Search results for: banking system
PublicationThe article is an overview of the literature output in the field of banking sector stability. In the literature a plethora of definitions of the term may be encountered. There is no universal definition of the term. Therefore, the article proposes a unique division of the existing explanations into the following groups: stability determined by the quality of the banking sector, stability in terms of its influence on the macroeconomic...
The UK's banking system as financial hub for Islamic banking
PublicationThis paper examines the phenomenon of London as "the Islamic banking hub". It contends that London has become not only an international centre for Islamic finance, but also that there is big interest and demand for Islamic banking products. The authors are also positive that Islamic banking may be a certain solution for the problems that Europe has been suffering since 2007 when the global debt crisis started. Our intention is...
Maturity Mismatch in the Polish Banking System and its Impact on the Economy
PublicationIn the article maturity mismatch in the Polish banking system is estimated based on the publicly available data. Then the impact on the economy is discussed. Based on Polish central bank’s data it may be estimated that between 1996 and 2012 the maturity gap increased significantly – average residual maturity of assets exceeds 6 years in 2012 (less than 2 years in 1996), while that of liabilities remains below 1 year. The gap...
Methods of Artificial Intelligence for Prediction and Prevention Crisis Situations in Banking Systems
PublicationIn this paper, a support vector machine has been studied due to prediction of bank crisis. To prevent outcomes of crisis situations, artificial neural networks have been characterized as applied to stock market investments, as well as to test the credibility of the bank's customers. Finally, some numerical experiments have been presented.
Evaluation of Decision Fusion Methods for Multimodal Biometrics in the Banking Application
PublicationAn evaluation of decision fusion methods based on Dempster-Shafer Theory (DST) and its modifications is presented in the article, studied over real biometric data from the engineered multimodal banking client verification system. First, the approaches for multimodal biometric data fusion for verification are explained. Then the proposed implementation of comparison scores fusion is presented, including details on the application...
Interdependence of Ratios in Banking Stability Pentagon
PublicationThe banking sector is one of the key sectors in every economy, therefore, the issue of stability is one of the main interests not only of researchers but also policy-makers. The stability of the banking sector is especially important during a process of transformation. The aim of this article is to present a new tool for estimating the stability of the banking sector as a whole. Although the tool can be used to estimate the level...
PublicationThe economic significance of the banking sector is well recognized in the theory and practice. In the literature there are discussed various topics concerning banking: banking sectors stability and its determinants, as well as influence of the banking sector on other sectors of the economy. Moreover the situation in the banking sector has been studied from different perspectives: its stability, profitability, efficiency, competition,...
Banking concentration in the Baltic and Western Balkan states — selected issues
PublicationResearch background: In a rapidly changing economic environment companies deepen their cooperation, which entails in all sectors of the economy. The progressive increase in market concentration, especially in the banking sector, is caused by various reasons. Purpose of the article: The purpose of this article is to compare the tendencies within market structures in few countries which origin from similar political systems and...
Development of banking sectors in Kosovo and Montenegro in the years 2000 - 2010
PublicationThe article presents main aspects of development of banking markets in two Balkan countries - Kosovo and Montenegro. Both of them are charaterised by similar recent history, both in political and economical fields. Their financial sectors have had to be built almost from scretch. The author describes stages of development of competition in the banking sectors, using the following ratios: performace, structure, liquidity. The data...
PublicationThe issue of stability in economy is essential, both in theoretical as well as in practical discussion. It is especially important in an environment of economic transformation. The aim of the article is to assess the economic stability during the transformation of the south-east region of Europe over a period of 19 years (1996 – 2014), and the mutual relation between the economic stability and the transformation process, including...
Banking stability during the economic transformation process in selected countries of the Western Balkans
PublicationEconomic transformation is still an ongoing process in many European countries. Despite common economic roots, the current economic situations are developing differently in different countries. This article will consider the process of economic transformation in terms of the banking sector. It aims to assess the level of banking stability throughout the transformation process in the Western Balkan region, and to assess the determinates...
Should Polish banks be domesticated?
PublicationThe financial crisis revealed vulnerabilities in the regulation and supervision of the banking system. The overarching goal of the proposal (Bazylea III and CRD IV) is to strengthen the resilience of the EU banking sector. The effects of these regulations will be detrimental to the Polish banking system and economy. This follows from the fact that listed banks in Poland are subsidiaries of international banking groups. The article...
An assessment of Islamic banking in Bosnia and Herzegovina – a comparative analysis using the CAMELS approach
PublicationThis paper examines the phenomenon of Islamic banking in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Although almost half of the Bosnian population is recognized as Islamic, there is only one bank purely based on Sharia operating in this country. The aim of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the financial standing of this bank and the banking sector in this country and region. The chosen method of analysis is CAMELS which examines...
Development of banking sectors in Kosovo and Montenegro in the years 2000-2010
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Variable length sliding models for banking clients face biometry
PublicationAn experiment was organized in 100 bank branches to acquire biometric samples from nearly 5000 clients including face images. A procedure for creating face verification models based on continuously expanding database of biometric samples is proposed, implemented, and tested. The presented model applies to circumstances where it is possible to collect and to take into account new biometric samples after each positive verification...
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Banking Sector’s Profitability and Its Transformation in the Selected Western Balkan Countries
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Climate Challenges and Financial Institutions: An Overview of the Polish Banking Sector’s Practices
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Anna Rzeczycka dr hab.
PeopleAnna Rzeczycka is the deputy head of the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Gdańsk University of Technology. Publications are situated in the field of social sciences in the discipline of economics and finance. They include books, monographs, articles, publications and scientific editions of monographs and scientific journals. In terms of numbers, it includes the following items: 12 monographs...
The structure of the Polish banking sector in 2004-2018
Open Research DataDynamic changes in the banking system in the 1990s contributed to the relative stability of the number of banks in all sectors (state-owned, private, cooperative) after 2004. The total number of banks (including credit institutions) has decreased since 2004 from 653 to 612 in 2018 - it should therefore be noted that in the analyzed period the Polish...
The project IDENT: Multimodal biometric system for bank client identity verification
PublicationBiometric identity verification methods are implemented inside a real banking environment comprising: dynamic handwritten signature verification, face recognition, bank cli-ent voice recognition and hand vein distribution verification. A secure communication system based on an intra-bank client-server architecture was designed for this purpose. Hitherto achieved progress within the project is reported in this paper with a focus...
Handwritten signature verification system employing wireless biometric pen
PublicationThe handwritten signature verification system being a part of the developed multimodal biometric banking stand is presented. The hardware component of the solution is described with a focus on the signature acquisition and on verification procedures. The signature is acquired employing an accelerometer and a gyroscope built-in the biometric pen plus pressure sensors for the assessment of the proper pen grip and then the signature...
Reality of short-term causality of Islamic and conventional banking term deposit rates in Pakistan
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Validating data acquired with experimental multimodal biometric system installed in bank branches
PublicationAn experimental system was engineered and implemented in 100 copies inside a real banking environment comprising: dynamic handwritten signature verification, face recognition, bank client voice recognition and hand vein distribution verification. The main purpose of the presented research was to analyze questionnaire responses reflecting user opinions on: comfort, ergonomics, intuitiveness and other aspects of the biometric enrollment...
Bezpieczeństwo Bankowości Internetowej Wobec Współczesnych Cyberzagrożeń = INTERNET BANKING SECURITY IN TERMS OF CONTEMPORARY CYBERTHREATS
PublicationW niniejszej pracy zostały opisane aktualne podejścia do zabezpieczeń bankowości internetowej. Przeanalizowane jest bezpieczeństwo bankowości internetowej 7 banków polskich wobec współczesnych rodzajów cyberataków (takich jak ataki na użytkowników niemieckich banków w 2017 roku z wykorzystaniem luk bezpieczeństwa w systemie SS7). Zaproponowane są dwa podejścia do zabezpieczeń ochrony środków klientów banku wobec tych zagrożeń
Performance Analysis of Developed Multimodal Biometric Identity Verification System
PublicationThe bank client identity verification system developed in the course of the IDENT project is presented. The total number of five biometric modalities including: dynamic handwritten signature proofing, voice recognition, face image verification, face contour extraction and hand blood vessels distribution comparison have been developed and studied. The experimental data were acquired employing multiple biometric sensors installed...
Balance sheet total of commercial banks with the majority of private capital (data in percent) in the years 1993-2004
Open Research DataIn 1995, foreign capital held 18.1% of shares in Polish banks. This share increased significantly at the beginning of the 21st century to around 60%. It should therefore be noted that the Polish banking system within a decade became mostly owned by foreign investors.
Pilot Testing of Developed Multimodal Biometric Identity Verification System
PublicationThe bank client identity verification system developed in the course of the IDENT project is presented. The total number of five biometric modalities including: dynamic signature proofing, voice recognition, face image verification, face contour extraction and hand blood vessels distribution comparison have been developed and studied. The experimental data were acquired employing multiple biometric sensors installed at engineered...
Changes in the ownership structure of the banking sector (percentage share) in 1995-2004
Open Research DataAnalyzing the data, one can observe a steadily declining share of the State Treasury in the shareholding structure of banks. In 1995, the state owned over 40% of bank assets (counting directly the share of the State Treasury and indirectly through enterprises organized under state legal persons). At the same time, it should be noted that the NBP is...
Evaluation of Face Detection Algorithms for the Bank Client Identity Verification
PublicationResults of investigation of face detection algorithms efficiency in the banking client visual verification system are presented. The video recordings were made in real conditions met in three bank operating outlets employing a miniature industrial USB camera. The aim of the experiments was to check the practical usability of the face detection method in the biometric bank client verification system. The main assumption was to provide...
Una crisi diversa?
PublicationIl capitolo tratta della recente crisi finanziaria, analizzandone cause e conseguenze per il sistema bancario e finanziario mondiale
Systemowe ryzyko płynności w polskim systemie bankowym – determinanty i trendy
PublicationCelem rozprawy jest określenie metod pomiaru systemowego ryzyka płynności oraz pomiar tego ryzyka dla polskiego systemu bankowego za pomocą zaproponowanych metod, w oparciu o dostępne dane. Do celów rozprawy zaliczyć należy również przedstawienie problemu systemowego ryzyka płynności od strony jego wpływu na gospodarkę. Zgodnie z hipotezą główną, systemowe ryzyko płynności w polskim systemie bankowym w latach 1996-2012 wzrosło....
Financial Markets and Bankruptcy Systems: Is there a Relationship?
PublicationPurpose: Filling the cognitive gap in the theory of ex-post transaction costs, i.e., at the stage of enforcing market transactions by examining the relationship between friendliness/severity of the bankruptcy and restructuring law towards debtors, the level of development of financial markets, the effectiveness of the judicial system and the rate of debt recovery. Design/Methodology/Approach: In the research, the following methods...
Analysis of results of large-scale multimodal biometric identity verification experiment
PublicationAn analysis of a large set of biometric data obtained during the enrolment and the verification phase in an experimental biometric system installed in bank branches is presented. Subjective opinions of bank clients and of bank tellers were also surveyed concerning the studied biometric methods in order to discover and to explore relations emerging from the obtained multimodal dataset. First, data acquisition and identity verification...
Intelligent Knowledge-Base Model for IT Support Organization Evolution
PublicationThe goal of the paper is building the knowledge-based model for predicting the state of the IT support organization. These organizations, critical for development of various business sectors, are facing the problem of their transformation. It is the result of the fundamental change in the role of the IT organizations in the current economy. The complexity of the processes, the difficulty adjusting the operations and limited ability...
User Authentication by Eye Movement Features Employing SVM and XGBoost Classifiers
PublicationDevices capable of tracking the user’s gaze have become significantly more affordable over the past few years, thus broadening their application, including in-home and office computers and various customer service equipment. Although such devices have comparatively low operating frequencies and limited resolution, they are sufficient to supplement or replace classic input interfaces, such as the keyboard and mouse. The biometric...
Number of devices accepting electronic payment instruments per million inhabitants in EU countries 2015
Open Research DataThis research data presents the number of devices accepting electronic payment instruments per million inhabitants in the EU countries in 2015. It is an element of the so-called the banking index, which in the subject literature is defined as the number of people actively using services banking. It is noted that this coefficient is also an expression...
Publication• The aim - This article aims to compare the situation in the banking sectors of two regions, which due to their political and economic history have much in common. These are the Western Balkan States of Serbia, Croatia and Macedonia, and the Baltic Sea States of Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia. • Methods - It presents three approaches to defining banking stability that can be found in the literature and carries out an initial...
Economic significance of initial public offerings in China and India
PublicationRapid economic growth in China and India has attracted attention of many researchers, focusing on various social and economic factors underlying the success of these countries. One of the key components of country’s economy is financial system which consists of segments such as banking sector and equity market. The topic of initial public offerings (IPOs), one of the corporate financing sources, involving raising funds through...
The number of individual clients who log in to the bank using internet banking at least once a month (2017)
Open Research DataTaking into account active users, i.e. those who have used Internet access at least once, the situation is a bit different. Out of 32.5 million people who have access to electronic banking, 14.7 million people worked at least once a month (data as at the end of 2017). It is worth noting, however, that in this group there was also an increase in the...
Number of individual clients who have signed an agreement enabling the use of internet banking (2017)
Open Research DataThe data show that at the end of 2017, 32.5 million people in Poland had the opportunity to use internet banking, i.e. signed an agreement enabling the use of internet banking. It is worth noting, however, that the so-called passive users - people who have access, but do not have to log into their account via an internet connection.
Number of non-cash transactions made with payment cards per capita in EU countries 2015
Open Research DataThe following data presents the number of non-cash transactions made with payment cards per capita in EU countries 2015.It is an element of the so-called the banking index, which in the subject literature is defined as the number of people actively using services banking.
New technologies and diffusion of innovative financial products: Evidence on exchange-traded funds in selected emerging and developed economies
PublicationExchange-traded funds (ETFs) are one of the most rapidly-expanding categories of innovative financial products that have been introduced on many financial markets, in both emerging and developed economies. Our research contributes to the present state of knowledge by examining factors, including information and communication technologies (ICTs), influencing the diffusion of ETFs. In our research, we consider also the impact of...
Number of commercial banks at the end of the year, excluding banks that are not operating, bankrupt or liquidated, and banks in organization in 1993-2004
Open Research DataPolish banks were gradually transformed from enterprises with a predominance of Polish private capital into banks with a majority share of private foreign capital. In 1993, there were 48 banks with a majority of Polish private capital, and in 2006 there were 7 of them. In 1993, the shares of 10 banks in Poland were owned by private foreign capital,...
Number of bank branches per million inhabitants in EU countries 2015
Open Research DataAccording to the data presented, over the year (2016-2017), the network of bank branches in Poland decreased by over half a thousand (currently the total number of traditional bank branches, excluding partner branches, amounts to nearly 6 thousand). It is worth noting, however, that the number of bank branches per million inhabitants is the highest...
Number of mobile banking users who log into the bank at least once a month from a mobile device (telephone or smartphone) - 2017
Open Research DataElectronic banking should be understood broadly. Therefore, taking into account also other channels, the number of users using mobile electronic devices (smartphone, tablet) should be mentioned. Also in this case, there was an increase in the number of people using this channel of access to their bank account. At the end of 2017, nearly 9 million people...
Number of active debit cards issued to individual customers (2017)
Open Research DataAt the end of the fourth quarter of 2017, financial institutions (including non-banking ones, e.g. SKOK) serviced 25.8 million debit cards (excluding credit card data) of individual clients. This means an increase by 1.3 million cards compared to the same period in 2016. The largest number of cards was issued and serviced by Bank PKO BP - 6.81 million,...
Number of ATMs per million inhabitants in EU countries (2015 year)
Open Research DataAs shown in the data, individual indicators vary greatly in depending on the country. It should be noted that, as a rule, the highest level of banking concerns the countries of Western Europe (Luxembourg, France, Germany, Portugal). There, too, the highest values are recorded, for example for the number of ATMs.
Number of active HCE cards installed in mobile phones (2017)
Open Research DataHCE technology (Host Card Emulation), which enables contactless payments by phone in a similar way as in the case of a payment card. At the time of making the transaction, the phone is close to the terminal, practically the same as the payment card. This solution, like the others described previously, should be included in the elements of electronic...
Number of cooperative banks in Poland in 1993-2011
Open Research DataThe process of reform and consolidation of the cooperative banking sector in Poland conducted in the 1990s caused that in 1991-1999 the number of cooperative banks dropped from 1664 to 902. It should be noted that 131 banks collapsed, 632 were taken over by other banks. It should also be noted that during this period, in 1992, one cooperative bank was...