wszystkich: 168
Diagnostyka off-line stanu izolacji uzwojeń silników 6 kV z wykorzystaniem obrazowania akustycznego wyładowań niezupełnych
PublikacjaW zakładach przemysłowych, w których kluczowe procesy produkcyjne są realizowane z wykorzystaniem silników średniego napięcia, dla których diagnostyka izolacji uzwojeń ma istotne znaczenie. W tym celu wykonuje się ocenę porównawczą wyników pomiarów wyładowań niezupełnych (WNZ) wykonywanych dla jednostek tego samego typu, a jej skuteczność w znacznej mierze wynika z wieloletniego doświadczenia diagnosty. Dla opracowania wyników...
AeroSense Measurements: Wind Tunnel Ecole Centrale Lyon
Dane BadawczeData from wind tunnel tests of Aerosesne measurement system installed on NACA 63418 aerfoil in the anechoic wind tunnel at the Ecole Centrale Lyon.
Control of the bridge span vibration with high coefficient passive damper. Theoretical consideration and application
PublikacjaThe research was carried out due to the problem of vibration on the lively pedestrian drawbridge across the Motlawa River in the city of Gdansk. In the design stage, the main span of the footbridge showed unfavorable dynamic properties, which may create a comfort problem for pedestrians. The first vertical bending eigenfrequency was recognized as 1.64 Hz. The original design of the footbridge was equipped with a driving cylinder...
Comparison of Doppler Effect Estimation Methods for MFSK Transmission in Multipath Hydroacoustic Channel
PublikacjaUnderwater wireless communication remains a challenging topic, particularly for applications such as wreck penetration where multipath and Doppler effects are very intense. These effects are becoming even more difficult to mitigate for fast data transmission systems that utilize wideband signals. Due to the low propagation speed of acoustic wave in the water, there is a significant difference between the Doppler shift for lower...
Design and Validation of Ultra-Compact Metamaterial-Based Biosensor for Non-Invasive Cervical Cancer Diagnosis in Terahertz Regime
PublikacjaCervical cancer belongs to the most dangerous types of cancers posing considerable threat to women’s survival. It is most often diagnosed in the advanced stages as precancerous lesions are often symptom-free and difficult to identify. Microwave imaging, especially in terahertz (THz) range, is a convenient and noninvasive cancer detection tool. It enables characterization of biological tissues and discrimination between healthy...
Time-domain description of point-source acoustic wavefields as a useful approach in ultrasonic techniques
PublikacjaIn traditional acoustics, field problems are usually treated in the frequency domain, broadband fields being reduced to superposition of harmonic spectrum components. However, this approach is inherently acausal and it is known that in case of arbitrary signals, the distribution-based, time-domain description can be more effective. The present paper is an attempt to expand the time-domain linear systems formalism onto space problems...
Time-Domain Description of Point-Source Acoustic Wavefields as a Useful Approach in Ultrasonic Techniques
PublikacjaIn traditional acoustics, field problems are usually treated in the frequency domain, broadband fields being reduced to superposition of harmonic spectrum components. However, this approach is inherently acausal and it is known that in case of arbitrary signals, the distribution-based, time-domain description can be more effective. The present paper is an attempt to expand the time-domain linear systems formalism onto space problems...
Testing sensitivity of A-type residual current devices to earth fault currents with harmonics
PublikacjaIn many applications, modern current-using equipment utilizes power electronic converters to control the consumed power and to adjust the motor speed. Such equipment is used both in industrial and domestic installations. A characteristic feature of the converters is producing distorted earth fault currents, which contain a wide spectrum of harmonics, including high-order harmonics. Nowadays, protection against electric shock in...
IoT for healthcare applications
PublikacjaThis chapter summarizes IRACON contributions related to the application of IoT in healthcare. It consists of the following three sections. Section 8.1 presents the measurement campaigns and the related statistical analysis to obtain various channel models for wearable and implantable devices. In addition, the importance of physical human-body phantoms used for channel, Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), and Electromagnetic (EM) exposure...
Evaluating Accuracy of Respiratory Rate Estimation from Super Resolved Thermal Imagery
PublikacjaNon-contact estimation of Respiratory Rate (RR) has revolutionized the process of establishing the measurement by surpassing some issues related to attaching sensors to a body, e.g. epidermal stripping, skin disruption and pain. In this study, we perform further experiments with image processing-based RR estimation by using various image enhancement algorithms. Specifically, we employ Super Resolution (SR) Deep Learning (DL) network...
Estimation of Coherence Bandwidth for Underwater Acoustic Communication Channel
PublikacjaA shallow underwater acoustic communication channel is characterized by strong multipath propagation. The signal reaching the receiver consists of a direct waveform and a number of its delayed and suppressed replica. A significant time dispersion of the transmitted signal and selective fading of its spectrum are observed. Coherence bandwidth defines maximal bandwidth, wherein the channel amplitude characteristic remains constant...
Superconductivity in LiGa2Ir Heusler type compound with VEC = 16
PublikacjaPolycrystalline LiGa2Ir has been prepared by a solid state reaction method. A Rietveld refnement of powder x-ray difraction data confrms a previously reported Heusler-type crystal structure (space group Fm-3m, No. 225) with lattice parameter a= 6.0322(1) Å. The normal and superconducting state properties were studied by magnetic susceptibility, heat capacity, and electrical resistivity techniques. A bulk superconductivity with...
Low-Cost Unattended Design of Miniaturized 4 × 4 Butler Matrices with Nonstandard Phase Differences
PublikacjaDesign of Butler matrices dedicated to Internet of Things and 5th generation (5G) mobile systems—where small size and high performance are of primary concern—is a challenging task that often exceeds capabilities of conventional techniques. Lack of appropriate, unified design approaches is a serious bottleneck for the development of Butler structures for contemporary applications. In this work, a low-cost bottom-up procedure for...
Zastosowanie techniki szybkich przeskoków częstotliwości nośnej w hydroakustycznym systemie do transmisji danych w wodach płytkich.
PublikacjaCelem rozprawy doktorskiej było zbadanie wpływu warunków propagacji fal akustycznych w przybrzeżnych wodach płytkich, na jakość transmisji danych w hydroakustycznym systemie komunikacyjnym wykorzystującym technikę szybkich przeskoków częstotliwości nośnej (ang. fast frequency hopping, FFH). W rozprawie, na podstawie przeglądu literaturowego, przedstawione zostały zarówno komercyjne systemy komunikacji podwodnej dostępne na rynku,...
Faults and Fault Detection Methods in Electric Drives
PublikacjaThe chapter presents a review of faults and fault detection methods in electric drives. Typical faults are presented that arises for the induction motor, which is valued in the industry for its robust construction and cost-effective production. Moreover, a summary is presented of detectable faults in conjunction with the required physical information that allow a detection of specific faults. In order to address faults of a complete...
A Planar-Structured Circularly Polarized Single-Layer MIMO Antenna for Wideband Millimetre-Wave Applications
PublikacjaIn this paper, a simple geometry, planar-structured printed multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) antenna utilizing dual circular polarization (CP) is presented. The proposed numerically and experimentally validated design features a fully grounded coplanar waveguide (CPW) and a systematically perturbed feedline radiator. The fringing electric (E) field along the feedline is altered by extruding periodic stubs on each side of the...
Density functional theory-based simulations of sum frequency generation spectra involving methyl stretching vibrations: effect of the molecular model on the deduced molecular orientation and comparison with an analytical approach
PublikacjaThe knowledge of the first hyperpolarizability tensor elements of molecular groups is crucial for a quantitative interpretation of the sum frequency generation (SFG) activity of thin organic films at interfaces. Here, the SFG response of the terminal methyl group of a dodecanethiol (DDT) monolayer has been interpreted on the basis of calculations performed at the density functional theory (DFT) level of approximation. In particular,...
Nanoparticles preparation using microemulsion systems
PublikacjaMetallic nanoparticles become of current interests because they exhibit unique properties compared with those of metal atoms or bulk metal due to the quantum size effect and their large surface area, which make them attractive for applications in optics, electronics, catalysis biology and medicine. TiO2 has been used for environmental remediation purposes such as in the purification of water and air and also solar-to chemical energy...