Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: pulse width modulation
PublikacjaA novel approach to small-signal MOSFET modeling is presented in this book. As a result, time- and frequency-domain physics-based quasi-2D NQS four-terminal small-signal MOSFET models are proposed. The time-domain model provides the background to a novel DIBL-included quasi‑2D NQS four-terminal frequency-domain small-signal MOSFET model. Parameters and electrical quantities of the frequency-domain model are described by explicit...
Audio Content and Crowdsourcing: A Subjective Quality Evaluation of Radio Programs Streamed Online
PublikacjaRadio broadcasting has been present in our lives for over 100 years. The transmission of speech and music signals accompanies us from an early age. Broadcasts provide the latest information from home and abroad. They also shape musical tastes and allow many artists to share their creativity. Modern distribution involves transmission over a number of terrestrial systems. The most popular are analog FM (Frequency Modulation) and...
Concentrations and loads of DOC, phenols and aldehydes in a proglacial arctic river in relation to hydro-meteorological conditions. A case study from the southern margin of the Bellsund Fjord – SW Spitsbergen
PublikacjaClimate warming accelerates the melting and thawing of cryosphere components. Therefore, it favours the release of contaminants stored in High-Arctic glaciers for many years. The rate of land-based glacier retreat is of particular importance for the hydrological regime of glacial rivers, but also for the chemical composition of their waters. In this study, we examined 84 surface water samples collected during a period of 42 days...
The radiated immunity test of an astable multivibrator in the frequency range from 100 MHz to 300 MHz
Dane BadawczeThe dataset presents a result of measurements that are a part of electromagnetic field immunity tests. The radiated, radio frequency, immunity tests were carried out for a typical astable electronic multivibrator. Tests of immunity of electronic systems to radiated radio frequency (RF) disturbances in the frequency range from 100 MHz to 300 MHz were...
Road Restraint Systems as a Basis for Roadside Safety Improvement
PublikacjaRoadside-related crashes occur when vehicles run off the road. The majority of the crashes have severe outcomes, especially when an object is hit (tree, pole, supports, front wall of a culvert, barrier). These accidents represent app. 19% of all of Poland's road deaths. Roadside crashes involve: hitting a tree, hitting a barrier, hitting a sign or utility pole, vehicle roll-over on the roadside, vehicle roll-over on a slope and...
The influence of chitosan hydrogel cross-linking by agarose on coating physico-chemical properties
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains various physicochemical analyses showing the effect of different concentration of chitosan and the cross-linking agent agarose. Each sample is labeled by C and A representing chitosan and agarose concentrations, respectively, while the exact amounts are depicted in the attached table. Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy...
Wnioskowanie w wielowymiarowej statystyce (semestr letni 2022/2023)
Kursy Onlinewykład, seminarium, laboratorium: dr inż. Anna Szafrańska Specjalność: Analityk danych, II stopnia, Matematyka, WFTiMS, stacjonarne, 2021/2022 - letni (obecnie sem. 2)
Architectural and Urban Project I 2023/24
Kursy OnlineOLD CITY GDANSK - CONNECTING SPACE Every year the main goal of the I-st Master degree semester is to learn the ways of architectural and urban revitalization of existing urban spaces that require it by implementing specific design activities - combining and redefining space, architectural recycling, mixing functions, etc. This year, the design studio course is in the students’ competition form organized with Gdansk City Authorities....
Projekt dyplomowy 2 (mgr Arch. ) @ KUiPR
Kursy OnlineKurs dla studentów Wydziału Architekturykierunek Architekturarealizujących pracę magisterską w Katedrze Urbanistyki i Planowania Regionalnego
Towards spectral sensitivity curve for two-photon vision mechanism
PublikacjaAbstract Purpose: The perceived brightness of different visible light sources can be compared with photometric units based on the standardized luminosity curves (300-780nm range). As reported previously (PNAS 111(50), pp. E5445-E5454 (2014)), near-infrared (NIR) radiation can cause isomerization of visual pigments by one- or two-photon absorption. The perceived color of the stimulus is red in the case of one-photon vision (1PV)...
Elective seminar: Designing Urban Lighting for the Built Environment – from Theory to Practice
Kursy OnlineGoal of the course: Understanding the basic design issues related to illumination of the exterior spaces in the built environment Course content / class schedule: 1.Student will learn the difference between Functional versus Decorative lighting in exterior spaces 2. Student will learn how artificial lighting can shape the appearance of an urban space 3. Student will learn necessary tools (luminaires, light sources,...
Measurements and Measurement Systems [2022/23]
Kursy OnlineOpis kursu: (np. numer semestru, dla którego przeznaczony jest kurs, cel lub tematyka przedmiotu) IV semestr kierunku Energy Technologies. Celem kursu jest zapoznanie teoretyczne i praktyczne studentów z podstawowymi i zaawansowanymi metodami pomiarowymi różnych wielkości pomiarowych oraz budową i zasadą działania systemów pomiarowych. The aim of the course is to introduce theoretical and practical students with basic...
Bioetyka 2024/2025
Kursy OnlineNazwa przedmiotu: Bioetyka Kierunek studiów: Biotechnologia Wydział: Chemiczny Poziom kształcenia: I Forma studiów: Stacjonarne Rok studiów: Semestr studiów: Start semestru: luty 2025 Rok akademicki realizacji przedmiotu: 2024/2025 Forma zajęć: Wykład, Laboratorium
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2006
Dane BadawczeThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2007
Dane BadawczeThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2012
Dane BadawczeThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2008
Dane BadawczeThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2009
Dane BadawczeThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2011
Dane BadawczeThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2010
Dane BadawczeThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
Oprzyrządowanie technologicznych systemów wytwarzania (PG_00050175)
Kursy OnlineWYKŁAD: Rola oprzyrządowania w systemie wytwarzania części maszyn. Błędy wpływające na dokładność wykonania w uchwytach obróbkowych. Ustalenie przedmiotu w uchwycie. Zamocowanie przedmiotu w uchwycie. Ustalenie i zamocowanie uchwytu na obrabiarce. Zasady projektowania uchwytów: uchwyty tokarskie, uchwyty wiertarskie, uchwyty frezarskie, uchwyty modułowe, uchwyty narzędziowe. Oprzyrządowanie montażowe. Oprzyrządowanie transportowe,...
Theory of Architectural Design I. Introduction 2022
Kursy OnlineLectures are held online on Wednesdays from 19:15 to 20:00 Theory of Architectural Design I 1 https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YWVkZWJiZWUtYzY2Yy00NzNiLThlMzctNWY3Y2U2YjgxODc4%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2286760356-0022-486f-b793-a2d470bba5a5%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22ca4e7f4e-c85d-4f86-914f-456ee1702ebe%22%7d Our course aims to teach you how to design architecture. The process of...
Fizyka II 2022/23
Kursy OnlineKurs FIZYKA II jest przeznaczony dla studentów WILiŚ kierunku Inżynieria środowiska sem. 2. Kurs zawiera materiały do wykładu oraz ćwiczeń rachunkowych.
Fizyka II 2023/24
Kursy OnlineKurs FIZYKA II jest przeznaczony dla studentów WILiŚ kierunku Inżynieria środowiska sem. 2. Kurs zawiera materiały do wykładu oraz ćwiczeń rachunkowych.
Fizyka II 2024/25
Kursy OnlineKurs FIZYKA II jest przeznaczony dla studentów WILiŚ kierunku Inżynieria środowiska sem. 2. Kurs zawiera materiały do wykładu oraz ćwiczeń rachunkowych.
Application of Mathematics in Technology, ET, 24/25
Kursy OnlineApplication of Mathematics MOODLE ENV localdevtestprod
Architectural project I 2024/25
Kursy OnlineOur course aims to teach you the basics how to design architecture. The process of architectural design is not only about function and construction. It is about creating an original form with individual features and beauty that will become a meaningful part of our environment. Our course in architectural design is based on the connection with ART. We follow the tradition of the famous Bauhaus school, where architects and artists...
Application of Mathematics in Technology, ET, sem 3, 23/24, (PG_00049767)
Kursy OnlineApplication of Mathematics MOODLE ENV localdevtestprod
Application of Mathematics in Technology for Dezhou University, 2024
Kursy OnlineApplication of Mathematics MOODLE ENV localdevtestprod
Application of Mathematics in Technology for Dezhou University, 2023
Kursy OnlineApplication of Mathematics MOODLE ENV localdevtestprod
Architectural Project II 2024/25
Kursy OnlineOur course aims to teach you the basics how to design architecture. The process of architectural design is not only about function and construction. It is about creating an original form with individual features and beauty that will become a meaningful part of our environment. Our course in architectural design is based on the connection with ART. We follow the tradition of the famous Bauhaus school, where architects and artists...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2001
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains data derived from recordings of the AVHRR/3 radiometer operating on board the NOAA POES (Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites) Series - 5th Generation Satellites covering the Baltic Sea area. The satellite data was recorded in the years 2000-2012 directly by the HRPT station installed at the University of Gdańsk. The registration...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2003
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains data derived from recordings of the AVHRR/3 radiometer operating on board the NOAA POES (Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites) Series - 5th Generation Satellites covering the Baltic Sea area. The satellite data was recorded in the years 2000-2012 directly by the HRPT station installed at the University of Gdańsk. The registration...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2005
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains data derived from recordings of the AVHRR/3 radiometer operating on board the NOAA POES (Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites) Series - 5th Generation Satellites covering the Baltic Sea area. The satellite data was recorded in the years 2000-2012 directly by the HRPT station installed at the University of Gdańsk. The registration...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2002
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains data derived from recordings of the AVHRR/3 radiometer operating on board the NOAA POES (Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites) Series - 5th Generation Satellites covering the Baltic Sea area. The satellite data was recorded in the years 2000-2012 directly by the HRPT station installed at the University of Gdańsk. The registration...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2004
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains data derived from recordings of the AVHRR/3 radiometer operating on board the NOAA POES (Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites) Series - 5th Generation Satellites covering the Baltic Sea area. The satellite data was recorded in the years 2000-2012 directly by the HRPT station installed at the University of Gdańsk. The registration...
Elective Seminar: Loft - Before and Nowadays - Creative Contest for Architects and Designers
Kursy OnlineAs part of the elective seminar, students working in groups of 3 people will prepare architectural and lighting concept for an international competition: "LOFT-BEFORE AND NOWADAYS" organized by the Polish Lighting Industry Association), co-organized by Goczołowie Architekci OVO Grąbczewscy Architects and the SOMA Agency, the organizer of the International LIGHT Fair. More information here about the competition here: https://lightfair.pl/green-shoots-competition/ The...
Kursy OnlineGOSPODARKA PRZESTRZENNA s.1 ZASADY PROJEKTOWANIA Prowadzący: dr inż.arch. Roman Ruczyński Zapraszam na cykl: moich wykładównaszych ćwiczeńWaszych prezentacjiwspólnych dyskusji. Kurs założony w celu udostępniania materiałów i archiwizacji prac semestralnych - RR
Kursy OnlineGOSPODARKA PRZESTRZENNA s.1 ZASADY PROJEKTOWANIA Prowadzący:dr inż.arch. Roman Ruczyński Zapraszam na cykl: moich wykładównaszych ćwiczeńWaszych prezentacjiwspólnych dyskusji. Zajęcia odbywają się stacjonarnie, kurs założony w celu udostępniania materiałów i archiwizacji prac semestralnych. RR
Elective Project II: MOVABLE HOUSE – the home of a Modern Nomad
Kursy OnlineAs part of the elective seminar, students working in groups of 3 people will prepare architectural and lighting concept for an international competition: "MOVABLE HOUSE – The Home of a Modern Nomad " organized by the Polish Lighting Industry Association), co-organized by Goczołowie Architekci OVO Grąbczewscy Architects and the SOMA Agency, the organizer of the International LIGHT Fair. More information here about the competition...
Inter Applied Chemistry Programme 6 A practical approach to novel industrial enzymes Dr Natasha Bozic
Kursy OnlineInter Applied Chemistry Programme 6 - A practical approach to novel industrial enzymes Dr Natasha Bozic The purpose of the course is to introduce students to the technologies of industrial enzymes discovery and manufacturing and to provide in depth insight about the advantages of using enzyme preparations in industry. Lectures will cover the common workflows of industrial enzymology including following topics: general enzyme...
2024 Podstawy projektowania GP 1 sem
Kursy OnlineGOSPODARKA PRZESTRZENNA s.1 ZASADY PROJEKTOWANIA Prowadzący:dr inż.arch. Roman Ruczyński Zapraszam na cykl: moich wykładównaszych ćwiczeńWaszych prezentacjiwspólnych dyskusji. Zajęcia odbywają się stacjonarnie, kurs założony w celu udostępniania materiałów i archiwizacji prac semestralnych. RR
2024 GP1 Podstawy Projektowania
Kursy OnlineGOSPODARKA PRZESTRZENNA s.1 2024/25 ZASADY PROJEKTOWANIA Prowadzący: dr inż.arch. Roman Ruczyński Zapraszam na cykl: moich wykładównaszych ćwiczeńWaszych prezentacjiwspólnych dyskusji. Zajęcia odbywają się stacjonarnie, kurs założony w celu udostępniania materiałów i archiwizacji prac semestralnych. RR
Fizyka I IBM 2022
Kursy OnlineNazwa przedmiotu: Fizyka Kierunek studiów: Elektronika i Telekomunikacja Wydział: ETI Poziom kształcenia: Studia I Stopnia Forma studiów: Studia stacjonarne Rok studiów: 1 Semestr studiów: 2 Start semestru: luty 2021 Rok akademicki realizacji przedmiotu: 2020/2021 Forma zajęć: wykład
Bazy danych w zarządzaniu TSL (Transport, Spedycja, Logistyka), PG_00056159WIMIO/TRA/ st. zim 22/23
Kursy Onlineautor kursu: dr inż. Tacjana Niksa-Rynkiewicz Kurs przygotowany jest dla studentów na kierunku: Transport i logistyka W ramach kursu realizowane są zajęcia obecnie planowane w formie zdalnej: wykład (15godz.) laboratoryjne (30 godz.) Celem przedmiotu jest zapoznanie studentów z możliwościami wykorzystania programów i dostępnych w nich procedur na zajęciach laboratoryjnych które umożliwiają: projektowanie systemów...
Kursy OnlineNazwa przedmiotu: Diagnostyka Molekularna w Medycynie i Przemysle Spożywczym Kierunek studiów: Biotechnologia Wydział: Chemiczny Poziom kształcenia: Studia II Stopnia Forma studiów: Studia stacjonarne Rok studiów: II Semestr studiów: II Start semestru: październik 2023 Rok akademicki realizacji przedmiotu: 2023/2024 Forma zajęć: Wykład...
Kursy OnlineNazwa przedmiotu: Diagnostyka Molekularna w Medycynie i Przemysle Spożywczym Kierunek studiów: Biotechnologia Wydział: Chemiczny Poziom kształcenia: Studia II Stopnia Forma studiów: Studia stacjonarne Rok studiów: II Semestr studiów: II Start semestru: październik 2021 Rok akademicki realizacji przedmiotu: 2021/2022 Forma zajęć: blended...