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Search results for: adsorption
Characterization of the Physical, Chemical, and Adsorption Properties of Coal-Fly-Ash–Hydroxyapatite Composites
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Extraordinary Adsorption of Methyl Blue onto Sodium-Doped Graphitic Carbon Nitride
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Adsorption performance of graphitic carbon nitride-based materials: Current state of the art
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Mechanism of Butanol Adsorption from Solution. 2. Further Evidence of Association Importance
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Effects of surface nonuniformity and molecular association on mechanism of butanol adsorption from solution
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Effect of UV radiation and chitosan coating on the adsorption-photocatalytic activity of TiO2 particles
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Experimental Investigation of an Intensified Heat Transfer Adsorption Bed (IHTAB) Reactor Prototype
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Adsorption chiller in a combined heating and cooling system: simulation and optimization by neural networks
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Performance Evaluation of a Single-Stage Two-Bed Adsorption Chiller With Desalination Function
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An adaptive neuro-fuzzy model of a re-heat two-stage adsorption chiller
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Adsorption from aqueous solutions of chlorinated organic compounds onto activated carbons
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Adsorption properties of Triton X-100 and rhamnolipid biosurfactant in the contex of soil remediation
PublicationZbadano adsorpcję surfaktantu syntetycznego Triton X-100 i biosurfaktantu z grupy ramnolipidów oraz ich koadsorpcję na granicy faz powietrze/woda oraz olej/woda. Jako fazę organiczną wybrano dodekan oraz syntetyczny olej bazowy na bazie polialfaolefin (PAO). Te same surfaktanty użyto do zbadania zwilżalności powierzchni stałych pokrytych cieńką warstwą substancji hydrofobowej. Na podstawie badań fizykochemicznych nie zauważono...
Theoretical and experimental research of heat and mass transfer in adsorption process in dac systems
PublicationPrzedstawiono badania wymiany ciepła i masy w stałych adsorpcyjnych elementach wykonanych na bazie silikażelu. Zaprezentowano również informacje dotyczące osuszania w systemach klimatyzacyjnych. Na zkończenie pokazano wyniki numerycznej symulacji i skojarzonej wymiany ciepła i masy w chłodzonym osuszaczu.
Application of cyanated asphaltenes in gas-phase adsorption processes for removal of volatile organic compounds
PublicationThe paper presents an innovative, chemically modified (methylcyanated) asphaltene-based adsorbent that can be an inter-esting low-cost alternative for traditional adsorbents. Adsorption properties of adsorbents were examined by inverse gas chromatography technique, adsorption isotherms, and breakthrough curves. A significant increase in retention volume for pyridine, 2-pentanone, nitropropane, toluene, and 1-butanol was observed....
Adsorption behavior of Methylene Blue and Rhodamine B on microplastics before and after ultraviolet irradiation
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Solvent-Free Synthesis of Phosphonic Graphene Derivative and Its Application in Mercury Ions Adsorption
PublicationFunctionalized graphene was efficiently prepared through ball-milling of graphite in the presence of dry ice. In this way, oxygen functional groups were introduced into material. The material was further chemically functionalized to produce graphene derivative with phosphonic groups. The obtained materials were characterized by spectroscopic and microscopic methods, along with thermogravimetric analysis. The newly developed material...
Adsorption behavior of Methylene Blue and Rhodamine B on microplastics before and after ultraviolet irradiation
PublicationThe accumulation of microplastics (MPs) and dyes has attracted extensive attention because of their environ mental effects, which will be exacerbated especially after the aging of MPs. This study aimed at investigating the significance of Methylene Blue (MB) and Rhodamine B (RhB) adsorption behavior by PLA (polylactic acid) and PA66 (Polyamide 66) MPs after UV aging. After aging, there was an observed increase in the hydrophilicity,...
Molecular dynamics study on the role of solvation water in the adsorption of hyperactive AFP to the ice surface
PublicationUsing computer simulations, the early stages of the adsorption of the CfAFP molecule to the ice surface were analyzed. We found that the ice and the protein interact at least as early as when the protein is about 1 nm away from the ice surface. These interactions are mediated by interfacial solvation water and are possible thanks to the structural ordering of the solvent. This ordering leads to positional preference of the protein...
Upcycle waste plastics to magnetic carbon materials for dye adsorption from polluted water
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Adsorption Performance of Activated-Carbon-Loaded Nonwoven Filters Used in Filtering Facepiece Respirators
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Heat Transfer in Adsorption Chillers with Fluidized Beds of Silica Gel, Zeolite, and Carbon Nanotubes
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Direct conversion of biomass to nanoporous activated biocarbons for high CO2 adsorption and supercapacitor applications
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Adsorption of a Four-Component Mixture of Volatile Organic Compound Vapors on Modified Activated Carbons
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Interfacial water controls the process of adsorption of hyperactive antifreeze proteins onto the ice surface
PublicationA mechanism of interactions between the ice-binding surface of a hyperactive antifreeze protein molecule and the ice surface is proposed, involving the influence of water present between the two surfaces on the behavior of the approaching molecule. It is demonstrated that the interfacial water, even before its full solidification, can act as a factor that pushes away or pulls nearer the protein molecule to ensure its proper positioning....
Lead In drinking water: Adsorption method and role of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks for its remediation: A review
PublicationDue to various characteristics properties lead(II) metal is utilized in many applications like lead ion batteries, water pipes, ammunition and paints. For this reason, concentration of lead(II) ions in water is increasing days by days which is alarming for water pollution. Water pollution is a major problem worldwide which affects biosphere badly, and causes continuous reduction of accessible sources of fresh water and ground water, available...
Conversion of waste biomass to designed and tailored activated chars with valuable properties for adsorption and electrochemical applications
PublicationWaste biomass, a renewable energy source, is inexpensive material that has great potential in sorp-tion and electrochemical application. The selected waste materials (corncobs, coconut shells, wal-nuts, and pistachio husks) allow to close the production cycle and enable material recycling, which are important aspects in the hierarchy of waste management. The proposed methodology for pro-duction and activation of biochars can be...
Kinetics of the Adsorption of Copper and Lead Ions from Aqueous Solution on to WD-ekstra Activated Carbon
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Selective adsorption of BTEX on calixarene-based molecular coordination network determined by 13C NMR spectroscopy
PublicationBenzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX), a class of volatile organic compounds, are harmful pollutants but also very important precursors in organic industrial chemistry. Among different approaches used for the BTEX treatment, the adsorption technology has been recognized as an efficient approach because it allows to recover and reuse both adsorbent and adsorbate. However, the selective adsorption of the components is...
CO2 capture enhancement by metal oxides impregnated coal fly ash: a breakthrough adsorption study
PublicationCoal fired power plants are significant contributors to CO2 emissions and produce solid waste in the form of coal fly ash, posing severe environmental challenges. This study explores the application of dry-impregnated coal fly ash for CO2 capture from gas stream. The modification of coal fly ash was achieved using alkaline earth metal oxides, specifically CaO and MgO, to alter its physical and chemical properties. Characterization...
FeS-based nanocomposites: A promising approach for sustainable environmental remediation – Focus on adsorption and photocatalysis – A review
PublicationPopulation expansion, industrialization, urban development, and climate changes increased the water crisis in terms of drinking water availability. Among the various nanomaterials for nanoremediation towards water treatment, FeS-based nanocomposites have emerged as promising candidates in the adsorptive and photocatalytic removal of contaminants. This paper, therefore, evaluates the potential of FeS-based nanocomposites for environmental...
Rotating Magnetic Field-Assisted Reactor Enhances Mechanisms of Phage Adsorption on Bacterial Cell Surface
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Adsorption of a metalorganic complex at a metal surface: A density functional theory study vs. model description
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Competition adsorption of malachite green and rhodamine B on polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride microplastics in aqueous environment
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CO2 capture enhancement by metal oxides impregnated coal fly ash: a breakthrough adsorption study
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Synthesis and Application of Cobalt-based Metal-organic Framework for Adsorption of Humic Acid from Water
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Comparison of Gold Nanoparticles Deposition Methods and Their Influence on Electrochemical and Adsorption Properties of Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes
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Dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of the adsorption and relaxation of polianiline chains during potentiodynamic redox transformations
PublicationZaprezentowano nowe podejście do analizy widm impedancyjnych uzyskanych dla warstwy przewodzącej polianiliny (PAni). Właściwości powyższej warstwy są często modelowane przy użyciu elementu stałofazowego (CPE), który w sposób dokładniejszy odzwierciedla wyniki eksperymentalne niż klasyczny element pojemnościowy (kondensator). W pracy zaproponowano nowy elektryczny obwód zastępczy oparty na modelu adsorpcyjnym Frumkin-Melik-Gaikazyan,...
Dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of the adsorption and relaxation of polyaniline chains during potentiodynamic redox transformations
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Effect of Metal and Carbon Nanotube Additives on the Thermal Diffusivity of a Silica Gel-Based Adsorption Bed
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Implementation of Fluidized Bed Concept to Improve Heat Transfer in Ecological Adsorption Cooling and Desalination Systems
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Towards enhanced heat and mass exchange in adsorption systems: The role of AutoML and fluidized bed innovations
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Removal of Ni2+ from Aqueous Solutions by Adsorption Onto Magnetic Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposite
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Carbonized Lanthanum-Based Metal-Organic Framework with Parallel Arranged Channels for Azo-Dye Adsorption
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Equilibrium and kinetics studies for the adsorption of Ni2+ and Fe3+ ions from aqueous solution by graphene oxide
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Potassium citrate-derived porous carbon with high CO2 capture and Congo red adsorption performance
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Adsorption dynamics of chlorinated hydrocarbons from multi-component aqueous solution onto activated carbon
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Isotherms, Isosteres, and Enthalpy of Adsorption of 1,2-Dichloroethane from Aqueous Solution onto Activated Carbons
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Changes in zeta potential of imidazolium ionic liquids modified minerals - Implications for determining mechanism of adsorption
PublicationW celu wyjaśnienia mechanizmu adsorpcji imidazoliowych cieczy jonowych na glebach zbadane zostałych oddziaływania szeregu homologów imidazoliowych z frakcją mineralną gleb. Wyznaczono izotermy sorpcji, współczynniki podziału oraz zmiany potencjałów zeta kwarcu i kaolinitu wywołane adsorpcją imidazoliowych cieczy jonowych o zwiększającej się długości łańcucha alkilowego. Potencjał zeta okazał się zależny od długości łańcucha dla...
Perfectly Wetting Mixtures of Surfactants from Renewable Resources: The Interaction and Synergistic Effects on Adsorption and Micellization
PublicationThis paper presents a study of the surface properties of mixtures of surfactants originating from renewable sources, i.e., alkylpolyglucoside (APG), ethoxylated fatty alcohol (AE), and sodium soap (Na soap). The main objective was to optimize the surfactant ratio which produces the highest wetting properties during the analysis of the solution of the individual surfactants, twoand three-component mixtures, and at different pH values....
Adsorption of 1,2-Dichlorobenzene from the Aqueous Phase onto Activated Carbons and Modified Carbon Nanotubes