Search results for: TIME - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: TIME

Search results for: TIME

  • Time


    ISSN: 0040-781X

  • Windows in time


    ISSN: 2576-5213



    ISSN: 0961-463X , eISSN: 1461-7463



    ISSN: 1077-2014

  • Timing and Time Perception


    ISSN: 2213-4468

  • Appita TIME Magazine


    ISSN: 2652-0966 , eISSN: 2652-0974



    ISSN: 0922-6443 , eISSN: 1573-1383

  • Journal of Time Series Econometrics


    ISSN: 2194-6507 , eISSN: 1941-1928

  • KronoScope-Journal for the Study of Time


    ISSN: 1568-5241

  • Journal of Time Use Research


    ISSN: 2664-7958



    ISSN: 0143-9782 , eISSN: 1467-9892



    ISSN: 1385-2000 , eISSN: 1573-2738

  • Cosmic-Time Quantum Mechanics and the Passage-of-Time Problem


    - Universe - Year 2023

    A new dynamical paradigm merging quantum dynamics with cosmology is discussed.

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  • Real-time simulation in non real-time environment


    - Year 2016

    Simulation in real-time is a very useful tool because of didactical and practical benefits. Very important benefit of real-time simulation is a fact that operator’s decision can be taken into account in the same time scale as the real system would work. This enables construction of simulators, and opportunity to test control algorithms in Hardware in The Loop scheme using target industrial equipment. Professional real-time environments...

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  • Swapping Space for Time: An Alternative to Time-Domain Interferometry


    Young's double-slit experiment [1] requires two waves produced simultaneously at two different points in space. In quantum mechanics the waves correspond to a single quantum object, even as complex as a big molecule. An interference is present as long as one cannot tell for sure which slit is chosen by the object. The more we know about the path, the worse the interference. In the paper we show that quantum mechanics allows for...

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  • Discrete-time estimation of nonlinear continuous-time stochastic systems


    In this paper we consider the problem of state estimation of a dynamic system whose evolution is described by a nonlinear continuous-time stochastic model. We also assume that the system is observed by a sensor in discrete-time moments. To perform state estimation using uncertain discrete-time data, the system model needs to be discretized. We compare two methods of discretization. The first method uses the classical forward Euler...

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  • Discrete-time estimation of nonlinear continuous-time stochastic systems


    In this paper we consider the problem of state estimation of a dynamic system whose evolution is described by a nonlinear continuous-time stochastic model. We also assume that the system is observed by a sensor in discrete-time moments. To perform state estimation using uncertain discrete-time data, the system model needs to be discretized. We compare two methods of discretization. The first method uses the classical forward Euler...

  • Кино и време - Cinema and Time


    ISSN: 0323-9942

  • Dialog so Vremenem-Dialogue with Time


    ISSN: 2073-7564

  • A non-uniform real-time speech time-scale stretching method


    An algorithm for non-uniform real-time speech stretching is presented. It provides a combination of typical SOLA algorithm (Synchronous Overlap and Add ) with the vowels, consonants and silence detectors. Based on the information about the content and the estimated value of the rate of speech (ROS), the algorithm adapts the scaling factor value. The ability of real-time speech stretching and the resultant quality of voice were...

  • Quantum entanglement in time


    In this paper we present a concept of quantum entanglement in time in a context of entangled consistent histories. These considerations are supported by presentation of necessary tools closely related to those acting on a space of spatial multipartite quantum states. We show that in similarity to monogamy of quantum entanglement in space, quantum entanglement in time is also endowed with this property for a particular history....

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  • Closure on survival time


    - Year 2008

    Artykuł zamyka sprawę przewracania statków w stanie awaryjnym, tj. czasu jaki upływa od momentu kolizji do momentu przewrócenia pod wpływem fal.

  • Linear Time-Varying Dynamic-Algebraic Equations of Index One on Time Scales


    - Year 2024

    In this paper, we introduce a class of linear time-varying dynamic-algebraic equations (LTVDAE) of tractability index one on ar- bitrary time scales. We propose a procedure for the decoupling of the considered class LTVDAE. Explicit formulae are written down both for transfer operator and the obtained decoupled system. A projector ap- proach is used to prove the main statement of the paper and sufficient conditions of decoupling...

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  • A link between seasonality and radiation-related toxicity: The big time or time will tell?

    • Z. Nowicka
    • R. Bibik
    • R. Stando
    • W. Fendler
    • K. Stawiski
    • B. Tomasik

    - Radiotherapy and Oncology - Year 2021

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  • A FPTAS for minimizing total completion time in a single machine time-dependent scheduling problem

    In this paper a single machine time-dependent scheduling problem with total completion time criterion is considered. There are given n jobs J1,…,Jn and the processing time pi of the ith job is given by pi=a+bisi, where si is the starting time of the ith job (i=1,…,n),bi is its deterioration rate and a is the common base processing time. If all jobs have deterioration rates different and not smaller than a certain constant u>0,...

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  • On the time behaviour of Okazaki fragments

    W pracy wyprowadzono wzory na prawdopodobieństwo, że podczas procesu replikacji DNA w chwili t pojawi się n fragmentów Okazaki.

  • Time & Mind-The Journal of Archaeology Consciousness and Culture


    ISSN: 1751-696X , eISSN: 1751-6978

  • Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research


    ISSN: 1860-9937

  • Liquid residence time in vortex separators


    - Year 2017

    Centrifugal force enhances gravitational separation of suspension (vortex separators), as well as allows regulation of liquid discharge (vortex flow controls). Furthermore, it elongates the effective residence time of liquid inside the chamber in comparison to non-circulative flow. Laboratorz measurements, described in the paper, indicate that average liquid residence time for circulative flow exceeds 50% of plug-flow time,...

  • Equations with Separated Variables on Time Scales


    We show that the well-known theory for classical ordinary differential equations with separated variables is not valid in case of equations on time scales. Namely, the uniqueness of solutions does not depend on the convergence of appropriate integrals.

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  • Testing Topological Conjugacy of Time Series

    This paper considers a problem of testing, from a finite sample, a topological conjugacy of two trajectories coming from dynamical systems (X, f ) and (Y, g). More precisely, given x1, . . . , xn \subset X and y1, . . . , yn \subset Y such that xi+1 = f (xi) and yi+1 = g(yi) as well as h : X \rightarrow Y, we deliver a number of tests to check if f and g are topologically conjugated via h. The values of the tests are close to...

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  • TreeCmp: Comparison of Trees in Polynomial Time

    Metryki filogenetyczne umożliwiają ocenę jakości wyników analizy filogenetycznej oraz wiarygodności algorytmów przeprowadzających taką analizę. Aplikacja TreeCmp oferuje efektywne, wielomianowe implementacje ośmiu takich metryk (dla drzew nieukorzenionych i zawierających korzeń) zdefiniowanych dla dowolnych filogenez (nie koniecznie binarnych). Program ten jako pierwszy umożliwia wyznaczanie nowych metryk, definiowanych w oparciu...

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  • Modeling SPMD Application Execution Time


    - Year 2016

    Parallel applications in a Single Process Multiple Data paradigm assume splitting huge amounts of data to multiple processors working in parallel at small data packets. As the individual data packets are not independent, the processors must interact with each other to exchange results of the calculations with their adjacent partners and take these results into account in their own computations. An example of SPMD is geometric parallelism...

  • Modeling DAC Application Execution Time


    - Year 2016

    An application written in the Divide And Conquer paradigm is more difficult to model than SPMD application because of complex algorithm, causing use of many coefficients in a computational complexity function. Processors are divided into various layers, each layer contains different number of processors. Data packets processed in different layers and transferred between layers have different length. Moreover first layer processors use...

  • Dichotomous design of real-time systems


    W pracy prezentuje się i analizuje dwie podstawowe metody projektowania komputerowych systemów czasu rzeczywistego, spełniających rozmaite zadania z zakresu automatyki, sterowania, nadzoru i diagnostyki, w których następuje interakcja komputera z obiektami i procesami przemysłowymi, które posiadają naturę ciągłą (pozwalającą na ścisłą matematyczną charakteryzację w czasie ciągłym). Definiuje się podejście uwarunkowane kontekstowo...

  • Time and clock synchronization with AFCK for CBM

    • M. Gumiński
    • W. Zabołotny
    • G. Kasprowicz
    • K. Poźniak
    • R. Romaniuk
    • R. S. Romaniuk

    - Year 2015

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  • Time evolution of luminescence of Sr2SiO4:Eu2+

    • J. Barzowska
    • K. Szczodrowski
    • M. Grinberg
    • S. Mahlik
    • K. Anders
    • R. Piramidowicz
    • Y. Zorenko
    • S. Mahlik
    • J. Barzowska

    - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter - Year 2013

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  • Hypertension and sexual dysfunction: time to act

    • M. Viigimaa
    • M. Doumas
    • C. Vlachopoulos
    • P. Anyfanti
    • J. Wolf
    • K. Narkiewicz
    • G. Mancia


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  • Hazard prevention by forced time constraints


    Minimalne Zbiory Przyczyn powstałe podczas analizy Drzew Błędów wskazują zdarzenia, które jeśli nastąpią razem, mogą doprowadzić do Hazardu. W niektórych zastosowaniach opis zdarzeń może zostać poszerzony o informację czasową, wtedy zdarzenia z MZP mogą doprowadzić do Hazardu tylko jeśli wystąpi pomiędzy nimi określona zależność czasowa. W tym artykule przedstawione zostało jak informacja czasowa może zostać wprowadzona do Drzew...

  • Time-of-flight spectroscopy for medical applications.


    - Year 2004

    W pracy przedstawiono korzyści optycznej spektroskopii czasu przelotu, w zastosowaniach medycznych. Przedstawiono także zasadę pomiarów oraz pokazano, jak z danych pomiarowych można wyznaczyć podstawowe parametry optyczne tkanki. Potencjał pomiarowy optycznej spektroskopii czasu przelotu zaprezentowano na przykładzie pomiarów ośrodków silnie rozpraszających światło jakimi są: papier, cicze technologiczne z papierni, wodne roztwory...

  • Differential inequalities with initial time difference.


    Uzyskano pewne wyniki porównawcze pomiędzy rozwiązaniami nierówności różniczkowych startujących z różnych punktów początkowych. O nieliniowej funkcji f (związanej z zagadnieniem) zakładano jednostronny warunek Lipschitza. Podano pewne zastosowanie otrzymanych wyników. Sformułowano też pewne warunki dotyczące stabilności.

  • Special discrete-time filters and applications


    - Year 2005

    Celem monografii jest pokazanie głównych kierunków postepu w zakresie nowych technik projektowania cyfrowych filtrów specjalnych i ich zastosowań. Rodzina filtrów specjalnych skupia sie wokół filtru ułamkowo-opóźniającego, tj. szczególnego interpolatora, którego właściwości można scharakteryzować za pomocą opóźnienia grupowego albo opóźnienia fazowego. W monografii pokazano mechanizm powiązań pomiędzy filtrami specjalnymi, wyjaśniono...

  • Asphalt concrete subjected to long-time loading at low temperatures – Deviations from the time-temperature superposition principle

    The article presents the observed deviations from the time-temperature superposition principle of asphalt concretes, tested in the bending beam creep test at low temperatures for a long time of loading. In almost all tested asphalt concretes, deviations appeared after 500 s of loading at the temperature of -10 C. Some types of bitumen presented deviations at other temperatures – usually the harder the grade of the bitumen, the...

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  • International Journal of Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems


    ISSN: 1947-3176

  • Asynchronous time difference of arrival (ATDOA) method


    A new method for a location service in the asynchronous wireless sensor networks is outlined. This method, which is called asynchronous time difference of arrival (ATDOA), enables calculation of the position of a mobile node without knowledge of relative time differences (RTDs) between measuring sensors. The ATDOA method is based on the measurement of time difference of arrival between the node and the same sensor at the discrete...

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  • Residence time distribution in rapid multiphase reactors

    Residence time distribution (RTD) provides information about average hydraulic residence time and the distribution of material in the reactor. A method for determining RTD for reactors with very short hydraulic residence times is deconvolution based on extraction of real RTD by the analysis of a non-ideal input signal. The mean residence time and dispersion were determined for the spinning fluids reactor (SFR). For the first time...

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  • Real-time speech-rate modification experiments


    An algorithm designed for real-time speech time scale modification (stretching) is proposed, providing a combination of typical synchronous overlap and add based time scale modification algorithm and signal redundancy detection algorithms that allow to remove parts of the speech signal and replace them with the stretched speech signal fragments. Effectiveness of signal processing algorithms are examined experimentally together...

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  • Nonreciprocal cavities and the time-bandwidth limit: comment


    - Optica - Year 2020

    In their paper in Optica 6, 104 (2019), Mann et al. claim that linear, time-invariant nonreciprocal structures cannot overcome the time-bandwidth limit and do not exhibit an advantage over their reciprocal counterparts, specifically with regard to their time-bandwidth performance. In this Comment, we argue that these conclusions are unfounded. On the basis of both rigorous full-wave simulations and insightful physical justifications,...

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  • Web-based real-time simulation system


    - Year 2018

    The paper presents the development of a simulation system composed of a real-time plant simulator with real-time controller included in the software-in-the-loop structure using web-based communication. The client-server architecture build in a TCP/IP network environment was introduced, where the server is a computing unit for real-time high temporal resolution plant simulation (and optionally also as controllers' platform) and...

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  • Bounds on the Cover Time of Parallel Rotor Walks


    - Year 2014

    The rotor-router mechanism was introduced as a deterministic alternative to the random walk in undirected graphs. In this model, a set of k identical walkers is deployed in parallel, starting from a chosen subset of nodes, and moving around the graph in synchronous steps. During the process, each node maintains a cyclic ordering of its outgoing arcs, and successively propagates walkers which visit it along its outgoing arcs in...

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