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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: COMPUTER SCIENCE

  • Implementing Virtual Engineering Objects (VEO) with the Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS)


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2014

    This paper illustrates the idea of Virtual Engineering Object (VEO) powered by Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA (DDNA). A VEO is the knowledge representation of an engineering object, having embodiment of all its associated knowledge and experience within it. Moreover, VEO is a specialization of Cyber-Physical System (CPS) in terms of that its extension in knowledge gathering and reuse, whereas CPS...

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  • Brushing with additional cleaning restrictions


    In graph cleaning problems, brushes clean a graph by traversing it subject to certain rules. We consider the process where at each time step, a vertex that has at least as many brushes as incident, contaminated edges, sends brushes down these edges to clean them. Various problems arise, such as determining the minimum number of brushes (called the brush number) that are required to clean the entire graph. Here, we study a new variant...

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  • Viability of decisional DNA in robotics


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2014

    The Decisional DNA is an artificial intelligence system that uses prior experiences to shape future decisions. Decisional DNA is written in the Set Of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and is capable of capturing and reusing a broad range of data. Decisional DNA has been implemented in several fields including Alzheimer’s diagnosis, geothermal energy and smart TV. Decisional DNA is well suited to use in robotics due to the...

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  • On minimum cost edge searching


    We consider the problem of finding edge search strategies of minimum cost. The cost of a search strategy is the sum of searchers used in the clearing steps of the search. One of the natural questions is whether it is possible to find a search strategy that minimizes both the cost and the number of searchers used to clear a given graph G. We call such a strategy ideal. We prove, by an example, that ideal search strategies do not...

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  • The complexity of zero-visibility cops and robber



    We consider the zero-visibility cops & robber game restricted to trees. We produce a characterisation of trees of copnumber k and We consider the computational complexity of the zero-visibility Cops and Robber game. We present a heavily modified version of an already-existing algorithm that computes the zero-visibility copnumber of a tree in linear time and we show that the corresponding decision problem is NP-complete on a nontrivial...

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  • Universal Augmentation Schemes for Network Navigability

    • P. Fraigniaud
    • C. Gavoille
    • A. Kosowski
    • E. Lebhar
    • Z. Lotker


    Rozważano problem uzupełniania grafu (reprezentującego np. sieci społeczne) poprzez dodanie w każdym węźle jednego dodatkowego skierowanego połączenia (długodystansowego). Dokładniej, dla każdego węzła definiuje się listę prawdopodobieństw istnienia połączenia wychodzącego z danego węzła do wszystkich pozostałych węzłów; wartości tych prawdopodobieństw muszą sumować się do jedności. Routing zachłanny w takiej sieci polega na przekazywaniu...

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  • Phutball is PSPACE-hard

    W pracy dowodzimy, że gra ''Phutball'' (Philosopher's Football) jest PSPACE-trudna.

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  • Taking advantage of symmetries: Gathering of many asynchronous oblivious robots on a ring



    One of the recently considered models of robot-based computing makes use of identical, memoryless mobile units placed in nodes of an anonymous graph. The robots operate in Look-Compute-Move cycles; in one cycle, a robot takes a snapshot of the current configuration (Look), takes a decision whether to stay idle or to move to one of the nodes adjacent to its current position (Compute), and in the latter case makes an instantaneous...

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  • A Novel Framework for Decision Support System in Human Resource Management


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2020

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  • Implementation of algebraic procedures on the GPU using CUDA architecture on the example of generalized eigenvalue problem


    - Open Computer Science - Rok 2016

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  • Modeling and Simulation for Exploring Power/Time Trade-off of Parallel Deep Neural Network Training

    In the paper we tackle bi-objective execution time and power consumption optimization problem concerning execution of parallel applications. We propose using a discrete-event simulation environment for exploring this power/time trade-off in the form of a Pareto front. The solution is verified by a case study based on a real deep neural network training application for automatic speech recognition. A simulation lasting over 2 hours...

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  • A distributed system for conducting chess games in parallel

    This paper proposes a distributed and scalable cloud based system designed to play chess games in parallel. Games can be played between chess engines alone or between clusters created by combined chess engines. The system has a built-in mechanism that compares engines, based on Elo ranking which finally presents the strength of each tested approach. If an approach needs more computational power, the design of the system allows...

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  • Airfoil Design Under Uncertainty Using Non-Intrusive Polynomial Chaos Theory and Utility Functions


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2017

    Fast and accurate airfoil design under uncertainty using non-intrusive polynomial chaos (NIPC) expansions and utility functions is proposed. The NIPC expansions provide a means to efficiently and accurately compute statistical information for a given set of input variables with associated probability distribution. Utility functions provide a way to rigorously formulate the design problem. In this work, these two methods are integrated...

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  • Pareto Ranking Bisection Algorithm for EM-Driven Multi-Objective Design of Antennas in Highly-Dimensional Parameter Spaces


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2017

    A deterministic technique for fast surrogate-assisted multi-objective design optimization of antennas in highly-dimensional parameters spaces has been discussed. In this two-stage approach, the initial approximation of the Pareto set representing the best compromise between conflicting objectives is obtained using a bisection algorithm which finds new Pareto-optimal designs by dividing the line segments interconnecting previously...

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  • Optimization model of agile team’s cohesion


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2014

    Team’s cohesion is one of the most important factors of IT project execution effectiveness. Optimization of team’s cohesion gives the possibility of reducing the risk of project failure. It also allows to increase the teamwork efficiency and thus optimize time of tasks execution, increase the guarantee of maintaining the scope of the project and the chance of achieving a given level of products quality. This article presents determination...

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    The benefits of the additional measurement of rotational degrees of free-dom on the performance of the vibration diagnosis of bridges are studied in this paper. The common vibrational diagnostics that uses translational degrees of freedom is extended by measurements of rotations. The study is curried out on a footbridge and the presence of damage as well as its location and size is determined with use of FEM updating procedure....

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  • Three levels of fail-safe mode in MPI I/O NVRAM distributed cache

    The paper presents architecture and design of three versions for fail-safe data storage in a distributed cache using NVRAM in cluster nodes. In the first one, cache consistency is assured through additional buffering write requests. The second one is based on additional write log managers running on different nodes. The third one benefits from synchronization with a Parallel File System (PFS) for saving data into a new file which...

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  • Designing Intelligent Factory: Conceptual Framework and Empirical Validation


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2016

    This paper presents a framework for monitoring, analysing and decision making for a smart manufacturing environment. We maintain that this approach could play a vital role in developing an architecture and implementation of Industry 4.0. The proposed model has features like experience based knowledge representation and semantic analysis of engineering objects and manufacturing process. It is also capable of continuous real time...

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  • ARIMA vs LSTM on NASDAQ stock exchange data


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2022

    This study compares the results of two completely different models: statistical one (ARIMA) and deep learning one (LSTM) based on a chosen set of NASDAQ data. Both models are used to predict daily or monthly average prices of chosen companies listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange. Research shows which model performs better in terms of the chosen input data, parameters and number of features. The chosen models were compared using...

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  • Machine learning applied to acoustic-based road traffic monitoring

    The motivation behind this study lies in adapting acoustic noise monitoring systems for road traffic monitoring for driver’s safety. Such a system should recognize a vehicle type and weather-related pavement conditions based on the audio level measurement. The study presents the effectiveness of the selected machine learning algorithms in acoustic-based road traffic monitoring. Bases of the operation of the acoustic road traffic...

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  • Improving the Performance of Ontological Querying by using a Contextual Approach

    In the paper we present the results of experiment we performed to determine whether a contextual approach may be used to increase the performance of querying a knowledge base. For the experiments we have used a unique setting where we put much effort in developing a contextual and a non-contextual ontology which are as much close counterparts as possible. To achieve this we created a contextual version...

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  • Contextual ontology for tonality assessment

    classification tasks. The discussion focuses on two important research hypotheses: (1) whether it is possible to construct such an ontology from a corpus of textual document, and (2) whether it is possible and beneficial to use inferencing from this ontology to support the process of sentiment classification. To support the first hypothesis we present a method of extraction of hierarchy of contexts from a set of textual documents...

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  • Microscopic traffic simulation models for connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) – state-of-the-art

    • P. Gora
    • C. Kartakazas
    • A. Drabicki
    • F. Islam
    • P. Ostaszewski

    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2020

    Research on connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) has been gaining substantial momentum in recent years. However, thevast amount of literature sources results in a wide range of applied tools and datasets, assumed methodology to investigate thepotential impacts of future CAVs traffic, and, consequently, differences in the obtained findings. This limits the scope of theircomparability and applicability and calls for a proper standardization...

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  • Gossiping by energy-constrained mobile agents in tree networks



    Every node of an edge-weighted tree network contains a data packet. At some nodes are placed mobile agents, each one possessing an amount of energy (not necessarily the same for all agents). While walking along the network, the agents spend the energy proportionally to the distance traveled and collect copies of the data packets present at the visited network nodes. An agent visiting a node deposits there copies of all currently...

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  • Current trends in consumption of multimedia content using online streaming platforms: A user-centric survey


    In its early days, consumption of multimedia content was only possible at a stationary terminal device. The music player was located at home, and had to have a physical drive. Over the last decade, there has been an enormous increase in the number of online streaming platforms. These services enable users to consume rich multimedia content on various devices. Thanks to the widespread and availability of portable devices, any person...

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  • Jamming and jamming mitigation for selected 5G military scenarios

    • P. Skokowski
    • J. M. Kelner
    • K. Malon
    • K. Maślanka
    • A. Birutis
    • M. A. Vazquez
    • S. Saha
    • W. Low
    • A. Czapiewska
    • J. Magiera... i 2 innych

    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2022

    This paper presents jamming and jamming mitigation techniques, which can be used in relation to emerging military systems based on fifth-generation (5G) technology. Nowadays, 5G technology provides incremental improvements over Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks resulting in the enhancement of civilian communications. Considering enormous possible applications of this new technology, it is feasible to use them in military utilities....

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  • Towards Use of OntoClean for Ontology Contextualization


    Ontologies are formal systems of concepts used to describe numerous domains of interest. Ontologies are usually very expressive, but it comes at a price of computationally expensive reasoning over them. In our previous work we discussed the possible performance benefits that can be obtained by decomposing an ontology into contexts. While the benefits are appealing, we discovered that, in our case, the main obstacle against using...

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  • Weighted 2-sections and hypergraph reconstruction


    In the paper we introduce the notion of weighted 2-sections of hypergraphs with integer weights and study the following hypergraph reconstruction problems: (1) Given a weighted graph , is there a hypergraph H such that is its weighted 2-section? (2) Given a weighted 2-section , find a hypergraph H such that is its weighted 2-section. We show that (1) is NP-hard even if G is a complete graph or integer weights w does not exceed...

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  • Digitalization of High Speed Craft Design and Operation Challenges and Opportunities


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2022

    In recent years, global demands for safe and sustainable ships led to dramatic changes in the maritime industry. Digitalization is expected to play an important part in the future. This is supported by analysis of the autonomous ships market which shows that digitalization of large ship types such as tankers and container ships is well on track. Although to date designs of autonomous High-Speed Craft (HSC) have been developed,...

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  • 2-Coloring number revisited

    2-Coloring number is a parameter, which is often used in the literature to bound the game chromatic number and other related parameters. However, this parameter has not been precisely studied before. In this paper we aim to fill this gap. In particular we show that the approximation of the game chromatic number by the 2-coloring number can be very poor for many graphs. Additionally we prove that the 2-coloring number may grow...

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  • Proposition of the methodology for Data Acquisition, Analysis and Visualization in support of Industry 4.0


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2019

    Industry 4.0 offers a comprehensive, interlinked, and holistic approach to manufacturing. It connects physical with digital and allows for better collaboration and access across departments, partners, vendors, product, and people. Consequently, it involves complex designing of highly specialized state of the art technologies. Thus, companies face formidable challenges in the adoption of these new technologies....

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  • Industry 4.0 Implementation Challenges in Manufacturing Industries: an Interpretive Structural Modelling Approach


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2020

    For the last few years, the fourth industrial revolution, known as Industry 4.0, has been a hot topic among academics. Industry 4.0 literature involves researches presenting studies related to its different aspects including challenges, opportunities, implementation and adoption. However, a detailed study of challenges and barriers towards the Industry 4.0 implementation in manufacturing industries is missing. Hence, this paper...

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  • Human Feedback and Knowledge Discovery: Towards Cognitive Systems Optimization


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2020

    Current computer vision systems, especially those using machine learning techniques are data-hungry and frequently only perform well when dealing with patterns they have seen before. As an alternative, cognitive systems have become a focus of attention for applications that involve complex visual scenes, and in which conditions may vary. In theory, cognitive applications uses current machine learning algorithms, such as deep learning,...

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  • Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD) System to Support Product Inspection Planning in Industry 4.0


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2020

    This paper presents the idea of supporting product inspection planning process during the early stages of product life cycle for the experts working on product development. Aim of this research is to assist a collaborative product development process by using Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD) system, which is based on Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA (DDNA). The proposed system is developed...

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  • Agile Requirements Prioritization in Practice: Results of an Industrial Survey


    Agile software development stresses the importance of providing the customer with a product of a maximized business value. To achieve that, requirements prioritization is used. Agile development methods like Scrum define guidelines for prioritization, however practitioners do not necessarily have to follow them. Our goal was to investigate the industry practice related to requirements prioritization process, including its timing,...

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  • Finding small-width connected path decompositions in polynomial time


    A connected path decomposition of a simple graph $G$ is a path decomposition $(X_1,\ldots,X_l)$ such that the subgraph of $G$ induced by $X_1\cup\cdots\cup X_i$ is connected for each $i\in\{1,\ldots,l\}$. The connected pathwidth of $G$ is then the minimum width over all connected path decompositions of $G$. We prove that for each fixed $k$, the connected pathwidth of any input graph can be computed in polynomial-time. This answers...

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  • Visual content representation and retrieval for Cognitive Cyber Physical Systems


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2019

    Cognitive Cyber Physical Systems have gained significant attention from academia and industry during the past few decade. One of the main reasons behind this interest is the potential of such technologies to revolutionize human life since they intend to work robustly under complex visual scenes, which environmental conditions may vary, adapting to a comprehensive range of unforeseen changes, and exhibiting prospective behavior...

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  • Cops, a fast robber and defensive domination on interval graphs



    The game of Cops and ∞-fast Robber is played by two players, one controlling c cops, the other one robber. The players alternate in turns: all the cops move at once to distance at most one each, the robber moves along any cop-free path. Cops win by sharing a vertex with the robber, the robber by avoiding capture indefinitely. The game was proposed with bounded robber speed by Fomin et al. in “Pursuing a fast robber on a graph”,...

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  • Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD) to Enhance Product Manufacturing in Industry 4.0


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2019

    This paper presents a system capable of enhancing product development process for industrial manufactured products. This system is known as Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD), and it helps in decision making by using explicit knowledge of formal decision events. It stores and reuses the past decisional events or sets of experiences related to different activities involved in industrial product development process i.e. product...

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  • Finite automata for compact representation of tuple dictionaries.



    Opisane zostaje uogólnienie struktury danych - słownika, zwane słownikiem n-tek. Słownik n-tek przedstawia odwzorowanie n-tek łańcuchów znaków na pewne wartości. Motywacją dla powstania tej struktury danych są praktyczne zastosowania w przetwarzaniu języka i mowy, w których obszerne słowniki n-tek używane są do przedstawiania modeli języka. Przedstawiona zostaje technika oszczędnej reprezentacji słowników n-tek. Ta technika...

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  • Rank two bibartite bound entangled states do not exist.



    Wykazano, że nie istnieją stany rzędu dwa które zawierałyby splątanie. Pokazano związki między lokalnym a globalnym rzędem macierzy gęstości oraz ewentualną możliwością wydestylowania kwantowego splątania.

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  • TISAX - optimization of IT risk management in the automotive industry

    • T. Królikowski
    • A. Ubowska

    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2021

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  • ChatGPT - opportunities or threats in the educational process

    • A. Ubowska
    • T. Królikowski

    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2023

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  • Building a cybersecurity culture of public administration system in Poland

    • A. Ubowska
    • T. Królikowski

    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2022

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  • Computer animation system based on rough sets and fuzzy logic

    A fuzzy logic inference system was created, based on the analysis of animated motion features. The objective of the system is to facilitate the creation of high quality animation by analyzing personalized styles contained in numerous animations. Sequences portraying a virtual character acting with a differentiating personalized style (natural or exaggerated) and various levels of fluidity were prepared and subjectively evaluated....

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  • Computer-Supported Polysensory Integration Technology for Educationally Handicapped Pupils


    In this paper, a multimedia system providing technology for hearing and visual attention stimulation is shortly presented. The system aims to support the development of educationally handicapped pupils. The system has been presented in the context of its configuration, architecture, and therapeutic exercise implementation issues. Results of pupils’ improvements after 8 weeks of training with the system are also provided. Training...

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  • An Attempt to Develop a Model Selection Algorithm of Computer Simulation during the Design Process of Mechanical Response of Any Mechanical Body

    In the literature, there are algorithms associated with the design of simulations of technological processes, in which the material model has always been defined previously. However, in none of the studies of computer simulation modelling of technological processes known to the authors of this article, is there a detailed description of how the algorithm, or the selection of plastic model used, is subject to this process. This...

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  • Software Tools to Measure the Duplication of Information

    Data stored in average computer system usually is not unique, portions of stored data are duplicated. When duplicated data are stored in separate files containing source code of computer program of student homework, a possibility of cheating should be seriously considered. This paper presents software tools built, in order to detect re-use of pieces of code in supplied text files. Three aspects of information atching are considered:...

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  • Semantic Integration of Heterogeneous Recognition Systems



    Computer perception of real-life situations is performed using a variety of recognition techniques, including video-based computer vision, biometric systems, RFID devices and others. The proliferation of recognition modules enables development of complex systems by integration of existing components, analogously to the Service Oriented Architecture technology. In the paper, we propose a method that enables integration of information...

  • Video Semantic Analysis Framework based on Run-time Production Rules - Towards Cognitive Vision


    This paper proposes a service-oriented architecture for video analysis which separates object detection from event recognition. Our aim is to introduce new tools to be considered in the pathway towards Cognitive Vision as a support for classical Computer Vision techniques that have been broadly used by the scientific community. In the article, we particularly focus in solving some of the reported scalability issues found in current...

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