Search results for: treatment wetlands
Types of Treatment Wetlands
PublicationThe removal of pollutants in treatment wetland systems is the result of the sorption of biochemical pollutants, redox reactions, and a biological activity of microorganisms as well as hydrophytes plants.
Landfill Leachate Treatment in Treatment Wetlands
Single-Family Treatment Wetlands Progress in Poland
PublicationLong distances from one farm to another as well as unfavourable terrain configuration in rural areas in Poland result in high investment and operation costs of sewerage systems. Treatment wetlands (TWs) can be an alternative solution to sewage treatment in rural communities, schools, at campsites and for single houses. In this paper the results of 4 years monitoring of single-family treatment plants (SFTWs) in Kaszuby Lake...
Pathways of Nitrogen Removal in Hybrid Treatment Wetlands
PublicationHybrid Treatment Wetlands (HTWs) are composed of two or more filters with different modes of flow, allowing the benefits of both types of bed to be combined, resulting in better effluent quality (nitrogen and organic compounds removal). Such a heterogeneous environment creates possibilities for different mechanisms of nitrogen removal. The objective of the present study was to investigate the removal of nitrogen versus a range...
The Quality of the Outflow from Conventional WWTPs and Treatment Wetlands
PublicationUntil recently the humic substances were considered to have no negative impact on human health. Therefore elimination of these substances from potable water was only performed due to aesthetic reasons. In the recent years, however, it was found out that humic substances may cause unacceptable smell of water or cumulate toxic substances by complexing metal ions and adsorption of persistent organic pollutants such as pesticides,...
Nitrogen conversion during treatment of various type of wastewater in multistage treatment wetlands
PublicationThe objective of this investigation was to recognize nitrogen speciation during wastewater treatment in three multistage TWs (MTWs), which are assuming more a most effective in nitrogen removal than single stage TWs. Carried out investigations and analysis enable for determination of conditions, relationships and processes responsible for nitrogen conversions in subsequent stages of MTWs. In treated wastewater and reject water...
Treatment Wetlands in Rural Areas of Poland for Baltic Sea Protection
PublicationWater and wastewater management, especially in rural areas, greatly affects loads of nutrients discharged to the Baltic Sea. In Poland, this management is unbalanced because of the dispersed development and in many locations construction of sewerage system is uneconomic or even impossible. For this reason, a significant part of sewage from single-family houses in rural areas must be discharged into domestic sewage systems. The...
The newest researches and applications of treatment wetlands in sewage sludge management
PublicationIn the paper the newest researches and applications of treatment wetlands conducted by re-searchers of Civil and Environmental Faculty are presented. Among others it was proved that this technology could be successfully implemented for highly polluted wastewater treatment. Within the research project two multistage treatment wetlands, one for landfill leachate and the second for reject water from digested sewage sludge centrifugation,...
Organic matter removal efficiency in treatment wetlands simulation by COD fractions
PublicationThe objective of this paper was to investigate the organic fraction (colloidal, particulate, and dissolved) in sewage treatment in treatment wetland. Performance of TWs was simulated well with a simple first order model k – C* based on monitoring data. In this investigation background or residual concentration (C*) was assumed to be equal concentration of input influent organic matter in particulate (CODp). Calculated reaction...
Chromium (III) removal by perennial emerging macrophytes in floating treatment wetlands
PublicationFloating treatment wetlands (FTWs) are a sustainable solution to treat polluted water, but their role in chromium (Cr(III)) removal under neutral pH conditions remains poorly understood. This study evaluated the potential of FTWs planted with two perennial emergent macrophytes, Phragmites australis and Iris pseudacorus, to remove Cr(III) and nutrients (N and PO4-P) from water containing 7.5 mg/L TN, 1.8 mg/L PO4-P, and Cr(III)...
Kinetics of pollutants removal in hybrid treatment wetlands – Case study comparison
PublicationRecent years have seen an increasing interest in hybrid constructed wetland (HCW) systems for domestic sewage treatment. This paper is focused on kinetics of removal of the main pollutants occurring in wastewater i.e. organics expressed as chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand and total nitrogen. The purpose of the article is to compare different HCW configurations in terms of mass removal rates (MRR) and removal rate...
Application of multistage treatment wetlands as a buffer for effluent from Anammox treatment for reject water from centrifugation
PublicationAccording to the newest knowledge concerning TW technology multistage treatment wetland could be easily applied for ensuring stable and low concentration of biogenic compounds form the effluent of SBR reactor (with nitritation/annamox process) for treatment of digested sludge dewatering in side stream. The working condition and optimising of such MTW will be the issue of carried out investigation.
Influence of composition of raw wastewater on removal of nitrogen compounds in multistage treatment wetlands
PublicationInfluence of composition of raw wastewater on the efficiency of organic matter and nitrogen removal in multistage treatment wetlands has been examined. Commonly used indicators, like COD/BOD5 and BOD5/TN ratio, determining wastewater susceptibility to biodegradation in conventional treatment technologies were assessed. It was confirmed that multistage treatment wetland may be used for treatment of wastewater with high loads of...
Impact of influent wastewater quality on nitrogen removal rates in multistage treatment wetlands
PublicationNitrogen removal in treatment wetlands is influenced by many factors, and the presence of electron donors (biodegradable organic matter) and electron acceptors (nitrate ions) is the main limiting one; for obtaining these conditions, multistage treatment wetlands (MTWs) are required, where an extensive nitrification can be obtained in the first stages under aerobic conditions leaving then to the following anoxic/anaerobic stages...
Electrode-based floating treatment wetlands: Insights into design operation factors influencing bioenergy generation and treatment performance
PublicationExponential increases in energy consumption and wastewater have often irreversible environmental impacts. As a result, bio-electrochemical devices like microbial fuel cells (MFCs), which convert chemical energy in organic matter to electricity using exoelectrogenic bacteria, have gained interest. However, operational factors affecting efficiency and energy output need further study. This research investigated bioenergy production...
Reliability of nitrogen removal processes in multistage treatment wetlands receiving high-strength wastewater
Publicationreatment wetlands have been proved to be more effective than conventional treatment processes in case of high-strength wastewater containing high concentrations of ammonium nitrogen and recalcitrant organic matter. In this study nitrogen removal processes and reliability of nitrogen removal at two identical pilot-scale multistage treatment wetlands (MTWs) receiving real, non-synthetic wastewater were discussed. The wastewater discharged...
The use of constructed wetlands for the treatment of industrial wastewater
PublicationConstructed wetlands are characterized by specific conditions enabling simultaneous various physical and biochemical processes. This is the result of specific environment for the growth of microorganisms and hydro-phytes (aquatic and semiaquatic plants) which are capable of living in aerobic, anaerobic and facultative anaerobic conditions. Their interaction contributes to the intensification of oxidation and reduction responsible...
Constructed wetlands systems for wastewater treatment in Poland
PublicationOczyszczalnie hydrofitowe mogą stanowić interesującą alternatywę dla konwencjonalnych rozwiązań gospodarki ściekowej na terenach o rozproszonej zabudowie. Celem pracy była ocena działania i skuteczności usuwania zanieczyszczeń w hybrydowych systemach hydrofitowych pracujących w rejonie Gdańska, w klimacie umiarkowanym.Technologiczne rozwiązanie składające się z osadnika gnilnego oraz złoża hydrofitowego z podpowierzchniowym przepływem...
Partitioning of heavy metals in sub-surface flow treatment wetlands receiving high-strength wastewater
PublicationThe retention of heavy metals at two pilot-scale treatment wetlands (TWs), consisting of two vertical flow beds (VSSF) followed by a horizontal flow bed (HSSF) was studied. The TWs received highstrength wastewater: reject waters from sewage sludge centrifugation (RW) and landfill leachate (LL). The concentrations of metals: Fe, Mn, Zn, Al, Pb, Cu, Cd, Co, Ni were measured in treated wastewater, substrate of the beds and in plant...
Recent developnents in wastewater treatment in constructed wetlands in Poland
PublicationNowadays more than 100 constructed wetlands are in operation in Poland. Most of them are one stage wetland systems with horizontal subsurface flow. Such constructed wetlands ensure efficient removal of organic matter (BOD5, CODCr) and suspended solids but efficiency of nitrogen compounds removal in many cases is insufficient.In the period from 1995 to 2003 measurements of removal of contaminations in 11 individual pilot household...
Treatment of landfill leachate by constructed wetlands: three case studies
PublicationThe performance of three CW systems treating landfill leachate, two located in northern Poland (Szadółki near Gdańsk and Gatka near Miastko) and one in southern Sweden (Örebro), is discussed. The CWs differ in size, hydraulic regime, type of hydrophytic plants and type of leachate pre-treatment before discharging to the CW. The CW in Szadółki consists of two parallel beds with sub-surface, horizontal flow of leachate (HSSF) planted...
Constructed wetlands for landfill leachate treatment - perspectives of application in Poland
PublicationWody odciekowe z wysypisk odpadów komunalnych charakteryzują się wysokimi stężeniami zanieczyszczeń specyficznych. Do oczyszczania odcieków stosowane są metody utleniania, w których wykorzystuje się tlenowe lub beztlenowe procesy mikrobiologiczne, a także utlenianie chemiczne oraz techniki membranowe.Alternatywą dla wymienionych rozwiązań jest zastosowanie do oczyszczania odcieków metody hydrofitowej z wykorzystaniem złóż gruntowych...
Nitrogen pathways during sewage treatment in constructed wetlands in temporary climate
PublicationThe objectives of this paper is to estimate the role and quantity of the unit process responsible for removal or/and retention of nitrogen in different types of constructed wetlands in vegetation season and outside vegetation season. To estimate the role of the plant two objects inhabited one with willow and the other with reed were selected to assessment. Among anthers it was indicated that the concentrations of contamination...
Application of subsurface vertical flow constructed wetlands to reject water treatment in dairy wastewater treatment plant
PublicationThe paper presents the effects of applying subsurface vertical flow constructed wetlands (SS VF) for the treatment of reject water generated in the process of aerobic sewage sludge stabilization in the biggest dairy wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Poland. Two SS VF beds were built: bed (A) with 0.65 m depth and bed (B) with 1.0 m depth, planted with reeds. Beds were fed with reject water with hydraulic load of 0.1 m d-1 in...
Efficiency of Wastewater Treatment in Single-Family Constructed Wetlands in Kaszuby Lake District
PublicationIn the paper results of investigation upon three different configurations of single family treatment wetlands were presented. It was indicated that the application of treatment wetlands for single family effluent is a effective and sustainable solution for wastewater treatment in the rural areas. In spite of the receiving higher concentration of pollutants in comparison to the TWs operated in Europe and USA analysed TWs ensure...
Cadmium accumulation by Phragmites australis and Iris pseudacorus from stormwater in floating treatment wetlands microcosms: Insights into plant tolerance and utility for phytoremediation
PublicationEnvironmentally sustainable remediation is needed to protect freshwater resources which are deteriorating due to severe industrial, mining, and agricultural activities. Treatment by floating wetlands could be a sustainable solution to remediate water bodies. The study aimed to examine the effects of Cd on Phragmites australis and Iris pseudacorus growth (height, biomass, root length and chlorophyll contents), anatomy, Cd accumulation...
Quantitatively and qualitatively characteristic of organic matter in sewage after treatment in constructed wetlands
PublicationNajczęstszym kryterium oceny skuteczności oczyszczania ścieków jest efektywność usuwania zanieczyszczeń. Jednakże oczyszczone ścieki zawierają pewne ilości substancji organicznej niepodatnej na rozkład biologiczny tzw. refrakcyjnej.Organiczne substancje refrakcyjne to przede wszystkim kwasy humusowe, które swoja obecnością w wodzie mogą pogarszać jej właściwości i utrudniać procesy uzdatniania do celów konsumpcyjnych. Wykazano,że...
Application of vertical flow constructed wetlands for highly contaminated wastewater treatment: preliminary results
PublicationBasing on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of reject waters (RWC) generated during dewatering of digested sewage sludge on centrifuges in conventional WWTP and municipal landfill leachate (LL), the pilot constructed wetlands for treatment of both types wastewater were designed and built. In the paper the conception, design and assumed treatment efficiencies of the pilot plants are presented. The water balance of the...
Floating treatment wetlands combined with microbial fuel cells (FTW-MFC) batch experiment: plant microscopy observations
Open Research DataThis data collection includes plant root microscope findings. Species chosen for observation: Iris pseudacorus (IP) and Phragmites australis (PA). The anatomical measurements were taken with an optical microscope (Delta Optical Genetic Pro with 3MP camera; Delta Optical, Poland) that had lens magnifications of 4x and 10x and an ocular magnification...
Molecular transformation of dissolved organic matter in manganese ore-mediated constructed wetlands for fresh leachate treatment
PublicationThe organic matter (OM) and nitrogen in Fresh leachate (FL) from waste compression sites pose environmental and health risks. Even though the constructed wetland (CW) can efficiently remove these pollutants, the molecular-level transformations of dissolved OM (DOM) in FL remain uncertain. This study reports the molecular dynamics of DOM and nitrogen removal during FL treatment in CWs. Two lab-scale vertical-flow CW systems were...
Light microscopy observation of emergent macrophytes in floating treatment wetlands combined with microbial fuel cells (FTW-MFC): heavy metals loaded treatments
Open Research DataThis dataset presents the light microscope images of emergent plants (Phragmites australis and Iris pseudacorus) used in floating treatment wetlands combined with microbial fuel cells (FTW-MFC) systems for wastewater treatment and bioenergy generation.
The treatment of wastewater containing pharmaceuticals in microcosm constructed wetlands: the occurrence of integrons (int1–2) and associated resistance genes (sul1–3, qacEΔ1)
PublicationThe aim of this study was to analyze the occurrence of sulfonamide resistance genes (sul1–3) and other genetic elements as antiseptic resistance gene (qacEΔ1) and class 1 and class 2 integrons (int1–2) in the upper layer of substrate and in the effluent of microcosm constructed wetlands (CWs) treating artificial wastewater containing diclofenac and sulfamethoxazole (SMX), which is a sulfonamide antibiotic. The bacteria in the substrate...
Processes and pathways of nutrients, selected heavy metal and arsenic removal from surface runoff from the agricultural and urban catchments in floating treatment wetlands - microcosm study nutrients results
Open Research DataA dataset containing results of nutrients (N and P) concentrations in synthetic effluents (simulating surface runoff contaminated with nutrients, metals - Cu, Cd, and Pb, and metalloid - As) treated with 4 native macrophytes: Phragmites australis, Iris pseudacorus, Typha latifolia, and Alisma plantago aquatica. Nitrogen and phosphorus (total phosphorus,...
Sewage gardens - constructed wetlands for single family households
PublicationDuring the last 30 years the increase of interest in low-cost decentralized and small wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) is observed in Europe. For this purpose sand filters, stabilization ponds, mini reactors with activated sludge, trickling filters and treatment wetlands are used. Among the listed facilities treatment wetlands (TWs) offer effective and reliable treatment efficiency, being at the same time low-cost and simple...
Kinetics of nitrogen removal processes in constructed wetlands
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to present a state-of-the-art review of the kinetics of nitrogen removal in constructed wetlands. Biological processes of nitrogen removal from wastewater can be described using equations and kinetic models. Hence, these kinetic models which have been developed and evaluated allow for predicting the removal of nitrogen in treatment wetlands. One of the most important, first order removal model, which is...
Pathways of nitrogen compounds depletion in hybrid constructed wetlands
PublicationHybrid Constructed Wetlands are composed of two or more filters with mixed flow direction of sewage. Apparently in the HCWS the benefits of both types of bed are merged, resulting in better effluent quality (organic and nitrogen componds removal). Such heterogeneous environment creates possibilities for different ways of nitrogen "disappearing". The objective of the present study was to compare the removal of nitrogen with accompanying...
Operation of multistage constructed wetlands systems in temporary climate
PublicationThe investigation were carried out at two different hybrid constructed wetlands, which treated municipal sewage after mechanical treatment from small villages in Pomeranian Region. In all facilities first step of biological treatment were horizontal flow beds. The main difference concern configuration of the facilities and sewage distributions systems into vertical flow beds. The measurement period was divided into vegetation...
Experience of hybrid constructed wetlands operation in Gdansk region
PublicationThe investigation were carried out at five local hybrid constructed wetlands (HCWs), which secured biological treatment of domestic wastewater generated from 15 to 600 pe. Based on over two years monitoring it was indicated that HCWs ensured very effective removal of organic matter from 74.9 to 95.5 COD % in wild range of loadings (1.5 - 17.0g COD/ m3day). Efficiency of total nitrogen removal varied significantly from 23.4 two...
Influence of configurations of the beds on contaminations removal in hybrid constructed wetlands.
PublicationThree hybrid constructed wetlands in configuration HF-VF-HF in Poland and one with another configuration VF-HF-Pond in Gremany were analysed. These hybrid constructed wetlands provide the second stage biological treatment. They are located in Pommerania region, in Sarbsk, Wiklino and Wieszyno, and their capacities are 29.7, 18.6 and 24.5 m3/day, respectively. The analysed system in Germany in Waizenfeld (Gemeinde Pommelsbrunn,...
Magdalena Gajewska prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleMagdalena Gajewska (born June 1th 1968 in Gdańsk) in 1993 graduated Hydro-Engineering Faculty at Gdańsk University of Technology. At present she is an assistant professor in the Department of Water and Wastewater Technology at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering GUT. PhD (2001) and habilitation (2013) in the discipline of environmental engineering. In the 2016-2020 term, serves as Vice -dean for science. She...
Review on mechanisms and efficiency of removal of microbiological contaminants in constructed wetlands
PublicationConstructed wetlands (CW) have been considered as a waste and a stormwater treatment systems for small communities or for areas with unsteady sewage flow conditions. Several investigations were undertaken for estimation suspended solids, organic matter and nutrients efficiency removal but only few focused on retention of microorganisms in constructed wetlands. In this review mechanisms of elimination of viruses, indicator bacteria...
Spetiation of organic matter in Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands
PublicationThe object of the research were VFCWs which are a component of biological treatment of two hybrid hydrophyte systems located in Wieszyno and Wiklino, close to Słupsk, Poland. The facilities that are subject to analyses are unified in terms of structure (filtration material, depth of the bed and time of operation), but they differ in organic matter load, amounting respectively to: 8.0 gCOD/m2day and 31.0 gCOD/m2day.The intensity...
Hybrid constructed wetlands for the National Parks in Poland - a case study, requirements, dimensioning, preliminary results
PublicationWater and wastewater management, especially in rural areas, greatly affects loads of nutrients discharged to the Baltic Sea. In Poland, this management is unbalanced because of the dispersed development and in many locations con struction of sewerage system is uneconomic or even impossible. For this reason, a significant part of sewage from single-family houses in rural areas must be discharged into domestic sewage systems. The...
Possibilities of Phoslock® application to remove phosphorus compounds from wastewater treated in hybrid wetlands
PublicationTreatment wetland technologies for wastewater treatment can be easily applied for removal of all pollutants except phosphorous. They are applicable in a small towns and rural areas, places where conventional wastewater treatment plant cannot properly operate because of common economic constraints. In Poland only the 8% of rural areas are equipped with sewer system, thus treatment wetlands might be an alternative, effective and...
30 years of treatment wetland application in poland- progress and reserch
PublicationThe experiences with design and operation of constructed wetlands in the Pommerania region during last 30 years followed by carried out investigations of treatment processes lead to the following conclusions:First applications of constructed wetlands for biological sewage treatment were made in 1984-92. The later implementations of multi-stage constructed wetlands in the individual household and local scale enable wastewater treatment...
25 years of research and experiences about the application of constructed wetlands in southeastern Poland
PublicationThis paper is a review of research and experiences related to the application of constructed wetland systems (CWs) in southeastern Poland in 1992–2016. On the basis of literature data, a comparison between pollutant removal efficiencies of one-stage and hybrid CWs was made. Some problems regarding the operation of these treatment plants were also presented. Data from various facilities indicate that one-stage CWs with horizontal...
Removal of selected sulfonamides and sulfonamide resistance genes from wastewater in full-scale constructed wetlands
PublicationSulfonamides are high-consumption antibiotics that reach the aquatic environment. The threat related to their presence in wastewater and the environment is not only associated with their antibacterial properties, but also with risk of the spread of drug resistance in bacteria. Therefore, the aim of this work was to evaluate the occurrence of eight commonly used sulfonamides, sulfonamide resistance genes (sul1–3) and integrase genes...
History and Perspective of Treatment Wetland in Poland – Part One: Lesson learned
PublicationEarly implementation of treatment wetlands under supervision of the researchers from were quite promising. The constructed facilities ensured effective wastewater treatment and sludge dewatering. In the next years a number of treatment wetland s systems were constructed without following the designing principles and left without proper maintenance. In the consequence this lead to unsatisfactory treatment results. Investigations...
Landfill leachate treatment at a pilot plant using hydrophyte systems
PublicationConstructed wetlands can provide an effective and economical solution to landfill leachate treatment. In the article the performance of a CW for leachate treatment, consisting of two horizontal flow constructed wetlands (HF-CW) beds, working at the municipal landfill in Gdansk-Szadolki in the period 2004-2005 is being discussed. The plant has been operating since 2001. Clogging problems and surface flow occurred in the system...
Application of vertical flow cw for highly contaminated wastewater treatment
PublicationBasing on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of reject waters generated during digested sewage sludge dewatering on centrifuges in conventional WWTP (RWC) and municipal landfill leachate (LL), the pilot constructed wetlands for treatment of both types of highly contaminated wastewater were designed. In the paper the characteristics of the pilot plants and assumed treatment efficiencies are presented. According to the...