dr inż. arch. Bogusława Konarzewska
- Assistant professor at Department of Technical Fundamentals of Architectural Design
e-Learning courses
Budownictwo ogólne II 2022/2023
Budownictwo Ogólne II 2021/2022
Praktyka budowlana 2021/22
Budownictwo I: Materiały budowlane_2019_2020
Kurs przeznaczony dla studentów I sem. studiów I stopnia na kierunku Architektura
Projekt elementów budowlanych i konstrukcyjnych I - 2021-22
Kurs dla studentów 4 semestru studiów inżynierskich na Wydziale Architektury
Obrona pracy dyplomowej magisterskiej, kierunek Architektura, 2020/21
General Building Technology I 2022/23
Budownicwo Ogólne II 2020/21
Organizacja Procesów Inwestycyjnych 2021/2022
Budownictwo I: Materiały Budowlane 2021/2022
Building Technologies II 2021/2022
Projekt elementów budowlanych i konstrukcyjnych I - 2022/23
Kurs dla studentów 4 semestru studiów inżynierskich na Wydziale Architektury
Building Technologies II 2020/2021
Building Technologies II 2022/2023
Budownictwo I: Materiały Budowlane 2022/23
Praktyka budowlana 2020/21
Budownictwo I : 2023/24 MATERIAŁY BUDOWLANE
Theory of architectural design VI
Organization of Investment Processes 2023/24
Praktyka budowlana On site practice 2023/2024
Economics and organization of investment process - sem.8 - 2023/24
General Building Technologies II 2023/24
Organizacja Procesów Inwestycyjnych dr inż arch B Konarzewska
Organizacja Procesów Inwestycyjnych OPI 2022/2023
Planowanie harmonogramu robót budowlanych sem VI rok 2024/25 kopia 1
General Building Technology I 2023/2024
Budownictwo I: MATERIAŁY BUDOWLANE 2024/25
Budownictwo ogólne II 2023/2024
Teoria projektowania architektonicznego 6
Praktyka budowlana/Construction on site training 2022/2023
General Building Technology I 2024/2025
Ekonomika i organizacja procesów inwestycyjnych sem.8. 2023/2024
Przedmiot kursowy WAPG
Ekonomika i Organizacja Procesu Inwestycyjnego 2023/24 sem VI
Economics and organization of investment process - sem.6 - 2023/24
Obrona pracy dyplomowej magisterskiej, kierunek Architektura, I tura
Kurs przeznaczony dla obron prac dyplomowych magisterskich w formie zdalnej, 3 - 6 listopada 2020
General Building Technologies II 2024/25
Teoria projektowania architektonicznego VI
Koncepcja serii wykładów dla semestru 6 opiera się na holistycznym podejściu do projektowania architektonicznego, obejmującym praktykę zawodową, aspekty prośrodowiskowe i kulturowe. Program rozpocznie się od wprowadzenia do projektu budowlanego, które przygotuje studentów do samodzielnego i świadomego przeprowadzenia zadania projektowego. Wykłady dotyczące kontekstu urbanistycznego będą koncentrować się na integracji projektów...
Budownictwo ogólne II 2024/2025
Economics and organization of investment process 2024/25
Theory of architectural design VI
The concept of the lecture series for semester 6 is based on a holistic approach to architectural design, encompassing professional practice, environmental, and cultural aspects. The program will begin with an introduction to the building project, which will prepare students for independent and conscious project execution. Lectures on the urban context will focus on integrating projects with their surroundings, both in terms of...
Organizacja Procesów Inwestycyjnych (A:01838) 2020/21
Przedmiot dla studentów 7. sem. inż. na kierunku Architektura
Ekonomika i Organizacja Procesu Inwestycyjnego 2024/25
Conducted classes
General Building Technology II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
General Building Technology II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Construction on Site Training
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Construction on Site Training
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
General Building Technology II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Construction on Site Training
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
General Building Technology II
Faculty of Architecture -
General Building Technology II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
General Building Technology I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
General Building Technology I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Construction on Site Training
Faculty of Architecture -
Construction on Site Training
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
General Building Technology II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Construction on Site Training
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Construction on Site Training
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
General Building Technology I
Faculty of Architecture -
General Building Technology I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
General Building Technology II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
General Building Technology I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
General Building Technology II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Construction on Site Training
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
General Building Technology I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
General Building Technology I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
General Building Technology II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Construction on Site Training
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
General Building Technology II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Faculty of Architecture -
General Building Technology I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Construction on Site Training
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Construction on Site Training
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Faculty of Architecture -
General Building Technology II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
Faculty of Architecture -
Faculty of Architecture -
General Building Technology I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
General Building Technology II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
General Building Technology I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Faculty of Architecture -
Faculty of Architecture -
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
General Building Technology II
Faculty of Architecture -
General Building Technology I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
General building technology I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
General Building Technology II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
General Building I
Faculty of Architecture -
General Building Technology II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
General Building I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
General Building I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
General Building Technology II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
General Building Technology I. Building Materials
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
General Building Technology II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
General Building Technology I. Building Materials
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
General Building Technology I. Building Materials
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Elective Seminar: Effective and Passive Building
Faculty of Architecture -
General Building Technology I. Building Materials
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
General Building Technology II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
General Building Technology II
Faculty of Architecture
General Building Technology I. Building Materials
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Elective Seminar: Effective and Passive Building
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: -
General Building Technology I. Building Materials
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
General Building Technology I. Building Materials
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Specialization: Erasmus, MOSTECH
General Building Technology I. Building Materials
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Elective Seminar III: Interactive and Media Technologies in Architecture
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
Elective Seminar: Effective and Passive Building
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
General Building Technology I. Building Materials
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Building Materials and Products II
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture and Urban Planning
General Building Technology I. Building Materials
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
seen 1715 times