Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CUTTING PROCESS
[Chapter III] Influence of chip transport method on effects of cutting with circular saw
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono analizę transportu wiórów ze strefy skrawania na zewnątrz materiału obrabianego w procesie przecinania drewna piłami tarczowymi. Przedstawiono również przykłady zużycia pił tarczowych spowodowanych niewłaściwym transportem wiórów.
The differential impact of a density of Polish pine wood on cutting forces with its origin region taken into consideration
PublikacjaIn the article the dependence of cutting forces in a function the density of wood with regard to the wood origin are presented. Samples used in experiment were with Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) originating from four provenances in Poland (Figure 1). Wood density was measured by two methods: stereometric method (global density) and radiometric method (local density). Stereometric method consists in measurements the volume...
Circular saw vibrations or dynamics of the spindle
PublikacjaSawing of wood with circular saws is a typical example of cutting with multi-blade tools. In that kind of cutting, theposition accuracy of following tool blades is a crucial factor which affects the cutting process and machining final effects.Position tooth errors may cause deterioration in cutting conditions, changes in loads of individual teeth and the tool as a whole,and also a decrease in accuracy and surface quality after...
Thermal and technological aspects of double face grinding of Al2O3 ceramic materials
PublikacjaDouble face grinding with planetary kinematics is a process to manufacture workpieces with plan parallel functional surfaces, such as bearing rings or sealing shims. In order to increase the economic efficiency of this process, it has to be advanced permanently. The temperature in the contact zone of most grinding processes has a huge influence on the process efficiency and the workpiece qualities. In contrast to most grinding...
PublikacjaA methodology for measuring bandsaw tooth wear is presented in this paper. This type of measurement is proposed as an alternative way of determining tooth wear in industrial conditions. The method is based on determining the KE value, i.e., the distance of the radius of the rounded cutting edge of the tooth and the intersection of the surface of the back and the surface of the face of the cutting wedge of the bandsaw tooth....
Does the decline of red wood ants after clear-cutting favour epigeic arthropods?
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Effects of Welded Pipe-cutting on the Residual Stress Re-Distribution and Engineering Critical Assessment
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Prediction of cutting forces during micro end milling considering chip thickness accumulation
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Dry cutting effect in turning of a duplex stainless steel as a key factor in clean production
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Optimization of Abrasive Waterjet Cutting by Using the CODAS Method with Regard to Interdependent Processing Parameters
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Parameters of entry and going out of saw blade teeth during cutting with circular saw
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono analizę parametrów wejścia i wyjścia ostrzy przy przecinaniu piłami tarczowymi. Określone zostały parametry kątów natarcia i grubości warstwy skrawanej na wejściu i wyjściu ostrzy z materiału w zależności od kinematyki układu.
Cutting forces related to the direction of primary motion during machining on frame sawing machines.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono efekty energetyczne przecinania drewna na pilarce ramowej za pomocą cienkich pił. Podano podstawy teoretyczne oraz wyniki badań doświadczalnych sił skrawania działających na kierunku ruchu głównego ( siły skrawania określano podczas podawania przecinanego materiału oraz w czasie gdy prędkość posuwu wynosiła 0).
Feed forces during cutting of wood on frame sawing machines with narrow-kerf saws.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wybrane efekty energetyczne procesu przecinania drewna na pilarce ramowej za pomocą cienkich pił. Opisano wyniki badań eksperymentalnych sił posuwu przy zastosowaniu pił o dobrej jakości krawędzi skrawających (piły ostre) oraz pił których krawędzie skrawające były obarczone błędami wykonania w postaci wyszczerbień i wykruszeń krawędzi skrawających. Badania przeprowadzono na pilarce ramowej PRW15M.
Selected mechanical properties of steam kiln-dried wood determined on the basis of cutting power
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki wiązkości oraz naprężeń granicznych przy ścinaniu drewna suszonego z użyciem pary wodnej na podstawie zmierzonych wartości mocy skrawania. Badaniom poddawano próbki dębowe oraz sosnowe pochodzące z północnych regionów Pomorza. Wykazano, że przyspieszone suszenie drewna z użyciem pary wywołuje obniżenie badanych właściwości mechanicznych, które wyznaczano z wykorzystaniem współczesnej mechaniki pękania.
Predictions of cutting power while sawing of birch and beech with the use of modern fracture mechanics
PublikacjaPraca zawiera wyniki badań eksperymentalnych procesu przecinania drewna brzozy i buka piłami o rzazie 2 mm na pilarce ramowej PRW15M. Na podstawie teoretycznego modelu Atkinsa, wyznaczono z danych eksperymentalnych stałe materiałowe (wiązkość i naprężenia tnące w strefie ścinania) i opracowano model do prognozowania mocy skrawania podczas przecinania drewna piłami na pilarce ramowej dla innych wartości rzazu w funkcji posuwu na...
Corrosion Resistance and Surface Bioactivity of Ti6Al4V Alloy after Finish Turning under Ecological Cutting Conditions
PublikacjaThe influence of cooling conditions and surface topography after finish turning of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy on corrosion resistance and surface bioactivity was analyzed. The samples were machined under dry and minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) conditions to obtain different surface roughness. The surface topographies of the processed samples were assessed and measured using an optical profilometer. The produced samples were subjected...
Modelling and Simulation of a New Variable Stiffness Holder for Milling of Flexible Details
PublikacjaModern industry expectations in terms of milling operations often demand the milling of the flexible details by using slender ball-end tools. This is a difficult task because of possible vibration occurrence. Due to existence of certain conditions (small depths of cutting, regeneration phenomena), cutting process may become unstable and self-excited chatter vibration may appear. Frequency of the chatter vibration is close to dominant...
Dynamics of cutting power during sawing with circular saw blades as an effect of wood properties changes in the cross section
PublikacjaIn the paper the effect of the method calculation upon the cutting power is presented. In computations were used models in which fracture toughness was incorporated. The comparison concerned models as follows: FM-CM – classic model in which the sum of all uncut chip thicknesses of the simultaneously teeth engaged represented the mean uncut chip thickness, FM-FDM – full dynamical model in which besides variable uncut chip thickness...
Fracture mechanics model of cutting power versus widespread regression equations while wood sawing with circular saw blades
PublikacjaA comparison of the theoretical cutting power consumption results forecasted with the model (FM_CM model) which include work of separation (fracture toughness) in addition to plasticity and friction, and two widespread regression equations while wood sawing with circular saw blades has been described. in and cutting power consumption forecasted. In computations of the cutting power consumption during rip sawing of Scots pine wood...
The effect of the wood temperature upon specific cutting resistance during machining with narrow-kerf saws
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych właściwego powierzchniowego oporu skrawania drewna sosny w funkcji wilgotności drewna, temperatury drewna oraz prędkości posuwu podczas przecinania cienkimi piłami. Proces cięcia prowadzono na pilarce ramowej wielopiłowej PRW15M. Sosnowe próbki przed badaniami mrożono w komorze klimatycznej - temperatura drewna -5 C deg., -20 C deg., +20 C deg. Czas wymrażania przed próbami określano...
Influence of Abrasive Water Jet Cutting Parameters on the Surface Properties of Modern Plain Bearing Materials
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Redefining brain tumor segmentation: a cutting-edge convolutional neural networks-transfer learning approach
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Rotational atherectomy with cutting balloon before stenting in severely calcified coronary lesions: a meta‐analysis
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Washboarding during cutting on frame sawing machines II. Experimental study of the saw blade behaviour
PublikacjaPraca jest swego rodzaju suplementem do referatu przedstawianego na 15th Inernational Wood Machining Seminar w Los Angeles, CA, USA. Opisano uzyskane wyniki badań doświadczalnych prowadzonych w oparciu o plan badań Hartley`a.Czynnikami badanymi były: naprężenia napinające brzeszczotu piły, częstotliwość skoków ramy piłowej oraz wysokość cięcia przedmiotu obrabianego. Czynnikami wynikowymi były: wysokość sfalowania powierzchni oraz...
Geometrical conditions of saw blade`s entering into and going out of material during wood cutting
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono analizę geometrycznych warunków wejścia i wyjścia ostrza piły z materiału obrabianego przy przecinaniu drewna. Przedstawiono czasowy i przestrzenny rozkład geometrycznych parametrów wejścia i wyjścia ostrza i ich wpływ na trwałość ostrzy i dokładność przecinania.
Experimental research of circular saw blade tooth axial run-out influence on cutting effects
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono metodę pomiaru i wyniki badań doświadczalnych wpływu bicia osiowego ostrzy piły tarczowej na efekty przecinania
The Design Development of the Sliding Table Saw Towards Improving Its Dynamic Properties
PublikacjaCutting wood with circular saws is a popular machining operation in the woodworking and furniture industries. In the latter sliding table saws (panel saws) are commonly used for cutting of medium density fiberboards (MDF), high density fiberboards (HDF), laminate veneer lumber (LVL), plywood and chipboards of different structures. The most demanded requirements for machine tools are accuracy and precision, which mainly depend on...
Experimental analysis of chip removing system in circular sawing machine
PublikacjaPaper presents analysis of the process of removing the wood chips generated during the cutting of the material on the circular sawing machine. The attention is focused on the upper cover of the chip removing system. Within the framework of the work a systematic experimental study of pressure distribution in the cover during operation of the selected rotational speed of saw blade with a diameter of 300 mm and 450 mm was carried...
Properties of Cutting Tool Composite Material Diamond–(Fe–Ni–Cu–Sn) Reinforced with Nano-VN
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Wear of carbide inserts during turning of C45 steel in dry cutting conditions and in presence of emulsion mist
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The estimation of cutting forces and specific force coefficients during finishing ball end milling of inclined surfaces
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Formation of Surface Topography During Turning of AISI 1045 Steel Considering the Type of Cutting Edge Coating
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Experimental Research on the Use of a Selected Multi-Criteria Method for the Cutting of Titanium Alloy with an Abrasive Water Jet
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Thermal and technological aspects of double face grinding of C45 carbon steel
PublikacjaIn grinding, the contact zone temperature is a decisive factor influencing the achievable surface quality and the grinding tool wear. In contrast to other grinding processes, only few information regarding double face grinding with planetary kinematics when processing steel is known up to date. Since the successive substitution of in-dustrial double-sided lapping processes by double-sided grinding, it has become necessary to the...
Vibration Surveillance System with Variable Stiffness Holder for Milling Flexible Details
PublikacjaEfficient milling of the flexible details (i.e. rotor blades, thin-walled elements) using slender ball-end tools is a difficult task due to possibility of vibration occurrence. Because of the existence of certain conditions (small depths of cutting, regeneration phenomena), cutting process may lose stability and self-excited chatter vibration may appear. Frequency of the chatter vibration is close to dominant natural frequency...
PublikacjaThe experimental results of the study focused on the effect of drying processes of warm air drying at the temperature of 6580°C and warm air-steam mixture drying at the temperature of 105°C of pine and beech wood to the size of sawdust grains created by cutting using RPW 15M frame saw is presented in the paper. Particle size analysis of dry sawdust was performed using two methods - screening method and optical method based on...
Influence of drying mode and feed per tooth rate on the fine dust creation in pine and beech sawing on a mini sash gang saw
PublikacjaThe experimental results of the study focused on the effect of drying processes of modified air drying and warm air steam mixture drying of pine and beech wood on the size of sawdust particles created in cutting using PRW-15M sash gang saw, are presented in the paper. Particle size analysis of dry sawdust was performed using two methods—sieving method and laser diffraction analysis. The results showed that the drying process did...
Experiment-aided virtual prototyping to minimize tool-workpiece vibration during boring of large-sized structures
PublikacjaThe paper presents the author's method of solving the problems of vi-bration suppression during boring of large-sized workpieces by means of an in-novative method of adjusting the rotational speed of the boring bar. It consists in selecting the spindle speed in accordance with the results of the cutting process simulation. The method includes identification of the model of the finite element method of the boring bar. The Root Mean...
Tool Wear Monitoring Using Improved Dragonfly Optimization Algorithm and Deep Belief Network
PublikacjaIn recent decades, tool wear monitoring has played a crucial role in the improvement of industrial production quality and efficiency. In the machining process, it is important to predict both tool cost and life, and to reduce the equipment downtime. The conventional methods need enormous quantities of human resources and expert skills to achieve precise tool wear information. To automatically identify the tool wear types, deep...
Multi-response optimization on the effect of wet and eco-friendly cryogenic turning of D2 steel using Taguchi-based grey relational analysis
PublikacjaMaterial removal processes, including turning and milling, are still commonly used operations for manufacturing most of mechanical components in modern industry. Apart from the cutting parameters, the cooling method has the great impact on the technological efects and, above all, on the environmental friendliness of production. In this study, multi-response optimization on the efect of wet and cryogenic machining is performed during...
Research on the wear evenness of the tool in flat lapping
PublikacjaIn this paper, the dimensionless distribution of the material removal stock and the trajectories of abrasive grains cutting in single-sided lapping process are presented. They were numerically simulated based on the tribological model and kinematics equations. It can be observed that the trajectories geometry of single abrasive as well the velocities have a great influence on the final geometrical deviation. During machining, the...
The forecasted values of cutting power for sawing on band sawing machines for Polish Scots pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.) in a function of its provenance.
PublikacjaIn this paper the predicted values of cutting power for band sawing machine (EB 1800, f. EWD), which is used in the Polish sawmills, were showed. The values of cutting power were forecasted for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) wood of five provenances from Poland. These values were determined using an innovative method of predicting the cutting power, which takes into account of elements of fracture mechanics. The resulting predictions...
Revisiting the estimation of cutting power with different energetic methods while sawing soft and hard woods on the circular sawing machine: a Central European case
PublikacjaIn the classical approaches, used in Central Europe in practice, cutting forces and cutting power in sawing processes of timber are commonly computed by means of the specific cutting resistance kc. It needs to be highlighted that accessible sources in handbooks and the scientific literature do not provide any data about wood provenance, nor about cutting conditions, in which cutting resistance has been empirically determined. In...
Cutting forces and temperature measurements in cryogenic assisted turning of AA2024-T351 alloy: An experimentally validated simulation approach
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Surface Roughness Evaluation in Thin EN AW-6086-T6 Alloy Plates after Face Milling Process with Different Strategies
PublikacjaLightweight alloys made from aluminium are used to manufacture cars, trains and planes. The main parts most often manufactured from thin sheets requiring the use of milling in the manufacturing process are front panels for control systems, housing parts for electrical and electronic components. As a result of the final phase of the manufacturing process, cold rolling, residual stresses remain in the surface layers, which can influence...
A technique of experiment aided virtual prototyping to obtain the best spindle speed during face milling of large-size structures
PublikacjaThe paper presents an original method concerning vibration suppression problem during milling of large-size and geometrically complicated workpieces with the use of novel way of selecting the spindle speed. This consists in repetitive simulations of the cutting process for subsequent values of the spindle speed, until the best vibration state of the workpiece is reached. An appropriate method of obtaining a computational model,...
The study on minimum uncut chip thickness and cutting forces during laser-assisted turning of WC/NiCr clad layers
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Capacity of Surface Production of Band Sawing in Manufacture of Oak Floor Upper Layers
PublikacjaThin lamellae, corresponding to the layer components of structural glued members, i.e., 2-ply or 3-ply glued flooring, can be manufactured in re-sawing operations of kiln-dried wood blocks or in wet technologies, which currently seem to be more common because of the shorter drying time. The re-sawing process in wet technology is conducted on dedicated thin-cutting band sawing machines with stellite-tipped band saws. The goal of...
An Improved Method of Minimizing Tool Vibration during Boring Holes in Large-Size Structures
PublikacjaThe paper presents a thoroughly modified method of solving the problem of vibration suppression when boring large-diameter holes in large-size workpieces. A new approach of adjusting the rotational speed of a boring tool is proposed which concerns the selection of the spindle speed in accordance with the results of the simulation of the cutting process. This streamlined method focuses on phenomenological aspects and involves the...
Report for the Short Term Scientific Mission within COST Action FP1101: development of the in-field sensor for estimation of fracture toughness and shear strength by measuring cutting forces
PublikacjaKnowledge on the fracture properties of materials is essential to assure structural integrity and proper design of mechanical connections in timber constructions. Measurement of this property is, however, a very challenging task. The linear fracture mechanics is usually used for its assessment assisted with experimental data acquired by means of various techniques, usually of destructive nature. The cutting force is an energetic...