysis and automated topic analysis of papers published in International Conference on Agile Software Development (XP) from 2002 to 2018. We collected data from Scopus database, finding 789 XP papers. We performed topic and trend analysis with R/RStudio utilizing the text mining approach, and used MS Excel for the quantitative analysis of the data. The results show that the first five years of XP...
Skoczek narciarski, telemark, rysunek na papierze, tusz, 21 x 29 cm, 2017
PublicationSkoczek narciarski, telemark, rysunek na papierze, tusz, 21 x 29 cm, 2017, wystawa kolekcji sztuki współczesnej Galerii Ul, z okazji pierwszych urodzin Galerii,
Near-Field Wireless Sensing of Plastics and Papers Using Frugal Peel-Off Passive Tag
PublicationThis article presents a novel frugal approach of testing plastics and papers using a near-field microwave sensing technique with a peel-off tag. The proposed sensing technique involves two electrical entities: the sensor, which may be regarded as a reader, and a disposable tag. The reader is a modified design of a gap-coupled microstrip line (GCML) sensor, while the passive tag is a standard double-ring complementary split-ring...
The Conference Report of Why R? Turkey 2022: The First R Conference with Call For Papers in Turkey
PublicationWhy R? Turkey 2022 was a non-profit conference that aimed to bring Turkish R users together and encourage them to attend the R conferences. The targeted audience of the conference consisted of, data scientists, data analysts, and all R users from academia and industry. The three-day conference, which consisted of several events such as workshops, regular talks, lightning talks, short tutorials, and panels, was free of charge and...
Smartphone-based digital image colorimetry for the determination of total capsaicinoid content in chili pepper extracts
PublicationA simple smartphone-based digital image colorimetry was proposed for the determination of total capsaicinoid content and the assessment of chili pepper pungency. The biobased solvent D-limonene was used for the first time to isolate analytes. Capsaicinoids were efficiently separated from chili pepper by solid-liquid extraction with D-limonene followed by partitioning of the analytes into the ammonium hydroxide solution to eliminate...
Obraz "Bez tytułu", technika akrylowa na papierze. Wymiary: 75 x 75 cm.
PublicationPierwsza prezentacja obrazu na wystawie "Differentia specifica" w Galerii Feininger w Trzebiatowskim Ośrodku Kultury w Trzebiatowie w terminie 31 lipca do 31 sierpnia 2021. Obraz "Bez tytułu", technika akrylowa na papierze. Wymiary: 75 x 75 cm. Rok powstania: 2021
Effective perturbation signal and measurement of corrosion rate. Response to the commentary of Diard and co-workers concerning the paper in Corros. Sci. 37, 913 (1995)
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A procedure for the visualization of fingerprint traces on standard and thermal paper using the electron excitation energy of 1,8-diazafluoren-9- one aggregates in a polyvinylpyrrolidone polymer
PublicationThe scope of this study is a new procedure for visualizing dactyloscopic traces on an absorbent surface using a solution based on aggregates of 1,8-diazafluoren-9-one (DFO) in a polyvinylpyrrolidone polymer (PVP). An absorbent surface is defined as a plain or thermal paper, which is considered to be a difficult surface due to its varying chemical composition. In the case of the thermal paper surface, the procedure can be further...
Design of self-cleaning and self-disinfecting paper-shaped photocatalysts based on wood and eucalyptus derived cellulose fibers modified with gCN/Ag nanoparticles
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Auto-Correction of Non-Anechoic Antenna Measurements Based on Multi-Taper Approach
PublicationMeasurements of antenna prototypes are normally performed in dedicated, yet costly environments such as anechoic chambers (ACs). However, the AC construction cost might be unjustified when the measurements aim to support education, or budget-tight research. Alternatively, experiments can be realized in non-anechoic regime and refined using appropriate methods. In this letter, a framework for correction of antenna far-field measurements...
London penetration depth in local pair superconductors
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Edge and Pair Queries-Random Graphs and Complexity
PublicationWe investigate two types of query games played on a graph, pair queries and edge queries. We concentrate on investigating the two associated graph parameters for binomial random graphs, and showing that determining any of the two parameters is NP-hard for bounded degree graphs.
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Ocena kondycji ekonomiczno-finansowej spółek teleinformatycznych notowanych na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie
PublicationW rozdziale oceniono kondycję ekonomiczno-finansową spółek segmentu SiTech notowanych na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie. Dokonano wyboru zmiennych diagnostycznych oraz zaproponowano wskaźnik syntetyczny. Przedstawiona metodologia i analizy mogą stanowić cenne źródło dla inwestorów giełdowych.
Analiza prawna i ekonomiczna barier utrudniających konsumentom e-zakupy w krajach Unii Europejskiej
PublicationZidentyfikowanie barier e-handlu transgranicznego ma na celu możliwe jak najszybsze i najefektywniejsze zlikwidowanie ich przez odpowiednie instytucje, za pomocą dostępnych środków. Ma to służyć pełniejszej ingerencji oraz rozwojowi zintegrowanego wewnętrznego rynku w ramach UE, przynoszącego korzyści nie tylko gospodarce, ale przede wszystkim konsumentom. Konsumentom, którzy mając szansę wyboru będą mogli zdecydować, która ofera...
PublicationThe main aim of this work is to provide insight into a bibliometric analysis of Data Journals and Data Papers in terms of research areas, disciplines, publication year and country. In particular, we calculated many bibliometric indicators, especially: the number of publications and citations. Furthermore, this work also investigated the top 20 journals in which scientists published the largest number of Data Papers. It was found...
Asian Economic Papers
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Design Philosophy Papers
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Gulden passer (De)
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Papers on Language and Literature
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Lodz Papers in Pragmatics
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Dumbarton Oaks papers
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Accordia Research Papers
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Papers D´Art
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Canadian Slavonic Papers
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Papers on Social Representations
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UNISCI Discussion Papers
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PIDE Working Papers
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Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics
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Academia Economic Papers
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Harvard Papers in Botany
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Applied Linguistics Papers
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Papers in Applied Geography
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Research Papers in Education
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Selected papers from the Smart Engineering of New Materials Conference, 22-25 June 2015, Lodz, Poland
PublicationEditorial to the special issue is a collection of the articles presented at Smart Engineering of New Materials (SENM2015) Conference, held in Lodz, Poland on June 22-25, 2015 (SENM 2015).
Bibliografia dorobku literackiego i naukowego Zbigniewa Żakiewicza [A Bibliography of literary works and research papers by Zbigniew Żakiewicz]
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Charakterystyka sektorów i makrosektorów na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie w latach 1999-2006
PublicationNiniejszy rozdział monografii przedstawia obszar przeprowadzonych w dalszej jej części badań. Zaprezentowano w nim zmiany ilościowe zachodzące na GPW w Warszawie z podziałem na wyodrębnione na niej sektory i makrosektory w latach 1999-2006.
On performance limits of switched-capacitor multi-phase charge pump circuits. Remarks on papers of Starzyk et al.
PublicationW pracy zweryfikowano hipotezę Starzyka nt. maksymalnego, osiągalnego wzmocnienia napięciowego w wielotaktowym konwerterze napięcia stałego typu C-przełączane (w tzw. pompie ładunkowej). W konwerterze zbudowanym z k kondensatorów maksymalne wzmocnienie określone jest przez odpowiednią potęgę liczby 2 tj. 2^(k-1) przy czym warunek podany przez Starzyka jest konieczny lecz nie jest dostateczny. Podano warunki konieczne i dostateczne...
Tendencje zmian w nadzorze korporacyjnym w spółkach notowanych na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie
PublicationOpracowanie dotyczy nadzoru korporacyjnego w spółkach notowwanych na GPW w Warszawie. Zaprezentowano problemy nadzoru w tych spółkach, instrumenty ochrony interesów akcjonariuszy oraz rolę kodeksu dobrych praktyk jako narzędzia nadzoru korporacyjnego. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na instytucję niezależnego członka rady nadzorczej.
Non-Targeted Metabolite Profiling Reveals Host Metabolomic Reprogramming during the Interaction of Black Pepper with Phytophthora capsici
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Necessary covariance conditions for a one-field Lax pair
PublicationBadamy kowariancje w odniesieniu do transformacji Darboux wielomianowych różniczkowych i różnicowych operatorów z współczynnikami danymi przez funkcje jednego bazowego pola.
The Impact of the Sopot Pier Marina on the Local Surf Zone