Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: skaning naziemny - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: skaning naziemny

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: skaning naziemny

  • Dyplomy pod red. Adam Inglot

    Kursy Online
    • A. Inglot

    Kurs przeznaczony jest dla studentów pracujących nad dyplomem inżynierskim lub magisterskim pod redakcją dr inż. Adama Inglota. Zakres tematyki prac dyplomowych obejmuje zagadnienia związane z: kartografią cyfrową, generalizacją kartograficzną, systemami informacji geograficznej, automatyczną klasyfikacją lotniczego skaningu laserowego, opracowaniem map topograficznych.



    The approach of system thinking is completely different from traditional forms of analysis. Even the ancient meaning of word analysis is “a breaking up”. Set of Experience Knowledge Structure is an atomic record of decision event that can be grouped together and form some form of decision DNA of an organization. The question that this paper is trying to answer in how those concepts can be merged.

  • Chemically Selective Alternatives to Photoferroelectrics for Polarization-Enhanced Photocatalysis: The Untapped Potential of Hybrid Inorganic Nanotubes

    • J. Elliott
    • E. Poli
    • I. Scivetti
    • L. Ratcliff
    • L. Andrinopoulos
    • J. Dziedzic
    • N. Hine
    • A. Mostofi
    • C. Skylaris
    • P. Haynes
    • G. Teobaldi

    - Advanced Science - Rok 2016

    Linear-scaling density functional theory simulation of methylated imogolite nanotubes (NTs) elucidates the interplay between wall-polarization, bands separation, charge-transfer excitation, and tunable electrostatics inside and outside the NT-cavity. The results suggest that integration of polarization-enhanced selective photocatalysis and chemical separation into one overall dipole-free material should be possible.

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  • Tkaninowe tarcze polerskie do operacji ręcznych i zautomatyzowanych


    - Rok 2016

    Na podstawie własnego doświadczenia w produkcji narzędzi, kontaktów z użytkownikami oraz analizy ofert producentów przedstawiono narzędzia do ścierno-polerskich obróbek wykończeniowych, w których elementem roboczym jest tkanina. Zwrócono uwagę na ich konstrukcję, stosowane materiały włókiennicze oraz warunki i optymalne obszary ich zastosowań.

  • Experience-Based Product Inspection Planning for Industry 4.0



    In this paper we describe how our Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD) system can be used to enhance product inspection planning. The SVPD system is comprised of three main modules, these being the design knowledge management (DKM) module, the manufacturing capability and process planning (MCAPP) module, and the product inspection planning (PIP) module. Experiential knowledge relating to formal decisional events is collected,...

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  • Smart Knowledge Engineering for Cognitive Systems: A Brief Overview



    Cognition in computer sciences refers to the ability of a system to learn at scale, reason with purpose, and naturally interact with humans and other smart systems, such as humans do. To enhance intelligence, as well as to introduce cognitive functions into machines, recent studies have brought humans into the loop, turning the system into a human–AI hybrid. To effectively integrate and manipulate hybrid knowledge, suitable technologies...

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  • Towards Experience-Based Smart Product Design for Industry 4.0



    This paper presents the concept of smart virtual product development (SVPD) system capable of supporting industrial product development process. It enhances the decision making process during different stages and activities involved in product development i.e. product design, manufacturing, and its inspection planning. The enhancement is achieved by using the explicit knowledge of formal past decision events, which are captured,...

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  • Visual Content Learning in a Cognitive Vision Platform for Hazard Control (CVP-HC)



    This work is part of an effort for the development of a Cognitive Vision Platform for Hazard Control (CVP-HC) for applications in industrial workplaces, adaptable to a wide range of environments. The paper focuses on hazards resulted from the nonuse of personal protective equipment (PPE). Given the results of previous analysis of supervised techniques for the problem of classification of a few PPE (boots, hard hats, and gloves...

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  • Enhancing the set of experience knowledge structure as a reflexive ontology


    - Rok 2007

    Przedstawiono mechanizm wspomagania reprezentacji wiedzy wyrażonej w postaci zbioru doświadczeń przy pomocy ontologii.

  • From Knowledge based Vision Systems to Cognitive Vision Systems: A Review


    - Rok 2018

    Computer vision research and applications have their origins in 1960s. Limitations in computational resources inherent of that time, among other reasons, caused research to move away from artificial intelligence and generic recognition goals to accomplish simple tasks for constrained scenarios. In the past decades, the development in machine learning techniques has contributed to noteworthy progress in vision systems. However,...

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  • Manufacturing collective intelligence by the means of Decisional DNA and virtual engineering objects, process and factory



    Engineering collective intelligence is paramount in current industrial times. This research proposes and presents case studies for collective knowledge structures required in the industry field. Knowledge structures such as Set of Experience and Decisional DNA are extended into more advanced knowledge structures for manufacturing processes. These structures are called Virtual Engineering Object, Virtual Engineering Process and...

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  • Smart Embedded Systems with Decisional DNA Knowledge Representation


    - Rok 2020

    Embedded systems have been in use since the 1970s. For most of their history embedded systems were seen simply as small computers designed to accomplish one or a few dedicated functions; and they were usually working under limited resources i.e. limited computing power, limited memories, and limited energy sources. As such, embedded systems have not drawn much attention from researchers, especially from those in the artificial...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Visual Content Representation for Cognitive Systems: Towards Augmented Intelligence


    - Rok 2020

    Cognitive Vision Systems have gained significant attention from academia and industry during the past few decades. One of the main reasons behind this interest is the potential of such technologies to revolutionize human life since they intend to work robustly under complex visual scenes (which environmental conditions may vary), adapting to a comprehensive range of unforeseen changes, and exhibiting prospective behavior. The combination...

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  • Image Representation for Cognitive Systems Using SOEKS and DDNA: A Case Study for PPE Compliance


    - Rok 2020

    Cognitive Vision Systems have gained significant interest from academia and industry during the past few decade, and one of the main reasons behind this is the potential of such technologies to revolutionize human life as they intend to work under complex visual scenes, adapting to a comprehensive range of unforeseen changes, and exhibiting prospective behavior. The combination of these properties aims to mimic the human capabilities...

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  • Decisional DNA: the concept and its implementation platforms



    Omowiono kopncepcje zarzadzania wiedza oparta na decyzyjnym DNA gdzie wiedza jest reprezentowana poprzez zbiory doswiadczen. Przedstawiono obecne oraz przyszle zastosowania omawianej koncepcji.

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  • Context-Aware Indexing and Retrieval for Cognitive Systems Using SOEKS and DDNA


    - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing - Rok 2019

    Visual content searching, browsing and retrieval tools have been a focus area of interest as they are required by systems from many different domains. Context-based, Content-Based, and Semantic-based are different approaches utilized for indexing/retrieving, but have their drawbacks when applied to systems that aim to mimic the human capabilities. Such systems, also known as Cognitive Systems, are still limited in terms of processing...

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  • Visual content representation and retrieval for Cognitive Cyber Physical Systems


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2019

    Cognitive Cyber Physical Systems have gained significant attention from academia and industry during the past few decade. One of the main reasons behind this interest is the potential of such technologies to revolutionize human life since they intend to work robustly under complex visual scenes, which environmental conditions may vary, adapting to a comprehensive range of unforeseen changes, and exhibiting prospective behavior...

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  • Human Feedback and Knowledge Discovery: Towards Cognitive Systems Optimization


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2020

    Current computer vision systems, especially those using machine learning techniques are data-hungry and frequently only perform well when dealing with patterns they have seen before. As an alternative, cognitive systems have become a focus of attention for applications that involve complex visual scenes, and in which conditions may vary. In theory, cognitive applications uses current machine learning algorithms, such as deep learning,...

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  • Model zaangażowania w relacji usługodawca-klient


    - Rok 2020

    W niniejszej monografii przedstawiono rozwiązania pozwalające lepiej zrozumieć złożoność relacji występujących pomiędzy usługodawcami a klientami oraz metody, które pozwalają tę wiedzę wykorzystać w doskonaleniu procesów organizacji usługowych. Monografia podejmuje problem kształtowania zaangażowania na styku usługodawca–klient jako wstępnego i koniecznego warunku rozwijania relacji w usługach. Opierając się na klasycznej drabinie...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym


    Celem opracowania jest ukazanie roli, jaką odgrywają media społecznościowe i wypowiedzi internautów w kształtowaniu wizerunku marki wśród użytkowników Sieci. Artykuł prezentuje także wyniki obserwacji aktywności polskich internautów dotyczące jednej z polskich marek spożywczych. Internauci zamieszczają w Internecie różnorodne treści powiązane pośrednio lub bezpośrednio z markami. Zadaniem organizacji, podobnie jak w przypadku pozostałych...

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