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Search results for: KEYSTROKE DYNAMICS
Recognizing emotions on the basis of keystroke dynamics
PublicationThe article describes a research on recognizing emotional states on the basis of keystroke dynamics. An overview of various studies and applications of emotion recognition based on data coming from keyboard is presented. Then, the idea of an experiment is presented, i.e. the way of collecting and labeling training data, extracting features and finally training classifiers. Different classification approaches are proposed to be...
User authentication based on keystroke dynamics analysis
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono kilka metod, które można wykorzystać do uwierzytelniania użytkowników na podstawie rytmu pisania na klawiaturze. Dwie z opisanych metod wykorzystują miarę odległości zdefiniowaną do porównywania wpisywanych tekstów, natomiast trzecia analizuje parametry rozkładów cech wydobytych z wpisywanych tekstów. Algorytmy te zostały przetestowane na dwóch zbiorach danych. Ponadto oceniona została efektywność metody powstałej...
Towards detecting programmers’ stress on the basis of keystroke dynamics
PublicationThe article describes the idea of detecting stress among programmers on the basis of keystroke dynamics. An experiment with a group of students of artificial intelligence classes was performed. Two samples of keystroke data were recorded for each case, the first while programming without stress, the second under time pressure. A number of timing and frequency parameters were calculated for each sample. Then statistical analysis...
Usefulness of Keystroke Dynamics Features in User Authentication and Emotion Recognition
PublicationThe study presented in the article focuses on keystroke dynamics analysis applied to recognize emotional states and to authenticate users. An overview of some studies and applications in these areas is presented. Then, an experiment is described, i.e. the way of collecting data, extracting features, training classifiers and finding out the most appropriate feature subsets. The results show that it is difficult to indicate a universal...
Keystroke Dynamics Patterns While Writing Positive and Negative Opinions
PublicationThis paper deals with analysis of behavioural patterns in human–computer interaction. In the study, keystroke dynamics were analysed while participants were writing positive and negative opinions. A semi-experiment with 50 participants was performed. The participants were asked to recall the most negative and positive learning experiences (subject and teacher) and write an opinion about it. Keystroke dynamics were captured and...
A review of emotion recognition methods based on keystroke dynamics and mouse movements
PublicationThe paper describes the approach based on using standard input devices, such as keyboard and mouse, as sources of data for the recognition of users’ emotional states. A number of systems applying this idea have been presented focusing on three categories of research problems, i.e. collecting and labeling training data, extracting features and training classifiers of emotions. Moreover the advantages and examples of combining standard...
Generating training data for SART-2 keystroke analysis module
PublicationAnaliza dynamiki pisania na klawiaturze jest jedną z technik biometrycznych, które uwzględniają cechy behawioralne. Trudność związana z informacja na temat dynamiki pisania na klawiaturzepolega na tym, że są to dane bardzo niestabilne. Artykuł prezentuje krótko rozwiązanie wykorzystane w celu zbierania danych uczących oraz ekstrakcji cech dla systemu uwierzytelniania użytkownika na podstawie sposobu korzystania z klawiatury. Następnie...
Detection of stress corrosion cracking dynamics by dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
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Detection of stress corrosion cracking dynamics by dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.
PublicationKlasyczne badania korozji naprężeniowej nie dają precyzyjnych informacji o dynamice takiego procesu korozyjnego. Nowa technika dynamicznej elektrochemicznej spektroskopii impedanyjnej, która została opracowana w Katedrze Elektrochemii, Korozji i Inżynierii Materiałowej stwarza takie możliwości. Fakt ten związany z zastosowaną metodologią analizy umożliwiającą selektywną analizą czasowo-częstotliwościową danych pomiarowych.Praca...
Generating optimal paths in dynamic environments using RiverFormation Dynamics algorithm
PublicationThe paper presents a comparison of four optimisation algorithms implemented for the purpose of finding the shortest path in static and dynamic environments with obstacles. Two classical graph algorithms –the Dijkstra complete algorithm and A* heuristic algorithm – were compared with metaheuristic River Formation Dynamics swarm algorithm and its newly introduced modified version. Moreover, another swarm algorithm has been compared...
Kinetics of spinodal decomposition in the Ising model with dynamic lattice liquid (DLL) dynamics
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Dynamic Formation and Breaking of Disulfide Bonds in Molecular Dynamics Simulations with the UNRES Force Field
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Non-linearity of multibody dynamic equations with respect to Lagrange multipliers: application to railway dynamics
PublicationPraca koncentruje się na dynamice układów wieloczłonowych z zamkniętymi łańcuchami członów. Głównym punktem zainteresowania jest modelowanie układów z występującymi nieliniowymi zależnościami opisującymi wpływ siły mnożników Lagrange'a na dynamikę układu (nieliniowe modele siły tarcia.). Aby zbudować model dynamiki układu zawierającego zamknięte łańcuchy członów, wspomniane łańcuchy są "rozcinane" i budowana jest struktura drzewa...
Study of Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Process Dynamics Using Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
PublicationA new technique, which was developed to characterize the direct methanol fuel cell under work conditions, has been presented in this paper. The impedance measurements were made using dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy research technique in the galvanostatic mode, using multiple sinusoidal excitation. Obtained results show, that together with an increase of the temperature and working load, the global impedance...
Structural and dynamic insights on the EmrE protein with TPP+ and related substrates through molecular dynamics simulations
PublicationEmrE is a bacterial transporter protein that forms an anti-parallel homodimer with four transmembrane helices in each monomer. EmrE transports positively charged aromatic compounds, such as TPP+ and its derivatives. We performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of EmrE in complex with TPP+, MeTPP+, and MBTPP+ embedded in a membrane. The detailed molecular properties and interactions were analysed for all EmrE-ligand complexes....
Structural and dynamic changes adopted by EmrE, multidrug transporter protein—Studies by molecular dynamics simulation
PublicationEmrE protein transports positively charged aromatic drugs (xenobiotics) in exchange for two protons and thus provides bacteria resistance to variety of drugs. In order to understand how this protein may recognize ligands, the monomer and asymmetric apo-form of the EmrE dimer embedded in a heterogeneous phospholipid (POPE + POPG) membrane were studied by molecular dynamics simulations. Dimer is regarded as a functional form of the...
PublicationNiniejszy artykuł ma na celu ukazanie funkcjonowania serwisu Keystone odpowiedzialnego za uwierzytelnianie użytkowników w architekturze OpenStack. Stanowi on front-end tego systemu, sprawując kontrolę nad dostępem do zasobów zapewnia scentralizowaną politykę bezpieczeństwa. Komunikacja z serwisem odbywa się na zasadzie klient-serwer, gdzie Keystone obsługuje żądania wysyłane do jego API, w zamian generując klucze dostępowe dla...
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New possibilities of the passive layer cracking dynamics detection using a new Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy.
PublicationNowa metoda Dynamicznej Elektrochemicznej Spektroskopii Impedancyjnej opracowana w Katedrze Elektrochemii, Korozji i Inżynierii Materiałowej Politechniki Gdańskiej daje możliwości określania charakterystyki impedancyjnej w dziedzinie czasu podczas procesu pękania ochronnej warstwy pasywnej. Fakt ten jest związany z procedurą analizującą wspomnianej techniki, która umożliwia selektywną analizę czasowo-częstotliwościową uzyskanych...
KEYSTONE WG2: Activities and Results Overview on Keyword Search
PublicationIn this chapter we summarize activities and results achieved by the Keyword Search Working Group (WG2) of the KEYSTONE Cost Action IC1302. We present the goals of the WG2, its main activities in course of the action and provide a summary of the selected publications related to the WG2 goals and co-authored by WG2 members. We concludewith a summary of open research directions in the area of keyword search for structured data.
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Cultural Dynamics
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Structural Dynamics
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Fluid Dynamics
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Stochastics and Dynamics
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Structural Change and Economic Dynamics
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Targ Węglowy as the keystone of two ring road complexes of Gdańsk city centre
PublicationThe urban structure of Gdansk city centre is determined by two ring road complexes. The first of them, the Gdansk Ring, has been created as a result of a city defortification at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and has been destroyed in the end of World War Two with the rest of Gdansk. The second, the Main Town Green Belt, has been formed in place of the medieval fortification system of the city’s most important historical...
Lattice dynamics of Mg2SiO4
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Finite Resolution Dynamics
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Dynamics of quantum entanglement
PublicationA model of discrete dynamics of entanglement of a bipartite quantum state is considered. It involves a global unitary dynamics of the system and periodic actions of local bistochastic or decaying channel. For initially pure states the decay of entanglement is accompanied by an increase of von Neumann entropy of the system. We observe and discuss revivals of entanglement due to unitary interaction of subsystems. For some mixed states...
Directed pulse dynamics
PublicationIntroducing a projection method into a one-dimensional model of a pulse propagation in isotropic media, we derive and investigate a system of equation describing dynamics ultrashort pulses of opposite directions ofpropagation and ones with interaction of directed pulses with different polarization.
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Earth Surface Dynamics
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Journal of Biological Dynamics
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Journal of Dynamics and Games
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Earth System Dynamics
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Conformal Geometry and Dynamics
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Organisational and Social Dynamics
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Language Dynamics and Change
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Journal of Dynamics and Control
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Groups Geometry and Dynamics
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Journal of Modern Dynamics
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