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Regulatory B Cells Involvement in Autoimmune Phenomena Occurring in Pediatric Graves’ Disease Patients
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Evaluating the Role of Circulating Dendritic Cells in Methimazole-Treated Pediatric Graves’ Disease Patients
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Investigations of New Phenothiazine-Based Compounds for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells with Theoretical Insight
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Effect of thienyl units in cyanoacrylic acid derivatives toward dye-sensitized solar cells
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Proteomic profiling of exosomes derived from pancreatic beta-cells cultured under hyperglycemia
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Graphene-encapsulated iron nanoparticles as a non-viral vector for gene delivery into melanoma cells
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Similarities and Differences in the Protein Composition of Cutaneous Melanoma Cells and Their Exosomes Identified by Mass Spectrometry
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Innate lymphoid cells and tumor-derived lactic acid: novel contenders in an enduring game
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Adoptive Cell Therapy—Harnessing Antigen-Specific T Cells to Target Solid Tumours
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Fabrication methods of porous perovskite type ceramics for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs)
PublicationPublikacja opisuje metody wytwarzania porowatych materiałów ceramicznych o strukturze perowskitu.
CYP3A4 overexpressin enhances the cytotoxicity of the antitumor triazoloacridinone derivative C-1305 in CHO cells
PublicationW pracy badano wpływ nadekspresji izoenzymu CYP3A4 na cytotoksyczność i odpowiedź komórkową indukowaną przez przeciwnowotworową pochodną triazoloakrydonu w modelowym układzie komórek CHO: dzikego typu, z nadekspresją reduktazy cytochromu P450 (CHO-HR) oraz z koekspresją reduktazy i izoenzymu CYP3A4 (CHO-HR-3A4). Wykazano, że komórki CHO wykazywały różną wrażliwość na badany związek, a linia CHO-HR okazała się najbardziej wrażliwa,...
Design considerations for compact microstrip resonant cells dedicated to efficient branch-line miniaturization
PublicationA conventional compact microstrip resonant cell (CMRC)has been thoroughly investigated to enhance its slow-wave properties and subsequently ensure an efficient miniaturization of a microstrip circuit. The geometry of a classic CMRC has been improved in terms of slowwave effect in two progressive steps: (i) a single-element topology has been replaced with a double-element one and (ii) a high-impedance section has been refined by...
Induction of apoptosis by triazoloacridinone derivative - C-1533 in HL60 and MOLT4 human leukemia cells.
PublicationPrzeprowadzone badania miały na celu określenie zdolności triazoloakrydonu C-1533 do indukcji śmierci komórek nowotworowych MOLT4 i HL60 na drodze apoptozy. Badanie zjawiska apoptozy przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem techniki cytofluorymetrii przepływowej, mikroskopii fluorescencyjnej i elektroforezy agarozowej. Badania wykazały, że zarówno w komórkach MOLT4 jak i HL60, spadek mitochondrialnego potencjału błonowego oraz translokacja...
Strategies for overcoming ABC-transporters-mediated multidrug resistance (MDR) of tumor cells. Review
PublicationOporność wielolekowa (MDR) nowotworów jest główną przyczyną niepowodzeń w chemoterapii przeciwnowotworowej. Jest ona wynikiem nadprodukcji w komórkach opornych transporterów białkowych z nadrodziny ABC, eksportujących cytostatyk z komórki, których działanie uniemożliwia utrzymanie terapeutycznego stężenia leku. W publikacji dokonano przeglądu różnych strategii przeciwdziałania zjawisku MDR. Strategie te dotyczą zarówno kontroli...
Interstrand crosslinking of DNA in tumor and fibroblast cells by C-1311 (Symadex) and other imidazoacridinones
PublicationImidazoakrydony, w tym pochodna C-1311 znajdująca się w pierwszej fazie badań klinicznych prowadzonych przez firmę Xanthus Life Sciences, należą do grupy bardzo aktywnych związków przeciwnowotworowych zsyntetyzowanych w Katedrze Technologii Leków i Biochemii PG. Za pomocą zmodyfikowanej metody Parsons'a wykazaliśmy, że C-1311 indukuje w sposób zależny od stężenia międzyłańcuchowe wiązania sieciujące w komórkach różnych nowotworów...
Anticancer imidazoacridinone C-1311 inhibits hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and angiogenesis
PublicationAntitumor imidazoacridinone C-1311 is a DNA-reactive topoisomerase II and FLT3 receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Here, we demonstrate the mechanism of C-1311 inhibitory action on novel targets: hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), vascular-endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and angiogenesis. In a cell-free system, C-1311 prevented HIF-1α binding to an oligonucleotide encompassing a canonical hypoxia-responsive element (HRE),...
Effect of C-1748 derivatives on the morphological transformation of C. albicans ATCC 10231 cells
Open Research DataThe datasets contain the results of the impact of five C-1748 derivatives (IKE28 - IKE32) on morphological transformation of Candida albicans strain ATCC 10231 cells. Photographic documentation prepared with the TECAN Spark 10M titration plate reader.
Effect of C-1748 derivatives on the biofilm formation of C. albicans ATCC 10231 cells
Open Research DataThe datasets contain the results of the impact of five C-1748 derivatives (IKE28 - IKE32) on the biofilm formation of Candida albicans strain ATCC 10231 cells. Photographic documentation prepared with the TECAN Spark 10M titration plate reader.
Modified Peptide Molecules As Potential Modulators of Shelterin Protein Functions; TRF1
PublicationIn this work, we present studies on relatively new and still not well-explored potential anticancer targets which are shelterin proteins, in particular the TRF1 protein can be blocked by in silico designed "peptidomimetic" molecules. TRF1 interacts directly with the TIN2 protein, and this protein-protein interaction is crucial for the proper functioning of telomere, which could be blocked by our novel modified peptide molecules....
Biochemical, Structural Analysis, and Docking Studies of Spiropyrazoline Derivatives
PublicationIn this study, we evaluated the antiproliferative potential, DNA damage, crystal struc‐ tures, and docking calculation of two spiropyrazoline derivatives. The main focus of the research was to evaluate the antiproliferative potential of synthesized compounds towards eight cancer cell lines. Compound I demonstrated promising antiproliferative properties, especially toward the HL60 cell line, for which IC50 was equal to 9.4 μM/L....
Sebastian Molin dr hab. inż.
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Novel N-(aryl/heteroaryl)-2-chlorobenzenesulfonamide derivatives: synthesis and anticancer activity evaluation
PublicationA new series of N-(aryl/heteroaryl)-2-chlorobenzenesulfonamide derivatives 4-21 have been synthesized, and evaluated at the National Cancer Institute (USA) for their in vitro activities against a panel of 60 different human cancer cell lines. Among them, compounds 16, 20 and 21 exhibited remarkable cytotoxic activity against numerous human cancer cell lines. We found that sulfonamide derivative 21 appeared to be more selective...
The influence of synthesis method on the microstructure and catalytic performance of Y 0.07 Sr 0.93 Ti 0.8 Fe 0.2 O 3-δ in synthetic biogas operated solid oxide fuel cells
PublicationThe Y0.07Sr0.93Ti0.8Fe0.2O3-δ (YSTF) material was fabricated using three different synthesis methods: modified polymer precursor method (MPP), Pechini method and a solid state reaction method. It was applied as an anode catalytic material for biogas reforming in solid oxide fuel cells. Clear differences in the microstructure of fabricated catalytic layers were found, mainly with respect to a grain size and distribution of grains....
Attitudes of oncology patients’ towards biospecimen donation for biobank research
PublicationBackground Since the biological material that remains after diagnostic and therapeutic procedures plays crucial role in biobank research, this study aims to explore cancer patients’ views on the donation of biospecimens for research purposes. Methods 548 oncology patients from two hospitals with oncology treatment units in Poznan, Poland,...
Intraoperative, Radio-Guided Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping in 110 Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer Patients
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Blue-dye intraoperative sentinel lymph node mapping in early non-small cell lung cancer
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Clinical and Biological Significance of ESR1 Gene Alteration and Estrogen Receptors Isoforms Expression in Breast Cancer Patients
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Molecular profiles of thyroid cancer subtypes: Classification based on features of tissue revealed by mass spectrometry imaging
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Therapy-Related Changes in the Serum Proteome Patterns of Early Stage Breast Cancer Patients with Different Outcomes
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Occurrence of Breast Cancer in the Population of Peri- and Postmenopausal Women in the Aspect of Environmental Exposure to Airborne Dust Pollution
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Non-Dioxin-Like PCBs – the Key Air Pollutant Associated with Lung Cancer in 15 Cities in Silesia
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Yamogenin-Induced Cell Cycle Arrest, Oxidative Stress, and Apoptosis in Human Ovarian Cancer Cell Line
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Targeted metabolomics in bladder cancer: From analytical methods development and validation towards application to clinical samples
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Role of miR-15b/16–2 cluster network in endometrial cancer: An in silico pathway and prognostic analysis
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PSMA-D4 Radioligand for Targeted Therapy of Prostate Cancer: Synthesis, Characteristics and Preliminary Assessment of Biological Properties
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Stromal Derived Factor-1 (SDF-1) and Its Receptors CXCR4 and CXCR7 in Endometrial Cancer Patients
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Thyroid peroxidase as a dual active site enzyme: Focus on biosynthesis, hormonogenesis and thyroid disorders of autoimmunity and cancer
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Potential clinical application of serum proteome mass spectrometry analyses in breast cancer patients diagnosis and management
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Analysis of Let-7 Family miRNA in Plasma as Potential Predictive Biomarkers of Diagnosis for Papillary Thyroid Cancer
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Mass spectrometry-based serum proteome pattern analysis in molecular diagnostics of early stage breast cancer
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Polyamidoamine Dendrimers Decorated Multifunctional Polydopamine Nanoparticles for Targeted Chemo- and Photothermal Therapy of Liver Cancer Model
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Insights into the Effects of Cancer Associated Mutations at the UPF2 and ATP-Binding Sites of NMD Master Regulator: UPF1
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DNA strand breaks induced by nuclear hijacking of neuronal NOS as an anti-cancer effect of 2-methoxyestradiol
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PUB073 Lung Cancer Screening with LDCT – Results of a Small Cohort Continual Monitoring (Pilot Silesian Study)
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Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomic Characterization of Cutaneous Melanoma Ectosomes Reveals the Presence of Cancer-Related Molecules
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The molecular function of kallikrein‐related peptidase 14 demonstrates a key modulatory role in advanced prostate cancer
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Angiotensin receptor blockers and cancer – Relationship dismissed by VALUE data while waiting for EMA and FDA reports
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P-11 Assessment of clinical utility of angiogenesis and hypoxia markers in patients with head and neck cancer (HNC)