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Search results for: COTTON FABRICS
Surface modification of cotton fabrics for sublimation printing
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Bioactive and biodegradable cotton fabrics produced via synergic effect of plant extracts and essential oils in chitosan coating system
PublicationFunctional antibacterial textile materials are in great demand in the medical sector. In this paper, we propose a facile, eco-friendly approach to the design of antibacterial biodegradable cotton fabrics. Cotton fiber fabrics were enhanced with a chitosan coating loaded with plant extracts and essential oils. We employed Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), UV–Vis spectrophotometry, optical...
Development of Nanocomposite based Antimicrobial Cotton Fabrics Impregnated by Nano SiO2 Loaded AgNPs Derived from Eragrostis Teff straw
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Geotechnical Fabrics Report
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Specialty Fabrics Review
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Durability evaluation of technical fabrics
PublicationA thorough examination of the influence of the conditions of use on the mechanical properties of technical fabrics is proposed. Laboratory experiments (uniaxial tensile, rheological, cyclic and biaxial tensile tests) have been conducted and the material’s parameters for Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations have been identified. Various constitutive models of technical fabrics are investigated and compared. On the basis of these...
Fabrica Societatis
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Journal of Cotton Science
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Journal of Cotton Research
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Special model for coated woven fabrics.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono podstawowe równania konstytutywne modelu sieci gęstej oraz podano parametry materiałowe dla dwu wybranych tkanin technicznych. Opisano specjalny model elementu skończonego w płaskim stanie naprężenia, który opisuje typowe właściwości tkaniny technicznej. Zaproponowano rozszerzony wariant modelu sieci gęstej, tzw. Warstwowy model sieci gęstej, w celu bezpośredniego uwzględnienia wpływu pokrycia.
Mechanical testing of technical woven fabrics
PublicationThis article presents a review of technical fabrics testing methods used by the authors on the basis of their experience with research on properties of polytetrefluoroethylene-coated fabrics used for Forest Opera in Sopot (Poland). First, the different types of testing methods used for description of mechanical properties (uniaxial tensile tests, biaxial tensile tests and shear tests) of technical woven fabrics are described. The...
Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics
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On finite element modelling of architectural fabrics for hanging roofs
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy modelowania konstytutywnego i identyfikacji parametrów materiałowych dla tkanin technicznych powszechnie stosowanych w konstrukcjach membranowo-cięgnowych. Autorzy przedstawiają krótką charakterystyke modeli stosowanych w opisie zachowania sie tkanin technicznych. Opisano metodę do idetyfikacji nieliniowo-sprężystych właściwości tkanin technicznych. Dodatkowo dokonao porówania wyników z prób jednoosiowego rozciągania...
Thermal properties of aluminized and non-aluminized basalt fabrics
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Identification of Bodner-Partom model parameters for technical fabrics
PublicationThe thorough analysis of modeling technical fabrics behavior with the viscoplastic Bodner-Partom constitutive law is presented. The study has been focused on differences between the warp and weft direction of the material. To obtain the model’s parameters only the uniaxial tensile laboratory tests with three different, but constant strain rates are required. The parameters have been found for polyester fibers PVC coated fabrics:...
Testing of Technical Fabrics under Fast Camera Control
PublicationThe dynamic development of measurement and recording techniques has been changing the way one conceives material strength. In this study, two different methods of evaluating the strength of fabrics are compared. The first is the typical and commonly used technique based on the use of a testing machine. The second method uses the so-called “fast camera” to monitor the entire process of the destruction of a fabric sample and analyse...
On constitutive modeling for technical woven fabric
PublicationW pracy przestawiono kilka modeli konstytutywnych przyjmowanych do opisu zachowania się tkanin technicznych. Oprócz modeli zaczerpniętych z literatury autorzy prezentują własną koncepcje modelu stanowiąca rozszerzenie modelu sieci gęstej.This paper describes several types of the constitutive models used for the technical woven fabric description. Besides of the literatures examples of the constitutive models, the authors presented...
Example of tension fabric structure analysis
PublicationThe aim of the work is to examine two variants of non-linear strain-stress relations accepted to description of architectural fabric. Discussion on the fundamental equations of the dense net model, used in description of coated woven fabric behaviour is presented. An analysis of tensile fabric structures subjected to the dead load and initial pretension is described.
State of the art report on fabric formwork
PublicationPrzedstawiono technologię wytwarzania i kształtowania elementów betonowych wylewanych w wiotkich formach. Omówiono szerokie zastosowanie takich elementów umożliwiające swobodne kształtowanie przestrzeni. Wskazano na możliwości wykorzystania omawianej technoloii betonowania w nietypowych warunkach, np. w pracach podwodnych. Zwrócono uwage a oszczędności w zastąpieniu drewnianych lub stalowych form, a także polepszenie własności...
Technical fabrics in costruction of large scale roofs - numerical and experimental aspects
PublicationDesigning and construction of textile hanging roofs is the challenging subject for engineers. This type of structure needs geometrically and very often also physically non-linear calculations. Due to different behaviour of two families of threads (warp and weft), which during deformation can change the angle between their directions, they require special constitutive modelling. Also the loading of hanging roofs is very special....
Proposal of Objective Assesment of the Phenomenon of Light Passage Through Blackout Fabrics
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Dynamic analysis including special constitutive model for PVC-coated fabrics.
PublicationW pracy przestawiono dynamiczne obliczenia membranowego przekrycia wiszącego w kształcie paraboloidy hiperbolicznej poddanej impulsowemu działaniu wiatru. Do opisu zachowania się powleczonej polichlorkiem winylu tkaniny technicznej zastosowano równania konstytutywne modelu sieci gęstej z uwzględnieniem sprężystych i sprężysto-lepkoplastycznych właściwości wątku i osnowy.
Review of constitutive models for technical woven fabrics in finite element analysis
PublicationArtykuł opisuje typy modeli konstytutywnych stosowanych do opisu zachowania się tkanin technicznych w analizie MES. Proponowany jest także warstwowy model sieci gęstej.
Fabrica Litterarum Polono-Italica
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Layer-by-layer polymer deposited fabrics with superior flame retardancy and electrical conductivity
PublicationSmart and multifunctional textiles and fabrics are progressively developing, such that multifunctional fabrics are becoming more widespread. We elaborated herein multi-layered flax fabrics with superior flame retardancy and conductivity, which revealed fireproof feature while keeping conductivity during burning. The flax fabric was reinforced by layer-by-layer (LbL) deposition of sodium polyacrylate (SPA), polyethylenimine (PEI),...
Identification of nonlinear viscoelastic properties of the ''Panama'' fabric
PublicationTkanina techniczna Panama wytwarzana przez firmę Sattler (Niemcy)wykazuje cechy nieliniowe w tym właściwości lepkosprężyste w czasie testów długoterminowych. Na podstawie jednoosiowych testów płynięcia i regeneracji przeprowadzonych dla pięciu poziomów obciążenia przeprowadzono identyfikacje nieliniowych lepkosprężystych właściwości tkaniny. Do opisu zależności konstytutywnych użyto całkowego modelu Schapery'ego. Zastosowano funkcję...
Investigation on rheological properties of technical fabric "Panama".
PublicationW pracy przestawiono wyniki eksperymentów z tkaniną techniczną "Panama" wykonanych w celu identyfikacji niesprężystych właściwości wątku i osnowy oraz techniki identyfikacji bazujących na metodzie najmniejszych kwadratów. Model sieci gęstej został zaproponowany w celu modelowania zachowania tkaniny technicznej w analizie metodą elementów skończonych. Do opisu lepkoplastycznych właściwości wątku osnowy zastosowano modele Chaboche'a...
Modelling of the viscoelastic properties of the technical fabric VALMEX
PublicationThe analysis of the Burgers model used for the constitutive description of the technical fabric VALMEX vis-coelastic behavior is presented. It has revealed that the correctness of the identification depends strongly on the level of the immediate strain taken for calculations. Moreover, it has been proven that the Burgers model can be used for modelling of the viscoelastic properties of the polyester reinforced PVC coated VALMEX...
Technical fabrics old sample
Open Research DataThe data presented here includes video of technical fabric strength testing. The included movie is in .cine format, and an external program with a viewer for such movies is required.
Technical fabrics sample 1
Open Research DataThe data presented here includes 3 videos of technical fabrics strength testing. The included movies are in .cine format, and an external program with a viewer for such movies is required.
Technical fabrics sample 2
Open Research DataThe data presented here includes 3 videos of technical fabrics strength testing. The included movies are in .cine format, and an external program with a viewer for such movies is required.
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Common Knowledge
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Bottom Line
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Structural Modelling of Blackout Fabrics Patterned by Weave. Used as a Curtains in Interior Public Spaces
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Influence of Water-Induced Degradation of Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-Coated Woven Fabrics Mechanical Properties
PublicationThe impact of water-induced degradation on the mechanical properties of the chosen two PTFE-coated, glass threads woven fabrics is investigated in this paper. The paper begins with a survey of literature concerning the investigation and determination of coated woven fabric properties. The authors carried out the uniaxial tensile tests with an application of flat and curved grips to establish the proper values of the ultimate tensile...
Influence of water soaking on the ultimate tensile strength of polyester-based coated woven fabrics
PublicationThis research aims to determine the influence of water-soaking on polyester-based coated woven fabrics for ultimate tensile strength and elongation at break under uniaxial tensile tests. The paper begins with a short survey of literature concerning the investigation of the determination of coated woven fabric properties. The authors carried out the uniaxial tensile tests with an application of a flat grip to establish the values...
Influence of cyclic frozen and defrost on mechanical properties of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-coated woven fabrics
PublicationThis research aims to determine the influence of the cyclic process of freezing and defrosting on the mechanical properties of the chosen glass fibres and PTFE-coated woven fabrics. The specimens were subjected to freezing at about −20 °C for 4 h and thawing by full immersion into the water at about +20 °C for 4 h. The fabric samples after 25 and 50 frozen cycles were air-dried at room temperature for one week and then subjected...
PublicationThe scope of the paper is to determine the mechanical properties of the Precontraint 1302 polyester coated fabric under uniaxial and biaxial tensile tests. The results are compared for Precontraint 1302 fabric and other types of coated fabrics. The author applied an orthotropic model and a dense net model to reflect the polyester coated fabric performance under uniaxial and biaxial tensile tests. Material parameters are specified...
Subjective Interpretation and Objective Evaluation of Blackout Fabric’s Barrier Properties
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Some theoretical models of technical woven fabric and their use in FEM.
PublicationCelem pracy było przedstawienie niektórych typów równań konstytutywnych opisujących zachowanie powłok membranowych używanych do konstrukcji przekryć wiszących. Ocena zastosowanego modelu izotropowego i sieci gęstej w analizie tkanin technicznych. Dokonano porównania wyników uzyskanych własnymi algorytmami metody elementów skończonych z powszechnie dostępnym na rynku programem komercyjnym MARC firmy MSC. Uzyskano dobrą zgodność...
Constitutive models for technical woven fabric state of the art and futuretrends.
PublicationPrzedstawiono główne kierunki rozwoju nieliniowych praw konstytutywnych służących do opisu zachowania tkaniny technicznej z uwzględnieniem niesprężystych właściwości wątku i osnowy. Praca zawiera krótki rys historyczny rozwoju praw oraz omówienie typowych prób laboratoryjnych służących do identyfikacji parametrów materiałowych.
Optimization of constitutive law for objective numerical modeling of knitted fabric
PublicationThis paper discusses the problem of macroscopic modeling a knitted technical fabric with the aim to determine a constitutive law for adequately modeling the material response under real-life load. As phenomenological, hyperelastic material laws reveal different parameters due to different test modalities used to identify such parameters, an optimization scheme is proposed to determine an objective solution. The study is conducted...
Experimental research on technical fabric of the Forest Opera Roof in Sopot
PublicationThe experimental analysis of the technical fabric Valmex is presented. The study involves uniaxial tensile, cyclic, rheological and biaxial tests. Some of the main differencies between two types of the analysed material have been identified. Mechanical properties of the textile have been modeled by the viscoelastic standard model with quite good effect.
Influence of thermal effects on mechanical properties of PVDF-coated fabric
PublicationThis paper describes the method of laboratory tests necessary for identification of temperature influence on mechanical properties of polyvinylidene fluoride-coated polyester fabric often used for tensile structures. Two nonlinear model descriptions are investigated. The first one is based on the piece-wise linear relations between stress and strain and the second one on the Murnaghan model of solid behavior. This paper is proposed...
Finite element description of nonlinear viscoelastic behaviour of technical fabric
PublicationW pracy podano propozycję nieliniowego modelowania zachowania się tkaniny technicznej. Podano wyniki identyfikacji i zweryfikowano poprzez numeryczną symulację prób laboratoryjnych
Mechanical Properties of Polyester Coated Fabric Subjected to Biaxial Loading
PublicationThe paper is focused on the comparison between uniaxial and biaxial laboratory test results for polyester coated fabric. A short literature review concerning coated woven fabrics with emphasis on biaxial tensile tests is presented. A description of the polyester-coated fabric under biaxial test by means of constitutive models and material parameter values is proposed. To establish the right values of the ultimate tensile strength,...
Mechanical properties of PVDF-coated fabric under tensile tests
PublicationThis article describes the laboratory tests necessary to identify the mechanical properties of the polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)-coated fabrics named Precontraint 1202S and Precontraint 1302S. First, a short survey of the literature concerning the description of coated woven fabrics is presented. Second, the material parameters for PVDF-coated fabrics are specified on the basis of biaxial tensile tests. A comparison of the 1:1...
Effect of glycosoaminoglycans on reconstitution of collagen fibrils
PublicationCelem pracy było sprawdzenie efektywności rekonstytucji fibryli i włókien z roztworu kwasu solnego kolagenu skór bydlęcych pod wpływem glikozaminoglikanów (GAGs), wydzielonych z tchawic bydlęcych, w układach o sile jonowej w zakresie 0-0,7 oraz pH 3-8. Stwierdzono, że dodatek GAGs do roztworu kolagenu powoduje natychmiastowe powstawanie włókien, których ilość wzrasta wraz z ilością dodanych glikozaminoglikanów i stężeniem kolagenu....
Modelling the Viability of Microorganisms of Poly(lactic Acid) Melt-Blown Nonwoven Fabrics for the Use of Respiratory Protection