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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: PROCESS IMPROVEMENT


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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: PROCESS IMPROVEMENT

  • Impact response of two-layered grouted aggregate fibrous concretecomposite under falling mass impact

    • M. K. Haridharan
    • S. Matheswarana
    • G. Murali
    • S. R. Abid
    • R. Fediuk
    • Y. Mugahed Amran
    • H. Abdelgader


    Two-layered Grouted Aggregates Fibrous Concrete Composite (TGAFCC) is a new category concrete which became popular recently and attracted the attention of researchers globally. Recent studies indicated that TGAFCC has notable improvement in mechanical properties, which has been sufficiently documented. However, the impact behaviour of TGAFCC when combined with Glass Fibre Mesh (GFM) and Textile Fibre Mesh (TFM) is still unexplored....

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  • Collaborative urban studios in Poland. Teaching collective problem solving via live projects


    The requirements of contemporary architectural and urban design practice places a growing importance on the ability to generate new solutions to complex design challenges. Such an approach is particularly relevant in the context of contemporary urban projects in need of urban innovation and socially engaged practice, i.e. urban regeneration or street quality improvement projects. Meaningful involvement in such topics requires a...

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  • Analysis of Lombard speech using parameterization and the objective quality indicators in noise conditions


    - Rok 2018

    The aim of the work is to analyze Lombard speech effect in recordings and then modify the speech signal in order to obtain an increase in the improvement of objective speech quality indicators after mixing the useful signal with noise or with an interfering signal. The modifications made to the signal are based on the characteristics of the Lombard speech, and in particular on the effect of increasing the fundamental frequency...

  • Changing Attitudes in Cross Cultural Diversity through International Senior Capstone Projects


    - Rok 2015

    In this global world, today’s engineer is likely to have to work in global international teams with colleagues from other nationalities. The challenge for many engineering curricula is how to include, in a realistic way, this global dimension and increase the student’s awareness of the issues that are encountered. In the Purdue University Engineering Technology program, an international capstone project was created to increase...

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  • Hybrid electrode materials for fast performance devices

    Energy storage devices such as Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitors and other types of the electrochemical capacitors require chemically stable, non-soluble, electrochemically active electrode materials compatible with appropriate electrolytes. Factors which determine their applicability are derived from so called electrochemical window of electroltes, nature of charge accumulation and their kinetics. On the other hand technological...

  • High-Efficacy Global Optimization of Antenna Structures by Means of Simplex-Based Predictors

    Design of modern antenna systems has become highly dependent on computational tools, especially full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models. EM analysis is capable of yielding accurate representation of antenna characteristics at the expense of considerable evaluation time. Consequently, execution of simulation-driven design procedures (optimization, statistical analysis, multi-criterial design) is severely hindered by the...

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  • Sensitivity of the Baltic Sea level prediction to spatial model resolution


    - Rok 2017

    he three-dimensional hydrodynamic model of the Baltic Sea (M3D) and...

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  • The added value of using the HEPA PAT for physical activity policy monitoring: a four-country comparison

    • P. Gelius
    • S. Messing
    • S. Forberger
    • J. Lakerveld
    • F. Mansergh
    • W. Wendel-Vos
    • J. Żukowska
    • C. Woods

    - Health Research Policy and Systems - Rok 2021

    Background Public policy is increasingly recognized as an important component of physical activity promotion. This paper reports on the current status of physical activity policy development and implementation in four European countries based on the Health-Enhancing Physical Activity Policy Audit Tool (HEPA PAT) developed by WHO. It compares the findings to previous studies and discusses the general utility of this tool and its...

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  • Converting beach wrack into a resource as a challenge for the Baltic Sea (an overview)

    • B. Chubarenko
    • J. Woelfel
    • J. Hofmann
    • S. Aldag
    • J. Bełdowski
    • J. Burlakovs
    • T. Garrels
    • J. Gorbunova
    • S. Guizani
    • A. Kupczyk... i 7 innych


    The paper distinguishes beach wrack, the marine generated organic part of beach cast, as a separate management object and discusses research questions related to its management and economically viable use. Based on experiences from the Baltic Sea and existing practices from countries with different management systems clear distinction between the management of natural and anthropogenic components of cast material is seen as an...

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  • Techno-economic evaluation of combined cycle gas turbine and a diabatic compressed air energy storage integration concept


    - ENERGY - Rok 2023

    More and more operational flexibility is required from conventional power plants due to the increasing share of weather-dependent renewable energy sources (RES) generation in the power system. One way to increase power plant’s flexibility is integrating it with energy storage. The energy storage facility can be used to minimize ramping or shutdowns and therefore should lower overall generating costs and CO2 emissions. In this article,...

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  • Medium-Voltage Drives: Challenges and existing technology

    • H. Abu-Rub
    • S. Bayhan
    • S. Moinoddin
    • M. Malinowski
    • J. Guziński

    - IEEE Power Eelectronics Magazine - Rok 2016

    The article presents an overview of state-of-art solutions, advances, and design and research trends in medium-voltage (MV) drive technologies - and also discusses the challenges and requirements associated with the use of such drives. The choice and deployment of MV drives in industries are associated with numerous requirements related to the front-end converter (grid side) and inverter (machine side). The focus is on solutions...

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  • Novel Research on Biomedical Polyurethanes

    The variety of mechanical properties characterizes properly designed PURs. They may be biocompatible and reveal compatibility with blood, making them attractive materials for the fabrication of tissue scaffolds; however, like all synthetic materials, PURs don’t reveal sufficient biocompatibility. PURs may undergo certain chemical modifications (e.g., 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-D-sorbitol, ascorbic acid (AA), growth factors, covering with...

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  • Lean Quality Management


    - Problemy Jakości - Rok 2003

    Postrzeganie przedsiębiorstwa przez pryzmat zachodzących w nim procesów powoduje powstanie dynamicznego obrazu zmian zachodzących w firmie. W wyniku takiego spojrzenia obserwator wykracza poza funkcjonalny układ struktur uzyskując możliwość pełniejszej weryfikacji skuteczności licznych, powiązanych ze sobą działań przedsiębiorstwa i podejmowania decyzji o ich doskonaleniu. Kierunki tego doskonalenia to takie budowanie sekwencji...

  • Poroelastic Road Surfaces - State of The Art


    Poroelastic Road Surfaces (PERS) constitute a specific group of pavements containing a great amount of crumbled rubber. In most cases rubber aggregate constitutes about 20% of the mixture (by weight) and a polyurethane resin is used as a binder. As a result, PERS is characterized by a much higher elasticity than asphalt and a high porosity typical for drainage pavements. Due to this, tire/road noise is greatly reduced and on top...

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  • From Scores to Predictions in Multi-Label Classification: Neural Thresholding Strategies

    In this paper, we propose a novel approach for obtaining predictions from per-class scores to improve the accuracy of multi-label classification systems. In a multi-label classification task, the expected output is a set of predicted labels per each testing sample. Typically, these predictions are calculated by implicit or explicit thresholding of per-class real-valued scores: classes with scores exceeding a given threshold value...

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  • Embedded system using Bluetooth Low Energy sensors for smart farming applications

    • A. Dworzańska
    • J. Komińczyk

    - Rok 2020

    The main goal of this Bachelor of Engineering project titled Embedded system using Bluetooth Low Energy sensors for smart farming applications is to create a prototype of a system consistent with Agriculture 4.0 concept using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology. Developed solution shall be easy in implementation and its main functionality shall be periodic gathering of data from environmental sensors...

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  • Indeksy demokracji i stan zaawansowania ich rozwoju ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem projektu Varieties of Democracy - Democracy indices and their state of development with a special focus on the Varieties of Democracy project


    - Rok 2022

    Indeksy demokracji już od wielu lat pomagają naukowcom w klasyfikowaniu reżimów politycznych na całym świecie. Czy jednak projekty tego typu mierzyły i mierzą jakość demokracji w sposób adekwatny? Na podstawie przeglądu literatury przedmiotu można stwierdzić znaczny rozwój metodologii w tym zakresie od końca XX wieku w odpowiedzi na wcześniejsze braki.Autor artykułu opisuje rozwój indeksów demokracji od pierwszych...

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  • Podstawowe narzędzia Lean Manufacturing


    - Rok 2014

    Niniejsza książka powstała w oparciu o doświadczenia wdrożeniowe LeanQ Team i samej autorki zdobywane na przestrzeni dziesięciu lat we współpracy z kilkuset firmami. Książka ta jest podręcznikiem dla poczatkujących, ale wierzę, że i doświadczeni praktycy znajdą w niej kilka inspiracji. Pisząc tę książkę starałam się odpowiedzieć na potrzeby tych, którzy zauważyli, że są na rynku konkurencyjne firmy, które uzyskują lepsze...

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