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Search results for: vitamins
Plants sources of vitamins against SARS-CoV-2
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Supplementation with antioxidant vitamins prevents oxidative modification of DNA in lymphocytes of HIV-infected patients
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Longitudinal study of vitamins A, E and lipid oxidative damage in human milk throughout lactation
PublicationCelem pracy było zbadanie zmian wartości całkowitego potencjału antyoksydacyjnego (TAS), stężeń witamin antyoksydacyjnych i izoprostanów (markery stresu oksydacyjnego) w siarze i mleku dojrzałym. Badaniami objęto 49 kobiet po pełno terminowej ciąży i naturalnym porodzie. Kryteria wyłączenia to czynne i bierne palenie tytoniu, ostre i przewlekłe schorzeniach oraz farmakoterapia inna niż suplementacja witamin. Próbki siary pobierano...
Selected Psychosocial Factors, Nutritional Behavior, and the Analysis of Concentrations of Selected Vitamins in Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases
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Relationships between concentrations of selected organohalogen contaminants and thyroid hormones and vitamins A, E and D in Faroese pilot whales
PublicationPilot whales (Globicephala melas) from the Faroe Islands, North-East Atlantic, have high body concentrations of organohalogenated compounds (OHCs), such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorinated pesticides (OCPs) and brominated flame retardants (BFRs). The aim of the present study was to examine if and to what extent blood plasma and liver concentrations of several groups of these OHCs are related to concentrations...
A comparative study of the molecular lipophilicity indices of vitamins A and E, and of some precursors of vitamin A, estimated by HPLC and by different computation methods
PublicationIndeksy lipofilowości witamin A i E oraz wybranych prekursorów witaminy A zostały obliczone na podstawie wyników badań z wykorzystaniem wysokosprawnej chromatografii cieczowej z odwróconym układem faz (RPHPLC) i kolumn chromatograficznych typu C-8 i C-18.Uzyskano doskonałe współczynniki korelacji (>0,9999) dla wyników uzyskanych dla tych dwóch typów kolumn chromatograficznych.
Urinary excretion rates of 8-oxoGua and 8-oxodG and antioxidant vitamins level as a measure of oxidative status in healthy, full-term newborns
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Bioactive Ingredients with Health-Promoting Properties of Strawberry Fruit (Fragaria x ananassa Duchesne)
PublicationStrawberries (Fragaria x ananassa Duchesne) belong to the berry group and are characterized primarily by delightful sensory properties. Due to their chemical composition, these fruits are a rich source of bioactive compounds that can modify the metabolic and physiological functions of the body. The aim of this work is to present the current state of research on bioactive ingredients found in these fruits in the context of their...
Determination of Terpene Profile in Cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) with Use of HS-SPME/GCxGC-TOFMS Method
PublicationFresh fruits and products made of them, especially fruit juice, provide the basic energetic substances (simple and complex sugars) and are a source of health beneficial vitamins, macro and microelements, antioxidants and compounds which are classified together with essential oils (for example terpenes), which positively affect human s health. The terpenes profile of cape gooseberry was determined by headspace solid--phase microextraction...
Chemistry of human breast milk – a comprehensive review of the composition and role of milk metabolites in child development
PublicationEarly nutrition has an enormous influence on a child's physiological function, immune system maturation and cognitive development. Human breast milk (HBM) is recognized as the gold standard for human infant nutrition. Accordingly to WHO report breastfeeding is consider as an unequalled way of providing ideal food to the infant, which is required for his healthy growth and development. HBM contains various macronutrients (carbohydrates,...
Phytochemical composition and biological activities of differently pigmented cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) and cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) varieties
PublicationBACKGROUND:Brassica plants contain awide spectrumofbioactive components that are responsible for their health-promoting potential such as vitamins, polyphenols and glucosinolates. This study attempted to relate the composition of bioactive phytochemicals and chosen biological activities (antioxidant, cytotoxic, anti-genotoxic, and influence on enzymatic activities) for extracts from differently pigmented cabbage (white and red)...
In Silico Safety Assessment of Bacillus Isolated from Polish Bee Pollen and Bee Bread as Novel Probiotic Candidates
PublicationBacillus species isolated from Polish bee pollen (BP) and bee bread (BB) were characterized for in silico probiotic and safety attributes. A probiogenomics approach was used, and in-depth genomic analysis was performed using a wide array of bioinformatics tools to investigate the presence of virulence and antibiotic resistance properties, mobile genetic elements, and secondary metabolites. Functional annotation and Carbohydrate-Active...
Scarabaeidae as human food – A comprehensive review
PublicationRising global population and sustainable protein demand have sparked interest in unique food sources. Entomophagy, or insect consumption, presents a solution and Scarab beetles, part of the Scarabaeidae family, offer a novel food option. The comprehensive review underscores their potential as human food, with strong nutrition, low environmental impact, and the ability to ease strain on conventional agriculture. Nutritional analysis...
Comparison of GC–MS and MEKC methods for caffeine determination in preworkout supplements
PublicationIn this study, GC–MS- and MEKC-based methods for determination of caffeine (CAF) in preworkout supplements were developed and validated. The proposed protocols utilized minimal sample preparation (simple dilution and syringe filtration). The developed methods achieved satisfactory validation parameters, i.e. good linearity (R2 0.9988 and R2 0.9985 for GC–MS- and MEKC-based method, respectively), satisfactory intraand interaccuracy...
Bodybuilders and high-level meat consumers’ behavior towards rabbit, beef, chicken, turkey, and lamb meat: A comparative review
PublicationIn bodybuilders’ diets, protein plays a crucial role in supporting muscle growth and repairing damaged muscle tissue. These individuals meet their protein needs by combining dietary sources with supplements. Animal-based proteins are often preferred over plant-based proteins because they are believed to better support muscle protein synthesis. This review explores the meat consumption patterns of bodybuilders and high-level meat...
Alphitobius diaperinus larvae (lesser mealworm) as human food – An approval of the European Commission – A critical review
PublicationDue to the increasing threat of climate change and the need for sustainable food sources, human consumption of edible insects or entomophagy has gained considerable attention globally. The larvae of Alphitobius diaperinus Panzer (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), also known as the lesser mealworm, have been identified as a promising candidate for mass-rearing as a food source based the on evaluation on several aspects such as the production...
Edible Lepidoptera as human foods – a comprehensive review
PublicationAs the global population continues to grow, traditional protein sources like meat and fish are becoming increasingly unsustainable due to their environmental impact. Edible insects, on the other hand, are highly nutritious, require minimal resources to produce, and emit significantly fewer greenhouse gases than traditional livestock. Lepidoptera, one of the most diverse insect orders, contains some popular edible species that have...
Edible dragonflies and damselflies (order Odonata) as human food – A comprehensive review
PublicationThe rapid growth of the human population leads to a big concern about the food y and demand worldwide. However, due to the reduction in global arable land area, humans need to find alternative food sources to fulfil their needs. Consequently, edible insects have been identified as a promising solution to ameliorate food security and increase global nutrition. Among more than 2,100 identified edible insect species, dragonflies and...
No Evidence for Sex-specificity in Vitamin C, E and Fatty Acid Content of Human Milk from Healthy Polish Mothers
PublicationHuman milk (HM) is a complex fluid that meets the nutritional needs of infants. Its composition idrfs associated with environmental, maternal, and foetal variables. It provides nutrients and bioactive substances, including cytokines, immunoglobulins, and constituents with antioxidative properties. Boys are reportedly more susceptible to oxidative stress. This study aimed to determine the relationship between infant sex and the...