dr inż. Klaudia Kosek
total: 22
Catalog Publications
Year 2022
Development of cluster analysis methodology for identification of model rainfall hyetographs and its application at an urban precipitation field scale
PublicationDespite growing access to precipitation time series records at a high temporal scale, in hydrology, and particularly urban hydrology, engineers still design and model drainage systems using scenarios of rainfall temporal distributions predefined by means of model hyetographs. This creates the need for the availability of credible statistical methods for the development and verification of already locally applied model hyetographs....
Local variability in snow concentrations of chlorinated persistent organic pollutants as a source of large uncertainty in interpreting spatial patterns at all scales
PublicationSingle point sampling, a widespread practice in snow studies in remote areas, due to logistical constraints, can present an unquantified error to the final study results. The low concentrations of studied chemicals, such as chlorinated persistent organic pollutants, contribute to the uncertainty. We conducted a field experiment in the Arctic to estimate the error stemming from differences in the composition of snow at short distances...
Year 2021
A High-Arctic flow-through lake system hydrochemical changes: Revvatnet, southwestern Svalbard (years 2010–2018)
PublicationLake ecosystems are strongly coupled to features of their surrounding landscapes such as geomorphology, lithology, vegetation and hydrological characteristics. In the 2010–2018 summer seasons, we investigated an Arctic flow-through lake system Revvatnet, located in the vicinity of the coastal zone of Hornsund fjord in Svalbard, characterising its hydrological properties and the chemical composition of its waters. The lake system...
Arctic Freshwater Environment Altered by the Accumulation of Commonly Determined and Potentially New POPs
PublicationChemical composition of Arctic freshwater ecosystems depends on several factors. They include characteristics of the surrounding landscape, its lithology, geomorphology, vegetation, and hydrological features, as well as accumulation of anthropogenic pollution. In the Arctic, the problem of environmental contamination is widespread. That is why research on lakes and river catch-ments in terms of their chemical composition has enjoyed...
Ocena i predykcja dynamiki epidemii COVID-19 na podstawie obecności wirusa SARS-CoV-2 w ściekach
PublicationCOVID-19 - wywołany przez wirusa SARS-CoV-2, prowadzący m.in. do ostrej niewydolności oddechowej, spowodował kryzys w służbie zdrowia i istotne implikacje społeczno-gospodarcze. Główną drogą przenoszenia SARS-CoV-2 jest droga kropelkowa, czyli aerozole z dróg oddechowych, generowane przez kaszel, kichanie i mówienie. Zakażenie SARS-CoV-2 może nie tylko wpływać na układ oddechowy, powodując gorączkę, kaszel, wyciek z nosa, duszność...
The Use of Cluster Analysis to Evaluate the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Daily Water Demand Patterns
PublicationProper determination of unitary water demand and diurnal distribution of water consumption (water consumption histogram) provides the basis for designing, dimensioning, and all analyses of water supply networks. It is important in the case of mathematical modelling of flows in the water supply network, particularly during the determination of nodal water demands in the context of Extended Period Simulation (EPS). Considering the...
Year 2020
Horyzontem II za koło polarne – arktyczna wyprawa polarna naukowców z Politechniki Gdańskiej
PublicationW dniach od 24 sierpnia do 17 września 2020 roku dr inż. Klaudia Kosek (WILiŚ), dr inż. Małgorzata Szopińska (WILiŚ) oraz mgr inż. Joanna Potapowicz (WCh) uczestniczyły w 43. Wyprawie Polarnej Instytutu Geofizyki PAN. Ekspedycja naukowa ujęta była w programie badawczym zawartym w projekcie grantowym Preludium (nr 2017/25/N/NZ9/01506), finansowanym przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki, pt. „Oznaczanie składników odżywczych, będących podstawowym...
Implementation of advanced micropollutants removal technologies in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) - Examples and challenges based on selected EU countries
PublicationThe accumulation of micropollutants (MPs) and their increasing concentration in the aquatic environment are an emerging issue for water quality in the world. The complex web of exposure pathways, as well as the variety in the chemical structure and potency of MPs, represents enormous challenges for researchers and policy initiatives. In order to manage MPs, it has to be decided which of them have to be reduced and to what extent,...
Substancje biogenne i inne problemy w zarządzaniu wodami opadowymi w portach
PublicationDo niedawna uważano, że substancjami zanieczyszczającymi wody portowe są głównie substancje ropopochodne. Ich rozlewy powstawały najczęściej w wyniku awarii, nieuwagi lub np. zatonięcia statku. W ostatnich latach jednak organizacja HELCOM w roboczych dokumentach pt.: „Draft Report on potentialsources of nutrientinputs: Baltic Sea portshandlingfertilizers” (HOD 52-2017) oraz „Results of the questionnaire on fertilizer cargo handling...
Year 2019
Environmental characteristics of a tundra river system in Svalbard. Part 1: Bacterial abundance, community structure and nutrient levels
PublicationThe Arctic hosts a set of unique ecosystems, characterised by extreme environmental conditions and undergoing a rapid change resulting from the average temperature rising. We present a study on an aquatic ecosystem of the Revelva catchment (Spitsbergen), based on samples collected from the lake, river and their tributaries, in the summer of 2016. The landscape variety of the study site and the seasonal change in the hydrological...
Environmental characteristics of a tundra river system in Svalbard. Part 2: Chemical stress factors
PublicationBacterial communities in the Arctic environment are subject to multiple stress factors, including contaminants, although typically their concentrations are small. The Arctic contamination research has focused on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) because they are bioaccumulative, resistant to degradation and toxic for all organisms. Pollutants have entered the Arctic predominantly by atmospheric and oceanic long-range transport,...
Evaluation of the influence of grapevine growing conditions on wine quality
PublicationScientists are increasingly interested in the viticulture concept of terroir, which states that unique properties of wine are strictly related to the environmental conditions under which grapes are cultivated. The aim of the research was to compare the parameters characterizing wines produced in Poland, such as pH, conductivity, total organic carbon (TOC), and concentration of anions (F−, Cl−, NO2−, NO3−, PO43−, SO42−). It was...
Year 2018
Facile formation of self-organized TiO2 nanotubes in electrolyte containing ionic liquid - ethylammonium nitrate and their remarkable photocatalytic properties
PublicationThe oriented TiO2 nanotube arrays (NTs) are identified as a stable, active and recyclable photocatalytic surface. However, their photoactivity is strictly depended on morphology (especially length), which could be controlled by anodic oxidation parameters, including electrolyte properties. To control the morphology, were successfully synthesized a series of NTs by a novel approach where ionic liquid (IL), ethylammonium nitrate...
The interaction between bacterial abundance and selected pollutants concentration levels in an arctic catchment (southwest Spitsbergen, Svalbard)
PublicationPersistent organic pollutants (POPs) have been a topic of interest in environmental sciences for > 60 years. POPs in the Arctic have been investigated since the 1970s, when first atmospheric measurements revealed the presence of these pollutants in the polar regions. Major contaminant transport routes to the Arctic include atmospheric and oceanic transport, as well as inflow from rivers and sea ice. The sources of pollutants, such...
Wyprawa Polarna AREX 2017
PublicationW dniach od 26 lipca do 5 sierpnia 2017 roku uczestniczyłam w XXXI Wyprawie Polarnej Instytutu Oceanologii PAN AREX 2017 na Spitsbergen. Obszarem prowadzenia badań był Fiord Hornsund, a celem wyprawy było między innymi pobranie próbek wody do analiz chemicznych i mikrobiologicznych.
Year 2017
Bacterial presence in polar regions associated with environment modification by chemical compounds including contaminants
PublicationMicrobes are omnipresent and diverse members of all biological communities. In marine and freshwater ecosystems, microorganisms form the base of the food chain supporting higher trophic levels. Even though, microbes generally are thought to live in warm regions of Earth, many of them develop in cold climates. Polar regions remain relatively protected from widespread anthropogenic disturbances, which is a consequence of its remoteness...
Impact of Volcanic Eruptions on the Occurrence of PAHs Compounds in the Aquatic Ecosystem of the Southern Part of West Spitsbergen (Hornsund Fjord, Svalbard)
PublicationThe paper presents changes in concentration levels of dioxin-like compounds that can be observed over the course of four study seasons in water samples collected from the Arctic watershed of Svalbard. The conducted analysis involved anthropogenic and natural factors that may affect the concentration of PAHs in the study samples of water. An attempt is made to indicate the emission source of the compounds being deposited and to...
Year 2016
Determination of selected chemical parameters in surface water samples collected from the Revelva catchment (Hornsund fjord, Svalbard)
PublicationSurface water samples (river and lake) were collected from the Revelva catchment every summer from 2010 to 2013. This study concerns importance of the use of some analytical techniques for pollutants and parameters deter- mination in Arctic environmental samples based on the example of total organic carbon, phenols, and formaldehyde determination and measurement of pH and electrical conductivity parameters. Significant...
Phytoplankton communities of polar regions–Diversity depending on environmental conditions and chemical anthropopressure
PublicationThe polar regions (Arctic and Antarctic) constitute up to 14% of the biosphere and offer some of the coldest and most arid Earth's environments. Nevertheless several oxygenic phototrophs including some higher plants, mosses, lichens, various algal groups and cyanobacteria, survive that harsh climate and create the base of the trophic relationships in fragile ecosystems of polar environments. Ecosystems in polar regions are characterized...
Polarny wrzesień „Polska Stacja Polarna – Spitsbergen”. XXXIX Wyprawa Polarna, Hornsund 2016
PublicationW dniach od 6 września do 1 października 2016 roku uczestniczyłyśmy w XXXIX Wyprawie Polarnej Instytutu Geofizyki PAN. Ekspedycja naukowa ujęta była w programie badawczym zawartym w projekcie grantowym finansowanym przez NCN, pt. „Badanie modyfikacji chemizmu wód zlewni rzeki Revelvy (obszar fiordu Hornsund, Spitsbergen) przez zanieczyszczenia antropogeniczne przy zróżnicowanym zasilaniu przez wody atmosferyczne”.
Year 2015
The use of selected analytical techniques for pollutants determination in the environmental samples collected from the Arctic regions
PublicationThe paper concern importance of the use of analytical techniques for pollutants determination in the Arctic based on the example of total organic carbon, phenolsandformaldehyde determinationandmeasurementofpHand electrical conductivity parameters in surfacewater samples collected fromthe Revelva catchment.
Year 2014
Morphometric parameters of the Renardbreen as important factors determining the spatial distribution of chemical compounds on the glacier surface (Bellsund, Svalbard)
PublicationThis paper concern influence of the morphometric parameters (height, length and slope of the glacier) on the spatial distribution of the physicochemical parameters (pH, electrical conductivity, total organic carbon) determined in the ice and snow samples collected from the surface of Renardbreen during summer season of 2012. Obtained results allow to assume also a significant changes in a spatial distribution of other chemical...
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