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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: RPOE SIGMA FACTOR
Sigma profiles of DES components
Dane BadawczeThe Sigma profiles for DES components created by the COSMO-RS.
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the second singlet Sigma ungerade plus and second triplet Sigma gerade plus states of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the second singlet Sigma ungerade plus (2sSu+) and second triplet Sigma gerade plus (2tSg+) states have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the four ETDMFs...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the first singlet Sigma ungerade plus and first triplet Sigma gerade plus states of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the first singlet Sigma ungerade plus (1sSu+) and first triplet Sigma gerade plus (1tSg+) states have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the four ETDMFs...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the third singlet Sigma ungerade plus and third triplet Sigma gerade plus states of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the third singlet Sigma ungerade plus (3sSu+) and third triplet Sigma gerade plus (3tSg+) states have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the four ETDMFs...
Hydrogen bonding part sigma profile of deep eutectic solvents and pure components
Dane BadawczeThe set includes raw data of hydrogen bonding part sigma profiles of deep eutectic solvents and pure components generated by the ADF COSMO-RS software (SCM, Netherlands).
Adiabatic potential energy curves of the triplet Sigma ungerade plus states of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeAdiabatic potential energy curves of the triplet Sigma ungerade plus states have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. The results of the five excited states of the symmetry triplet Sigma ungerade plus have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference configuration interaction (MRCI) method used with pseudopotentials describing the interaction...
Adiabatic potential energy curves of the singlet Sigma gerade plus states of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeAdiabatic potential energy curves of the singlet Sigma gerade plus states have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. The results of the ground state and three excited states of the symmetry singlet Sigma gerade plus have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference configuration interaction (MRCI) method used with pseudopotentials describing...
Adiabatic potential energy curves of the singlet Sigma ungerade plus states of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeAdiabatic potential energy curves of the singlet Sigma ungerade plus states have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. The results of the three excited states of the symmetry singlet Sigma ungerade plus have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference configuration interaction (MRCI) method used with pseudopotentials describing the interaction...
Adiabatic potential energy curves of the triplet Sigma gerade plus states of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeAdiabatic potential energy curves of the triplet Sigma gerade plus states have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. The results of the three excited states of the symmetry triplet Sigma gerade plus have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference configuration interaction (MRCI) method used with pseudopotentials describing the interaction...
Potential energy curves of the doublet Sigma gerade plus states of the Lithium dimer cation
Dane BadawczeAdiabatic potential energy curves of the doublet Sigma gerade plus (dSg+) states have been calculated for the Lithium dimer cation (Li2+). The results of the ground state and four excited states of the symmetry doublet Sigma gerade plus have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference configuration interaction (MRCI) method used with pseudopotentials...
Potential energy curves of the doublet Sigma ungerade plus states of the Lithium dimer cation
Dane BadawczeAdiabatic potential energy curves of the doublet Sigma ungerade plus (dSu+) states have been calculated for the Lithium dimer cation (Li2+). The results of the five excited states of the symmetry doublet Sigma ungerade plus have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference configuration interaction (MRCI) method used with pseudopotentials describing...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the second triplet Sigma ungerade plus state of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the second triplet Sigma ungerade plus (2tSu+) state have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the five ETDMFs have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the third singlet Sigma gerade plus state of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the third singlet Sigma gerade plus (3sSg+) state have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the five ETDMFs have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the third triplet Sigma ungerade plus state of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the third triplet Sigma ungerade plus (3tSu+) state have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the five ETDMFs have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the fourth triplet Sigma ungerade plus state of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the fourth triplet Sigma ungerade plus (4tSu+) state have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the five ETDMFs have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the fourth singlet Sigma gerade plus state of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the fourth singlet Sigma gerade plus (4sSg+) state have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the five ETDMFs have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the second singlet Sigma gerade plus state of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the second singlet Sigma gerade plus (2sSg+) state have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the five ETDMFs have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the fifth singlet Sigma gerade plus state of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the fifth singlet Sigma gerade plus (5sSg+) state have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the five ETDMFs have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the fifth triplet Sigma ungerade plus state of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the fifth triplet Sigma ungerade plus (5tSu+) state have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the five ETDMFs have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the first singlet Sigma gerade plus state of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the first singlet Sigma gerade plus (1sSg+) state have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the five ETDMFs have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the first triplet Sigma ungerade plus state of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the first triplet Sigma ungerade plus (1tSu+) state have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the five ETDMFs have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference...
Data obtained by computation for X-ray imaging of grating with magnification factor equal 2 using oriented Gaussian beams
Dane BadawczeThe propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of grating and X-ray refractive lenses is considered. In this approach, the propagating wave is represented as a superposition of the oriented Gaussian beams. The direction of wave propagation in each Gaussian beam is consistent with the local propagation direction of the X-ray wavefront.
Data obtained by computation for X-ray imaging of grating with magnification factor equal 4 using oriented Gaussian beams
Dane BadawczeThe propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of grating and X-ray refractive lenses is considered. In this approach, the propagating wave is represented as a superposition of the oriented Gaussian beams. The direction of wave propagation in each Gaussian beam is consistent with the local propagation direction of the X-ray wavefront.
Data obtained by computation for X-ray imaging of grating with magnification factor equal 8 using oriented Gaussian beams
Dane BadawczeThe propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of grating and X-ray refractive lenses is considered. In this approach, the propagating wave is represented as a superposition of the oriented Gaussian beams. The direction of wave propagation in each Gaussian beam is consistent with the local propagation direction of the X-ray wavefront.
SEM micrographs of NH4VO3 crystals - molar concetration factor
Dane BadawczeThe DataSet contains the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs of NH4VO3 nano_crystals obtained by the LPE-IonEx method. The SEM images clearly show that the morphology of the end product can be nicely tuned by changing the molar concentration of ammonium salt in the solvent.
SEM micrographs of NH4VO3 crystals - molar concetration factor after annealing
Dane BadawczeThe DataSet contains the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs of NH4VO3 nano_crystals obtained by the LPE-IonEx method with different morphology after annealing at 400C under argon atmosphere (with a heating rate of 10 C/min).
Strain gauge results
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the research project is to determine the rotational stiffness of the connection between the purlin and the part of the truss top chord. The attached files are referred to strain gauge results placed on 16 specimens. For the specimens number from 1 to 8 the magnitudes should be multiplied by factor -2 and for the others by factor -1.
The database of localization and expression of aquaporin 3 (AQP3), aquaporin 7 (AQP7) and aquaporin 9 (AQP9) in the male reproductive system in cattle. Morphometric studies. Localization of zinc finger transcription factor GATA-4.
Dane BadawczeThe data present research results being part of the OPUS-22 project entitled “In search of new markers of male fertility in cattle. Aquaporins expression in the reproductive organs and sperm of the bulls (Bos taurus)” obtained from the National Science Center in Poland (grant no. 2021/43/B/NZ9/00204). The aim of this part of the project was (i) to determine...
XPS study of the YST ceramics
Dane BadawczeYttrium-doped strontium titanate was prepared via conventional solid-state reaction method from Y2O3 (Sigma Aldrich, 99,9%), TiO2 (Sigma Aldrich, 99%) and SrCO3 (Sigma Aldrich,98%). For comparision, two other techniques were used for synthesis: Pechini and wet methods. Both kind of samples were measured, after and before reduction process (in a hydrogen)....
Reduction of the strontium titanate doped by Ytrium ceramics observed by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy method
Dane BadawczeYtrium-doped strontium titanate (YSTF) ceramics materials were manufactured by three various methods: 1) standard solid-state reaction method from Y2O3 (Sigma Aldrich, 99,9%), TiO2 (Sigma Aldrich, 99%) and SrCO3 (Sigma Aldrich,98%), 2) Pechini method, 3) wet method.
The influence of chitosan hydrogels on the morphology of L929 cells
Dane BadawczeRepresentative image at 20x magnification of L929 cells following 24 h of treatment with chitosan derivatives: chitosan dissolved in carbonic acid, chitosan dissolved in carbonic acid endotoxin free, chitosan dissolved in hydroacetic acid at 1:3 diluent factor. The scale bar is 100 µm; Microscope Olympus IX83, Tokyo, Japan).
Development of factors and measurement of personnel risk in the marketing services of four Polish pharmaceutical companies
Dane BadawczeThis text contains the presentation and analysis of research results in relation to four companies (A, B, C, D), according to the adopted case study method.Further considerations should be preceded by the assumption that personal risk factors often affect the level of this risk in various directions, so their final impact is the result of the shaping...
Electrical and noise responses of Graphene-Silicon Schottky diodes decorated with Au nanoparticles for light-enhanced sensing of organic gases
Dane BadawczeGraphene-Silicon Schottky junctions decorated with Au nanoparticles were used for light-enhanced detection of organic tetrahydrofuran and chloroform. Au nanoparticles exhibited localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) in the range of yellow light; thus yellow LED (wavelength of 592 nm) was utilized to induce the plasmonic effect, that increased the...
Permanent dipole moment functions of the KRb molecule
Dane BadawczeElectronic permanent dipole moment functions (PDMF) have been calculated for the singlet (s) and triplet (t) Sigma+, Sigma-, Pi, and Delta electronic states of the KRb molecule. PDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. All results of the permanent dipole moments have been...
Potential energy curves of LiCs dimer
Dane BadawczeThis data presents potential energy curves of LiCs dimer in Hund's case (a). Calculated using Born-Oppenheimer approximation with scalar relativistic effects are included via large effective core potentials. Custom basis sets, core polarization potentials and MRCI method are used to accurately describe electron correlation. Dataset consists of 22 potential...
X-ray diffraction (XRD) and particle size distribution (PSD) data of iron oxide (Fe3O4) - magnetite particles
Dane BadawczeDataset presenting X-ray diffractogram and particle size distribution of nanomagnetite (Fe3O4) iron oxide particles purchased from Sigma Aldrich (637106).X-ray diffraction study was performed with a PRO X-ray diffractometer (X’Pert PRO Philips diffractometer, Co. Ka radiation, Almelo, Holland), while PSD was determined using laser diffraction technique...
Potential energy curves of NaRb dimer
Dane BadawczeThis data presents potential energy curves of NaRb dimer in Hund's case (a). Calculated using Born-Oppenheimer approximation with scalar relativistic effects are included via large effective core potentials. Core polarization potentials and MRCI method is used to describe electron correlation. Dataset consists of 18 potential energy curves of ground...
DSC and TG results for strontium ferrite molybdate: pristine La, or Nb-doped
Dane BadawczeThis dataset consists of DSC and TG data collected for SFM, LSFM (La-doped) and SFMNb (Nb-doped) compounds, which were undertaken to analyze the reoxidation process of reduced compounds and its transition to double-perovskite structure .The appropriate amount of the powder (~10 mg with 10% tolerance factor) were placed into the alumina crucible and...
The effect of chitosan concentration and molecular weight on endotoxin content
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes results to determine the effect of chitosan concentration and molecular weight on endotoxin content as well as the effect of purification methods. The endotoxin concentration was determined using the PyroGene Recombinant Factor C Endpoint Fluorescent Assay. Chitosan 0.6% in 0.1M glycolic acid from Chemat LMW, MMW, and HMW were used...
Structural investigations of the Al2O3 ultra thin films
Dane BadawczeUltra-thin layers of Al2O3 were deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD) (Beneq TFS 200 ALD system). This method provides precise thickness control down to a single atomic layer. The precursors used were trimethylaluminum (Sigma-Aldrich) and purified water. The deposition of the atomic layer was carried out at 200 °C. Samples with a thickness of 2...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the first singlet Delta gerade and first triplet Delta ungerade states of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the first singlet Delta gerade (1sDg) and first triplet Delta ungerade (1tDu) states have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the four ETDMFs have been obtained...
Adiabatic potential energy curves of the KRb molecule
Dane BadawczeAdiabatic potential energy curves (APEC) of the singlet (s) and triplet (t) Sigma+, Sigma-, Pi, and Delta electronic states have been calculated for the KRb molecule. Presented APECs correlate with 11 atomic asymptotes, starting from ground K(4s)+Rb(5s) atomic limit and ending on double-excited K(4p)+Rb(5p) atomic limit. All results of the presented...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the first singlet Pi gerade and first triplet Pi gerade states of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the first singlet Pi gerade (1sPg) and first triplet Pi gerade (1tPg) states have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the four ETDMFs have been obtained...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the second singlet Pi gerade and second triplet Pi gerade states of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the second singlet Pi gerade (2sPg) and second triplet Pi gerade (2tPg) states have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the four ETDMFs have been obtained...
Poland’s energy dependence - economic context
Dane BadawczePoland does not have vast resources of non-renewable energy and no nuclear power plant, therefore the issue of the energy dependence of the state, which affects the level of energy security of the country, is an extremely important factor. It depends on both the volume of imports of energy raw materials and the policy of diversification of sources of...
The effect of raw material type on endotoxin content .
Dane BadawczeThe datasets contain the results of determining the effect of raw material type on endotoxin content as well as the effect of purification methods. The endotoxin concentration was determined using the PyroGene Recombinant Factor C Endpoint Fluorescent Assay. Beckmann-Kenko sodium alginate and Chemat sodium salt of alginic acid were used for the assays....
Selection of material for infiltration of non-stoichiometric Sr0.95Ti0.3Fe0.7O3-δ
Dane BadawczeThe porous electrodes used for the infiltration were prepared from A-site non-stoichiometric Sr0.95Ti0.3Fe0.7O3-δ synthesized by the conventional solid state reaction method. Screen printed electrodes (0.5 cm2) on CGO-20 substrate, were fired at 800 °C for 2 hours in an air atmosphere. Infiltration of the scaffolds was performed by a water-based precursor...
Distribution of population by tenure status, 2015 (% of population)
Dane BadawczeFactor affecting the attractiveness of property market in terms of investment, especially of housing, is the ratio of the number of dwellings owned by the population .In 2015, more than a quarter (26.9%) of the EU population lived in their own housing with credit or mortgages, while over 42% occupied their own residential units without credit or mortgages....
Simulation of perovskite-based CuI/CH3NH3PbI3/TiO2 solar cell performance
Dane BadawczeThe presented data set is part of the theoretical research on novel thin-layer lead-halide perovskite solar cells with different inorganic transparent conductive oxides used as charge transport layers. In this study CuI/CH3NH3PbI3/TiO2 model structure (Model 1) was investigated by the use of the SCAPS-1D simulation method (
Microscopic examination of CuNiFeR pipeline
Dane BadawczeCopper and nickel alloys called cunifers (Cu, Ni, Fe and R – rest of alloy elements) have found wide application in the production of ship pipeline components in contact with sea water, such as, for example, the main engine cooling system. These alloys are characterized by a very high corrosion resistance, which is ensured by appropriately carried out...