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Search results for: ROLLING
Accurate rolling resistance Rolling resistance measurements can be influenced by a number of factors
PublicationTire rolling resistance is one of the most difficult-to-measure parameters of the tire/ pavement interface, especially if road measurements are required. First of all, it is necessary to measure a fairly small force in the system that is heavily loaded by other forces and subjected to many adverse effects causing measurement errors. The second problem is related to the fact that tire rolling resistance depends on many factors,...
Statistical Dynamics of the Rolling Mills
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Location of ship rolling axis.
PublicationPodano definicję osi kołysań statku i metodę określania jej położenia. Położenie osi zależy nie tylko od rozkładu mas statku ale równiez od tzw. ''mas towarzyszących'', które są reprezentacją sił hydrodynamicznych działających na statek w czasie kołysania. Podano proste formuły pozwalajace obliczyć poprawne położenie osi kołysań statku.
PublicationTemperature is a very important factor controlling rolling resistance of road vehicle tyres. There are at least three different temperatures that may be considered as important factors controlling thermal conditions of the rolling tyre. The most common measure of the thermal conditions during tyre rolling is ambient air temperature. The other two are: pavement temperature and “tyre” temperature. Tyre temperature is the most difficult...
Final report on noise and rolling resistance
PublicationWork Package 6 deals with environmental impacts of PERS use, including noise and rolling resistance. This report covers preliminary noise tests performed in the laboratory and at the road test sites. The obtained results indicate that PERS material reduce noise considerably - up to 12 dB in comparison to SMA16 reference surface. Noise reduction properties are especially visible in the case of factory produced PERS slabs supplied...
Methods of Tire Rolling Resistance Measurements
PublicationTire rolling resistance is one of the factors related to tire/road interaction that has important influence on road vehicles performance. Raising fuel price and increased concern related to the environmental changes result in growing interest in reduction of tire rolling resistance that influences fuel consumption, especially in free-flowing highway traffic with moderate speeds. There are several methods of tire rolling resistance measurements....
Rolling resistance measurements of studded tires
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiaru oporu toczenia opon kolcowanych i po usunięciu kolców na nawierzchni poroelastycznej. Badania przeprowadzono na stanowisku bębnowym Katedry Pojazdów i Maszyn Roboczych Politechniki Gdańskiej. Opony kolcowane mają o około 5% wyższy współczynnik oporu toczenia w porównaniu z oponami nie kolcowanymi.
Type of surface and tire rolling resistance
Road texture influence on tyre rolling resistance
PublicationTyre performance, one of the critical factors for vehicle users, is strongly related to theroad surface characteristics, most notably to the pavement texture. Phenomena that occur at the tyre/road interface affect tyre friction (skid resistance), rolling resistance, tyre wear and tyre/road noise. This article deals with relationship between surface texture and rolling resistance of light and heavy vehicle tyres. Mean profile depth...
Engineering method of tire rolling resistance evaluation
PublicationTire rolling resistance is one of the most difficult tire parameters to measure. The reason is that for modern tires the force of rolling resistance corresponds to 0.5–1% of tire load, thus measurements of very small forces must be performed in a heavily loaded system. This constitutes great problems, especially in road conditions. Laboratory measurements are easier to perform, as the environment may be better controlled, but roadwheel...
Road texture influence on tire rolling resistance
PublicationTire rolling resistance is one of the most important resistive forces acting on road vehicles. It depends on tire and surface characteristics as well as vehicle operating parameters. This paper deals with the influence of road surface texture on rolling resistance of passenger car tires. Results of road measurements performed on variety of road surfaces are presented.
Hertzian Crack Propagation in Ceramic Rolling Elements
PublicationThe properties of ceramics are of most interest to rolling element manufacturers. The influence of ring crack size on rolling contact fatigue failure has been studied using numerical fracture analysis. Such crack are very often found on ceramic bearing balls and decrease fatigue life rapidly. The numerical calculations are based on a three dimensional model for the ring crack propagation. The stress intensity factors along crack...
Replica road pavements for rolling resistance measurements
PublicationDue to the need to strictly control the measurements, tire manufacturers strive to conduct most of the tests indoors. This allows them to perform them regardless of weather conditions, all the yearlong. Currently, a lot of research concerns the rolling resistance of tires. These include both development activities and mandatory measurements related to the granting of environmental labels. Unfortunately, standardized tests are conducted...
Analysis of Asymmetrical Rolling Process of Multilayer Plates
PublicationW niniejszej pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań numerycznych asymetrycznego procesu walcowania blach wielowarstwowych M1E-Al99,8-AlMg5. Modelowanie numeryczne procesu walcowania blach wielowarstwowych przeprowadzono w programie Forge 2D, którego obliczenia bazują na metodzie elementów skończonych. Przedstawione w pracy wyniki umożliwiły przeprowadzenie analizy procesu walcowania blach wielowarstwowych.
The lubricant-coating interaction in rolling and sliding contacts
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Tire rolling resistance measurements on the road and in the laboratory
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono stanowisko bębnowe do badania oporu toczenia opon samochdowych w warunkach laboratoryjnych. Zaprezentowano także przyczepę dynamometryczną do badania oporu toczenia opon samochodowych w warunkach drogowych. Stanowisko bębnowe i przyczepa zosały zbudowane w Katedrze Pojazdów i Maszyn Roboczych Politechniki Gdańskiej. Omówiono wpływ wzdłużnego pochylenia drogi i naporu powietrza na badane koło na dokładność...
PublicationTyre load and inflation pressure are important factors controlling rolling resistance of road vehicles. The article presents results obtained in the Technical University of Gdańsk during laboratory and road measurements of different car tyres rolling on different pavements. The knowledge of rolling resistance characteristics is important for modelling car dynamics as well as fuel consumption. It is also necessary to establish proper...
Tyre rolling resistance and its influence on fuel consumption
PublicationRolling resistance of tyres is one of the major resistive forces acting on any wheeled vehicle. Unfortunately, it is also one of the forces very difficult to measure. It is estimated that in certain traffic conditions (like for example constant speed driving with slow or moderate speed) so called Rolling Resistance Impact Factor may be as high as 0.3. This means that reduction of rolling resistance by 50% would lead to 15% of energy...
Analysis of Rolling Resistance of Tires With Run Flat Insert
PublicationRun flat properties are required for tires intended for special applications like military or rescue vehicles. Run-Flat inserts make possible to drive a car or truck, with certain restrictions, also when inflation pressure is very low or non-existing (after tire damage). Rolling resistance of tires rolling the inserts increases considerably in relation to the rolling resistance of properly inflated tires. This paper presents results...
Influence of Road Wetness on Tire-Pavement Rolling Resistance
PublicationRolling resistance of tires is one of the most important factors influencing energy consumption of road vehicles, especially on rural roads. For practical reasons, most of rolling resistance measurements are usually performed for dry road conditions. Based on the fact that roads are wet during a considerable time over the year and as part of the projects MIRIAM, ROLRES and ROSANNE, the TUG (Technical University of Gdańsk) in Poland...
PublicationGlobal warming makes it necessary to reduce energy consumption, which in the case of motor vehicles, is connected, among other things, with reduction of resistive forces acting on a vehicle during its motion. One of the most important components of those forces is rolling resistance, which is very difficult to measure, especially in road conditions. The article deals with issues related to the influence of the thermal state of...
Decreasing CO2 Emissions By Reducing Tire Rolling Resistance
PublicationThe first motor vehicle was built by Nicolas Cugnot almost 250 years ago and since then there has been a continuous process of motor vehicles’ improvements, as well as development of new road pavements. The fuel crisis of the 70s of the 20th century made it clear to vehicle builders that measures should be taken to reduce vehicle fuel consumption and it contributed to an increased interest in electric vehicles. Although significant...
Modernization of the Trailer for Tyre/Road Rolling Resistance Measurements
PublicationIn the article the ways of defining tyre rolling resistance are presented. The advantages of the laboratory tests of tyre/road rolling resistance and the advantages and disadvantages of on the road tyre/road rolling resistance tests are described. The description of the special trailer used for tyre/road rolling resistance measurements designed and constructed in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Gdansk University of Technology,...
At what temperature should the tire rolling resistance be measured?
PublicationThe climate crisis is already an indisputable fact and therefore, it is necessary to reduce energy consumption, and especially energy wasting. One of the ways to reduce energy consumption of motor vehicles is to decrease vehicle movement resistance, including rolling resistance. In order for the optimization of tire rolling resistance to be efficient, it is necessary to apply appropriate optimization criteria that are closely related...
The influence of road surface unevenness on tyre rolling resistance
PublicationThe geometric characteristics of road surface substantially affect the interaction between tyre and road. Depending on pavement texture wavelength, the texture chiefly affects tyre/road friction, rolling resistance, interior and exterior noise, tyre wear, and ride comfort. The article presents results of investigations on the influence of road surface unevenness on the rolling resistance of passenger car and truck tyres. The tests...
The Rolling Contact Fatigue of PVD Coated Spur Gears
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Manufacturing of resistant joints by rolling for light tubular structures
PublicationKoncepcja łączenia aluminiowych elementów rurowych z zastosowaniem nagniatania plastycznego jest alternatywą do istniejących metod łączenia przez spawanie i skręcanie. W artykule prezentowane są oryginalne wyniki badań wpływu parametrów nagniatania wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego oraz różnych postaci powierzchni łączonych na wytrzymałość złącza (aluminium-aluminium) pod wpływem rozciągających sił osiowych.Badania przeprowadzono na...
The surface contact characteristics after sliding and rolling burnishing.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono zastosowanie nowej metody SCGC i odpowiedniego programu komputerowego JKC do oceny pomierzonej mikrostereometrii powierzchni części maszyn, głównie na potrzeby kontroli jakości. Na przykładzie powierzchni nagniatanych wykazano cechy nowej metody: wizualizację ułatwiającą wyobrażenie pomierzonej sfery chropowatości, położenie w niej najważniejszych parametrów oceny (rozkład geometrycznej powierzchni kontaktu,...
Comparison of Tire Rolling Resistance Measuring Methods for Different Surfaces
PublicationThe rolling resistance of car tires is one of the most important parameters characterizing tires today. This resistance has a very significant contribution to the energy consumption of wheeled vehicles. The climate crisis has forced tire and car manufacturers to place great emphasis on the environmental impact of their products. Paradoxically, the development of electric vehicles has led to an even greater importance of rolling...
Selected Aspects of Pavement Texture Influence on Tire Rolling Resistance
PublicationTire rolling resistance has a significant influence on fuel consumption in cars and trucks and on CO2 emissions. Rolling resistance depends on the tire construction, pavement texture and stiffness, as well as environmental and traffic conditions. This article presents a pilot study on the impact of pavement texture on the rolling resistance of passenger car tires. Reasons why Mean Profile Depth is not a good descriptor of pavement...
Impact of the surface evenness and texture on tire/road rolling resistance
PublicationThis paper deals with the issue of a surface's roughness and texture impact on tire/road rolling resistance. It includes a brief description of research aims, measurements and an analysis of results. It also presents observations and conclusions regarding drum facility modernisation which allows studies concerning surface's roughness and texture impact on tire/road rolling resistance.
PublicationThe paper describes construction nad calibration procedures of the rolling resistance test trailer R2 Mk2. The trailer is design to measure rolling resistance of passenger car tyres in various road conditions on trafficked road. The trailer utilizes so called angle method also known as vertical arm method. The paper presents also calibration procedures that are necessary to ascertain good precision of the measurements.
Reduction of Tire Rolling Resistance by Optimization of Road Surfaces and Tires
PublicationDuring interaction between tire and road surface three very important phenomena are always in effect. One of them (very desirable) is friction that is important for traction, braking and cornering. Two other phenomena are not desirable at all, that is rolling resistance and noise. This paper discusses relations between road surface and tire parameters versus tire rolling resistance. Road surface texture, porosity, impedance, strength...
Hardened Steel Surface Waviness Created by Rolling Burnishing Process
PublicationThe surface of the finishing machined parts is defined mainly by roughness parameters. Growing demands on the part, especially mating sliding or rolling, require the specification of additional parameters, such as waviness parameters, particularly when there is significant resistance to seizing or noise reduction. This paper presents surface waviness characteristics of hardened burnished steel.
Reduction of noise and rolling resistance by horizontal grinding of asphalt pavements
PublicationGrinding of cement concrete pavements to reduce unevenness and noise is common since a long time. Grinding is then made with wheels equipped with diamond blades rotating in the vertical plane. This creates narrow vertical/longitudinal grooves in the pavement. It is not applied to asphalt pavements. In this paper an alternative type of grinding is studied. In this case plates with diamond heads rotate in the same plane as the pavement,...
Peculiarities associated with testing polyetheretherketone (PEEK) in a model rolling contact
PublicationPolyetheretherketone (PEEK) was investigated using a modified version of the four-ball tester in which the upper forth ball was replaced by a cone in such a way that kinematics of the four-ball configuration were fully preserved. Rotation of the cone enforced orbiting and rolling of the ceramic balls around the polymer cup. The results produced some unexpected peculiarities in the wear of ceramic balls which, in principle, should...
The rolling contact fatigue of WC/C-coated spur gears
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Vibration Diagnostics of Rolling Mills Based on Nonlinear Effects in Dynamics
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The Roughness of the Hardened Steel Surface Created by the Rolling-Burnishing Process
PublicationBurnishing hard materials can be used as an alternative finishing process. this paper presents the results of burnishing hardened steel. The article discusses surface deformation that occurs during this process and depends on the selected parameters of the geometric structure of the force applied for surface burnishing.
Evaluation of the Variability of Vibration Measurement Results in Rolling Bearing Quality Control
PublicationThe final result of rolling bearing quality control is influenced by many factors that are not always taken into account. If non-conforming products leave the factory, then the reliability of equipment containing rolling bearings is significantly weakened. The paper presents an analysis of the reasons for the variability of vibration measurement results in rolling bearing quality control. The paper describes the organisation of...
Tribological performance of PTFE-metal binary coatings in rolling/sliding contact
PublicationTribological performance of surface coatings with embedded PTFE reservoirs in rolling/sliding contact is reported. Using two different coating materials and two shapes and patterns of PTFE reservoirs test samples in the form of discs were prepared and tested in a four-ball contact configuration under loads corresponding to nominal contact pressure of 0.5 and 1.0 GPa. It was found that one coating, namely aluminium-bronze with embedded...
Analysis of Ceramic Elements with Ring-Crack Defects in Lubricated Rolling Contact
PublicationThe properties of ceramics, specifically low density, high hardness, high temperature capability and low coefficient of thermal expansion are of most interest to rolling element manufacturers. Surface ring cracks on lubricating rolling contact fatigue failure has been studied using numerical fracture analysis. Such cracks are very often found on ceramic bearing balls and decrease fatigue life rapidly. The numerical calculations...
Rolling Resistance And Tire/Road Noise on Rubberized Asphalt Pavement In Poland
PublicationThe paper presents results of tire/road noise and rolling resistance measurements performed on stone-matrix asphalt (SMA) that contains rubberized asphalt developed and produced by the company in Poland. Bituminous binder was modified with polymer and additive of crumb rubber. First observations of asphalt mixture with the new kind of modified bitumen used on the field section are presented. Rolling resistance of passenger car...
Rolling resistance and tyre/road noise on rubberised asphalt pavement in Poland
PublicationThe paper presents results of tyre/road noise and rolling resistance measurements performed on stone mastics asphalt (SMA) that contains rubberised asphalt, developed and produced by a refinery in Poland. Bituminous binder was modified with polymer and addition of crumb rubber. The first observations of asphalt mixture with the new kind of modified bitumen used on the field section are presented. Rolling resistance of passenger...
PublicationPoroelastic road surfaces are characterized by low noise of tires running on them.Road pavements of this type are promising solution to problems related to traffic noise in cities and on rural roads. Some technical problems still have to be solved, in particular regarding durability and skid resistance on wet surface. Ongoing and planned works are to contribute to create a quiet, durable and safe road surface, which will become...
Use of Neural Networks in Diagnostics of Rolling-Element Bearing of the Induction Motor
PublicationBearing defect is statistically the most frequent cause of an induction motor fault. The research described in the paper utilized the phenomenon of the current change in the induction motor with bearing defect. Methods based on the analysis of the supplying current are particularly useful when it is impossible to install diagnostic devices directly on the motor. The presented method of rolling-element bearing diagnostics used indirect...
Use of Neural Networks in Diagnostics of Rolling-Element Bearing of the Induction Motor
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Analysis of the amount of retained austenite in the structure of steel rolls for sheet rolling
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Method of estimating the rolling resistance coefficient of vehicle tyre using the roller dynamometer
PublicationThe tendency in the past few years has been to introduce tyres with lower rolling resistance coefficients to the market. This paper presents a mathematical method for determining the rolling resistance coefficients variation depending on the speed. The method uses power balance which results from automobile dynamics while rolling on chassis dynamometer. The rolling resistance coefficients of tyres obtained through ‘drum test method’,...
PublicationThe paper deals with the problem of prediction of the rolling period. A special emphasis is put on the practical application of the new method for rolling period prediction with regard to non-linearity of the GZ curve. The one degree-of-freedom rolling equation is applied with using the non-linear stiffness moment and linear damping moment formulas. A number of ships are considered to research the discrepancies between the pending...