wszystkich: 31
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: LASER WELD
Comparison of strain results at a laser weld notch obtained by numerical calculations and experimental measurements
PublikacjaIn the development of ship structures applying new materials and it’s purposeful placement play an important role. During the last years, especially in a construction of ro-ro type vessels, the usage of novel sandwich structures in cargo decks is profitable. Steel sandwich panel is an innovative solution which at a todays state of development can be used for the construction of any members not taking part in a global bending of...
The effect of numerical 2D and 3D FEM element modelling on strain and stress distributions at laser weld notches in steel sandwich type panels
PublikacjaLike other means of transport, merchant ships face the problem of increasing requirements concerning the environment protection, which, among other issues, implies the reduction of fuel consumption by the ship. Here, the conventional approach which consists in making use of higher strength steels to decrease the mass of the ship hull can be complemented by the use of new steel structures of sandwich panel type. However, the lack...
Forecasting of fatigue life of laser welded joints
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono podstawowe dane na temat stalowych paneli typu sandwich. Zaprezentowano wyniki testów zmęczeniowych elementarnych połączeń teowych spawanych laserowo. Omówiono szczegółowo te cechy, które mają istotny wpływ na statyczne i zmęczeniowe własności złącza. Na podstawie przedstawionych wyników badań zmęczeniowych elementarnych połączeń spawanych laserowo uzyskano krzywą projektową S-N dla jednego z pokazanych modeli...
Fatigue life of steel, laser welded panels
PublikacjaW publikacji przedstawiono zagadnienia dotyczące możliwości analizy trwałości zmęczeniowej stalowyxh paneli spawanych laserowo typu sandwich. Przedstawiono wyniki badań laboratoryjnych w skali naturalnej a także krzywe projektowe uzyskane na podstawie systematycznych badań połączeń elementarnych spawanych laserowo. Na podstawie przedstawionych i uogólnionych wyników pokazano propozycję metodyki szacowania trwałości zmęczeniowej...
Heat Source Models in Numerical Simulations of Laser Welding
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Fatigue properties of laser welded steel sandwich panel.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki badań laboratoryjnych paneli SANDWICH, prowadzonych w Kat. TOiOO Wydz. OiO na konstrukcjach w skali rzeczywistej. Przedstawiono program badań, omówiono założenia procedur badawczych i konstrukcję stanowisk testowych. Dokonano porównania uzyskanych rezultatów z wynikami prezentowanymi w literaturze. Przedstawiono propozycję algorytmu szacowania trwałości zmęczeniowej konstrukcji spawanych laserowo.
Computational Techniques in Numerical Simulations of Arc and Laser Welding Processes
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Fatigue life tests of steel laser-welded sandwich structures
PublikacjaW publikacji zaprezentowano rezultaty systematycznych badań trwałości zmęczeniowej elementarnych połączeń wykonanych techniką spawania laserowego dla różnych wariantów geometrii złącz. Pokazano uzyskane wyniki i ich aproksymację, porównano uzyskane rezultaty dla różnych geometrii.
Tests of local strains in steel laser - welded sandwich structure
PublikacjaW publikacji zaprezentowano rezultaty badań odkształceń w strefie spoiny laserowej konstrukcji sandwich. Pokazano obiekt badań, metodykę i oprzyrządowanie oraz proces rejestracji. Przedstawiono uzyskane wyniki i wnioski z nich wypływające.
Research on deformations of laser-welded joint of a steel sandwich structure model.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono problemy związane z zachowaniem złącza laserowego pod obciążeniem zginającym. Pokazano wyniki badań laboratoryjnych dla określenia mechanizmu pracy złącza i przedyskutowano uzyskane rezultaty.
Problems of analysis of axially loaded steel behavior under laser welded panel
PublikacjaWprowadzanie do praktyki nowych rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych wymaga posiadania danych wejściowych do procesu modelowania ich zachowania. Takim nowym elementem jest stalowy, spawany laserowo panel typu sandwich. W pracy pokazano wy-brane problemy towarzyszące modelowaniu zachowań takiej struktury. Pokazano podstawy teoretyczne wyznaczania sztyw-ności panelu a następnie omówiono wyniki badań wyboczenio-wych serii modeli o zmiennej geometrii.
Autogenous Fiber Laser Welding of 316L Austenitic and 2304 Lean Duplex Stainless Steels
PublikacjaThis study presents results of experimental tests on quality of dissimilar welded joints between 316L austenitic and 2304 lean duplex stainless steels, welded without ceramic backing. Fiber laser welded butt joints at a thickness of 8 mm were subjected to non‐destructive testing (visual and penetrant), destructive testing (static tensile test, bending test, and microhardness measurements) and structure observations (macro‐ and...
Influence of Filler Metal on Electrochemical Characteristics of a Laser-Welded CoCrMoW Alloy Used in Prosthodontics
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The determination of deformations and stresses of laser welds used for fatigue assessment of steel sandwich panel joints
PublikacjaPanele typu sandwich znajdują szerokie zastosowanie w wielu gałęziach przemysłu. W przypadku niektórych zastosowań wymagających ocenę ryzyka dużą rolę odgrywa ocena trwałości zmęczeniowej spoin laserowych paneli. W pracy prezentowane są metody wyznaczania lokalnych odkształceń i naprężeń w połączeniach spawanych w celu oceny trwałości zmęczeniowej według hipotez lokalnych naprężeń i odkształceń.
Study on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Laser Welded Dissimilar Joint of P91 Steel and INCOLOY 800HT Nickel Alloy
PublikacjaThis investigation attempts to explore the weld characteristics of a laser welded dissimilar joint of ferritic/martensitic 9Cr-1Mo-V-Nb (P91) steel and Incoloy 800HT austenitic nickel alloy. This dissimilar joint is essential in power generating nuclear and thermal plants operating at 600–650 °C. In such critical operating conditions, it is essential for a dissimilar joint to preserve its characteristics and be free from any kind...
Influence of the notch rounding radius on estimating the elastic notch stress concentration factor in a laser welded tee joint
PublikacjaIn recent years an increased interest of industry in sandwich-type metal structures can be observed. These structures consist of thin plates of 2.5 mm in thickness separated by stiffeners of different shapes and forms. Welds joining the plates and stiffeners are made on the outer side of the plates using laser welding technique. A locally focused source of heat causes the plate to melt creating a very narrow and elongated joint....
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Analysis of Thermal Cycles and Phase Transformation Behavior of Laser-Welded Advanced Multiphase Steel
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A Study on Bead on Plate (BOP) Test for Laser Welding Application of Stainless Steel to Liquified Hydrogen Tank (PART I: STS 304)
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Stalowe panele sandwicz - nowe możliwości wynikające z zastosowania spawania laserowego = All steel sandwich panels - new possibilities introduced by laser welding techniques
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono podstawowe dane na temat stalowych paneli typu sandwicz i technik ich wykonywania. Złącze takie charakteryzuje się specyficznymi własnościami, zdecydowanie odmiennymi od klasycznego połączenia spoiną pachwinową, którego cechy wytrzymałościowe i technologiczne są już dobrze opanowane. W podsumowaniu wykazano, że modelowanie jego geometrii musi być prowadzone na znacznie większym poziomie szczegółowości ze...
Modelling of the Heat Flux Density Distribution for Laser Beam Welding
PublikacjaGreat interest of the laser beam welding in industry is a new theoretical task, making planning the welding procedure specification and the quality control of welded joints easier. Estimating and calculating the dimensions of a weld pool and temperature distribution near weld mainly concern heat source modelling. In the presented work calculations of welding pool shape and thermal field for cylindrical-powered-normally model of...
Regeneration of marine engine valves using laser surfacing
PublikacjaThis article presents an analysis of the applicability of laser surfacing of the exhaust valve face of a marine diesel engine using cobalt-based powder. After preparation by machining, the selected valves were subjected to laser surfacing using a high-power ROFIN DL020 laser. The EuTroLoy 16012 powder was used in the surfacing process. One of the valves was cut and subjected to metallographic examination and hardness measurements,...
Influence of Parameters of Laser Beam Welding on Structure of 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel
PublikacjaLaser welding is used in modern industry, having many advantages comparing to traditional welding technologies. Nowadays, industry sectors such as shipbuilding, automotive and aviation can’t be imagined without laser processing technologies. Possibility of increase of welded joint properties, autogenous welding and high level of process automation makes the technology of laser welding perspective part of the industry. Physical...
FEM modelling of stress and strain distribution in weld joints of steel sandwich panels
PublikacjaThe development of laser welding technology has enabled the mass production of thin-walled structures, including steel sandwich panels. The technology of joining plating panels with stiffeners by welding allows us to create joints with a specific geometry and material properties. In comparison with other types of joints, laser welds are characterized by their specific behaviour under cyclic load and, as a consequence, a different...
The Influence of Modelling Material Zones on Strains and Stresses at Weld Toe Notch
PublikacjaThe latest development in the field of welding technology enabled prefabrication of thin-walled sandwich structures in an industrial scale. Sandwich structures fabricated of steel, or aluminium alloy plates and stiffeners are welded with the use of hi-power CO2 lasers. Strength analysis of such structures with the use of finite element method needs proper material modelling.In this paper the material model of steel sandwich panel...
Effects of preheating on laser beam–welded NSSC 2120 lean duplex steel
PublikacjaDuplex stainless steels show sustainable alternative for the conventional austenitic grades, with higher strength, higher resistance against stress corrosion cracking, and lower purchase cost. Thus, duplex stainless steel gains more attention in construction, oil and gas, and chemical industries. Among duplex stainless steels, low nickel and low molybdenum alloyed lean duplex stainless steel are a cost-efective substitution of...
Impact of laser beam welding on mechanical behaviour of 2.25Cr–1Mo (P22) steel
PublikacjaThe use of welding processes in the manufacturing and repair of structures intended for the energy industry plays a key role in the guarantee of a continuous supply of fossil fuels, which is the basic condition for ensuring energy security. A square butt joint of 10 mm thick plate of 2.25Cr–1Mo (P22) steel was fabricated by autogenous laser beam welding process and then post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) for two sets of process parameters...
Laser Dissimilar Welding of AISI 430F and AISI 304 Stainless Steels
PublikacjaA dissimilar autogenous laser welded joint of AISI 430F (X12CrMoS17) martensitic stainless steel and AISI 304 (X5CrNi18-10) austenitic stainless steel was manufactured. The welded joint was examined by non-destructive visual testing and destructive testing by macro- and microscopic examination and hardness measurements. With reference to the ISO 13919-1 standard the welded joint was characterized by C level, due to the gas pores...
Experimental Evaluation of ND: YAG Laser Parameters and Sample Preparation Methods for Texturing Thin AISI 316L Steel Samples
PublikacjaIn mechanical and material engineering, the effect of laser texturing depends on many factors besides device specification, primarily the properties of the materials being processed, and, secondly, the preparation of the sample. Laser texturing of thin (<5 mm) samples is mostly performed utilizing short-pulse lasers, but depending on the power of the laser beam, the process can also be performed by using continuous operation lasers....
Study on Microstructure-Property Relationship of Inconel 617 Alloy/304L SS Steel Dissimilar Welds Joint
PublikacjaWelding of Inconel 617 (IN617) alloy and austenitic 304L SS steel has been attempted using the autogenous Laser Beam Welding (LBW) process. Characterization of dissimilar weldments was performed on either side of the fusion boundaries. The metallographic results showed that the inhomogeneous microstructure formation for weld metal contained columnar and cellular dendrites near the interface, whilst the columnar, cellular and equiaxed...
Wire Arc Additive Manufactured Mild Steel and Austenitic Stainless Steel Components: Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Residual Stresses
PublikacjaWire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) is an additive manufacturing process based on the arc welding process in which wire is melted by an electric arc and deposited layer by layer. Due to the cost and rate benefits over powder-based additive manufacturing technologies and other alternative heat sources such as laser and electron beams, the process is currently receiving much attention in the industrial production sector. The gas...
The Influence of Selected Parameters of Numerical Modelling on Strains and Stresses at Weld Toe Notch
PublikacjaLatest development in the field of welding technology and prefabrication enabled massive production of thin-walled sandwich structures. Multi-layered sandwich structures are fabricated with the use of high-power CO2 lasers, friction welding, arc welding, hybrid welding, or other technique designed for the special purpose. Steel or aluminium alloy plates with thickness between 1 and 5 mm are connected by internal stiffeners. Strength...