dr hab Magdalena Bełdowska
- profesor UG w Uniwersytet Gdański
- profesor uczelniany w Uniwersytet Gdański
Obszary badawcze
wszystkich: 65
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2023
Mercury concentrations in Antarctic zooplankton with a focus on the krill species, Euphausia superba
PublikacjaThe Antarctic is the most isolated region in the world; nevertheless, it has not avoided the negative impact of human activity, including the inflow of toxic mercury (Hg). Hg deposited in the Antarctic marine environment can be bioavailable and accumulate in the food web, reaching elevated concentrations in high-trophic-level biota, especially if methylated. Zooplankton, together with
Mercury in the Polish part of the Baltic Sea: A response to decreased atmospheric deposition and changing environment
PublikacjaOur review of the literature showed that since the beginning of the socio-economic transformation in Poland in the 1990s, the downward trend in Hg emissions and its deposition in the southern Baltic Sea was followed by a simultaneous decrease in Hg levels in water and marine plants and animals. Hg concentrations in the biota lowered to values that pose no or low risk to wildlife and seafood consumers. However, in the first decade...
Mobility and bioavailability of mercury in sediments of the southern Baltic sea in relation to the chemical fractions of iron: Spatial and temporal patterns
PublikacjaMarine sediments play a significant role as reservoirs for mercury (Hg), a bioaccumulative toxic pollutant that poses risks to human and ecosystem health. Iron (Fe) has been recognized as an influential factor in the complexation and bioavailability of Hg in sediments. However, limited studies have investigated the interactions between the chemical fractions of these elements in natural settings. This study aims to examine the...
Rtęć jako najbardziej toksyczny metal w Zatoce Puckiej
PublikacjaMonografia obejmuje najważniejsze informacje o ekosystemie Zatoki Puckiej. Układ treści został przedstawiony tematycznie, co umożliwia śledzenie zmian przyczynowo -skutkowych pomiędzy głównymi składnikami ekosystemu akwenu. Publikacja składa się z trzech tomów:− Zatoka Pucka, tom I – aspekty geologiczne i fizyczne;− Zatoka Pucka, tom II – aspekty chemiczne;− Zatoka Pucka, tom III – aspekty świata ożywionego.
Rok 2022
Coastal cliff erosion as a source of toxic, essential and nonessential metals in the marine environment
PublikacjaDue to the rising environmental awareness, emissions and releases of pollutants, including metals, have been considerably reduced in the last decades. Therefore, the remobiliza-tion of natural and anthropogenic contaminants is gaining importance in their biogeochemical cycle. In the marine coastal zone, this process occurs during the erosion of a shore, especially the most vulnerable cliffs. The research was conducted in the...
Effects of beach wrack on the fate of mercury at the land-sea interface – A preliminary study
PublikacjaSince the 1970s, the amount of aquatic plants and algae debris, called beach wrack (BW), has increased along the shores of industrialised regions. The strong ability of primary producers to accumulate pollutants can potentially result in their deposition on the beach along with the BW. Despite that, the fate and impact of such pollutants on sandy beach ecosystems have not been investigated so far. This study examines the fate...
Mercury in various components of the environment (Gulf of Gdańsk, southern Baltic Sea)
PublikacjaTotal mercury concentration was determined monthly form January 2012 to May 2013 in the water (microlayer and the surface), plankton, epilithon, epiphyton, benthos and sediment. The study was conducted in the coastal zone of the Gulf of Gdańsk. The abundance and biomass of plankton, benthos; the concentration of suspended particulate matter, particulate organic carbon and nitrogen; δ13C and δ15N in the suspended matter; sediment...
Rok 2021
Distribution and bioavailability of mercury in the surface sediments of the Baltic Sea
PublikacjaThe study aimed to determine the level of mercury (Hg) and its labile and stable forms in the surface sediments of the Baltic Sea. The work considers the impact of current and historical sources of Hg on sediment pollution, together with the influence of different environmental parameters, including water inflows from the North Sea. Surface sediments (top 5 cm) were collected in 2016–2017 at 91 stations located in different...
The impact of sediment, fresh and marine water on the concentration of chemical elements in water of the ice-covered lagoon
PublikacjaThe common use of chemical elements by man has been contributing to their extraction for centuries. As a consequence, they have been directly or indirectly introduced into the biogeochemical cycle. In the framework of many conventions, mining and processing of elements are currently subject to many restrictions. However, their large load that has already been deposited in the soil and bottom sediments can be remobilised and...
Rok 2020
Mercury forms in the benthic food web of a temperate coastal lagoon (southern Baltic Sea)
Rok 2019
Forms of mercury in the Baltic mussel (Mytilus trossulus): Human and ecosystem health risk assessment
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Impact of hydrotechnical works on outflow of mercury from the riparian zone to a river and input to the sea
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Labile and stable mercury in Harris mud crab (Rhithropanopeus harrisii) from the southern Baltic Sea – Considerations for a role of non-native species in the food web
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Sea-dumped ammunition as a possible source of mercury to the Baltic Sea sediments
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Temporal changes in the content of labile and stabile mercury forms in soil and their inflow to the southern Baltic Sea
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The role of benthic macrofauna in the trophic transfer of mercury in a low-diversity temperate coastal ecosystem (Puck Lagoon, southern Baltic Sea)
Rok 2018
Coastal erosion—a “new” land-based source of labile mercury to the marine environment
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Corrigendum to “Impact of intense rains and flooding on mercury riverine input to the coastal zone” [Mar. Pollut. Bull. 127 (2018) 593–602]
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Impact of intense rains and flooding on mercury riverine input to the coastal zone
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Mercury bonds with carbon (OC and EC) in small aerosols (PM1) in the urbanized coastal zone of the Gulf of Gdansk (southern Baltic)
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Mercury fractionation in marine macrofauna using thermodesorption technique: Method and its application
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Mercury in the Diatoms of Various Ecological Formations
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Seasonal changes of mercury speciation in the coastal sediments
PublikacjaPurpose Mercury speciation in sediments is linked to environmental conditions and processes. Domination of particular mercury species depends on its source, displays considerable seasonal behavior, and may be further modified due to oxygen levels, icing conditions, or the input of fresh organic matter. The purpose of this study was to examine the coastal area of the Gulf of Gdańsk in terms of mercury contamination and the influence...
Seasonal variation in accumulation of mercury in the benthic macrofauna in a temperate coastal zone (Gulf of Gdańsk)
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Simple screening technique for determination of adsorbed and absorbed mercury in particulate matter in atmospheric and aquatic environment
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The effect of land use in the catchment and meteorological conditions on the riverine transport of dissolved organic carbon into the Puck Lagoon (southern Baltic)
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The variability of Hg concentration and composition of marine phytoplankton
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Watershed characteristics and climate factors effect on the temporal variability of mercury in the southern Baltic Sea rivers
Rok 2017
Mercury concentration variability in the zooplankton of the southern Baltic coastal zone
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Mercury fractionation in soil and sediment samples using thermo-desorption method
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Mercury in suspended matter of the Gulf of Gdańsk: Origin, distribution and transport at the land–sea interface
PublikacjaThe coastal regions of inland seas are particularly vulnerable to Hg pollution. An important carrier of toxic Hg in the marine environment is suspended matter originating from multiple sources. The present study was conducted in the Gulf...
Mercury in suspended matter of the Gulf of Gdańsk: Origin, distribution and transport at the land–sea interface
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The distribution of heavy metals and 137 Cs in the central part of the Polish maritime zone (Baltic Sea) – the area selected for wind farm acquisition
Rok 2016
Arsenic concentrations in Baltic Sea sediments close to chemical munitions dumpsites
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Coastal erosion as a source of mercury into the marine environment along the Polish Baltic shore
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Mercury concentration in phytoplankton in response to warming of an autumn – winter season
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Mercury in marine fish, mammals, seabirds, and human hair in the coastal zone of the southern Baltic
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Species differences in total mercury concentration in gulls from the Gulf of Gdansk (Southern Baltic)
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The impact of military activities on the concentration of mercury in soils of military training grounds and marine sediments
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The influence of cold season warming on the mercury pool in coastal benthic organisms
Rok 2015
Long-term changes and distribution of mercury concentrations in surface sediments of the Gdansk Basin (Southern Baltic Sea)
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Macrophyta as a vector of contemporary and historical mercury from the marine environment to the trophic web
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Mercury in the eggs of aquatic birds from the Gulf of Gdansk and Wloclawek Dam (Poland)
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The Influence of Weather Anomalies on Mercury Cycling in the Marine Coastal Zone of the Southern Baltic—Future Perspective
Rok 2014
Factors influencing variability of mercury input to the southern Baltic Sea
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Mercury in Precipitation at an Urbanized Coastal Zone of the Baltic Sea (Poland)
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Mercury loads into the sea associated with extreme flood
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Styrofoam debris as a potential carrier of mercury within ecosystems
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The impact of land use and season on the riverine transport of mercury into the marine coastal zone
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Total, methyl and organic mercury in sediments of the Southern Baltic Sea
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