wszystkich: 23
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: BOILERS
Corrosion of evaporator tubes in low emission steam boilers
PublikacjaPurpose of this paper is to reveal the mechanisms of corrosion processes of outer surfaces of low-emission steam boiler evaporator tubes. Examinations were performed to find the reasons of different corrosion susceptibility of tubes situated at combustion chamber on various levels. Examinations were conducted on several segments of 57 x 5.0 mm evaporator tubes made of 16M (16Mo3) steel grade. Segments were taken from level of...
Central heating temperature control algorithm for systems with condensing boilers
PublikacjaThe problem of control of a central heating system in a small residence is considered. It is assumed that the system is based on a condensing boiler. Since the boiler efficiency depends on a returning water temperature, the proposed control goal is to provide proper air temperature in the residence as well as the lowest possible water temperature. The proposed algorithm is applied to two buildings. Both of them have the same heating...
Assessment of evaporator tubes corrosion in low-emission steam boilers
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań rur ekranowych(16Mo3) kotła niskoemisyjnego po jednym roku i dwóch latach eksploatacji. Powierzchnie rur pokryte zostały warstwami natryskiwanymi cieplne - pojedynczą ze stopu 70%Ni 30%Cr i podwójną Ni-30Cr /Al2O3. Rury bez powłok natryskiwanych wykazywały pocienienie ze względu na działanie korozji siarkowej oraz korozyjnego oddziaływania warstwy stopionych soli. Pojedyncza warstwa 70%Ni 30%Cr...
An approach for estimation of water wall degradation within pulverized-coal boilers
PublikacjaThe main aim of this paper is to estimate the lifetime of water walls of pulverized-coal boilers at nominal conditions as well as after degradation of water tubes. An approach for a pulverized-coal chamber degradation process has been formulated based on operational and experimental data. This model was formulated using on-line state monitoring of a pulverized coal burner with aim of preventing the fireplace screens from high degradation...
High temperature corrosion of evaporator tubes in low-emission steam boilers
PublikacjaW artykule opisano zjawisko korozji wysokotemperaturowej rur ekranowych kotłów parowych niskoemisyjnych. Przeprowadzono badania rur po eksploatacji. Wykonano badania składu chemicznego zgorzelin. Stwierdzono, że główną przyczyną pocienienia rur na wyższych poziomach jest korozja siarkowa, natomiast na poziomach niższych oddziaływanie stopionych soli.
Analysis of possibility and purposefulness of application of waste-heat boilers to trailing suction hopper dredgers
PublikacjaThis paper presents an analysis of possibility and purposefulness of application of waste-heat boilers to trailing suction hopper dredgers. Using results of own operational research on dredgers this author determined thermal power demand for six hypothetical trailing suction hopper dredgers of various size, at accounting for a type of power system and kind of fuel combusted by dredger's power plant. By means of basic indices of...
Comparative study of operation of condensing and traditional boilers equipped with the ORC module for electricity generation
PublikacjaCondensing technology applied to boilers is to make full use of thermal energy contained in the fuel. That means that additionaly the heat from condensation of exhaust gases can be used for the purposes of heating the domestic hot water and to cover the demand for central heating. The study analyzed the operation of the "traditional" boiler equipped with the ORC module as the similar arrangement but with the condensing boiler....
Comparative study of operation of condensing and traditional boilers equipped with ORC module for electricity generation
PublikacjaThe study analyzed the operation of the "traditional" boiler equipped with the ORC module as the similar arrangement but with the condensing boiler. In the case of a conventional boiler there is noted a greater fuel consumption and the greater power generated than in the case of the unit with the condensing boiler. Postulated is the indicator in the form of a ratio of turbine power to the mass flow rate of fuel, which in turn gives...
Are BBQs Significantly Polluting Air in Poland? A Simple Comparison of Barbecues vs. Domestic Stoves and Boilers Emissions
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Nitrogen oxides removal from hydrogen flue gas using corona discharge in marine boilers: Application perspective
PublikacjaThis paper focuses on the combustion of hydrogen in boilers, as it appears to be a more effective method than using fuel cells for heating purposes due to higher boiler efficiency. One of the main disadvantages of hydrogen combustion in air is NOx formation. Therefore, the authors decided to introduce corona discharge as an inno- vative technique to clean hydrogen flue gas by effectively reducing NOx levels. The method involves...
Zmiany właściwości magnetycznych stali austenitycznych eksploatowanych w kotłach energetycznych = Evolution of magnetic properties of austenite steels exploited at power plant boilers
PublikacjaOpisano wyniki badań właściwości magnetycznych stali austenitycznych eksploatowanych w kotłach energetycznych. Wykazano, że warstwa zgorzeliny zawiera składniki ferromagnetyczne (magnetyt). Wykazano, iż materiał rodzimy zawiera fazy magnetyczne. Sugeruje się, iż tego typu właściwość może być wykorzystywana dla diagnozowania stopnia zdegradowania eksploatowanego materiału
[Chapter] 22. Application of physical modeling to study combustion process-es and flow patterns in large-scale boilers and furmaces. W: Optical me- thods and data processing in heat and fluid flow. Ed. C. Greated, J. Cos-grove, J.M. Buick. Bury St. Edmunds. London: Profess. Eng. Publ.**2002 s. 267-277, 4 rys. bibliogr. 6 poz. Zastosowanie modelowania fizycznego do badania procesów spalania pola prze- pływu w przemysłowych kotłach i piecach.
PublikacjaRozdział zawiera wyniki badań modelowania fizycznego dwuwymiarowego i trój-wymiarowego pola przepływu i procesów spalania w wybranych urządzeniachprzemysłowych.
Small wood waste fired combined heat and power plant. Possible use of wood biomass for the generation of electric and heat energy as an alternative to fossil fuels
PublikacjaThis article discusses the possibility of burning wood biomass instead of fossil fuels in boilers. It describes the properties of wood biomass, including the variation of its calorific value depending on the moisture content of wood. The article proposes several variants of a combined heat and power plant (CHP) system burning wood biomass for the generation of electric and heat energy, using the energy contained in exhaust gases...
Selection of Electrode Material for Inconel 617/P92 Steel SMAW Dissimilar Welds
PublikacjaThe present work aimed to investigate the microstructure and mechanical properties of the dissimilar shielded metal arc welded (SMAW) joint of Alloy 617 and P92 steel for advanced ultrasupercritical boilers. The SMAW joint was produced using three different types of electrodes, namely, ENiCrFe-3, ENiCrMo-3, and ENiCrCoMo-1. During microstructural observation of the welded joints, no possible cracking was detected in the weldments....
Nowoczesne metody termochemicznej konwersji biomasy w paliwa gazowe, ciekłe i stałe = Modern methods of thermochemical biomass conversion into gas, liquid and solid fuels
PublikacjaBiomass utilization through direct- or co-combustion with coal, based on coal, hydrogen and oxygen compounds chemical energy conversion into heat in boilers, is simultaneously the cheapest and - according to experts - economically least effective solution. In case of heat and electricity production in cogeneration process in biomass fueled heat and power stations (wood, straw, energetic plants, RDF etc), investment costs are little...
Prowadzenie ruchu małej elektrociepłowni gazowej według kryterium efektu ekonomicznego
PublikacjaCechą charakterystyczną źródeł gazowych jest ich duża elastyczność ruchowa, w porównaniu do większości źródeł konwencjonalnych i odnawialnych. Cecha ta może i powinna być wykorzystywana do poprawy wskaźników ekonomicznych obiektu. W tym celu należy przeanalizować możliwości jakie daje prowadzenie ruchu źródeł nie w standardzie pracy z wymuszeniem zapotrzebowania na ciepło, ale właśnie maksymalnie wykorzystując elastyczność ruchową...
Prowadzenie ruchu małego źródła kogeneracji gazowej według kryterium efektu ekonomicznego
PublikacjaCechą charakterystyczną źródeł gazowych jest ich duża elastyczność ruchowa, w porównaniu do większości źródeł konwencjonalnych i odnawialnych. Cecha ta może i powinna być wykorzystywana do poprawy wskaźników ekonomicznych obiektu. W tym celu należy przeanalizować możliwości jakie daje prowadzenie ruchu źródeł nie w standardzie pracy z wymuszeniem zapotrzebowania na ciepło, ale właśnie maksymalnie wykorzystując elastyczność ruchową...
Relevance of the EU Structural Funds’ Allocation to the Needs of Combating Air Pollution in Poland. Analysis of the Operational Programmes of Regions Threatened With Critical Air Pollution from Distributed Energy Sources
PublikacjaRecent years, the European Environmental Agency, has been reporting air quality parameters in Poland, as the poorest among all the EU countries. Despite of adoption of the EU legislation on energy efficiency and energy performance of buildings, existing legal solutions occur insufficient in reducing air pollution in Polish regions. Lack of an effective schemes supporting complex thermal renovation of buildings, exchange of inefficient...
Comparison of traditional district heating with low temperature district heating systems featuring organic Rankine cycle and heat pump
PublikacjaPaper presents a comparison between a traditional district heating system with conventional boilers as a source of heat and electricity purchases from power utilities and a low temperature DH system incorporating the CHP with organic Rankine Cycle providing electricity and local heat pump raising the temperature of the DH fluid to the required temperature in the dwelling, meaning that both heat and electricity are produced within...
Thermal utilization of meat-and-bone meal using the rotary kiln pyrolyzer and the fluidized bed boiler – The performance of pilot-scale installation
PublikacjaThermal utilization of meat-and-bone meal (MBM) is subject to stringent regulations that are meant to provide elimination of any potential pathogens. Incineration as well as other possible routes for thermal conversion of MBM are still at the research state. The universal technology was developed that allows to combust various types of waste organic materials, including animal waste, municipal solid waste and sludge, mixed at any...
Exergy analysis of the Szewalski cycle with a waste heat recovery system
PublikacjaThe conversion of a waste heat energy to electricity is now becoming one of the key points to improve the energy efficiency in a process engineering. However, large losses of a low-temperature thermal energy are also present in power engineering. One of such sources of waste heat in power plants are exhaust gases at the outlet of boilers. Through usage of a waste heat regeneration system it is possible to attain a heat rate of approximately...
Pilot installation for thermal utilization of meat-and-bone meal using the rotary kiln pyrolyzer and the fluidised bed boiler
PublikacjaThe technology of thermal utilization of meat-and-bone meal (MBM) is still at the research state. However, there are already a number of existing pilot-scale installations that provide the complete, effective and environmentally safe process conducting. The universal technology was developed that allows to combust various types of waste, including animal waste, municipal waste and sludge, mixed at any ratio with different types...
Dissimilar autogenous TIG joint of Alloy 617 and AISI 304H steel for AUSC application
PublikacjaTo reduce costs and improve high-temperature performance in Advanced Ultra Super Critical (AUSC) boilers, it is necessary to weld austenitic steel to Inconel alloy. In this study, the autogenous tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding process was used to join Alloy 617 and an austenitic AISI 304H steel plate of thickness 5 mm. Microstructural analysis showed that the microstructure formation was uneven along the weldments, with columnar...