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Katalog Publikacji

Rok 2021
  • Experience marketing in the service of the “secular religion” of big tech

    - Rok 2021

    The article proposes an interpretation of the meaning of experience marketing as a tool in the process of sacralisation of products, and in a broader context – the so-called secular religion accompanying some contemporary big tech organizations. The article is of theoretical nature and the authors have intended to explain how big tech corporations, in line with the concept of experience marketing (digital platforms, in particular),...

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  • Experience-Based Product Inspection Planning for Industry 4.0


    In this paper we describe how our Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD) system can be used to enhance product inspection planning. The SVPD system is comprised of three main modules, these being the design knowledge management (DKM) module, the manufacturing capability and process planning (MCAPP) module, and the product inspection planning (PIP) module. Experiential knowledge relating to formal decisional events is collected,...

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  • Finansowanie zadań oświatowych jednostek samorządu terytorialnego

    - Rok 2021

    Celem monografii jest przedstawienie, analiza i ocena procesu organizacji i finansowania zadań oświatowych w Polsce. W ujęciu szczegółowym w książce skupiono się opisie zasad organizacji i finansowania zadań oświatowych z punktu widzenia samorządu terytorialnego, w tym także zasad finansowania i przekazywania środków publicznych w formie dotacji placówkom prowadzonym przez podmioty inne niż jednostki samorządu terytorialnego. W...

  • Fiscal decentralization in the European Countries: a cluster analysis approach

    The scope of public authority depend on many factors. One of them is a declaration, usually expressed in the constitution of a given country (Sferlea, 2014, Libman, 2010, Nehmelman, Vetzo, 2016) of the application of the decentralisation principle in the performance of public tasks. Despite this declaration, the structure of the public sector and the tasks carried out at different levels in particular countries are not identical....

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  • Integrating Experience-Based Knowledge Representation and Machine Learning for Efficient Virtual Engineering Object Performance

    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2021

    Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence have grown significant attention from industry and academia during the past decade. The key reason behind interest is such technologies capabilities to revolutionize human life since they seamlessly integrate classical networks, networked objects and people to create more efficient environments. In this paper, the Knowledge Representation technique of Set of Experience...

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  • Knowledge risks in organizations – Insights from companies

    - Rok 2021

    Purpose: Knowledge risks are increasingly becoming a great challenge to a variety of organizations. At the same time, academic research on such types of risks, their consequences, and potential ways of overcoming them is still scarce and fragmented. To fill this gap, the paper aims to find out do companies manage their knowledge risks, what are the possible knowledge risks they face and have they observed an increase of knowledge...

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  • Knowledge Risks in the COVID-19 Pandemic

    - Rok 2021

    This conceptual paper aims to identify, present, and analyse potential knowledge risks organizations face in external and dynamic crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Until only recently, many researchers and practitioners have perceived knowledge primarily as something positive. This view has changed recently with a growing number of studies highlighting risks related to knowledge. The on-going COVID-19 pandemic can be seen as an...

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  • Leadership, culture, intellectual capital and knowledge processes for organizational innovativeness across industries: the case of Poland

    Purpose – This study aims to present the overview of intellectual capital creation micro-mechanisms concerning formal and informal knowledge processes. The organizational culture, transformational leadership and innovativeness are also included in the investigation as ascendants and consequences of the focal relation of intellectual capital and knowledge processes. Design/methodology/approach – Based on a sample of 1,418 Polish...

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  • Neutralising Responsibility: A Critical Analysis of an Airline’s Climate Disclosures

    - Rok 2021

    Sustainability reporting provides companies with a medium through which they can communicate their non-financial impacts to stakeholders. The airline industry has been much at the centre of the climate change debate in recent years, which is why it is hardly surprising that airlines seek to take a proactive stance in such reporting. This study critically assesses how an airline based in the Scandinavian region constructs sustainability...

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  • Ocena gotowości urzędu miejskiego do zarządzania danymi

    - Rok 2021

    We wstępnej części niniejszego rozdziału należy zastanowić się po co mówić o gotowości urzędu miejskiego do zarządzania danymi. Według słownika języka polskiego PWN gotowość to: „stan należytego przygotowania do czegoś”. Rolą niniejszego rozdziału jest przedstawienie postępowania, które pozwoli urzędom sprawdzić na ile urząd miasta (i powiązane spółki komunalne) przygotowane są do zarządzania danymi przed podjęciem decyzji o...

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  • Ograniczenia i koszty wdrożenia systemu open data

    - Rok 2021

    Przedstawienie kosztów i ograniczeń wdrażania open data w polskich urzędach miejskich.

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  • Polska adaptacja Metody Oceny Wypalenia Zawodowego (BAT-PL) autorstwa Schaufeliego i współpracowników

    - Psychiatria Polska - Rok 2021

    Aim. The study aimed to present the Polish version of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT-PL) by Schaufeli et al. and to assess its validity and reliability. The tool measures the core symptoms of burnout (BAT-C): exhaustion, mental distance, cognitive and emotional impairment, and its secondary symptoms (BAT-S): psychosomatic complaints and psychological distress. Method. The participants were 255 nursing staff members....

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  • Relating Information Culture to Information Policies and Management Strategies

    - Rok 2021

    Business and information managers have struggled to meet several challenges in aligning information strategies and business cultures. The consequences of a misalignment or misfit of strategy and culture are well known in business literature, and better guidance on how to better align strategy and culture is needed. This means expanding the puzzle to align business and information cultures, align business and information strategies,...

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  • Smart Approach for Glioma Segmentation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging using Modified Convolutional Network Architecture (U-NET)


    Segmentation of a brain tumor from magnetic resonance multimodal images is a challenging task in the field of medical imaging. The vast diversity in potential target regions, appearance and multifarious intensity threshold levels of various tumor types are few of the major factors that affect segmentation results. An accurate diagnosis and its treatment demand strict delineation of the tumor affected tissues. Herein, we focus on...

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  • Smart Cities Concept - Readiness of City Halls as a Measure of Reaching a Smart City Perception

    The article presents a proposal for a new approach to the assessment of Smart Cities: testing the readiness of city halls to a Smart City. The approach is the result of two-year studies involving ten major city halls. Readiness is compared with the previously used Smart City assessment methods: rankings or ISO standards. The relationship between readiness and organization maturity was also presented. The key role of city halls...

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  • Study on Strategy in University Laboratory Class Teaching

    - Rok 2021

    Laboratory teaching is a critical way to ensure the effective input of techniques in engineering learning. Laboratory teaching not only contributes to improving course quality but also helps enrich comprehensive engineering application ability. However, there are some typical problems in current university laboratory teaching, such as rigid and isolated course design, outdated contents and materials, and not encouraging innovation...

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  • Tacit knowledge awareness and sharing as a focal part of knowledge production, Polish-US view on IT, healthcare, and construction industry

    - Rok 2021

    In the knowledge economy era, knowledge production and dissemination are of key interest to individuals, organizations, and economies. Tacit knowledge results from experience, leading to innovation. The learning culture can facilitate the transformation of errors into experiences. This study explores whether mistake acceptance facilitates tacit knowledge awareness and sharing in the information technology, healthcare, and construction...

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  • Toward Intelligent Recommendations Using the Neural Knowledge DNA


    In this paper we propose a novel recommendation approach using past news click data and the Neural Knowledge DNA (NK-DNA). The Neural Knowledge DNA is a novel knowledge representation method designed to support discovering, storing, reusing, improving, and sharing knowledge among machines and computing systems. We examine our approach for news recommendation tasks on the MIND benchmark dataset. By taking advantages of NK-DNA, deep...

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  • Uczelnia organizacją z domieszka turkusu - sznasa czy iluzja?

    - e-mentor - Rok 2021

    Po kilkuletnich dyskusjach nad przyszłym kształtem szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce, zarówno na poziomie systemowym, jak i instytucjonalnym, w 2018 r. uchwalono ustawę Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym i nauce, zwaną dalej Ustawą (2018). Regulacja ta wraz z pakietem rozporządzeń poszerzyła autonomię uczelni w zakresie organizacyjno-zarządczym, jednocześnie potęgując znaczenie ich rozliczalności. Wzmocnienie władzy rektora spowodowało zmianę...

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  • Understanding Knowledge-Intensive Business Services. Identification, Systematization, and Characterization of Knowledge Flows

    - Rok 2021

    This book contributes to an improved understanding of knowledge-intensive business services and knowledge management issues. It offers a complex overview of literature devoted to these topics and introduces the concept of ‘knowledge flows’, which constitutes a missing link in the previous knowledge management theories. The book provides a detailed analysis of knowledge flows, with their types, relations and factors influencing...

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  • Ustawa a autonomia statutowa w Polsce i w Ukrainie: rozwiązania statutowe w sferze governance wybranych uczelni polskich i ukraińskich

    - Rok 2021

    Kierując się zasadą autonomii uczelni i deregulacji prawa oraz właściwym miejscem statutu w systemie źródeł prawa, w ramach tego rozdziału postanowili-śmy poddać analizie statuty wybranych uczelni w Polsce i w Ukrainie, na tle roz-wiązań ustawowych na podstawie następujących pytań badawczych:• W jaki sposób i w jakim stopniu uczelnie korzystają z uprawnień autonomicznych (w zakresie autonomii organizacyjnej) i potencjału Ustawy...

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  • Visegrád countries' scientific productivity in the European context: a 10-year perspective using Web of Science and Scopus

    Measuring the growth of research productivity is a core element of performance in the higher education sector. This paper aims to analyse the scientific productivity of the Visegrád Group countries (2010-2019) based on data from the WoS and Scopus databases as well as data from secondary sources (demographic and socio-economic factors). Quantitatively, although Poland has the highest output, this is due to its comparative size,...

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  • Where Did Knowledge Management Go?: A Comprehensive Survey


    Knowledge Management (KM) research outputs have been expanding exponentially in the past years, generating diversified topics, which lack integration and classification. It has been challenging for experts to classify KM because of its versatile open fields, and in our view, it contributes to the technocratic approach remaining behind the organizational approach. This paper highlights a way to classify KM publications through a...

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  • Wisdom from Experience Paradox: Organizational Learning, Mistakes, Hierarchy and Maturity Issues

    Organizations often perceive mistakes as negligence and low-performance indicators, yet they can be a precious learning resource. However, organizations cannot learn from mistakes if they have not accepted them. This study aimed to explore how organizational hierarchy and maturity levels influence the relationship between mistakes acceptance and the ability to change. A sample composed of 380 Polish employees working in knowledge-driven...

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  • Within- and between-person factor structure of the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory: Analysis of a diary study using multilevel confirmatory factor analysis

    - PLOS ONE - Rok 2021

    The study examined the factor structure of burnout, as measured with the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory. The participants were 235 employees of a public administration agency who assessed their burnout online for 10 consecutive working days. Two models were tested with multilevel confirmatory factor analysis, assuming the same one or two-factor structure at the within- and between-person levels. Both models showed a reasonable fit...

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  • Władza platform.Za fasadą Google, Facebooka i Spotify

    - Rok 2021

    To książka o władzy platform Facebooka i Google, o kontrolowaniu człowieka, grup społecznych, a nawet państw. O „magii” uzależniania ludzi, celebracji osobliwych mitów, kulcie porażki, mirażach bogactwa, kreatywności i kariery. To książka o algorytmizacji codziennego życia, feudalnych stosunkach na platformach, ich niewolnikach i menedżerach pokutnikach. O zarządzaniu antykonkurencyjnymi platformami, o „strefach zabójstw” rynkowych...

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  • Wyzwania zarządzania strategicznego w perspektywie Smart City - blockchain

    - Rok 2021

    W pracy pokazano możliwość zastosowania technologii Blockchain w rzadko rozważa-nym dla niej środowisku jakim są urzędy miejskie realizujące koncepcję Smart City. Celem pracy nie jest opis technologii, a spojrzenie strategiczne na jej zastosowanie stąd, poza pod-stawowym opisem Blockchain i Smart City, przedstawiono zalety oraz wyzwania wdrażania Blockchain dla Smart City. Całość zilustrowano dwoma przykładami procesów, które obrazują...

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  • Аналіз положень статутів польських та українських ЗВО: дослідження особливостей статутів закладів вищої освіти у контексті університетської автономії та чинного законодавства у сфері вищої освіти в Польщі та Україні

    - Rok 2021

    дослідження, реалізоване власними силами аналітично-експертною організацією Фундація польських ректорів – Інститут суспільства знань у 2016–2018 рр., було присвячено аналізу сфери врядування/governance у вищій освіті в Україні та Польщі. Метою дослідження було дослідити думку ректорів закладів вищої освіти Спілки та KRASP щодо деяких аспектів функціонування сфери врядування у вищій освіті в обох країнах. Анкетне дослідження охоплювало...

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Rok 2020