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Catalog Publications


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Catalog Publications

Year 211

Year 1955

Year 1970

Year 1971

  • Konzetrationslöschung durch Energieübertragung bei der Lumineszenz von Lösungen
    • C. Bojarski
    • J. Kuśba
    • G. Obermüller

    - Year 1971

    The absorption spectra and quantum yields of the fluorescence of rhodamine 6 G are investigated in two different water-glycerol mixtures as a function of the rhodamine concentration. The observed concentration quenching is attributed to the formation of rhodamine dimers and the decrease in quantum yield is compared with theoretical concepts about concentration quenching by energy transfer to the dimers.

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Year 1974

  • A study of concentration depolarization and quenching of photoluminescence of solutions
    • C. Bojarski
    • A. Bujko
    • J. Dudkiewicz
    • J. Kuśba
    • G. Obermüller


    The concentration-dependence of emission anisotropy r/r0 and quantum yield eta/eta0 of the photoluminescence of glycerol-water solutions of rhodamine B in two systems of viscosities 7.4 P and 0.72 P is investigated. The experimental data are compared with the new theory of concentraticn depolarization (J. Lumin., 5, 413 (1972)) and concentration quenching of photoluminescence (Acta Phys. Hungar., 30, 145 (1972)), which takes...

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  • Übertragung von Anregungsenergie in Dreikomponentenlösungen
    • I. Ketskeméty
    • J. Kuśba

    - Year 1974

    A general dependence between directly measured fluorescence spectra of three-component solutions and the spectra of the individual components was specified. In the considerations, radiative and non-radiative energy transfer processes were taken into account, including energy migration and the possibility of inactive transfer. The obtained dependence was verified using two solution systems as examples and in both cases a good...

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Year 1975

  • Strahlungslose Übertragung von Elektronenanregungsenergie bei zweidimensionalen lumineszierenden Systemen
    • C. Bojarski
    • J. Kuśba

    - Year 1975

    An expression for the photoluminescence (PhL) quantum yield of donors in two-dimensional systems as depending on the concentration ratio nD'/nA' of donors and acceptors has been obtained. In the particular case nD' ⪡ nA' the expression reduces to the form given by other authors. The obtained formula can also be applied to the description of the concentrational quenching of PhL when dimers act as acceptors. The theory has been...

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Year 1976

Year 1977

Year 1980

  • Effect of clonidine on growth hormone release in psychiatric patients and controls
    • N. Matussek
    • M. Ackenheil
    • H. Hippius
    • F. Müller
    • H. Schröder
    • H. Schultes
    • B. Wasilewski
    • b. wasilewski

    - Psychiatry Research - Year 1980

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  • Gospodarka skojarzona cieplno-elektryczna

    - Year 1980

    W książce podano teoretyczne podstawy gospodarki skojarzonej cieplno - elektrycznej oraz przedstawiono analizę efektów ekonomicznych, uzyskiwanych dzięki skojarzonemu wytwarzaniu energii elektrycznej i cieplnej. Przykłady optymalizacji parametrów w układach skojarzonych, obliczone przy użyciu nowoczesnych metod matematycznych na maszynach cyfrowych, dotyczą konkretnych zagadnień praktycznych, występujących w energetyce przemysłowej...

Year 1981

Year 1982

Year 1983

Year 1984

Year 1985

Year 1986

Year 1987

Year 1988

Year 1989

Year 1990

Year 1991

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