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Search results for: jammer
Ancient DNA sequence quality is independent of fish bone weight
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Applicability of edible Candelilla wax composite blended with Bryophyllumpinnatum extract to prolong shelf life of fruits/vegetables
PublicationCandelilla wax (CW) is a natural lipid source that can be used to make biodegradable and edible coatings and films for fruits. However, CW alone does not provide sufficient antimicrobial and antioxidant properties to prevent microbial spoilage and oxidative deterioration of fresh products. This study aims at evaluating the applicability of CW blended with Bryophyllum pinnatum extract (BPE), a plant with medicinal and phytochemical...
Impact of climate‐driven temperature increase on inland aquaculture: Application to land‐based production of common carp ( Cyprinus carpio L.)
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Identification of Novel Chemical Scaffolds Inhibiting Trypanothione Synthetase from Pathogenic Trypanosomatids
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Prevalence of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in European populations based on cross-validated diagnostic thresholds
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Quasi-Static Response
PublicationConcern for the quasi-static response of ship and offshore structures, as required for safety and serviceability assessments. Attention shall be given to uncertainty quantification of quasi-static load and response analysis approaches, and their limitations, including exact and approximate methods for derivation of different acceptance criteria.
The modelling and enhancement of water hydrodynamics: general discussion
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A Computationally Efficient Model for Predicting Successful Memory Encoding Using Machine-Learning-based EEG Channel Selection
PublicationComputational cost is an important consideration for memory encoding prediction models that use data from dozens of implanted electrodes. We propose a method to reduce computational expense by selecting a subset of all the electrodes to build the prediction model. The electrodes were selected based on their likelihood of measuring brain activity useful for predicting memory encoding better than chance (in terms of AUC). A logistic...
Assessment of Sewage Molecular Markers: Linear Alkylbenzenes in Sediments of an Industrialized Region in Peninsular Malaysia
PublicationIn this study, the use of linear alkylbenzenes (LABs) was employed to pinpoint the sources of human activity that cause detrimental impacts on the coastal environment and river ecosystems. LABs were detected using GC–MS in sediment samples assembled from Kim Kim River (KKR) and the Port Dickson coast (PDC). To assess the significance of variations in the distribution and concentrations of LABs across the sampling sites, this study...
Widespread theta synchrony and high-frequency desynchronization underlies enhanced cognition
PublicationThe idea that synchronous neural activity underlies cognition has driven an extensive body of research in human and animal neuroscience. Yet, insufficient data on intracranial electrical connectivity has precluded a direct test of this hypothesis in a whole-brain setting. Through the lens of memory encoding and retrieval processes, we construct whole-brain connectivity maps of fast gamma (30-100 Hz) and slow theta (3-8 Hz) spectral...
Intracranial electrophysiological recordings from the human brain during memory tasks with pupillometry
PublicationData comprise intracranial EEG (iEEG) brain activity represented by stereo EEG (sEEG) signals, recorded from over 100 electrode channels implanted in any one patient across various brain regions. The iEEG signals were recorded in epilepsy patients (N=10) undergoing invasive monitoring and localization of seizures when they were performing a battery of four memory tasks lasting approx. 1 hour in total. Gaze tracking on the task...
Monitoring of Caged Bluefin Tuna Reactions to Ship and Offshore Wind Farm Operational Noises
PublicationUnderwater noise has been identified as a relevant pollution affecting marine ecosystems in different ways. Despite the numerous studies performed over the last few decades regarding the adverse effect of underwater noise on marine life, a lack of knowledge and methodological procedures still exists, and results are often tentative or qualitative. A monitoring methodology for the behavioral response of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)...
Novel Structures and Applications of Graphene-Based Semiconductor Photocatalysts: Faceted Particles, Photonic Crystals, Antimicrobial and Magnetic Properties
PublicationGraphene, graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide and their composites with various compounds/materials have high potential for substantial impact as cheap photocatalysts, which is essential to meet the demands of global activity, offering the advantage of utilizing “green” solar energy. Accordingly, graphene-based materials might help to reduce reliance on fossil fuel supplies and facile remediation routes to achieve clean environment...
Odwzorowanie obiektów ograniczonego środowiska na trójwymiarowej mapie cyfrowej z wykorzystaniem robotów mobilnych zaopatrzonych w stereowizję
PublicationProblem podjęty w rozprawie dotyczy trójwymiarowego odwzorowania otoczenia przez roboty mobilne. Wpisuje się on w zagadnienie SLAM - jednoczesnego określania położenia i tworzenia mapy. W pracy skupiono się na wybranej realizacji mapowania opartej na stereowizji (konkretnego zagadnienia SLAM). Duży nacisk położono także na warunki konieczne do zapewnienia prawidłowej stereowizji oraz na sprzętowy układ eksperymentu, który umożliwia...
Utilizing Genome-Wide mRNA Profiling to Identify the Cytotoxic Chemotherapeutic Mechanism of Triazoloacridone C-1305 as Direct Microtubule Stabilization
PublicationRational drug design and in vitro pharmacology profiling constitute the gold standard in drug development pipelines. Problems arise, however, because this process is often dicult due to limited information regarding the complete identification of a molecule’s biological activities. The increasing aordability of genome-wide next-generation technologies now provides an excellent opportunity to understand a compound’s diverse eects...
Glioblastoma-derived spheroid cultures as an experimental model for analysis of EGFR anomalies
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PublicationW dobie rosnących zagrożeń, jakie stawiają przed społeczeństwami zorganizowane grupy przestępcze, terroryzm czy wzrastająca liczba przestępstw ulicznych, nowoczesne technologie stają się kluczowym elementem w walce z przestępczością. Systemy monitoringu wizyjnego, wsparte przez sztuczną inteligencję (AI), przechodzą transformację, od prostych rejestratorów obrazu do zaawansowanych narzędzi analitycznych zdolnych do detekcji...
Dissecting gamma frequency activities during human memory processing
PublicationGamma frequency activity (30-150 Hz) is induced in cognitive tasks and is thought to reflect underlying neural processes. Gamma frequency activity can be recorded directly from the human brain using intracranial electrodes implanted in patients undergoing treatment for drug-resistant epilepsy. Previous studies have independently explored narrowband oscillations in the local field potential and broadband power increases. It is not...
Detecting the medieval cod trade: a new method and first results
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Human Granulosa Cells—Stemness Properties, Molecular Cross-Talk and Follicular Angiogenesis
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New kagome prototype materials: discovery of KV3Sb5, RbV3Sb5, and CsV3Sb5
PublicationIn this work, we present our discovery and characterization of a new kagome prototype structure, KV3Sb5. We also present the discovery of the isostructural compounds RbV3Sb5 and CsV3Sb5. All materials exhibit a structurally perfect two-dimensional kagome net of vanadium. Density-functional theory calculations indicate that the materials are metallic, with the Fermi level in close proximity to several Dirac points. Powder and single-crystal...
Unilateral Carotid Body Resection in Resistant Hypertension
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Structure and function of natural proteins for water transport: general discussion
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DNA methylation as a mediator of HLA-DRB1*15:01 and a protective variant in multiple sclerosis
PublicationThe human leukocyte antigen (HLA) haplotype DRB1*15:01 is the major risk factor for multiple sclerosis (MS). Here, we find that DRB1*15:01 is hypomethylated and predominantly expressed in monocytes among carriers of DRB1*15:01. A differentially methylated region (DMR) encompassing HLA-DRB1 exon 2 is particularly affected and displays methylation-sensitive regulatory properties in vitro. Causal inference and Mendelian randomization...
Human verbal memory encoding is hierarchically distributed in a continuous processing stream
PublicationProcessing of memory is supported by coordinated activity in a network of sensory, association, and motor brain regions. It remains a major challenge to determine where memory is encoded for later retrieval. Here we used direct intracranial brain recordings from epilepsy patients performing free recall tasks to determine the temporal pattern and anatomical distribution of verbal memory encoding across the entire human cortex. High...
Behavioral state classification in epileptic brain using intracranial electrophysiology
PublicationOBJECTIVE: Automated behavioral state classification can benefit next generation implantable epilepsy devices. In this study we explored the feasibility of automated awake (AW) and slow wave sleep (SWS) classification using wide bandwidth intracranial EEG (iEEG) in patients undergoing evaluation for epilepsy surgery. APPROACH: Data from seven patients (age [Formula: see text], 4 women) who underwent intracranial depth electrode...
Interpreting the expansion of sea fishing in medieval Europe using stable isotope analysis of archaeological cod bones
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CEACAM6 as a Novel Therapeutic Target to Boost HO-1—mediated Antioxidant Defense in COPD
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Stable Isotope Evidence for Late Medieval (14th–15th C) Origins of the Eastern Baltic Cod (Gadus morhua) Fishery
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The Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Coniacian Stage (Salzgitter-Salder, Germany) and its auxiliary sections (Słupia Nadbrzeżna, central Poland; Střeleč, Czech Republic; and El Rosario, NE Mexico)
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Muscle Cell Morphogenesis, Structure, Development and Differentiation Processes Are Significantly Regulated during Human Ovarian Granulosa Cells In Vitro Cultivation
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N6-methyladenosine regulates the stability of RNA:DNA hybrids in human cells
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New Gene Markers Expressed in Porcine Oviductal Epithelial Cells Cultured Primary In Vitro Are Involved in Ontological Groups Representing Physiological Processes of Porcine Oocytes
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Ibrutinib as Treatment for Patients With Relapsed/Refractory Follicular Lymphoma: Results From the Open-Label, Multicenter, Phase II DAWN Study
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SPARC, a Novel Regulator of Vascular Cell Function in Pulmonary Hypertension
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Mild X-linked Alport syndrome due to the COL4A5 G624D variant originating in the Middle Ages is predominant in Central/East Europe and causes kidney failure in midlife
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Mild X-linked Alport syndrome due to the COL4A5 G624D variant originating in the Middle Ages is predominant in Central/East Europe and causes kidney failure in midlife
PublicationA study of 269 children enrolled into a National Registry for children with persistent glomerular hematuria identified 131 individuals with genetically confirmed X-linked Alport Syndrome. A single variant c.1871G>A p.Gly624Asp (G624D) in COL4A5 was predominant and accounted for 39% of Xlinked Alport Syndrome in unrelated Polish families (44 of 113). To evaluate its origins, the genetic variation in a 2.79 Mb segment encompassing...
Expertise: No Longer a Sine Qua Non for Guideline Authors?
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Glossary on atmospheric electricity and its effects on biology
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Myeloperoxidase Modulates Inflammation in Generalized Pustular Psoriasis and Additional Rare Pustular Skin Diseases
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Dimethyl fumarate and 4-octyl itaconate are anticoagulants that suppress Tissue Factor in macrophages via inhibition of Type I Interferon
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Human and Methodological Sources of Variability in the Measurement of Urinary 8-Oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine
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Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area—A position paper by the European Association for Biometrics
PublicationDue to migration, terror-threats and the viral pandemic, various EU member states have re-established internal border control or even closed their borders. European Association for Biometrics (EAB), a non-profit organisation, solicited the views of its members on ways which biometric technologies and services may be used to help with re-establishing open borders within the Schengen area while at the same time mitigating any adverse...
The ONETEP linear-scaling density functional theory program
PublicationWe present an overview of the ONETEP program for linear-scaling density functional theory (DFT) calculations with large basis set (planewave) accuracy on parallel computers. The DFT energy is computed from the density matrix, which is constructed from spatially localized orbitals we call Non-orthogonal Generalized Wannier Functions (NGWFs), expressed in terms of periodic sinc (psinc) functions. During the calculation, both the...
Roadmap on dynamics of molecules and clusters in the gas phase
PublicationThis roadmap article highlights recent advances, challenges and future prospects in studies of the dynamics of molecules and clusters in the gas phase. It comprises nineteen contributions by scientists with leading expertise in complementary experimental and theoretical techniques to probe the dynamics on timescales spanning twenty orders of magnitudes, from attoseconds to minutes and beyond, and for systems ranging in complexity...
PublicationSztuczna inteligencja w ochronie osób i mienia stanowi jedno z kluczowych wyzwań współczesnej technologii oraz bezpieczeństwa. Dynamiczny rozwój nowych technologii implikuje konieczność nie tylko zrozumienia ich potencjału, ale również planowania strategicznego, efektywnej alokacji zasobów oraz adaptacji w istniejących strukturach organizacyjnych. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest szczegółowa analiza procesu wdrażania sztucznej...
Exploring the cost-effectiveness of high versus low perioperative fraction of inspired oxygen in the prevention of surgical site infections among abdominal surgery patients in three low- and middle-income countries
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Gendered Self-Views Across 62 Countries: A Test of Competing Models