total: 999
filtered: 22
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BioDiCoWet New methods of emission reduction of selected pollutants and application of by-products from sewage treatment plants
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Environmental Engineering Technology according to E007/P01/2007/01/85 agreement from 2007-05-02
ARES Antibiotic RESistance in Łeba River: Risk Assessment of Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants in the Development of Antibiotic Resistance
ProjectsProject realized in Gdańsk University of Technology; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to 14/1/2023/IDUB/I3b/Ag agreement from 2024-04-22
MODEON Model of sludge management in wastewater treatment plants focused on increasing renewable energy production and nutrients recovery
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Sanitary Engineering according to WFOŚ/D/201/3/2018 agreement from 2018-01-19
CaviTreatment The use of cavitation to the pre-treatment of wastewater from the production of bitumen
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to 0040/IP2/2015/73 agreement from 2015-04-07
Development of optimal method for reduction of the pollution load of effluents from bitumen production.
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to UMO-2013/D/ST8/03973 agreement from 2014-06-02
Innowacyjne źródło węgla dla wspomagania denitryfikacji w komunalnych oczyszczalniach ścieków
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to UDA-POIG.01.03.01-22-140/09-00 agreement from 2009-09-15
MORPHEUS Model Areas for Removal of Pharmaceutical Substances in the South Baltic
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Environmental Engineering Technology according to STHB.02.02.00-SE-0038/16-00 agreement from 2017-03-08
Wpływ procesów oczyszczania ścieków komunalnych na rozmieszczenie wybranych zanieczyszczeń nowej generacji
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Environmental Engineering Technology
RENEMO Reduction of N2O emissions from wastewater treatment plants - measurements, modeling and process optimization
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to WPN/7/2013 agreement from 2013-07-15
INPORR Integrated technology for nitrogen and phosphorus removal and recovery in municipal wastewater treatment plants.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Sanitary Engineering according to NOR/SGS/INPORR/0074/2020-00 agreement from 2021-09-01
Mobilny reaktor SBR do oczyszczania odcieków z procesów przeróbki osadu w oczyszczalniach ścieków
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to WFOŚ/D/201/289/2013 agreement from 2013-12-20
DIAOPS Efektywne usuwanie mikrozanieczyszczeń ze ścieków przy użyciu elektrochemicznego utleniania na nanokrystalicznych anodach diamentowych (DIAOPS)
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Metrology and Optoelectronics according to WFOŚ/D/201/7/2018 agreement from 2018-01-19
SIREN Integrated system for SImultaneous Recovery of Energy, organics and Nutrients and generation of valuable products from municipal wastewater
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Sanitary Engineering according to NOR/POLNOR/SIREN/0069/2019-00 agreement from 2020-09-24
Identification, characteristics and modeling of the COMAMMOX process - a new pathway in the nitrogen cycle in wastewater treatment systems
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to UMO-2017/27/B/NZ9/01039 agreement from 2018-10-15
Zastosowanie procesu Anammox w komunalnych oczyszczalniach ścieków dla zmniejszenia zużycia energii i emisji gazów cieplarnianych
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to WFOŚ/D/201/140/2011 agreement from 2011-06-07
The influence of operational parameters on the mechanism of vivianite crystallization in the process of phosphorus and iron recovery from wastewater.
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Influence of biochar modification on changes in its properties in relation to the use in wastewater treatment in green wall systems
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Sanitary Engineering
Przemiany związków siarki w procesach oczyszczania ścieków z wysoką zawartością azotu takich jak odcieki pochodzące z komór fermentacji osadu
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Sanitary Engineering according to DEC- 2019/03/X/ST10/01127 agreement from 2019-12-04
AID-4WATER Advanced electro-peroxone treatment of wastewater originated from medical units with special focus on pharmaceuticals degradation pathways
ProjectsProject realized in Gdańsk University of Technology; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to 20/1/2022/IDUB/I3b/Ag agreement from 2023-03-27
NOAH Holistic planning, real time control and augmented reality in protecting Baltic Sea from untreated wastewater spillages during flood events
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Environmental Engineering Technology according to #R093 agreement from 2019-01-18
Rozpoznanie i wybór markerów zanieczyszczeń wprowadzonych do Zatoki Admiralicji (Antarktyka Morska) poprzez bezpośrednie odprowadzanie ścieków bytowych na przykładzie Polskiej Stacji Antarktycznej im H. Arctowskiego
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Environmental Engineering Technology according to DEC- 2018/02/X/ST10/01539 agreement from 2018-11-03
Badanie migracji związków pochodzenia antropogenicznego (alkilo pochodnych pirydyny, alkilo-benzylo-dimetylo lub trimetylo- czwartorzędowych soli amoniowych oraz ich estrów) w ekosystemach wodnych zagrożonych przedostawaniem się do nich ścieków.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Analytical Chemistry