dr inż. Paweł Szczeblewski
- Assistant professor at Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry
e-Learning courses
Chemometria - Chemia (21/22 - aktualny)
Związki biologicznie czynne pochodzenia naturalnego - 2020/2021
Kurs e-Nauczania dla studentów kierunku Biotechnologia Leków, II stopień, semestr 1. Kurs zawiera linki do wykładów online, a także skrypty w postaci plików .pdf oraz .pptx. Materiały pojawiają się w regularnych odstępach czasu, o czym Studenci będą informowani drogą mailową.
Biotechnologia leków - laboratorium
Biochemia VI sem 23/24
Chemometria - Chemia - zimowy 24/25
Projektowanie nowych chemoterapeutyków
Instrumentalne Metody Badań Struktur Biomakromolekuł
Projektowanie Nowych Chemoterapeutyków
Projektowanie Nowych Leków
Chemometria - Chemia - zimowy 23/24
Chemometria dla Chemii
Conducted classes
Designing new drugs
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Chemistry
Specialization: Biological and Medical Chemistry
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Biologically Active Compounds of Natural Origin
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Field of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Engineer Diploma Laboratory
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Drug Design
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Field of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Engineer Diploma Thesis
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Designing new drugs
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Chemistry
Specialization: Biological and Medical Chemistry
Master's thesis
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Master's thesis
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Biologically Active Compounds of Natural Origin
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Field of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Biologically Active Compounds of Natural Origin
Faculty of Chemistry -
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Engineering Diploma Project
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Drug Design
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Field of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Methodology of Experimental Research
Faculty of Chemistry
Biologically Active Compounds of Natural Origin
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Master's thesis
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Master's thesis
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Chemical Technology
Methodology of Experimental Research
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Chemical Technology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Master's thesis
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Methodology of Experimental Research
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Artificial Intelligence
Field of study: Biotechnology
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Medical Physics
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Medical Physics
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Medical Physics
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Electronics in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Electronics in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Elective subjects: Przedmioty obieralne dla kierunku Inżynieria Biomedyczna
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Electronics in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Artificial Intelligence
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Artificial Intelligence
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Engineer Project
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Chemistry
Specialization: Chemia
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Pre-diploma laboratory
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
seen 2318 times