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Improved method for real-time speech stretching
Publicationn algorithm for real-time speech stretching is presented. It was designed to modify input signal dependently on its content and on its relation with the historical input data. The proposed algorithm is a combination of speech signal analysis algorithms, i.e. voice, vowels/consonants, stuttering detection and SOLA (Synchronous-Overlap-and-Add) based speech stretching algorithm. This approach enables stretching input speech signal...
Multimodal English corpus for automatic speech recognition
PublicationA multimodal corpus developed for research of speech recognition based on audio-visual data is presented. Besides usual video and sound excerpts, the prepared database contains also thermovision images and depth maps. All streams were recorded simultaneously, therefore the corpus enables to examine the importance of the information provided by different modalities. Based on the recordings, it is also possible to develop a speech...
Improving the quality of speech in the conditions of noise and interference
PublicationThe aim of the work is to present a method of intelligent modification of the speech signal with speech features expressed in noise, based on the Lombard effect. The recordings utilized sets of words and sentences as well as disturbing signals, i.e., pink noise and the so-called babble speech. Noise signal, calibrated to various levels at the speaker's ears, was played over two loudspeakers located 2 m away from the speaker. In...
Communication Platform for Evaluation of Transmitted Speech Quality
PublicationA voice communication system designed and implemented is described. The purpose of the presented platform was to enable a series of experiments related to the quality assessment of algorithms used in the coding and transmitting of speech. The system is equipped with tools for recording signals at each stage of processing, making it possible to subject them to subjective assessments by listening tests or, objective evaluation employing...
Transient detection algorithms for speech coding applications
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Comprehensive Evaluation of Statistical Speech Waveform Synthesis
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Building Knowledge for the Purpose of Lip Speech Identification
PublicationConsecutive stages of building knowledge for automatic lip speech identification are shown in this study. The main objective is to prepare audio-visual material for phonetic analysis and transcription. First, approximately 260 sentences of natural English were prepared taking into account the frequencies of occurrence of all English phonemes. Five native speakers from different countries read the selected sentences in front of...
Methodology and technology for the polymodal allophonic speech transcription
PublicationA method for automatic audiovisual transcription of speech employing: acoustic and visual speech representations is developed. It adopts a combining of audio and visual modalities, which provide a synergy effect in terms of speech recognition accuracy. To establish a robust solution, basic research concerning the relation between the allophonic variation of speech, i.e. the changes in the articulatory setting of speech organs for...
Methodology and technology for the polymodal allophonic speech transcription
PublicationA method for automatic audiovisual transcription of speech employing: acoustic, electromagnetical articulography and visual speech representations is developed. It adopts a combining of audio and visual modalities, which provide a synergy effect in terms of speech recognition accuracy. To establish a robust solution, basic research concerning the relation between the allophonic variation of speech, i.e., the changes in the articulatory...
Constructing a Dataset of Speech Recordingswith Lombard Effect
PublicationThepurpose of therecordings was to create a speech corpus based on the ISLEdataset, extended with video and Lombard speech. Selected from a set of 165sentences, 10, evaluatedas having thehighest possibility to occur in the context ofthe Lombard effect,were repeated in the presence of the so-called babble speech to obtain Lombard speech features. Altogether,15speakers were recorded, and speech parameterswere...
Tensor Decomposition for Imagined Speech Discrimination in EEG
PublicationMost of the researches in Electroencephalogram(EEG)-based Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) are focused on the use of motor imagery. As an attempt to improve the control of these interfaces, the use of language instead of movement has been recently explored, in the form of imagined speech. This work aims for the discrimination of imagined words in electroencephalogram signals. For this purpose, the analysis of multiple variables...
Applying the Lombard Effect to Speech-in-Noise Communication
PublicationThis study explored how the Lombard effect, a natural or artificial increase in speech loudness in noisy environments, can improve speech-in-noise communication. This study consisted of several experiments that measured the impact of different types of noise on synthesizing the Lombard effect. The main steps were as follows: first, a dataset of speech samples with and without the Lombard effect was collected in a controlled setting;...
Decoding imagined speech for EEG-based BCI
PublicationBrain–computer interfaces (BCIs) are systems that transform the brain's electrical activity into commands to control a device. To create a BCI, it is necessary to establish the relationship between a certain stimulus, internal or external, and the brain activity it provokes. A common approach in BCIs is motor imagery, which involves imagining limb movement. Unfortunately, this approach allows few commands. As an alternative, this...
Speech recognition system for hearing impaired people.
PublicationPraca przedstawia wyniki badań z zakresu rozpoznawania mowy. Tworzony system wykorzystujący dane wizualne i akustyczne będzie ułatwiał trening poprawnego mówienia dla osób po operacji transplantacji ślimaka i innych osób wykazujących poważne uszkodzenia słuchu. Active Shape models zostały wykorzystane do wyznaczania parametrów wizualnych na podstawie analizy kształtu i ruchu ust w nagraniach wideo. Parametry akustyczne bazują na...
Data obtained via parametrization of differently mixed audio signals
Open Research DataDataset consists of audio samples and the results of their parametrization. The extraction of music parameters was performed using MIRToolbox. Information extracted from the samples was used as a database for master's thesis titled 'The influence of audio signal processing chain in mixing on the emotional state of a music piece'.
Creation of a map of optimal spindle speeds for a purpose of surveillance of high speed milling of flexible details
PublicationDrgania samowzbudne typu chatter często towarzyszą procesom frezowania szybkościowego. Ich skutkiem są nieodwracalne uszkodzenia powierzchni obrabianej. Mogą one również doprowadzić do intensywnego zużycia narzędzi skrawających, a nawet samej obrabiarki. W pracy przedstawiono metodę umożliwiającą tworzenie mapy optymalnych prędkości obrotowych wrzeciona. Stosowanie podczas procesu frezowania optymalnej prędkości obrotowej wrzeciona...
Comparison of various speech time-scale modificartion methods
PublicationThe objective of this work is to investigate the influence of the different time-scale modification (TSM) methods on the quality of the speech stretched up using the designed non-uniform real-time speech time-scale modification algorithm (NU-RTSM). The algorithm provides a combination of the typical TSM algorithm with the vowels, consonants, stutter, transients and silence detectors. Based on the information about the content and...
Time-domain prosodic modifications for text-to-speech synthesizer
PublicationAn application of prosodic speech processing algorithms to Text-To-Speech synthesis is presented. Prosodic modifications that improve the naturalness of the synthesized signal are discussed. The applied method is based on the TD-PSOLA algorithm. The developed Text-To-Speech Synthesizer is used in applications employing multimodal computer interfaces.
Computer-based detection of depression and dementia in spontaneous speech
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Investigations of speech signal parameters with regard to articulation influences
PublicationW pracy zostało podjęte zagadnienie parametryzacji sygnału mowy w kontekście ekstrakcji cech biometrycznych. Analizowane parametry to parametry cepstralne (cepstrum liniowe i mel-cepstrum, czyli MFCC), parametry liniowej predykcji (LPC) oraz momenty widmowe i parametr F0. Zastosowano analize w krótkich stałych segmentach sygnału z zastosowaniem dużego zakładkowania, tzw. ''implicite segmentation''. Umożliwiło to zaobserwowanie...
A Method of Real-Time Non-uniform Speech Stretching
PublicationDeveloped method of real-time non-uniform speech stretching is presented.The proposed solution is based on the well-known SOLA algorithm(Synchronous Overlap and Add). Non-uniform time-scale modification isachieved by the adjustment of time scaling factor values in accordance with thesignal content. Dependently on the speech unit (vowels/consonants), instantaneousrate of speech (ROS), and speech signal presence, values of the scalingfactor...
Detection of dialogue in movie soundtrack for speech intelligibility enhancement
PublicationA method for detecting dialogue in 5.1 movie soundtrack based on interchannel spectral disparity is presented. The front channel signals (left, right, center) are analyzed in the frequency domain. The selected partials in the center channel signal, which yield high disparity with left and right channels, are detected as dialogue. Subsequently, the dialogue frequency components are boosted to achieve increased dialogue intelligibility....
Examining Influence of Distance to Microphone on Accuracy of Speech Recognition
PublicationThe problem of controlling a machine by the distant-talking speaker without a necessity of handheld or body-worn equipment usage is considered. A laboratory setup is introduced for examination of performance of the developed automatic speech recognition system fed by direct and by distant speech acquired by microphones placed at three different distances from the speaker (0.5 m to 1.5 m). For feature extraction from the voice signal...
Visual Lip Contour Detection for the Purpose of Speech Recognition
PublicationA method for visual detection of lip contours in frontal recordings of speakers is described and evaluated. The purpose of the method is to facilitate speech recognition with visual features extracted from a mouth region. Different Active Appearance Models are employed for finding lips in video frames and for lip shape and texture statistical description. Search initialization procedure is proposed and error measure values are...
An audio-visual corpus for multimodal automatic speech recognition
Publicationreview of available audio-visual speech corpora and a description of a new multimodal corpus of English speech recordings is provided. The new corpus containing 31 hours of recordings was created specifically to assist audio-visual speech recognition systems (AVSR) development. The database related to the corpus includes high-resolution, high-framerate stereoscopic video streams from RGB cameras, depth imaging stream utilizing Time-of-Flight...
Evaluation and Irony in Text in the Light of Speech Act Theory
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System of speech signal processing and visualisation for linguistic purposes
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Digital analysis of ethnic speech – extraction of information code
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On the EM algorithm for the estimation of speech AR parameters in noise
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Audiovisual speech recognition for training hearing impaired patients
PublicationPraca przedstawia system rozpoznawania izolowanych głosek mowy wykorzystujący dane wizualne i akustyczne. Modele Active Shape Models zostały wykorzystane do wyznaczania parametrów wizualnych na podstawie analizy kształtu i ruchu ust w nagraniach wideo. Parametry akustyczne bazują na współczynnikach melcepstralnych. Sieć neuronowa została użyta do rozpoznawania wymawianych głosek na podstawie wektora cech zawierającego oba typy...
Automatic Image and Speech Recognition Based on Neural Network
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Improving Objective Speech Quality Indicators in Noise Conditions
PublicationThis work aims at modifying speech signal samples and test them with objective speech quality indicators after mixing the original signals with noise or with an interfering signal. Modifications that are applied to the signal are related to the Lombard speech characteristics, i.e., pitch shifting, utterance duration changes, vocal tract scaling, manipulation of formants. A set of words and sentences in Polish, recorded in silence,...
Ranking Speech Features for Their Usage in Singing Emotion Classification
PublicationThis paper aims to retrieve speech descriptors that may be useful for the classification of emotions in singing. For this purpose, Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) and selected Low-Level MPEG 7 descriptors were calculated based on the RAVDESS dataset. The database contains recordings of emotional speech and singing of professional actors presenting six different emotions. Employing the algorithm of Feature Selection based...
Detecting Lombard Speech Using Deep Learning Approach
PublicationRobust Lombard speech-in-noise detecting is challenging. This study proposes a strategy to detect Lombard speech using a machine learning approach for applications such as public address systems that work in near real time. The paper starts with the background concerning the Lombard effect. Then, assumptions of the work performed for Lombard speech detection are outlined. The framework proposed combines convolutional neural networks...
Transfer learning in imagined speech EEG-based BCIs
PublicationThe Brain–Computer Interfaces (BCI) based on electroencephalograms (EEG) are systems which aim is to provide a communication channel to any person with a computer, initially it was proposed to aid people with disabilities, but actually wider applications have been proposed. These devices allow to send messages or to control devices using the brain signals. There are different neuro-paradigms which evoke brain signals of interest...
Acoustic Sensing Analytics Applied to Speech in Reverberation Conditions
PublicationThe paper aims to discuss a case study of sensing analytics and technology in acoustics when applied to reverberation conditions. Reverberation is one of the issues that makes speech in indoor spaces challenging to understand. This problem is particularly critical in large spaces with few absorbing or diffusing surfaces. One of the natural remedies to improve speech intelligibility in such conditions may be achieved through speaking...
New approach to localization of clicks in archive speech signals.
PublicationPrzedstawiono problem lokalizacji zniekształceń impulsowych w archiwalnych sygnałach mowy. Pokazano, że detekcja oparta na dwuzakresowym modelu autoregresyjnym i przetwarzanie dwukierunkowe pozwala uzyskać znaczącą poprawę działania w stosunku do istniejących metod lokalizacji zniekształceń.
Advanced speech archiving and restoration system for aviation applications
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono opracowany System Rejestracji I Rekonstrukcji Mowy dla potrzeb lotnictwa. System ten umożliwia jednoczesny zapis, archiwizację i poprawę zrozumiałości sygnału mowy pochodzącego z wielu różnych kanałów komunikacji radiowej. Głównym celem systemu jest rejestracja i rekonstrukcja komunikatów słownych wymienianych drogą radiową pomiędzy pilotem samolotu a stacją kontroli lotów - jest to niezwykle istotne w...
Application of hybrid signals processors to speech and hearing aids
PublicationDzięki postępowi w technice Cyfrowych Procesorów Sygnałowych (ang. DSP) stało się możliwe budowanie miniaturowych protez słuchu i mowy. Mimo niewielkich wymiarów procesory te są w stanie wykonywać złożone algorytmy. Ich dodatkową zaletą jest łatwość zmiany oprogramowania, a co za tym idzie łatwość zmiany dziedziny zastosowań. W pracy skupiono się na zagadnieniach związanych z projektowanie i implementacją algorytmów mających zastosowanie...
Parametrization of Backbone−Electrostatic and Multibody Contributions to the UNRES Force Field for Protein-Structure Prediction from Ab Initio Energy Surfaces of Model Systems
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A Mechatronic System for Building the Map of Optimal Spindle Speeds During High Speed Milling of Flexible Details
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono mechatroniczny system tworzenia mapy optymalnych prędkości obrotowych wrzeciona w celu nadzorowania drgań typu chatter podczas frezowania szybkościowego przedmiotów podatnych. System ten składa się z części pomiarowej oraz części obliczeniowej, w której wykorzystuje się oprogramowanie autorskie i komercyjne. Na bazie uogólnionego warunku Liao-Younga utworzono mapy optymalnych prędkości obrotowych wrzeciona,...
International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology (previously called Advances in Speech-Language Pathology)
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Puhe ja Kieli (Speech and Language)
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American Speech: a Quarterly of Linguistic Usage
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Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
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Automatic prosodic modification in a Text-To-Speech synthesizer of Polish language
PublicationPrzedstawiono system syntezy mowy polskiej z funkcją automatycznej modyfikacji prozodii wypowiedzi. Opisane zostały metody automatycznego wyznaczania akcentu i intonacji wypowiedzi. Przedstawiono zastosowanie algorytmów przetwarzania sygnału mowy w procesie kształtowania prozodii. Omówiono wpływ zastosowanych modyfikacji na naturalność brzmienia syntezowanego sygnału. Zastosowana metoda oparta jest na algorytmie TD-PSOLA. Opracowany...