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Search results for: NTENNA DESIGN
Journals -
Simulation-Driven Design of Microstrip Antenna Subarrays
PublicationA methodology for computationally efficient simulation-driven design of microstrip antenna subarrays is presented. Our approach takes into account the effect of the feed (e.g., a corporate network) on the subarray side lobe level and allows adjusting both radiation and reflection responses of the structure under design within a single automated process. This process is realized as surrogate-based optimization that produces designs...
Design-Oriented Constrained Modeling of Antenna Structures
PublicationFast surrogate models are crucially important to reduce the cost of design process of antenna structures. Due to curse of dimensionality, standard (data-driven) modeling methods exhibit serious limitations concerning the number of independent geometry parameters that can be handled but also (and even more importantly) their parameter ranges. In this work, a design-oriented modeling framework is proposed in which the surrogate is...
Adrian Bekasiewicz dr hab. inż.
PeopleAdrian Bekasiewicz received the MSc, PhD, and DSc degrees in electronic engineering from Gdansk University of Technology, Poland, in 2011, 2016, and 2020, respectively. In 2014, he joined Engineering Optimization & Modeling Center at Reykjavik University, Iceland, where he held a Research Associate and a Postdoctoral Fellow positions, respectively. Currently, he is an Associate Professor and the head of Teleinformation Networks...
Design optimization of novel compact circular polarization antenna
PublicationThe paper describes a structure and a design optimization procedure of a miniaturized circular polarization antenna with elliptical ground plane slots and feed line with stepped-impedance stubs. Constrained optimization of all antenna parameters is executed in order to explicitly reduce the antenna size while maintaining required impedance axial ratio bandwidth of 5 GHz to 7 GHz at the same time. The size of the optimized antenna...
A structure and design of a novel compact UWB MIMO antenna
PublicationIn the paper, a concept and design procedure of a novel compact MIMO slot antenna is presented. In order to achieve a better filling of available space, individual antennas are constrained to a triangular shape and optimized for a reduced size. The MIMO structure is then assembled using the two of previously designed antennas in orthogonal arrangement. Surrogate-assisted numerical optimization involving variable-fidelity electromagnetic...
Novel structure and design of compact UWB slot antenna
PublicationIn this paper, a novel structure of a compact UWB slot antenna is presented along with a simulation-driven design optimization algorithm for adjusting geometry parameters of the device. Our primary objective is to obtain small footprint of the structure while maintaining its acceptable electrical performance. It is achieved by introducing sufficiently large number of geometry degrees of freedom, including increased number of parameterized...
Design of UWB coplanar antenna with reduced ground plane
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono projekt kompaktowej anteny szerokopasmowej złożonej z dwóch kołowych pasków koplanarnych ograniczających szczelinę o podobnym kształcie. Antena zasilona była z 50 Ω linii trójpaskowej. Przeprowadzono badania wpływu zewnętrznego paska na pasmo anteny. Zaprojektowana antena została zbadana eksperymentalnie pokazując bardzo dobre parametry: w paśmie 1.7-15.5GHz uzyskano |S11| < −10dB. Antena charakteryzowała...
Small Antenna Design Using Surrogate-Based Optimization
PublicationIn this work, design of small antennas using efficient numerical optimization is investigated. We exploit variable-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) simulations and the adaptively adjusted design specifications (AADS) technique. Combination of these methods allows us to simultaneously adjust multiple geometry parameters of the antenna structure of interest in a computationally feasible manner, leading to substantial reduction of the...
Computationally Efficient Design Optimization of Compact Microwave and Antenna Structures
PublicationMiniaturization is one of the important concerns of contemporary wireless communication systems, especially regarding their passive microwave components, such as filters, couplers, power dividers, etc., as well as antennas. It is also very challenging, because adequate performance evaluation of such components requires full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation, which is computationally expensive. Although high-fidelity EM analysis...
Multi-objective antenna design by means of sequential domain patching
PublicationA simple yet robust methodology for rapid multiobjective design optimization of antenna structures has been presented. The key component of our approach is sequential domain patching of the design space which is a stencil-based search that aims at creating a path that connects the extreme Pareto-optimal designs, obtained by means of single-objective optimization runs. The patching process yields the initial approximation of the...
Simulation-driven design of compact ultra-wideband antenna structures
PublicationPurpose–The purpose of this paper is to investigate strategies and algorithms for expedited designoptimization and explicit size reduction of compact ultra-wideband (UWB) antennas.Design/methodology/approach–Formulation of the compact antenna design problem aiming atexplicit size reduction while maintaining acceptable electrical performance is presented. Algorithmicframeworks are described suitable for handling various design situations...
A Concept and Design Optimization of Compact Planar UWB Monopole Antenna
PublicationA novel structure concept of a compact UWB monopole antenna is introduced together with a low-cost design optimization procedure. Reduced footprint is achieved by introduction of a protruded ground plane for current path increase and a matching transformer to ensure wideband impedance matching. All geometrical parameters of the structure are optimized simultaneously by means of surrogate based optimization involving variable-fidelity...
Specification-Oriented Automatic Design of Topologically Agnostic Antenna Structure
PublicationDesign of antennas for modern applications is a challenging task that combines cognition-driven development of topology intertwined with tuning of its parameters using rigorous numerical optimization. However, the process can be streamlined by neglecting the engineering insight in favor of automatic de-termination of structure geometry. In this work, a specification-oriented design of topologically agnostic antenna is considered....
On geometry parameterization for simulation-driven design closure of antenna structures
PublicationFull-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools have become ubiquitous in antenna design, especially final tuning of geometry parameters. From the reliability standpoint, the recommended realization of EM-driven design is through rigorous numerical optimization. It is a challenging endeavor with the major issues related to the high computational cost of the process, but also the necessity of handling several objectives and constraints...
IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation
Journals -
Journals -
Expedited Globalized Antenna Optimization by Principal Components and Variable-Fidelity EM Simulations: Application to Microstrip Antenna Design
PublicationParameter optimization, also referred to as design closure, is imperative in the development of modern antennas. Theoretical considerations along with rough dimension adjustment through supervised parameter sweeping can only yield initial designs that need to be further tuned to boost the antenna performance. The major challenges include handling of multi-dimensional parameter spaces while accounting for several objectives and...
On Reduced-Cost Design-Oriented Constrained Surrogate Modeling of Antenna Structures
PublicationDesign of contemporary antenna structures heavily relies on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models. Such models are essential to ensure reliability of evaluating antenna characteristics, yet, they are computationally expensive and therefore unsuitable for handling tasks that require multiple analyses, e.g., parametric optimization. The cost issue can be alleviated by using fast surrogate models. Conventional data-driven...
A structure and simulation-driven design of compact CPW-fed UWB antenna
PublicationIn this letter, a structure of a miniaturized ultra-wideband CPW-fed antenna and its design proce-dure are presented. The antenna is a modified version of the design previously proposed in the literature, with additional degrees of freedom introduced in order to improve the structure flexibility. The small size is achieved by executing a rigorous optimization procedure that consists of two stages: (i) smart random search carried...
Expedited design of microstrip antenna subarrays using surrogate-based optimization
PublicationComputationally efficient simulation-driven design of microstrip antenna subarrays is presented. The proposed design approach aims at simultaneous adjustment of all relevant geometry parameters of the subarray, which allows us to take into account the effect of the feeding network on the subarray radiation pattern (in particular, the side lobe level, SLL). In order to handle a large number of variables involved in the design process,...
Design of microstrip antenna subarrays: a simulation-driven surrogate-based approach
PublicationA methodology for computationally efficient simulation-driven design of microstrip antenna subarrays is presented. Our approach takes into account the effect of the feed (here, a corporate network) on the subarray side-lobe level and allows adjustment of both radiation and reflection responses of the structure under design within a single automated process. This process is realized as surrogate-based optimization that produces...
Rapid antenna design optimization using shape-preserving response prediction
PublicationAn approach to rapid optimization of antennas using the shape-preserving response-prediction (SPRP) technique and coarsediscretization electromagnetic (EM) simulations (as a low-fidelity model) is presented. SPRP allows us to estimate the response of the high-fidelity EM antenna model, e.g., its reflection coefficient versus frequency, using the properly selected set of so-called characteristic points of the low-fidelity model...
Novel Structure and EM-Driven Design of Small UWB Monopole Antenna
PublicationA novel structure of a small UWB monopole antenna is presented. In our approach, a compact size is achieved by means of a meander line for current path enlargement as well as the two parameterized slits that introduce additional degrees of freedom helping to ensure good impedance matching. The antenna design is carried out using surrogate-based optimization involving variable-fidelity EM simulations. This allows us to simultaneously...
A Conformal Circularly Polarized Series-Fed Microstrip Antenna Array Design
PublicationA conformal circularly polarized series-fed microstrip array design for broadside radiation is presented. The array aperture under design is conformal to a cylindrical surface of a given radius. The approach we present primarily addresses focusing of the circularly polarized major lobe of the conformal array by proper dimensioning of the aperture spacings. The proposed analytical models yield the values of the element spacings...
Robust Parameter Tuning of Antenna Structures by Means of Design Specification Adaptation
PublicationParameter tuning through numerical optimization has become instrumental in the design of high-performance antenna systems. Yet, practical optimization faces several major challenges, including high cost of massive evaluations of antenna characteristics, normally involving full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis, large numbers of adjustable variables, the shortage of reasonable initial solutions in the case of topologically complex...
Journals -
Road Materials and Pavement Design
Journals -
Design Space Reduction for Expedited Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Antennas in Highly-Dimensional Spaces
PublicationA surrogate-based technique for efficient multi-objective antenna optimization is discussed. Our approach exploits response surface approximation (RSA) model constructed from low-fidelity antenna model data (here, obtained through coarse-discretization electromagnetic simulations). The RSA model enables fast determination of the best available trade-offs between conflicting design goals. The cost of RSA model construction for multi-parameter...
Computationally-efficient design optimisation of antennas by accelerated gradient search with sensitivity and design change monitoring
PublicationElectromagnetic (EM) simulation tools are of primary importance in the design of contemporary antennas. The necessity of accurate performance evaluation of complex structures is a reason why the final tuning of antenna dimensions, aimed at improvement of electrical and field characteristics, needs to be based on EM analysis. Design automation is highly desirable and can be achieved by coupling EM solvers with numerical optimisation...
Review of Recent Advancement on Nature/Bio-inspired Antenna Designs
PublicationThis article presents an extensive examination of antennas rooted in nature and biology, showcasing their remarkable performance across a wide spectrum of frequencies—from microwave to terahertz. The limitations of traditional antenna design have become increasingly evident in the face of burgeoning demands for novel communication technologies. Conventional analytical-equation-based approaches struggle to deliver the combined performance...
Application of hybrid radiation modes of microstrip line in rectangular patch antenna design
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę wykorzystania hybrydowych rodzajów promieniujących linii mikropaskowej do projektowania anten mikropaskowych. Pokazano,że pojedynczy rodzaj promieniujący można wykorzystać do przybliżonego opisu pola promieniowania anteny mikropaskowej. Zamieszczono wyniki symulacji potwierdzające zadowalającą dokładność przybliżenia w przypadku obliczeń częstotliwości środkowych pracy anteny oraz rezystancji promieniowania...
Structure and computationally-efficient simulation-driven design of compact UWB monopole antenna
PublicationIn this letter, a structure of a small ultra-wideband (UWB) monopole antenna, its design optimization procedure as well as experimental validation are presented. According to our approach, antenna compactness is achieved by means of a meander line for current path enlargement as well as the two parameterized slits providing additional degrees of freedom that help to ensure good impedance matching. For the sake of reliability, the...
Size-Reduction-Oriented Design of Compact CPW-Fed UWB Monopole Antenna
PublicationA structure and design optimization of compact CPW-fed UWB monopole antenna is presented. Explicit size reduction through constrained numerical optimization of all relevant geometry parameters of the structure leads to a very small footprint of only 321 mm2. At the same time, a very wide antenna bandwidth is achieved from 3.1 GHz to 17 GHz.
Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Compact Quasi-Isotropic Dielectric Resonator Antenna
PublicationMulti-objective optimization of a quasi-isotropic dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) is presented. Utilization of variable-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) DRA models, response surface approximations, and response correction techniques, allows us to obtain—at a low computational cost—a set of alternative antenna designs representing the best possible trade-offs between three conflicting objectives: antenna size, its reflection response,...
Rotational Design Space Reduction for Cost-Efficient Multi-Objective Antenna Optimization
PublicationCost-efficient multi-objective design of antenna structures is presented. Our approach is based on design space reduction algorithm using auxiliary single-objective optimization runs and coordinate system rotation. The initial set of Pareto-optimal solutions is obtained by optimizing a response surface approximation model established in the reduced space using coarse-discretization EM simulation data. The optimization engine is...
Fast Simulation-Driven Design of a Planar UWB Dipole Antenna with an Integrated Balun
PublicationThe paper presents a design of an ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna with an integrated balun. A fully planar balun interfacing the microstrip input of the structure to the coplanar stripline (CPS) input of the dipole antenna is introduced. The electromagnetic (EM) model of the structure includes the dipole, the balun, and the microstrip input to account for interactions over the UWB band. The EM model is adjusted for low reflection...
Fast Multi-Objective Antenna Design Through Variable-Fidelity EM Simulations
PublicationA technique for fast multi-objective antenna optimization is introduced. A kriging interpolation surrogate constructed from sampled coarse-mesh EM simulations is utilized by multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) to obtain the initial Pareto front approximation. The surrogate is defined in a subset of the original design space, determined by means of independently optimized individual objectives. Response correction techniques...
Efficient Multi-Objective Simulation-Driven Antenna Design Using Co-Kriging
PublicationA methodology for fast multi-objective antenna optimization is presented. Our approach is based on response surface approximation (RSA) modeling and variable-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) simulations. In the design process, a computationally cheap RSA surrogate model constructed from sampled coarse-discretization EM antenna simulations is optimized using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. The initially determined Pareto...
Miniaturization-Oriented Design of Spline-Parameterized UWB Antenna for In-Door Positioning Applications
PublicationDesign of ultra-wideband antennas for in-door localization applications is a challenging task. It involves development of geometry that maintains appropriate balance between the size and performance. In this work, a topologically-flexible monopole has been generated using a stratified framework which embeds a gradient-based trust-region (TR) optimization algorithm in a meta-loop that gradually increases the structure dimensionality....
Design of a Wideband High-Gain Monopulse Antenna for X- and Ku-Bands Applications
PublicationThe present study provides a wideband high-gain monopulse antenna based on a dielectric lens operating in X- and Ku-bands, in which a wideband dielectric lens is designed and employed to fulfill the radiation pattern and bandwidth necessities of a monopulse antenna. The proposed configuration has four horns allowing for the simultaneous creation of 1 and 6 designs in two perpendicular planes. The main advantages of the proposed...
Design of compact self-quintuplexing antenna with high-isolation for penta-band applications
PublicationThis article presents a novel compact self-quintuplexing antenna architecture based on a substrate-integrated rectangular cavity (SIRC) for pentaband applications. The proposed self-quintuplexing antenna is constructed by employing an SIRC, one Pi-shaped slot (PSS), one T-shaped slot (TSS), and five 50Ω microstrip feedlines. The PSS and TSS are engraved on the top of the SIRC to create five radiating patches, which are excited...
Design and Optimization of Metamaterial-Based 5G Millimeter Wave Antenna for Gain Enhancement
PublicationIn this brief, a low profile, broadband, high-gain antenna array based on optimized metamaterials (MMs) with dual-beam radiation is reported for 5G millimeters wave (mm-wave) applications. The design is a simple bow tie operating at a 5G band of 28 GHz. It consists of two bow ties with substrate integrated waveguide (SIW)-based power splitter. A broad impedance bandwidth of 26.3−29.8 GHz is obtained by appropriately combining the...
Accelerated Re-Design of Antenna Structures Using Sensitivity-Based Inverse Surrogates
PublicationThe paper proposes a novel framework for accelerated re-design (dimension scaling) of antenna structures using inverse surrogates. The major contribution of the work is a sensitivity-based model identification procedure, which permits a significant reduction of the number of reference designs required to render the surrogate. Rigorous formulation of the approach is supplemented by its comprehensive numerical validation using a...
Kriging metamodels and design re‐utilization for fast parameter tuning of antenna structures
PublicationThe paper addresses the problem of computationally efficient electromagnetic (EM)‐driven design closure of antenna structures. The foundations of the presented approach are fast kriging interpolation metamodels, utilized for two purposes: (a) producing a good starting point for further parameter tuning, and (b) yielding a reasonable Jacobian matrix estimate to jump‐start the optimization procedure. The models are rendered using...
Rapid design closure of linear microstrip antenna array apertures using response features
PublicationA simple yet reliable approach to a rapid design closure of linear antenna array apertures at the electromagnetic (EM)-simulation level is proposed. Our methodology exploits an underlying array factor (AF) model suitably corrected by means of characteristic points (angles and levels) of the radiation pattern of the EM model of the antenna array aperture. This conveniently allows for controlling both the side lobe levels...
Expedited EM-driven multi-objective antenna design in highly-dimensional parameter spaces
PublicationA technique for low-cost multi-objective optimization of antennas in highly-dimensional parameter spaces is presented. The optimization procedure is expedited by exploiting fast surrogate models, including coarse-discretization EM antenna simulations and response surface approximations (RSA). The latter is utilized to yield an initial set of Pareto non-dominated designs which are further refined using response correction methods....
EM-Driven Multi-Objective Optimization of Antenna Structures in Multi-Dimensional Design Spaces
PublicationFeasible multi-objective optimization of antenna structures is presented. An initial set of Pareto optimal solutions is found using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) working with a fast surrogate antenna model obtained by kriging interpolation of coarse-discretization EM simulation data. To make the surrogate construction computationally feasible in multi-dimensional design space, the space subset containing non-dominated...
Design of a Planar UWB Dipole Antenna with an Integrated Balun Using Surrogate-Based Optimization
PublicationA design of an ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna with an integrated balun is presented. A fully planar balun configuration interfacing the microstrip input of the structure to the coplanar stripline (CPS) input of the dipole antenna is introduced. The electromagnetic (EM) model of the structure of interest includes the dipole, the balun, and the microstrip input to account for coupling and radiation effects over the UWB band. The EM...
TR-Based Antenna Design with Forward FD: The Effects of Step Size on the Optimization Performance
PublicationNumerical methods are important tools for design of modern antennas. Trust-region (TR) methods coupled with data-efficient surrogates based on finite differentiation (FD) represent a popular class of antenna design algorithms. However, TR performance is subject to FD setup, which is normally determined a priori based on rules-of-thumb. In this work, the effect of FD perturbations on the performance of TR-based design is evaluated...