dr hab. inż. Arkadiusz Lewicki
- Associate professor at Department of Electric Drives and Energy Conversion
e-Learning courses
PODSTAWY AUTOMATYKI [Niestacjonarne][2021/22]
Napędy o zasilaniu przekształtnikowym 2024/25
Elektrotechnika, II st.,
PODSTAWY AUTOMATYKI [Niestacjonarne][2022/23]
Selected topics in electrical engineering – modelling of, electrical machines [2021/22]
Cyfrowe układy wbudowane i programowalne [2023/24]
Cyfrowe układy wbudowane i programowalne, AiR,
PODSTAWY AUTOMATYKI [Niestacjonarne][2020/21]
Mikroprocesory i układy peryferyjne w automatyce
Egzaminy dyplomowe
w ramach zajęć pokazano zasady budowy, projektowania i sterowania elektrycznym napędem zautomatyzowanym pracujacym w trybach regulacji momentu, prędkości i położenia. Ponadto pokazano aplikacje napędowe.
Conducted classes
Fundamentals of Control
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Fundamentals of Control
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Drive Automatics and Servomechanisms
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems
Microprocessors and Peripheral Systems in Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Fundamentals of Control
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Essentials of Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering
Essentials of Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Fundamentals of Control
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Digital embedded and programmable systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems
Specialization: Industrial Automatics
Microprocessors and Peripheral Systems in Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Essentials of Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Fundamentals of Control
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Microprocessors and Peripheral Systems in Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Digital embedded and programmable systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems
Specialization: Industrial Automatics
Digital embedded and programmable systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems
Specialization: Industrial Automatics
Essentials of Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Digital embedded and programmable systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems
Specialization: Industrial Automatics
Microprocessors and Peripheral Systems in Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Digital embedded and programmable systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems
Specialization: Industrial Automatics
Essentials of Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Microprocessors and Peripheral Systems in Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Digital embedded and programmable systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems
Specialization: Industrial Automatics
Digital embedded and programmable systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems
Specialization: Industrial Automatics
Digital embedded and programmable systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Industrial Automatics
Essentials of Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering -
Essentials of Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering -
Microprocessors and Peripheral Systems in Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Digital embedded and programmable systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Industrial Automatics
Digital embedded and programmable systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Industrial Automatics
Digital embedded and programmable systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Industrial Automatics
Microprocessors and Peripheral Systems in Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Essentials of Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Integration and Visualisation of Industrial Automatics Systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Industrial Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering -
Microprocessors and Peripheral Systems in Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Integration and Visualisation of Industrial Automatics Systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Industrial Automatics
Microprocessors and Peripheral Systems in Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering -
Essentials of Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Essentials of Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Integration and Visualisation of Industrial Automatics Systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Industrial Automatics
Integration and Visualisation of Industrial Automatics Systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Industrial Automatics
Integration and Visualisation of Industrial Automatics Systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Industrial Automatics
Integration and Visualisation of Industrial Automatics Systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Industrial Automatics
Essentials of Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Integration and Visualisation of Industrial Automatics Systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Industrial Automatics
Integration and Visualisation of Industrial Automatics Systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Industrial Automatics
Essentials of Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Essentials of Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Integration and Visualisation of Industrial Automatics Systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Industrial Automatics
Essentials of Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Integration and Visualisation of Industrial Automatics Systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Industrial Automatics
Microprocessors and Peripheral Systems in Automatics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Computer-aided Prototyping
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Integration and Visualisation of Industrial Automatics Systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Specialization: Industrial Automatics
Reviewed papers list
Strategie sterowania napędami wysokoobrotowymi i przekształtnikami energii ze źródeł odnawialnych współpracującymi z pokładowymi systemami zasilającymi o podwyższonej częstotliwości
dr inż Tomasz Binkowski - Politechnika Rzeszowska - 2023
Algorytmy modulacji szerokości impulsów dla przekształtników wielopoziomowych i matrycowych
- Politechnika Gdańska - 2020
Hex-Y – a modular multilevel converter topology. Feasibility study for direct-drive low frequency application
dr inż Paweł Błaszczyk - Akademia Górniczo Hutnicza - 2020
„Energoelektroniczne rezonansowe przekształtniki mocy DC-DC o przełączanych kondensatorach podwyższające napięci
dr inż Adam Kawa - Akademia Górniczo Hutnicza - 2020
Konwersja energii i sterowanie w energoelektronicznych układach wielofazowych (o liczbie faz większej niż trzy)
dr hab. inż Atif Iqbal - Politechnika Gdańska - 2019
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